Antidumping: National legislation





Antigua and Barbuda




  • Supreme Decree No. 23308.- (en español) establishes special rules to prevent unfair trade practices.
  • Bi-Ministerial Decision No. 25191-9 (en español) regulates the procedures, terms, general and specific criteria to be followed by the investigating authority and by the complainants for the implementation of Supreme Decree No. 23308 on Unfair Trade Practices.

  • Decision Nº 283 (en español) y Decision Nº 456 (en español)- of the Commission of the Andean Community Secretariat. Requests of investigation regarding imports of products originated in member countries of the Andean Community will be addressed by the Secretariat of the above mentioned Community.


  • Legislative Decree Nº 30, December 15, 1994 - Approves the Final Act of Uruguay Round on the Multilateral Trade Negotiations of GATT, the concession lists by Brazil on tariffs (List III) and in the services sector, and the International Bovine Meat Agreement.
  • Decree Nº 1355, December 30, 1994 - Promulgates the Final Act which incorporated the results of the Multilateral Trade Negotiations of GATT (new versions of the Antidumping Agreement and the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures)
  • Law Nº 9019, March 30, 1995 - (em português | en español). modified by the article 53 of the Provisory Measure Nº 2.113 of 2001 - It contains the application of the rights established in the Antidumping Agreement and in the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures.
  • Decree Nº 1602, August 23, 1995 - (em português | en español). Regulates the procedures regarding the application of antidumping measures.
  • Decree Nº 3981, October 10, 2001 - (em português) It regulates the Foreign Trade Chamber - CAMEX from the Government Council, and implements other measures.
  • Circular SECEX Nº 21, April 2, 1996 - (em português) It establishes the guidelines for the request concerning the investigation of dumping practices.
  • Circular SECEX Nº 59, November 28, 2001 - (en español).
  • Although MERCOSUR decisions Nº18/96, 11/97 and 64/00 have been passed by the Common Market Council,  ratification by the National Legislature is required for their enforcement.



  • Law Nº 19,612 (en español) - amends Law Nº 18,525 on Import Price Distortions for the Purpose of Establishing a Safeguards Procedure Pursuant to the Marrakesh Agreement.

  • Law Nº 18,525 (en español) - rules on the Importation of Goods.


  • Law Nº 170, 1994 - Approves the Agreement of Marrakech establishing the World Trade Organization as well as the multilateral agreements annexed and the International Bovine Meat Agreement.

  • Decree Nº 299, 1995 (en español) - regulates the application of Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties.

  • Decree Nº 991, 1998 - Regulation vigente para la aplicación de derechos antidumping.

    Decision Nº 283 y Decision Nº 456 - of the Andean Community Secretariat. Requests of investigation regarding imports of products originated in member countries of the Andean Community will be addressed by the Secretariat of the above mentioned Community.

Costa Rica

  • Decree Nºº 24868-MEIC (en español) approves the text of the Central American Regulations on Unfair Business Practices. 
  • Decree Nº 30637-MEIC (en español) establishing the Office of Unfair Business Practices and Safeguard Measures, under the Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Trade, as the competent authority for all administrative procedures involving the application of anti-dumping measures and countervailing duties.


Dominican Republic


  • Regulations to Prevent or Remedy Dumping or Subsidy Practices (en español)

  • Law No. 12 of 22 May 1997, published in Official Journal No. 82 of 9 June 1997, the Foreign Trade and Investment Law, "LEXI", entered into force in Ecuadorian territory and authorizes the Foreign Trade and Investment Council (COMEXI) to impose antidumping duties countervailing duties and safeguard measures.
  • Resolution No. 52 - COMEXI, (en español) of 10 April 2000. Published in the Official Register (Registro Oficial) No. 70, of 4 May 2000, this resolution amends Resolution No. 0003 of 1 April 1998.

    Decision Nº 283 and Decision Nº 456 - of the Commission of the Andean Community Secretariat. Requests of investigation regarding imports of products originated in member countries of the Andean Community will be addressed by the Secretariat of the above mentioned Community.

El Salvador




  • Guyana does not have relevant legislation regarding Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties.


  • With reference to Article 18.5 of the Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the GATT 1994, the Ministry of Trade and Industry informed the WTO that the Haitian Government does not yet have any anti-dumping laws , but intends to apply the Agreement where necessary. 

(Notification of Laws and Regulations under Article 18.5 of the Agreement. Haiti. Retrieved March 2003.






