Legal Framework of Integration of CARICOM
12 December 1966 The Dickenson Bay Agreement
12 April 1973 The Georgetown AccordPDF
04 July 1973

The Chaguaramas Treaty - Treaty Establishing the Caribbean Community PDF

19 February 1997 Protocol I: Chaguaramas
01 July 1997 Protocol II: Establishment, Services and Capital - Montego Bay
30 June 1998 Protocol III: Industrial Policy
July 1999 Protocol IV: Trade Policy
13 July 1998 Protocol V: Agricultural Policy
1999 Protocol VI: Transport Policy
1999 Protocol VII: Disadvantaged Countries, Regions and Sectors
2000 Protocol VIII: Competition Policy, Consumer Protection, Dumping and Subsidies
2000 Protocol IX: Dispute Stettlement
2001 Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas
2002 Protocol on the Revision of the Treaty of Chaguaramas
2002 Protocol on the Provisional Application of the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas
28 February 2002

Programs for the Removal of Restrictions on the Movement of Capital PDF

Trade Related Regional Institutions
18 October 1969 Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Development Bank PDF
03 October 1975 Agreement Establishing a West Indies Shipping Corporation PDF
22 September 1987 Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Export Bank PDF
22 December 1988 Agreement for the Establishment of a Regime for CARICOM Enterprises PDF
1996 Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export) PDF
24 August 1998 Agreement Concerning the Caribbean Investment Fund PDF

Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Court of Justice PDF

04 February 2002 Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism PDF
04 February 2002 Agreement Establishing the Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ)
2002 Protocol on the Provisional Application of the Agreement Establishing the CROSQ

Agreement Relating to the Operation of the CARICOM Development FundPDF

Source: Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat Enlace a sitio fuera de SICE



Spanish version
Trade Policy: Developments