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Decree No. 34/999 
Regulating Law No. 17.011, 
regarding Trademarks 


CHAPTER I - Registration of Trademarks

  • Section I - Formalities to obtain the registration of a trademark

  • Section II - Oppositions against the registration of a trademark

  • Section III - Resolution

  • Section IV - Issuing of the Second Certificate of Trademark Registration

  • Section V - Petitions to cancel registered trademarks and prosecution of claims

  • Section VI - Change of name and domicile

  • Section VII - Change of the title to the registration

  • Section VIII - Renewal of the registration of a trademark

  • Section IX - Expiration of a trademark registration

CHAPTER II - Registration of Advertising Phrases

CHAPTER III - Registration of Collective Marks and Registration of Certification or Guarantee Marks

CHAPTER IV- Registration of Licenses

CHAPTER V - Registration of Trademark Pledges

CHAPTER VI - Register of Seizures and Prohibitions to Innovate

CHAPTER VII - Register of Appelations of Origin

CHAPTER VIII - Industrial Property Attorneys

CHAPTER IX - General Provisions

CHAPTER X - Provisional Clauses