The Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Chile (“the
Parties”), resolved to:
REINFORCE the special bonds of friendship and cooperation between them;
STRENGTHEN their economic relations and further liberalise and expand
bilateral trade and investment;
CONTRIBUTE to the strengthening and reinforcement of the multilateral
trading system as established through the World Trade Organization (WTO);
ESTABLISH clear and mutually advantageous rules governing their trade and
reduce the barriers to trade that exist between them;
ENCOURAGE a closer economic partnership that will bring economic and
social benefits, create new employment opportunities, and improve living
standards for their people;
PROMOTE a predictable, transparent, and consistent business environment
that will assist enterprises to plan effectively and use resources efficiently;
FOSTER creativity and innovation and promote stronger links between
dynamic sectors of their economies;
IMPLEMENT this Agreement in a manner consistent with sustainable
development and environmental protection and conservation;
BUILD on their respective rights and obligations under the WTO Agreement,
other agreements to which they are both parties, and their commitment to open
trade, investment and economic reform in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
(APEC) forum;
HAVE AGREED as follows:
Article 1.1: Establishment of a Free Trade Area
The Parties, consistent with Article XXIV of the General Agreement on Tariffs
and Trade 1994 and Article V of the General Agreement on Trade in
Services, hereby establish a free trade area.
Article 1.2: Relation to Other Agreements
The Parties affirm their existing rights and obligations with respect to each
other under the WTO Agreement and other agreements to which both Parties are
Article 2.1: Definitions of General Application
For the purposes of this Agreement, unless otherwise specified:
(a) central level of government means:
(i) for Australia, the Commonwealth government; and (ii) for Chile, the national level of government;
(b) covered investment means, with respect to a Party, an investment in
its territory of an investor of the other Party in existence as of the date of
entry into force of this Agreement or established, acquired, or expanded
thereafter; (c) Customs Administration means the competent authority that is
responsible under the law of a Party for the administration of customs laws and
regulations; (d) customs duty includes any import duty and a charge of any kind
imposed in connection with the importation of a good, including any form of
surtax or surcharge in connection with such importation, but does not include
(i) charge equivalent to an internal tax imposed consistently with Article III:2
of the GATT 1994; in respect of like, directly competitive, or substitutable
goods of the Party, or in respect of goods from which the imported good has been
manufactured or produced in whole or in part; (ii) safeguard duties applied in accordance with Article XIX of GATT 1994 and
the Safeguards Agreement; (iii) antidumping or countervailing duty; and (iv) fee or other charge in connection with importation commensurate with the
cost of services rendered;
(e) days means calendar days, including weekends and holidays; (f) enterprise means any entity constituted or organised under applicable
law, whether or not for profit, and whether privately-owned or
governmentally-owned, including any corporation, trust, partnership, sole
proprietorship, joint venture, or other association; (g) enterprise of a Party means an enterprise constituted or organised
under the law of a Party; (h) existing means in effect on the date of entry into force of this
Agreement; (i) GATS means the General Agreement on Trade in Services,
contained in Annex 1B of the WTO Agreement;
(j) GATT 1994 means the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994,
contained in Annex 1A of the WTO Agreement;
(k) goods of a Party means domestic products as these are understood in
GATT 1994 or such goods as the Parties may agree, and includes originating goods
of that Party. A good of a Party may include materials of other countries; (l)
government procurement means the process by which a government
obtains the use of or acquires goods or services, or any combination thereof,
for governmental purposes and not with a view to commercial sale or resale, or
use in the production or supply of goods or services for commercial sale or
resale; (m) Harmonized System (HS) means the Harmonized Commodity Description
and Coding System governed by “The International Convention on the
Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System”, including its General
Rules of Interpretation, Section Notes, and Chapter Notes, and their amendments,
as adopted and implemented by the Parties in their respective tariff laws;
(n) heading means the first four digits in the tariff classification
number under the Harmonized System; (o) investor of a Party means a Party or a national or an enterprise of a
Party, that attempts to make, is making, or has made an investment in the
territory of the other Party; provided, however, that a natural person who is a
dual national shall be deemed to be exclusively a national of the State of
his/her dominant and effective nationality
2-1; (p) measure means any measure by a Party, whether in the form of a law,
regulation, rule, procedure, practice, decision, administrative action or any
other form; (q) national means a natural person who has the nationality of a Party
according to Annex 2-A; (r) originating good means a good qualifying under the rules of origin
set out in Chapter 4 (Rules of Origin); (s) person means a natural person or an enterprise; (t) person of a Party means a national or an enterprise of a Party; (u)
publish includes publication in written form or on the Internet; (v)
regional level of government means, for Australia, a state of
Australia, the Australian Capital Territory, or the Northern Territory. For
Chile, as a unitary state, “regional level of government” is not applicable; (w) Safeguards
Agreement means the Agreement on Safeguards,
contained in Annex 1A of the WTO Agreement; (x) SPS Agreement means the
Agreement on the Application of Sanitary
and Phytosanitary Measures, contained in Annex 1A of the WTO Agreement; (y)
state enterprise means an enterprise wholly or majority owned or
controlled by a Party for the purposes of carrying on business activity; (z)
subheading means the first six digits in the tariff classification
number under the Harmonized System; (aa) territory means for a Party the territory of that Party as set out
in Annex 2-A; (bb) TBT Agreement means the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade,
contained in Annex 1A of the WTO Agreement; (cc) TRIPS Agreement means the
Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of
Intellectual Property Rights, contained in Annex 1C of the WTO Agreement;
(dd) WTO means the World Trade Organization, and (ee) WTO Agreement means the
Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the
World Trade Organization, done on April 15, 1994.
1. Country-Specific Definitions
For the purposes of this Agreement, unless otherwise specified:
1. natural person who has the nationality of a Party means:
(a) with respect to Australia, an Australian citizen as defined in the
Australian Citizenship Act 2007, or a permanent resident of Australia as
defined in the Migration Regulations 1994; and (b) with respect to Chile, a
chileno (a) as defined in Constitución
Política de la República de Chile or a permanent resident of Chile; and
2. territory means:
(a) with respect to Australia, the territory of the Commonwealth of Australia:
(i) excluding all external territories other than the Territory of Norfolk
Island, the Territory of Christmas Island, the Territory of Cocos (Keeling)
Islands, the Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands, the Territory of Heard
Island and McDonald Islands, and the Coral Sea Islands Territory; and
(ii) including Australia’s territorial sea, contiguous zone, exclusive
economic zone, and continental shelf; and
(b) with respect to Chile, the land, maritime, and air space under its
sovereignty, and the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf within
which it exercises sovereign rights and jurisdiction in accordance with
international law and its domestic law.