  • Law Nº 29 of 1 February 1996 (en español) - enacts rules to protect competition and adopting other measures.
  • Articles 283, 284 and 285 of Law Nº 23 of 15 June 1997 amends Articles 149, 153 and 240 of Law 29 of 1 February 1996 respectively.


  • Decree Nº 15.286 of 28 October 1996 (en español) designates the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Finance to implement Law Nº 444/94.
  • Law Nº 444/94 concerning the Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 and the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, and laying down the applicable procedures.
  • Although MERCOSUR decisions Nº 18/96, 11/97 and 64/00 have been passed by the Common Market Council, ratification by the National Legislature is required for their enforcement.


  • Legislative Resolution N° 26407 incorporates the Marrakech Agreement into Peruvian Legislation
  • Law-Decree Nº 25868 and Supreme Decree Nº 025-93-ITINCI, created the Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual (INDECOPI) as the administrative body responsible for the application of the rules and regulations on Anti-Dumping measures and Countervailing Duties. Information on regulations concerning the the norms of the organization and its functions is available at INDECOPI's web-site.

  • Supreme Decree Nº 043-97-EF - (en español) establishes regulations for the rules laid down in the Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994, the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, and the Agreement on Agriculture in order to prevent and remedy distortion of market competition caused by dumping and subsidies. Supreme Decree Nº 144-2000-EF - (en español) amends the Regulations on Dumping and Subsidies. Supreme Decree Nº 225-2001-EF -(en español) amends Supreme Decree No. 043-97-EF establishing rules to prevent and correct distortions of competition in the market caused by dumping and subsidies. All three decrees have been revoked by Decreto Supremo Nº 006-2003-PCM.
  • Decreto Supremo Nº 006-2003-PCM -  Rules and Regulations on anti-dumping measures and countervailing duties. It revokes Supreme Decree N° 043-97-EF and its modifying decrees.
  • Decision Nº 283 y Decision Nº 456 - of the Commission of the Andean Community Secretariat. Requests of investigation regarding imports of products originated in member countries of the Andean Community will be addressed by the Secretariat of the above mentioned Community.


  • Suriname does not have relevant legislation regarding Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties.

Trinidad and Tobago

United States

  • Title VII of the Tariff Act as amended by Title II of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (URAA).

  • Tariff Act Section 516A, "Judicial Review in Countervailing Duty and Anti-Dumping Proceedings."

  • URAA Section 261, "Repeal of Section 303 and Conforming Amendments."

  • URAA Section 291, "Effective Date."

  • 19 CFR Parts 201 and 207 contain United States International Trade Commission (USITC) regulations. The USITC also maintains a page of rules with updates on interim or final rules not yet incorporated into its regulations.

  • 19 CFR parts 351, 353 and 355 contain United States Department of Commerce (DOC) regulations.

  • Prior determinations of the Department of Commerce and USITC are an important source of law for AD/CVD proceedings. [Determinations of DOC | Deteminations of USITC]

  • As member of NAFTA, The United States has to enforce the antidumping provisions contained in Chapter XIX of that agreement. (en español | En français)


  • Law No. 16.671 of 13 December 1994 approves the Marrakech Agreement.

  • Decree 142/996 of 23 April 1996 (en español) establishes the Dirección Nacional de Industrias and the Oficina de Programación y Política Agropecuaria as the competent investigating authorities.

  • Although MERCOSUR decisions Nº18/96, 11/97 and 64/00 have been passed by the Common Market Council, ratification by the National Legislature is required for their enforcement.


  • The Marrakech Agreement was incorporated into Venezuelan Legislation after being approved by Congress, ratified by the President, and published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Venezuela, No. 4.829, Special Edition, 29 December 1994.

  • Law on Unfair Foreign Trade Practices (en español). Official Gazette of the Republic of Venezuela, No. 4.441, Special Edition, 18 June 1992.This Law regulates all aspects of internal procedures related to anti-dumping measures.

    Regulations Under the Law on Unfair Foreign Trade Practices (en español). Official Gazette of the Republic of Venezuela, No. 4.567, Special Edition, 26 April 1993.

  • Decision Nº 283 y Decision Nº 456 - of the Commission of the Andean Community Secretariat. Requests of investigation regarding imports of products originated in member countries of the Andean Community will be addressed by the Secretariat of the above mentioned Community.

Versión en inglés