Creation of the Andean Council of Social Development Ministers
HAVING REVIEWED: Article 3 of the Cartagena Agreement, coded
through Decision 563 and Decision 553 (Guidelines for the formulation of the
Social Development Integrated Plan); and Proposal 133 of the General
Secretariat, and
WHEREAS: The Andean Presidential Council has defined in
several opportunities that priority should be given to the execution of a Social
Agenda that articulates the Andean Community social development programs,
projects and activities, and enhances the socially positive effects of its
economic and commercial integration;
At its 13th Regular Meeting, held in June 2001 (Carabobo
Agreement), the Andean Presidential Council instructed the Ministers of the
Member Countries responsible for the social policies to formulate a Social
Development Integrated Plan (PIDS) "to confront the serious poverty, exclusion
and social inequality problems in the subregion";
Within the framework of the 14th Regular Meeting of the
Andean Presidential Council held in June 2003 at Recinto Quirama, Antioquia,
Colombia, the Andean Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs defined in Decision
553 the guidelines for the PIDS and established the method and procedure for its
Between September 2003 and March 2004, 5 workshops were
conducted, one in each Member Country, to formulate the PIDS, with the
coordination provided by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and the government
authorities of the social sector, and the support of the General Secretariat of
the Andean Community, and with the Executive Secretariat of the Andean Health
Organization � Hip�lito Unanue Convention, for health topics;
On April 30, 2004, the proposal for the creation of the
Andean Council of Social Development Ministers was submitted, discussed and
accepted in a working meeting held at the General Secretariat on the opportunity
of the UNESCO V Consultation Forum of the Social Area Ministers of Latin America
and the Caribbean.
Based on the proposals formulated in the five workshops, the
General Secretariat prepared the document "Preliminary Draft of the Andean
Community Integrated Social Development Plan", which was submitted to the
consideration of the Andean Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs on July 10,
The Andean Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs has
decided to commission the review of the aforementioned document to the Ministers
responsible for the coordination of the social policies, in order to recommend
its approval and implementation;
The development of the PIDS and other topics of the Andean
integration Social Agenda have made increasingly necessary the creation of a
permanent mechanism for the coordination of government authorities with the
social sector of the Member Countries;
Article 1.- To create the Andean Council of Social
Development Ministers.
Article 2.- The Andean Council of Ministers of Social
Development will be formed by the Ministers commissioned by their governments
with the national coordination of the execution of the Social Development
Integrated Plan and other social development programs and projects devised by
the Andean Community.
Article 3.- The Council will be additionally in charge of
the following specific tasks and responsibilities:
a) Discuss and formulate proposals of policies, strategies
or programs that contribute to strengthen the social benefits of the Andean
integration, and develop its social scope "to strive for the consistent
improvement of the living standards of the subregion population", as set forth
in the Cartagena Agreement.
b) Contribute to the gradual convergence of social policies
in the Member Countries through the joint evaluation and follow-up of the
commitments of the United Nations Millennium Summit and the analysis of the
human, technical and financial resources required for its total fulfillment.
c) Coordinate with the Advisory Council of Economy and
Finance Ministers, Presidents of Central Banks and the Andean Community
planning organizations responsible for the identification and design of
innovative financial mechanisms for the fight against poverty, the
strengthening of democratic governance and the establishment of justice and
d) Implement in coordination with the Andean Committee of
Heads of International Cooperation Organizations, a strategy for the
management of resources with donor countries and international financial
organizations for purposes of ensuring the technical and financial cooperation
required for the execution of the programs and projects contemplated in the
PIDS, and other initiatives agreed to within the framework of the Andean
Social Agenda.
e) Facilitate the adoption of common or concerted positions
on social topics in international forums and negotiations.
f) Promote the participation of the organized civil society
in the execution of the PIDS programs and projects and, in general, in the
Andean social integration efforts.
Article 4.- The General Secretariat of the Andean
Community will collaborate with the Andean Council of Social Development
Ministers in the preparation of the PIDS action plan.
Article 5.- The Andean Council of Social Development
Ministers will establish consultation and coordination links with Councils and
Committees with similar or related social development objectives presently in
existence or to be created in the future in the Andean Community. In special, it
will establish links with the Advisory Council of Ministers of Labor, the
Ministers of Health, in coordination with the Andean Health Organization �
Hip�lito Unanue Convention, and the Ministers of Education and authorities
responsible for the cultural policies in coordination with the General
Secretariat of the Andean Community and the Andr�s Bello Convention.
Article 6.- The Andean Council of Social Development
Ministers will meet at least once every year when convened by the Minister that
presides over the Council following the rotary system adopted by the Andean
Community, or at the request of the General Secretariat.
The General Secretariat of the Andean Community will assume
the functions of Technical Secretariat of the Council.
Given in the city of Quito, Republic of Ecuador, on July 10, 2004.