Article 3.1: Definitions
For the purposes of this Chapter:
(a) advertising films and recordings means recorded visual media or audio
materials, consisting essentially of images and/or sound, showing the nature or
operation of goods or services offered for sale or lease by a person established
or resident in the territory of a Party, provided that such materials are of a
kind suitable for exhibition to prospective customers but not for broadcast to
the general public, and provided that they are imported in packets that each
contain no more than one copy of each film or recording and that do not form
part of a larger consignment; (b) Agriculture Agreement means the Agreement on Agriculture,
contained in Annex 1A of the WTO Agreement; (c) agricultural goods means those goods referred to in Article 2 of the
Agriculture Agreement; (d) commercial samples of negligible value means commercial samples
having a value, individually or in the aggregate as shipped:
(i) with respect to Chile, of not more than one U.S. dollar or the equivalent
amount in Chilean currency; and (ii) with respect to Australia, of not more than one Australian dollar; or
commercial examples so marked, torn, perforated, or otherwise treated that they
are unsuitable for sale or for use except as commercial samples; (e) consular transactions
means requirements that goods of a Party
intended for export to the territory of the other Party must first be submitted
to the supervision of the Consul of the importing Party in the territory of the
exporting Party for the purpose of obtaining consular invoices or consular visas
for commercial invoices, certificates of origin, manifests, shippers’ export
declarations, or any other customs documentation required on or in connection
with importation; (f) export subsidies shall have the meaning assigned to that term in
Article 1(e) of the Agriculture Agreement, including any amendment of that
Article; (g) goods intended for display or demonstration includes their component
parts, ancillary apparatus, and accessories; (h) goods temporarily admitted for sports purposes
means sports
requisites for use in sports contests, demonstrations, or training in the
territory of the Party into whose territory such goods are admitted; (i) import licensing
means an administrative procedure requiring the
submission of an application or other documentation (other than that generally
required for customs clearance purposes) to the relevant administrative body as
a prior condition for importation into the territory of the importing Party; (j) performance requirement means a requirement that:
(i) a given level or percentage of goods or services be exported;
(ii) goods or services of the Party granting an import licence be substituted
for imported goods or services;
(iii) a person benefiting from an import licence purchase other goods or
services in the territory of the Party granting the import licence, or accord a
preference to domestically produced goods or services;
(iv) a person benefiting from an import licence produce goods or supply
services, in the territory of the Party granting the import licence, with a
given level or percentage of domestic content; or (v) relates in any way the volume or value of imports to the volume or value of
exports or to the amount of foreign exchange inflows;
(k) printed advertising materials means those goods classified in Chapter
49 of the Harmonized System, including brochures, pamphlets, leaflets, trade
catalogues, yearbooks published by trade associations, tourist promotional
materials, and posters, that are used to promote, publicise, or advertise a good
or service, are essentially intended to advertise a good or service, and are
supplied free of charge.
Article 3.2: Scope and Coverage
Except as otherwise provided, this Chapter applies to trade in goods of a Party.
Article 3.3: National Treatment
Each Party shall accord national treatment to the goods of the other Party in
accordance with Article III of GATT 1994, including its interpretative notes,
and to this end Article III of GATT 1994, and its interpretative notes, are
incorporated into and made part of this Agreement mutatis mutandis.
Article 3.4: Tariff Elimination
1. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, neither Party may increase
any existing customs duty, or adopt any customs duty, on an originating good.
2. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, each Party shall
progressively eliminate its customs duties on originating goods in accordance
with its Schedule in Annex 3-B.
3. If a Party reduces its applied most-favoured-nation import duty rate after
the entry into force of this Agreement and before the end of the tariff
elimination period, the tariff elimination schedule of that Party shall apply to
the reduced rate.
4. On the request of either Party, the Parties shall consult to consider
accelerating the elimination of customs duties set out in their Schedules in
Annex 3-B. An agreement between the Parties to accelerate the elimination of a
customs duty on a good shall supersede any duty rate or staging category
determined pursuant to their Schedules in Annex 3-B for such good following
discussion by the Committee on Trade in Goods and when approved by each Party in
accordance with Article 20.1.3(e) (Joint FTA Committee – Institutional
Arrangements Chapter).
5. A Party may at any time accelerate unilaterally the elimination of customs
duties on originating goods of the other Party set out in its Schedule in Annex
3-B. A Party considering this shall inform the other Party as early as
practicable before the new rate of customs duty takes effect.
3.5: Customs Valuation The Parties shall apply the provisions of Article VII of GATT 1994 and the WTO
Agreement on the Implementation of Article VII of GATT 1994 for the purposes of
determining the customs value of goods traded between the Parties.
Article 3.6: Temporary Admission of Goods 1. Each Party shall grant customs duty-free temporary admission
for the following goods, regardless of their origin, for the use solely by or
under the personal supervision of a national or resident of the other Party:
(a) professional equipment, including equipment for the press or television,
software and broadcasting and cinematographic equipment, necessary for carrying
out the business activity, trade or profession of a business person who
qualifies for temporary entry pursuant to the laws of the importing Party; (b) goods intended for display or demonstration at
exhibitions, fairs or
similar events;
(c) commercial samples and advertising films and recordings; and
(d) goods admitted for sports purposes.
2. Each Party shall, at the request of the person concerned and for reasons
deemed valid by its Customs Administration, extend the time limit for temporary
admission beyond the period initially fixed. 3. Neither Party may condition the customs duty-free temporary admission of
goods referred to in paragraph 1, other than to require that such goods:
(a) be used by a person in the exercise of the business activity, trade,
profession, or sport of that person; (b) not be sold or leased while in its territory; (c) be accompanied by a security in an amount no greater than the charges that
would otherwise be owed on entry or final importation, releasable on exportation
of the good; (d) be capable of identification when taken out of the territory of the other
Party3-2; (e) be taken out from the territory of the other Party on or before the
departure of the person referenced in subparagraph (a), or within such other
period, related to the purpose of the temporary admission, as the Party may
establish; (f) be admitted in no greater quantity than is reasonable for their intended
use; and (g) be otherwise admissible into the Party’s territory under its laws.
4. If any condition that a Party imposes under paragraph 3 has not been
fulfilled, the Party may apply the customs duty and any other charge that would
normally be owed on the good plus any other charges or penalties provided for
under its domestic law. 5. Each Party, through its Customs Administration, shall adopt procedures
providing for the expeditious release of goods admitted under this Article. To
the extent possible, such procedures shall provide that when such a good
accompanies a national or resident of the other Party who is seeking temporary
entry, the good shall be released simultaneously with the entry of that national
or resident subject to necessary documentation required by the customs
authorities of the admitting Party. 6. Each Party shall permit a good temporarily admitted under this Article to be
exported through a customs port other than that through which it was admitted. 7. Each Party, through its Customs Administration, consistent with domestic law,
shall relieve the importer or other person responsible for a good admitted under
this Article from any liability for failure to export the good on presentation
of satisfactory proof to customs authorities that the good has been destroyed
within the original period fixed for temporary admission or any lawful
extension. 8. Subject to Chapter 9 (Cross-Border Trade in Services) and Chapter 10
(a) each Party shall allow a container used in international traffic that enters
its territory from the territory of the other Party to exit its territory on any
route that is reasonably related to the economic and prompt departure of such
container; (b) neither Party may require any bond or impose any penalty or charge solely by
reason of any difference between the port of entry and the port of departure of
a container; (c) neither Party may condition the release of any obligation, including any
bond, that it imposes in respect of the entry of a vehicle into its territory on
its exit through any particular port of departure; and (d) neither Party may require that the carrier bringing a container from the
territory of the other Party into its territory be the same carrier that takes
such container to the territory of the other Party.
