Text of the Agreement
  Background and Negotiations

The Free Trade Agreement between Bolivia and Mexico was signed on 10 September 1994 in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The agreement establishes a free trade area within fifteen years of entry into force, and supercedes and replaces ALADI partial scope agreement AAP 31 of 30 April 1983.

  Entry into Force

The Bolivia-Mexico Free Trade Agreement, which was deposited with the Latin American Integration Association, ALADI, as Economic Complementation Agreement (ACE) 31 Spanish, entered into force on 01 January 1995.

After 16 years in force, as of 07 June, 2010, both countries decided to rescind ACE No. 31 and replace it with a new Economic Complementation Agreement (ECA No. 66) that would maintain the free trade of goods without changing the agreed preferential tariff treatment in the denounced FTA. The new Agreement entered into force on 07 June, 2010.

Documents relating to the termination of the agreement
07 June 2010 Text of the Economic Complementation Agreement (ECA Nº66) Spanish New
04 June 2010 Mexico and Bolivia sign new Economic Complementation Agreement (ECA Nº66) Spanish PDF New
04 June 2010 Mexico. Text of the Decree that terminates the Bolivia-Mexico FTA Spanish PDF New
Sources: Diario Oficial de la Federación de México, Secretaría de Economía de México

  Implementation of the Agreement

Article 18-01 of the Agreement establishes an Administrative Commission made up of Ministers of each Party, that are to meet annually to supervise the implementation and operation of the Agreement.

Documents relating to the implementation of the agreement
28 December 1998 Resolution modifying the format of the certificate of origin and declaration of origin for the Bolivia-Mexico FTA espPDF
02 March 1998 Modifications to the Annex to Article 5-03 of the Bolivia-Mexico FTA espPDF
10 May 1996 Resolution modifying the format of the certificate of origin and declaration of origin for the Bolivia-Mexico FTA espPDF
Source: Diario Oficial de la Federación de México

Decisions of the Administrative Committee of the Free Trade Agreement
11 December 1998 Decision Nš10. Evaluation of the results and implementation of the Free Trade Agreement between Mexico and Bolivia esp PDF
11 December 1998 Decision Nº9. Modifications to the certificate of origin and the instructions for completing the certificate of origin for the Mexico-Bolivia FTA espPDF
14 May 1997 Decision Nº8. Adoption of the annex to article 5-03, with adjustments resulting from amendments to the 1996 Harmonized System espPDF
14 May 1997 Decision Nš7. Acceleration of tariff elimination program  esp PDF
10 November 1995 Decision Nš6. Modifications to the instructions to complete the certificate of origin for the Free Trade Agreement between Mexico and Bolivia espPDF
10 November 1995 Decision Nº5. Creation of the Working Group on Trade in Services and Investment of the Mexico-Bolivia FTA espPDF
10 November 1995 Decision Nº4. Creation of the Working Group on Trade in Services of the Mexico-Bolivia FTA  espPDF
10 November 1995 Decision Nº3. Model rules of procedure for Chapter XIX of the Mexico-Bolivia FTA esp PDF
10 November 1995 Decision Nº2. Code of conduct for the dispute resolution procedure set out in Chapter XIX of the Mexico- Bolivia FTA  espPDF
10 November 1995 Decision Nº1.Rules of Operation of the Administrative Committee of the Free Trade Agreement of the Mexico-Bolivia FTA  espPDF
Source: Secretaría de Economía de México.
  Related Articles and Studies
2011 Secretaría de Economía de México. Reporte de la relación comercial y de inversiones entre México y Bolivia SpanishPDF
June 2004 Secretaría de Economía de México. Comercio antes y después del TLC SpanishPDF
2003 Secretaría de Economía de México. Evolución del Comercio con Bolivia SpanishPDF
2003 Secretaría de Economía de México. Resumen del TLC con Bolivia  SpanishPDF


Spanish version
Recent Developments

07 June 2010. Bolivia-Mexico FTA terminates and is replaced by ECA Nº66New!
