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(15 May 1998

United States - Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products

Report of the Panel


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Settle, S., (1995), Status of Nesting Populations of Sea Turtles in Thailand and their Conservation. Marine Turtle Newsletter 68:8-13.

Somers, I., (1994), Modelling Loggerhead Turtle Populations, in: Proceedings of the Marine Turtle Conservation Workshop, James, R., Compiler, Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, Canberra, p. 142-153.

Tucker, A.D., McPhee, D.P., and Robbins, J.B., (1997), Adopting Turtle Excluder Devices in Australia and the United States: What Are the Differences in Technology Transfer, Promotion and Acceptance? Coastal Management 25:404-421.

To Continue With Annex IV