Article 3.7: Goods Re-entered after Repair or Alteration 1. Neither Party may apply a customs duty to a good, regardless of its origin,
that re-enters its territory after that good has been temporarily exported from
its territory to the territory of the other Party for repair or alteration,
regardless of whether such repair or alteration could be performed in its
territory. 2. Neither Party may apply a customs duty to a good, regardless of its origin,
admitted temporarily from the territory of the other Party for repair or
alteration. 3. For the purposes of this Article, repair or alteration does not
include an operation or process that:
(a) destroys a good’s essential characteristics or creates a new or commercially
different good; or (b) transforms an unfinished good into a finished good.
Article 3.8 Customs Duty-Free Entry of Commercial Samples of Negligible
Value and Printed Advertising Materials Each Party shall grant customs duty-free entry to commercial samples of
negligible value, and to printed advertising materials, imported from the
territory of the other Party, regardless of their origin, but may require that:
(a) such samples be imported solely for the solicitation of orders for goods, or
services provided from the territory, of the other Party or a non-Party; or (b) such advertising materials be imported in packets that each contain no more
than one copy of each such material and that neither such materials nor packets
form part of a larger consignment.
Article 3.9: Import and Export Restrictions
1. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, neither Party may adopt or
maintain any prohibition or restriction on the importation of any good of the
other Party or on the exportation or sale for export of any good destined for
the territory of the other Party, except in accordance with Article XI of GATT
1994 and its interpretative notes, and to this end Article XI of GATT 1994 and
its interpretative notes are incorporated into and made a part of this
Agreement, mutatis mutandis. 2. The Parties understand that the rights and obligations in paragraph 1
prohibit, in any circumstances in which any other form of restriction is
prohibited, a Party from adopting or maintaining:
(a) export and import price requirements, except as permitted in enforcement of
countervailing and antidumping orders and undertakings; (b) import licensing conditioned on the fulfilment of a performance requirement;
or (c) voluntary export restraints.
3. Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to the measures set out in Annex 3-A. 4. Each Party shall ensure the transparency of any non-tariff measures permitted
in paragraph 1 and shall ensure that any such measures are not prepared, adopted
or applied with a view to, or with the effect of, creating unnecessary obstacles
to trade between the Parties. Article 3.10: Administrative Fees and Formalities
1. Each Party shall ensure, in accordance with Article VIII:1 of GATT 1994 and
its interpretative notes, that all fees and charges of whatever character (other
than import and export duties, charges equivalent to an internal tax or other
internal charge applied consistently with Article III:2 of GATT 1994, and
antidumping and countervailing duties) imposed on or in connection with
importation or exportation are limited in amount to the approximate cost of
services rendered and do not represent an indirect protection to domestic goods
or a taxation of imports or exports for fiscal purposes. 2. Neither Party may require consular transactions, including related fees and
charges, in connection with the importation of any good of the other Party. 3. Each Party shall make available through the Internet or a comparable computer
based telecommunications network a current list of the fees and charges it
imposes in connection with importation or exportation.
Article 3.11: Export Taxes
Neither Party may adopt or maintain any duty, tax or other charge on the export
of any good to the territory of the other Party, unless such duty, tax or charge
is adopted or maintained on any such good when destined for domestic
Article 3.12: Treatment of Certain Spirits
1. Australia confirms that the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (“the
Code”) allows recognition of Chilean Pisco as a product exclusively manufactured
in Chile and that no variation to the Code is necessary for such recognition. 2. To the extent contemplated in the Code, Australia shall not permit the sale
of any product as Chilean Pisco unless it has been manufactured in Chile
according to the laws of Chile governing the manufacture of Chilean Pisco and
complies with all applicable Chilean regulations for the consumption, sale, or
export as Chilean Pisco.
Article 3.13: Agricultural Export Subsidies
1. The Parties share the objective of the multilateral elimination of export
subsidies for agricultural goods and shall work together toward an agreement in
the WTO to eliminate those subsidies and prevent their reintroduction in any
form. 2. Neither Party shall introduce or maintain any export subsidy on any
agricultural good destined for the territory of the other Party.
Article 3.14: Administration of Trade Regulations
In accordance with Article X of GATT 1994, each Party shall administer in a
uniform, impartial and reasonable manner all its laws, regulations, judicial
decisions and administrative rulings pertaining to:
(a) the classification or the valuation of products for customs purposes; (b) rates of duty, taxes or other charges; (c) requirements, restrictions or prohibitions on imports or exports; (d) the transfer of payments; and (e) issues affecting sale, distribution, transportation, insurance, warehousing,
inspection, exhibition, processing, mixing or other use of products for customs
Article 3.15: Committee on Trade in Goods
1. The Parties hereby establish a Committee on Trade in Goods, comprising
representatives of each Party. 2. The Committee shall meet at the request of either Party or the Joint FTA
Committee to consider any matter arising under this Chapter, Chapter 4
(Rules of Origin) or Chapter 5 (Customs Administration). 3. The Committee shall meet at such venues and times as may be agreed by the
Parties. Meetings may be held via teleconference, videoconference or through any
other means as mutually determined by the Parties. 4. The Committee’s functions shall include:
(a) promoting trade in goods between the Parties, including through
consultations on accelerating tariff elimination under this Agreement and other
issues as appropriate; and (b) addressing barriers to trade in goods between the Parties, especially those
related to the application of non-tariff measures, and, if appropriate,
referring such matters to the Joint FTA Committee for its consideration.
Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 3.9 shall not apply to:
(a) with respect to Australia:
(i) control by Australia on the exports of woodchips and unprocessed forest
products (e.g., whole logs) sourced from native forests outside Regional Forest
Agreement regions, or plantation forests within States where Codes of Practice
have not been approved by the Australian Government, and Sandalwood (Santalum
spicatum) sourced from any State, the Australian Capital Territory, or the
Northern Territory; and
(ii) the provisions of and measures under the Livestock Export (Merino)
Orders, made under the Export Control Act of 1982, as amended.
(b) with respect to Chile, measures concerning the importation of used vehicles
as provided in Law No 18.483 or its successor.
