Mexico - United Kingdom
  Background and Negotiations

Mexico and the United Kingdom signed a Trade Continuity Agreement on December 15, 2020 to preserve the preferential conditions related to trade between the Parties which resulted from the EU-Mexico EPPCCA. It was also agreed to start negotiations for a Mexico-United Kingdom trade agreement in 2021, which will be concluded within the next three years.

On May 20, 2022 Mexico and the UK announced the start of the negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement. The countries aim is an agreement which strengthens trade in goods and services, increases investment flows, and promotes digital and cross-border trade. Also, to deliver on progressive issues such as trade and gender equality and innovation. They also recognized the importance of an agreement which supports businesses in both countries to access and make best use of existing and new global supply chains.

The first round of negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement between Mexico and the United Kingdom began on July 11, 2022.

Documents relating to the negotiations
11 July 2022 First round of negotiations for a free trade agreement en español PDF Document
20 May 2022 Mexico and the United kingdom formally begin free trade negotiations PDF Document
30 December 2020 Mexico and the UK will maintain their preferential trade exchange as of January 1st, 2021 en español PDF Document
15 December 2020 Mexico and the UK sign Trade Continuity Agreement en español PDF Document
Source: Government of the United Kingdom; Secretaría de Economía México



Spanish version 
Recent Developments
  11 July 2022. First round of negotiations for a free trade agreement New!

20 May 2022. Mexico and the United kingdom formally begin free trade negotiations


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