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Trade Agreements - FTAA Process - Trade Issues 

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Agreement Between
the United States of America and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
on the Establishment of a Free Trade Area


1. Relation to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (HTSJORDAN). The provisions of this schedule are generally expressed in terms of the HTSJORDAN, and the interpretation of the provisions of this schedule, including the product coverage of subheadings of this schedule, shall be governed by the General Notes, Section Notes and Chapter Notes of the HTSJORDAN. To the extent that provisions of this schedule are identical to the corresponding provisions of the HTSJORDAN, the provisions of this schedule shall have the same meaning as the corresponding provisions of the HTSJORDAN.

2. Base Rates of Customs Duty. The base rates of duty set forth in this schedule reflect the HTSJORDAN Most Favored Nation rates of duty in effect June 8, 2000.

3. Staging. In addition to the staging categories listed in Annex 2.1 paragraph 1, this schedule
contains staging categories I, J, K, L, and M.

(a) Rates of duty on originating goods of the United States provided for on items in staging category I shall be removed in eight equal annual stages, beginning upon January 1 of year one, and such goods shall be duty-free effective January 1 of year eight.

(b) Rates of duty on originating goods of the United States provided for on items in staging category J shall be reduced by one percentage point annually, beginning upon January 1 of year one, for the first five years of implementation. Thereafter, the rates of duty shall be reduced in five equal annual stages, and such goods shall be duty-free effective January 1 of year ten.

(c) Rates of duty on originating goods of the United States provided for on items in staging category K shall be reduced by one percentage point annually, beginning upon January 1 of year one, for the first two years of implementation, and shall remain unchanged for the next three years of implementation. Thereafter, the rates of duty shall be reduced in five equal annual stages, and such goods shall be duty-free effective January 1 of year ten.

(c) Rates of duty on originating goods of the United States provided for on items in staging
category L shall remain at base rates for the first three years of implementation. Beginning January 1 of year four, rates of duty shall be reduced by five percent; by 10 percent in year five; by 10 percent in year six. Thereafter, the rates of duty shall be reduced in equal annual steps, and the duty on such goods shall be 44.5 percent of the base rate effective January 1 of year ten.

(d) Rates of duty on originating goods of the United States provided for on items in staging category M shall remain at base rates through the first four years of implementation of the Agreement. Beginning upon January 1 of year five, the rates of duty shall be reduced in six equal annual stages, and such goods shall be duty-free effective January 1 of year ten.


Continue on to: Schedule of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

a) Chapters 1 -27  (in pdf format only)
b) Chapters 28 - 49
  (in pdf format only)
c) Chapters 50 - 69
  (in pdf format only)
d) Chapters 70 - 97
 (in pdf format only)

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