Section 1: Schedule of Australia
Customs Duties on Goods Originating in Chile
Introductory notes I. Australia’s tariff schedule in this Annex contains the following five
(a) Code: the code used in the nomenclature of the Harmonized System
2007; (b) Description: the description of the product falling under the
heading; (c) Base Rate: the basic customs duty from which the tariff elimination
program starts; and (d) Category: the category under which the product concerned falls for
purposes of tariff elimination.
II. The categories which are applicable to imports into Australia from Chile are
the following:
1) Year 0: customs duties shall be eliminated entirely and such goods
shall be duty-free on the date this Agreement enters into force.
Entry into force
Margin of preference
2) Year 6: customs duties shall be removed in seven equal annual stages
beginning on the date this Agreement enters into force, and such goods shall be
duty-free, effective 1 January 2015.
Entry into force
Margin of
3) Year 6 TX: customs duties shall be duty-free, effective 1 January
Entry into force
Margin of
Note: Under existing law, Australia’s most-favoured-nation rates for some
textiles, clothing and footwear products are scheduled to be reduced on 1
Section 2: Schedule of Chile
Customs Duties on Goods Originating in Australia
Introductory notes I. Chile’s tariff schedule in this Annex contains the following five columns:
(a) Code: the code used in the nomenclature of the Harmonized System
2007; (b) Description: the description of the product falling under the
heading; (c) Base Rate: the basic customs duty from which the tariff elimination
program starts; (d) Category: the category under which the product concerned falls for
purposes of tariff elimination; and (e) Observation: additional information if it corresponds.
II. The categories which are applicable to imports into Chile from Australia are
the following:
1) Year 0: customs duties shall be eliminated entirely and such goods
shall be duty-free on the date this Agreement enters into force.
Entry into force
Margin of preference
2) Year 6: customs duties shall be removed in seven equal annual stages
beginning on the date this Agreement enters into force, and such goods shall be
duty-free, effective 1 January 2015.
Entry into force
Margin of
3) Year 6 TX: customs duties shall be duty-free, effective 1 January
Entry into force
Margin of
4) Category W: duties on goods provided for in the items in staging
category W shall be reduced by 16,7 per cent of the base rate on 1 January of
entry into force, and by an additional 8,3 per cent of the base rate each year
thereafter through year three. Beginning 1 January of year four, duties on these
goods shall be reduced by an additional 16,7 per cent of the base rate annually
through year eight and shall be duty-free effective 1 January 2015; and
Entry into force
Margin of
5) Sugar Category: the ad-valorem duty (6 per cent) will be
charged in accordance with the following schedule:
Ad-valorem duty to be charged
3,00 %
1,98 %
1,02 %
0,00 %
For greater certainty it is understood that this phase out schedule is only
applicable to the ad-valorem duty (6 per cent) imposed by Chile to other
countries for the following tariff lines (1701.11.00, 1701.12.00, 1701.91.00,
1707.99.10, 1701.99.20, and 1701.99.90) The specific tariff will continue to apply for the products considered under Law
No. 18.525 or its successor.
Article 4.1: Definitions
For the purposes of this Chapter:
(a) adjusted value means:
(i) in the case of a good to be exported from one Party to another, the value
determined under the Customs Valuation Agreement, as adjusted to exclude any
costs, charges, or expenses incurred for transportation, insurance, and related
services incidental to the international shipment of the good from the country
of exportation to the place of importation; (ii) in the case of a material, the total of all prices actually paid or payable
to acquire the materials to which the transaction relates in accordance with the
Customs Valuation Agreement;
(b) Customs Valuation Agreement means the Agreement on Implementation
of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994, contained
in Annex 1A of the WTO Agreement; (c) exporter means a person who exports goods from the exporting Party; (d)
fungible goods or materials means goods or materials that are
identical or interchangeable as result of being of the same kind and commercial
quality, possessing the same technical and physical characteristics, and which
cannot be distinguished from one another for origin purposes by virtue of any
markings or mere visual examination; (e) generally accepted accounting principles means the recognised
consensus or substantial authoritative support in the territory of a Party, with
respect to the recording of revenues, expenses, costs, assets and liabilities;
the disclosure of information; and the preparation of financial statements.
These standards may encompass broad guidelines of general application as well as
detailed standards, practices and procedures; (f) importer means a person who imports goods into the importing Party; (g) indirect material means a material used in the production, testing or
inspection of a good but not physically incorporated into the good, or a
material or good used in the maintenance of buildings or the operation of
equipment associated with the production of a good including:
(i) fuel and energy; (ii) tools, dyes and moulds; (iii) spare parts and materials; (iv) lubricants, greases, compounding materials and other materials used in
production; (v) gloves, glasses, footwear, clothing, safety equipment and supplies; (vi) equipment, devices and supplies used for testing or inspecting the good; (vii) catalysts and solvents; and (viii) any other materials that are not incorporated into the good but whose use
in the production of the good can reasonably be demonstrated to be a part of
that production;
(h) material means any good, used or consumed in the production of
another good, and physically incorporated into or classified with that good; (i)
originating material means a material that qualifies as originating
in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Chapter; (j) preferential tariff treatment means the rate of customs duties
applicable to an originating good of the exporting Party in accordance with
Annex 3-B; and (k) producer means a person who engages in the production of goods or
Article 4.2: Originating Goods
For the purposes of this Agreement, a good is an originating good of a Party
and, subject to Article 4.18, eligible for a preferential tariff, if it:
(a) is a wholly obtained good of a Party; (b) is produced entirely in the territory of a Party exclusively from
originating materials; (c) satisfies all applicable requirements of Annex 4-C, as a result of processes
performed entirely in the territory of one or both of the Parties by one or more
producers; or
(d) otherwise qualifies as an originating good under this Chapter;
and meets all other applicable requirements of this Chapter.
Article 4.3: Wholly Obtained Goods
For the purposes of Article 4.2, a wholly obtained good of a Party means: (a) mineral and other naturally occurring goods extracted in or from the
territory of a Party; (b) vegetable goods4-3, as such
goods are defined in the Harmonized System, harvested, picked or gathered in the
territory of a Party; (c) live animals born and raised in the territory of a Party; (d) goods obtained from live animals in the territory of a Party; (e) goods obtained from hunting, trapping, fishing, gathering, capturing or
aquaculture conducted in the territory of a Party; (f) goods (fish, shellfish and other marine life) taken from the high seas by
vessels registered or recorded with a Party and flying its flag; (g) goods obtained or produced on board factory ships registered or recorded
with a Party and flying its flag, from the goods referred to in subparagraph
(f); (h) goods taken by a Party or a person of a Party from the seabed or beneath the
seabed outside the territorial sea, provided that a Party has a right to exploit
such seabed in accordance with international law;
(i) waste and scrap derived from: (i) production in the territory of a Party; or (ii) used goods collected in the territory of a Party;
provided that such goods are fit only for the recovery of raw materials; and (j) goods produced or obtained entirely in the territory of a Party exclusively
from goods referred to in subparagraphs (a) to (i).
