Text of the Agreement
  Background and Negotiations

Peru and Thailand initiated talks towards expanding trade relations in July 2002.  In October 2002 Peru and Thailand agreed to set out a framework agreement towards a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA). On 17 October 2003, a Framework Agreement towards an Economic Association was signed. This agreement initiated negotiations towards a free trade agreement.  The Framework Agreement was ratified by the Peruvian Congress on 3 December 2004 and promulgated on 23 December 2004. The government of Thailand ratified the agreement on 18 October 2005.

The first round of negotiations towards a free trade agreement took place in Bangkok, Thailand, on 29-30 January 2004. After seven rounds of negotiation, a Protocol to Accelerate the Liberalization in Trade in Goods and Trade Facilitation was signed on 19 November 2005.  This Protocol encapsulates progress made in the FTA negotiations. The two countries later signed an Additional Protocol to the Protocol on 16 November 2006. The Second Additional Protocol to the Protocol of the agreement was signed on 13 November 2009 in Singapore. On 18 November 2010, the Third Additional Protocol to the Protocol was signed in Bangkok.

Peru and Thailand held the VIII round of negotiations of an FTA from 26 to 28 March 2012, in Lima, Peru. Both countries agreed to review the chapters of the FTA in force, considering the possibility of including, among others, topics such as intellectual property, government procurement, competition policy, services and investment.

Documents relating to the negotiations
26-28 March 2012 Lima, Peru. Eighth round of negotiations SpanishPDF New!
18 November 2010 Peru and Thailand sign Third Additional Protocol to the Protocol to Accelerate the Liberalization of Trade in Goods and Trade Facilitation PDF
13 November 2009 Peru and Thailand sign Second Additional Protocol to the Protocol to Accelerate the Liberalization of Trade in Goods and Trade Facilitation Spanish PDF
15 November 2005 Negotiations to accelerate preferential access to Thai market conclude Spanish PDF
Source: Ministerio de Comercio Exterior y Turismo(MINCETUR), Perú;  Ministry of Commerce, Thailand

Entry Into Force
31 December 2011 Peru and Thailand Free Trade Agreement enters into force PDF
23 December 2004 Legislative resolution approving the framework agreement (resolution No 28431)Spanish PDF

Source: Ministerio de Comercio Exterior y Turismo (MINCETUR), Perú

Related Articles and Studies
  Mincetur. Información sobre el Protocolo entre la República del Perú y el Reino de Tailandia para acelerar la liberalización del comercio de mercancías y la facilitación del comercio y las negociaciones del TLC con Tailandia  Spanish PDF
  Mincetur. Resumen del Protocolo, sus Anexos y Apéndices Spanish PDF
09 March 2005 MINCETUR. Avances y Perspectivas de TLCs con Asia Spanish PDF


Spanish version
Recent Developments

26-28 March 2012. Eighth round of free trade negotiations New!