Article 4.4: Cumulation A good which is
an originating good of a Party pursuant to Article 4.2 and is used in the
production of a good or goods in the territory of the other Party shall be
considered to originate in the territory of that other Party.
Article 4.5: De Minimis
1. A good that does not satisfy a change in tariff classification requirement
pursuant to Annex 4-C is nonetheless an originating good if:
(a) the value of all non-originating materials used in the production of the
good that do not undergo the required change in tariff classification does not
exceed 10 per cent of the adjusted value of the good (as calculated in
accordance with Article 4.12); and
(b) the good meets all other applicable criteria of this Chapter.
2. The value of such non-originating materials shall, however, be included in
the value of non-originating materials for any applicable regional value content
requirement for the good. Article 4.6: Accessories, Spare Parts and Tools
1. For the purposes of determining the origin of a good, accessories, spare
parts, tools and instructional or other information resources presented with the
good shall be considered originating goods, and shall be disregarded in
determining whether all the non-originating materials used in the production of
the originating good have undergone the applicable change in tariff
classification or production process requirement. 2. If the good is subject to a regional value content requirement, the value of
the accessories, spare parts, tools and instructional or other information
resources presented with the good is to be taken into account as originating or
non-originating, as the case may be, in calculating the regional value content
of the good. 3. Paragraph 1 and 2 shall only apply provided that:
(a) the accessories, spare parts, tools and instructional or other information
resources presented with the good are not invoiced separately from the good; and (b) the quantities and value of the accessories, spare parts, tools and
instructional or other information resources presented with the good are
customary for that good.
4. Where accessories, spare parts and tools are not customary for the good or
are invoiced separately from the good, they shall be treated as separate goods
for the purpose of origin determination.
Article 4.7: Fungible Goods and Materials
1. The determination of whether fungible goods or materials are originating
goods shall be made either by physical segregation of each of the materials, or
through the use of an inventory management method recognised in the generally
accepted accounting principles of the Party in which the production is performed
or otherwise accepted by that Party. 2. A Party shall provide that an inventory management method selected under
paragraph 1 for particular fungible goods or materials shall continue to be used
for those fungible goods or materials throughout its fiscal year.
Article 4.8: Packaging Materials and Containers
1. Packaging materials and containers for transportation and shipment of a good
shall not be taken into account in determining the origin of any good. 2. Packaging materials and containers in which a good is packaged for retail
sale, when classified together with that good, shall not be taken into account
in determining whether all of the non-originating materials used in the
production of the good have met the applicable change in tariff classification
or production process requirements as set out in Annex 4-C. 3. If a good is subject to a regional value content requirement then the value
of the packaging materials in which the good is packaged for retail sale shall
be taken into account as originating or non-originating materials, as the case
may be, in calculating the regional value content of the good. 4. Where the quantity or value of the packaging materials is not reasonable for
the good, its value shall not be included as originating in a regional value
content calculation for the good. Article 4.9: Sets or Composite Goods
1. A set put up for retail sale or composite good that is classifiable pursuant
to Rule 3 of the General Rules for the Interpretation of the Harmonized System,
shall be considered as originating, provided that:
(a) all the component goods are originating; or (b) the value of the non-originating component goods does not exceed 25 per cent
of the total adjusted value (as calculated in accordance with Article 4.12) of
the good put up in a set for retail sale or composite good.
2. The origin of packaging materials and containers for a set put up for retail
sale or composite good shall be determined in accordance with Article 4.8. 3. This Article shall not apply to a set put up for retail sale or composite
good for which the Harmonized System provides a specific description.
Article 4.10: Indirect Material
An indirect material shall be treated as an originating material without regard
to where it is produced.
Article 4.11: Regional Value Content
For the purposes of Article 4.2 where Annex 4-C requires a good to meet a
regional value content requirement, the regional value content of that good
shall be calculated using the following method:
Build-down Method RVC
x 100
where: RVC is the regional value content of the good, expressed as a percentage; AV is the adjusted value as defined in Article 4.1(a), and VNM is the value of non-originating materials that are acquired and used by the
producer in the production of the good. VNM includes material of undetermined
origin but does not include the value of a material that is self-produced.
Article 4.12: Calculation of the Value of Non-Originating Material
1. Each Party shall provide that the value of a non-originating material is:
(a) for a material imported by the producer of the good, the adjusted value of
the material, adjusted by deducting the following costs and expenses:
(i) the costs of freight, insurance, packing, and all other costs incurred in
transporting the material within the Party’s territory to the location of the
producer; (ii) duties, taxes, and customs brokerage fees on the material paid in the
territory of the Party, other than duties and taxes that are waived, refunded,
refundable, or otherwise recoverable, including credit against duty or tax paid
or payable;
(iii) if the good is imported from the other Party, the cost of waste and
spoilage resulting from the use of the material in the production of the good in
the territory of that Party; (iv) if the good is imported from the other Party, the cost of processing
incurred in the territory of that Party in the production of the non-originating
material; (v) if the good is imported from the other Party, the cost of originating
materials used or consumed in the production of the non-originating material in
the territory of that Party; and
(b) for a material acquired in the territory where the good is produced, the
adjusted value of the material, adjusted by deducting the following costs and
(i) the costs of freight, insurance, packing, and all other costs incurred in
transporting the material within the Party’s territory to the location of the
producer; (ii) duties, taxes, and customs brokerage fees on the material paid in the
territory of the Party, other than duties and taxes that are waived, refunded,
refundable, or otherwise recoverable, including credit against duty or tax paid
or payable; (iii) the cost of waste and spoilage resulting from the use of the material in
the production of the good in the territory of the Party; (iv) the cost of processing incurred in the territory of the Party in the
production of the non-originating material; and (v) the cost of originating materials used or consumed in the production of the
non-originating material in the territory of the Party.
2. Where the cost or expense of a deduction listed in paragraph 1(a) or 1(b) is
unknown or documentary evidence of the amount of the deduction is not available,
then no deduction is allowable for that particular cost.
Article 4.13: Non-Qualifying Operations
1. A good shall not be considered to be an originating good of the exporting
Party merely by reason of:
(a) operations to ensure the preservation of products in good condition for the
purpose of storage during transport; (b) changes of packaging and breaking up and assembly of packages; (c) disassembly; (d) placing in bottles, cases, boxes and other simple packaging operations; (e) mere making-up of sets of articles; or (f) any combination of operations referred to in subparagraphs (a) to (e).
2. Paragraph 1 shall prevail over the product specific rules set out in Annex
4-C. Article 4.14: Recording of Costs
For the purposes of this Chapter, all costs shall be recorded and maintained in
accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles applicable in the
territory of the Party in which the good is produced or manufactured.
Article 4.15: Third Country Transhipment
1. A good shall continue to be considered an originating good provided that the
good undergoes no subsequent production or any other operation outside the
territories of the Parties, other than unloading, reloading, storing, repacking,
relabelling or any other necessary operations to preserve it in good condition
or to transport the good to the territory of a Party. 2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, an originating good of a Party imported into the
other Party after an exhibition in a non-Party shall continue to qualify as an
originating good. 3. To ensure compliance with paragraphs 1 or 2, the Customs Administration of
the importing Party may request documents, including customs documents of the
third country, or any other documents, including transport documents.
Article 4.16: Certificate of Origin
1. A claim that a good should be treated as originating and accepted as eligible
for a preferential tariff shall be supported by a Certificate of Origin. 2. The Certificate of Origin shall be completed by the exporter. The Certificate
of Origin shall contain a set of minimum requirements as detailed in Annex 4-A
and shall:
(a) specify that the goods enumerated therein are the origin of the exporting
Party and meet the terms of this Chapter;
(b) be made in respect of one or more goods and may include a variety of goods;
and (c) be completed in English or Spanish.
3. An example of a Certificate of Origin in English and Spanish is provided in
Annex 4-B. 4. The Certificate of Origin shall remain valid for a period of one year from
the date the document was issued. 5. If the exporter is not the producer of the good referred to in the
Certificate of Origin, that exporter may complete and sign the Certificate of
Origin on the basis of:
(a) the exporter’s knowledge that the good qualifies as an originating good; or (b) a producer’s written declaration or statement that the good qualifies as an
originating good of a Party.
6. Nothing in paragraph 5(b) shall be construed to require a producer who is not
the exporter of the good to make a written declaration or statement that the
good qualifies as an originating good of a Party.
Article 4.17: Exceptions from Certificate of Origin
Notwithstanding paragraph 1 of Article 4.16, the Customs Administration of the
importing Party shall not require a Certificate of Origin from importers when:
(a) the total customs value of the originating goods does not exceed 1000 United
States dollars or the equivalent amount in that Party’s currency, or such higher
amount as the Party may establish; or (b) the Customs Administration of the importing Party has waived the requirement
for evidence,
provided that the importation does not form part of one or more importations
that may reasonably be considered to have been undertaken or arranged for the
purpose of avoiding the requirements of this Chapter.
Article 4.18: Claim for Preferential Tariff Treatment
1. Subject to Article 4.24, the Customs Administration of the importing
Party shall grant preferential tariff treatment to a good imported into
its territory from the other Party, provided that the importer:
(a) makes a Customs Import Declaration that the good qualifies as an originating
good of the exporting Party; (b) complies with Article 4.15; and (c) submits the Certificate of Origin and, where appropriate, other evidence to
substantiate the tariff preference claimed for the good upon request.
2. Where an importer has reason to believe that the Certificate of Origin
contains incorrect information, the importer should promptly make a corrected
declaration and pay any owed duties. Article 4.19: Customs Duty Refund
If at the time of importation of a good the importer does not claim or is unable
to claim preferential tariff treatment, the importer may within one year from
the date of importation, or within a longer period if provided for by a Party in
its domestic legislation, apply for a refund of any excess customs duty paid on
production of:
(a) a Certificate of Origin and, where appropriate, other evidence that the good
qualifies as an originating good; and (b) other documentation relating to the importation of the good as the Customs
Administration of the importing Party may require.
Article 4.20: Records
1. Each Party shall require that:
(a) an exporter or producer shall maintain, for five years from the date of the
Certificate of Origin, all records relating to the origin of a good for
which preferential tariff treatment is claimed in the importing Party, including
the Certificate of Origin relevant to the good, or a copy thereof; and (b) an importer claiming preferential tariff treatment shall maintain, for five
years after the date of importation of a good, all records relating to the
importation of the good, including the Certificate of Origin relevant to the
good, or a copy thereof in accordance with the laws, regulations and practices
of the relevant Party.
2. The records to be maintained pursuant to this Article and Article 4.21 shall
include electronic records. Any such records in electronic form shall be
maintained in accordance with the laws, regulations and practices of the
relevant Party.
Article 4.21: Obligations Regarding Exportation
1. Where the exporter becomes aware that it has provided an erroneous or false
Certificate of Origin or any other such erroneous or false evidence, the
exporter shall endeavour to give notice as soon as possible to the Customs
Administration of the importing and exporting Party, as well as the importer, of
any change that would affect the accuracy or validity of a Certificate of
Origin. 2. The exporter that has provided a Certificate of Origin shall provide a copy
of this document to the exporting Party’s Customs Administration upon request.
3. Each Party shall, to the extent permitted by its laws, regulations and
practices, maintain penalties for false Certificates of Origin or documentation
related to the origin of a good submitted to a Customs Administration by an
exporter in its territory. Article 4.22: Origin Verification
1. The Customs Administration of the importing Party may verify the eligibility
of a good for preferential tariff treatment in accordance with its laws,
regulations and practices. 2. If the Customs Administration of the importing Party has reasonable doubts as
to the authenticity or accuracy of the information included in the Certificate
of Origin it may:
(a) institute measures to establish the validity of the Certificate of Origin; (b) issue written requests for information to the relevant importers of the good
for which preferential tariff treatment was claimed; and
(c) issue written requests for information to the exporter in the exporting
Party on the basis of a Certificate of Origin.
3. A request for information in accordance with subparagraph 2(c) shall not
preclude the use of the verification method provided for in Article 4.23. 4. The Customs Administration of the importing Party shall complete any action
to verify eligibility for preferential tariff treatment within 90 days from the
commencement of such action, and make a decision and provide written advice as
to whether the good is eligible for preferential tariff treatment to all
relevant parties within 30 days. Article 4.23: Verification Visit
1. The Customs Administration of the importing Party may request the exporter
(a) permit the Customs Administration to visit the exporter’s factory or
(b) arrange a visit to the factory or premises of the producer, if the exporter
is not the producer; and
(c) provide information relating to the origin of the good.
2. The Customs Administration of the importing Party shall issue a written
communication with such a request to the exporter in advance of the proposed
date of the visit. 3. The Customs Administration of the importing Party shall not visit the factory
or premises of any exporter or producer in the territory of the exporting Party
without written prior consent from the exporter or producer. 4. The above written communication shall at a minimum include:
(a) the identity of the Customs Administration issuing the request; (b) the name of the exporter of the good in the exporting Party to whom the
request is addressed; (c) the date the written request is made; (d) the proposed date and place of the visit; (e) the objective and scope of the proposed visit, including specific reference
to the good subject of the verification referred to in the Certificate of
Origin; and (f) the names and titles of the officials of the Customs Administration of the
importing Party who will participate in the visit.
5. The Customs Administration of the importing Party shall notify the Customs
Administration of the exporting Party when it initiates a verification action
under this Article. 6. The Customs Administration of the importing Party shall complete any action
to verify eligibility for preferential tariff treatment within 90 days from the
commencement of such action, and make a decision and provide written advice as
to whether the good is eligible for preferential tariff treatment to all
relevant parties within 30 days. Article 4.24: Determination of Origin and Preferential Tariff Treatment
1. Each Party shall provide that, when an importer in its territory does not
comply with any requirement of this Chapter and Chapter 3 (National Treatment
and Market Access for Goods), the claimed preferential tariff treatment may be
suspended or denied for the imported good from the territory of the other Party. 2. The Customs Administration of the importing Party may suspend the application
of preferential tariff treatment to a good that is the subject of an origin
verification action under Article 4.22 or 4.23, for the duration of that action
or any part thereof. 3. The Customs Administration of the importing Party may deny a claim for
preferential tariff treatment when:
(a) the good does not qualify as an originating good; or (b) the importer or the exporter fails to comply with any of the relevant
requirements of this Chapter.
Article 4.25: Appeal
The importing Party shall grant the right of appeal in matters relating to
eligibility for preferential tariff treatment to an importer, exporter or
producer of a good traded or to be traded between the Parties, in
accordance with its laws and regulations and practices.
Article 4.26: Consultation, Review and Modification
The Parties shall consult regularly to ensure that the provisions in this
Chapter are administered effectively, uniformly and consistently in order to
achieve the spirit and objectives of this Chapter.
Article 4.27: Non-Party Invoices
The Customs Administration of the importing Party shall not reject a Certificate
of Origin only for the reason that the invoice is issued in a non-Party.
Article 4.28: Confidentiality
For greater certainty, the Parties confirm that Article 5.9 (Confidentiality -
Customs Administration Chapter) applies to this Chapter.
Article 4.29: Goods in Storage
In accordance with Article 4.18 or Article 4.19, the Customs Administration of
the importing Party shall grant preferential tariff treatment for a good which,
on the date of entry into force of this Agreement, is customs duty unpaid and
stored in a warehouse regulated by the Customs Administration, provided:
(a) the good satisfies all applicable requirements of this Chapter; and (b) the importer submits a Certificate of Origin in accordance with this Chapter
to the Customs Administration of the importing Party.
• Exporter name and address;
• Consignee name and address;
• Marks and numbers;
• Number and kind of packages;
• Description of goods;
• Harmonized System Code;
• The applicable rule of origin;
• Declaration certifying goods meet the applicable rule of origin;
• Name, title and signature of person completing the Certificate of Origin;
• Date of issue; and
• Number of Certificate of Origin.
Certificate / Certificado No.
2. Consignee / Consignatario
3. Marks and Numbers /
Marcas y Números
4. Number and Kind of Packages /
Número y clase de bultos
5. Description of Goods / Descripción de las Mercancías
6. Rule of Origin / Regla de Origen
7. Harmonized System Code / Clasificación Sistema Armonizado
8. Remarks / Observaciones
9. Declaration by the exporter / Declaración del exportador: I, the undersigned, declare that the above details are true and
accurate and the good(s) described above meet the condition(s)
required for the issuance of this certificate / El que suscribe
declara que la(s) mercancía(s) arriba descrita(s) cumple(n)
la(s) condición(es) exigida(s) para la emisión del presente
certificado. Country of origin / País de origen…………………………………………………. Place and date / Lugar y fecha…………………………………………………….
Name / Nombre……………………………………………………………………… Title / Cargo………………………………………………………………………….. Signature / Firma……………………………………………………………………..
For purposes of obtaining preferential tariff treatment, this document must be
completed legibly and in full by the exporter and be in the possession of the
importer at the time the Customs Import Declaration is made. Please print or
type. Certificate No: Provide a unique number for the Certificate of Origin. Field 1: State the full legal name, address (including country) and legal tax
identification number of the exporter. Legal tax identification number is: in
Australia, the Australian Business Number; in Chile, the Unique Tax Number (“Rol
Unico Tributario”). Field 2: State the full legal name, address (including country) of the
consignee. Field 3: Marks and numbers on the packages. Field 4: Number and kind of packages. Field 5: Provide a full description of each good. The description should be
sufficient to relate it to the invoice description and to the Harmonized System
(HS) description of the good. If the Certificate of Origin covers a single
shipment of a good, include the invoice number as shown on the commercial
invoice. Field 6: For each good described in Field 5, state which criterion (A to D) is
applicable. The rules of origin are contained in Chapter 4 and Annex 4-C of the
Agreement. NOTE: Indicate at least one of the preference criteria below.
Preference Criteria:A The good is a wholly obtained good of a Party.
B The good is produced entirely in the territory of the Party exclusively from
originating material.
C Satisfies all applicable requirements of Annex 4-C (Rules of Origin Schedule),
as a result of processes performed entirely in the territory of one or both of
the Parties by one or more producers.
D Otherwise qualifies as an originating good under the Rules of Origin Chapter.
Field 7: For each good described in Field 5 identify the HS tariff
classification to 6 digits. Field 8: Remarks. For example, if a good is invoiced by a non-Party operator,
indicate “Invoice by a non-Party”. Field 9: This field must be completed, signed and dated by the exporter. The
date must be the date the Certificate of Origin was completed and signed. Title
refers to the title or position within the company of the person who completes
and signs the certificate of origin.
Headnotes to the Schedule
1. The following definitions apply:
(a) Subheading means the first six digits in the tariff classification
number under the Harmonized System;
(b) Heading means the first four digits in the tariff classification
number under the Harmonized System; and (c) Chapter means the first two digits in the tariff classification
number under the Harmonized System.
2. The specific rule, or specific set of rules, that applies to a particular
heading (4-digit code) or subheading (6-digit code) is set out immediately
adjacent to the heading or subheading. 3. A requirement of a change in tariff classification applies only to
non-originating materials. 4. When a heading or subheading is subject to alternative specific rules of
origin, the rule will be considered to be met if a good satisfies one of the
alternatives. 5. Where a specific rule of origin is defined using the criterion of a change in
tariff classification, and the rule is written to exclude tariff provisions at
the level of a chapter, heading or subheading of the Harmonized System, each
Party shall construe the rule of origin to require that materials classified in
those excluded provisions be originating for the good to qualify as originating.
6. Chapter notes within this Schedule apply to all headings or subheadings
within the indicated chapter or group of chapters unless there exists a specific
Article 5.1: Definitions
For the purposes of this Chapter:
(a) customs law means such laws and regulations administered and
enforced by the Customs Administration of each Party concerning the
importation, exportation, and transit/transhipment of goods, as they relate
to customs duties, charges, and other taxes, or to prohibitions,
restrictions, and other similar controls with respect to the movement of
controlled items across the boundary of the customs territory of each Party;
and (b) customs procedures means the treatment applied by the Customs
Administration of each Party to goods which are subject to customs control.
Article 5.2: Scope and Coverage
This Chapter applies to customs procedures applied to goods traded between
the Parties. Article 5.3: Publication and Enquiry Points
1. Each Party shall publish on the Internet its laws, regulations and
administrative procedures applicable to or enforceable by its Customs
Administration. 2. Each Party shall designate one or more inquiry points to address
inquiries from interested persons concerning customs matters, and shall make
available on the Internet information concerning procedures for making such
inquiries. 3. Each Party shall endeavour to provide interested persons and the other
Party with advance notice of any proposed customs laws and practices that
are likely to substantially affect the operation of the Agreement.
Article 5.4: Review and Appeal
1. Each Party shall ensure that with respect to its determinations on
customs matters, importers in its territory have access to:
(a) administrative review independent of the official that issued the
determination; and (b) judicial review of the determination or decision taken at the final
level of administrative review.
2. Notice of the decision on appeal shall be given to the appellant and the
reasons for such decision shall be provided in writing.
Article 5.5: Penalties / Sanctions
Each Party shall maintain measures for the imposition of civil or
administrative penalties or sanctions, and, where appropriate, criminal
sanctions for violations of its customs laws.
Article 5.6: Customs Procedures and Facilitation
1. Each Party shall ensure that its customs procedures conform, where
possible and to the extent permitted by its respective laws, regulations and
practices, to international standards and recommended practices established
by the World Customs Organization. 2. Each Party shall ensure that its customs procedures and practices:
(a) are administered in an impartial, uniform and reasonable manner; and (b) avoid arbitrary and unwarranted procedural obstacles.
3. The Customs Administration of each Party shall periodically review its
customs procedures with a view to exploring options for their simplification
and the enhancement of mutually beneficial arrangements to facilitate
international trade. 4. Each Party shall ensure goods are released within a time period no longer
than that required to ensure compliance with its customs laws. 5. A Party may, so long as other customs requirements have been met, and to
the extent possible:
(a) release goods at the point of arrival, without temporary transfer to
warehouses or other locations; or (b) release goods prior to, and without prejudice to, the final
determination by its Customs Administration of the applicable customs
duties, taxes and fees.
Article 5.7: Risk Management
1. Each Party shall administer its customs procedures so as to facilitate
the clearance of low-risk goods and focus on high-risk goods. To the extent
possible, systems that allow for information regarding an importation to be
processed in advance of arrival are to be used to clear goods. 2. Each Party shall work to further enhance the use of risk management
techniques in the administration of its customs procedures.
Article 5.8: Cooperation
1. Each Party’s Customs Administration shall endeavor to provide the Customs
Administration of the other Party with advance notice of any significant
modification of administrative policy regarding the implementation of its
customs laws and practices that are likely to substantially affect the
operation of this Agreement. 2. To the extent permitted by their domestic laws, rules and regulations,
the Customs Administrations of both Parties shall endeavour to provide each
other with:
(a) information to assist in the investigation and prevention of
infringements of customs and customs related laws and regulations; and (b) any other customs matters agreed by the Parties.
Article 5.9: Confidentiality
1. Each Party’s Customs Administration undertakes not to use any information
received in accordance with this Chapter or Chapter 4 (Rules of Origin)
other than for the purpose for which the information was given, or to
disclose any such information, except in cases where:
(a) the Customs Administration that furnished the information has expressly
approved its use or disclosure for other purposes related to this Chapter or
Chapter 4 (Rules of Origin); or (b) the national law of the receiving Customs Administration requires
disclosure, in which case the receiving Customs Administration shall notify
the Customs Administration that furnished the information of the relevant
2. Any information received in accordance with this Chapter or Chapter 4
(Rules of Origin) shall be treated as confidential and will be subject to
the same protection and confidentiality as the same kind of information is
subject to under the national law of the Customs Administration where it is
received. 3. Nothing in this Chapter or Chapter 4 (Rules of Origin) shall be construed
to require a Party to furnish or allow access to information the disclosure
of which would:
(a) be contrary to the public interest as determined by its laws, rules or
regulation; (b) be contrary to any of its laws, rules and regulations including but not
limited to those protecting personal privacy or the financial affairs and
accounts of individuals; or
(c) impede law enforcement.
Article 5.10: Advance Rulings 1. Each Party, where possible and to the extent permitted by its domestic
laws, regulations and practices, shall provide for written advance rulings
to be issued to a person described in subparagraph 2(a) concerning tariff
classification, valuation and the qualification of a good as an originating
good under this Agreement. 2. Each Party shall adopt or maintain procedures for issuing written advance
rulings which shall:
(a) provide that an importer in its territory or an exporter or producer in
the territory of the other Party may apply for an advance ruling before the
importation of the goods concerned; (b) include a detailed description of the information required to process a
request for an advance ruling; (c) allow its Customs Administration, at any time during the course of an
evaluation of an application for an advance ruling, to request that the
applicant provide additional information necessary to evaluate the request; (d) ensure that an advance ruling be based on the facts and circumstances
presented by the applicant and any other relevant information in the
possession of the decision-maker; (e) provide that an advance ruling be issued to the applicant expeditiously,
or in any case within 30 working days of the receipt of all necessary
information; and (f) provide a written explanation for the reasons for the advance ruling.
3. Subject to paragraph 4, each Party shall apply an advance ruling to
importations into its territory beginning on the date it issues the ruling
or on any other date specified in the ruling. The Party shall ensure the
same treatment of all importations regardless of the importer, exporter or
producer involved, where the facts and circumstances are identical in all
material respects. 4. A Party may modify or revoke an advance ruling where, consistent with
this Agreement:
(a) there is a change in the law;
(b) incorrect information was provided or relevant information was withheld; (c) there is a change in a material fact; or
(d) there is a change in the circumstances on which the ruling was based.
Article 5.11: Paperless Trading
1. The Customs Administration of each Party, in implementing initiatives
which provide for the use of paperless trading, shall take into account the
methods agreed by the World Customs Organization, including adoption of the
World Customs Organization data model for the simplification and
harmonisation of data. 2. The Customs Administration of each Party shall work towards having
electronic means for all its customs reporting requirements, as soon as
practicable. 3. The introduction and enhancement of information technology shall, to the
greatest extent possible, be carried out in consultation with all relevant
parties including businesses directly affected.
Article 5.12: Fees and Charges
For greater certainty, the Parties confirm that Article 3.10 (Administrative
Fees and Formalities - National Treatment and Market Access for Goods
Chapter) applies to customs fees and charges.
Article 6.1: Definitions
For the purposes of this Chapter: sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures means any measure referred to
in Annex A, paragraph 1 of the SPS Agreement.
Article 6.2: Objectives
The objectives of this Chapter are to:
(a) facilitate bilateral trade in food, plants and animals, including their
products, while protecting human, animal or plant life or health in the
territory of each Party; (b) deepen mutual understanding of each Party’s regulations and procedures
relating to and consultations on and implementation of SPS measures; and (c) strengthen cooperation between Australian and Chilean government agencies
with responsibility for matters covered by this Chapter.
Article 6.3: Scope and Coverage
1. This Chapter applies to all SPS measures of a Party that may, directly or
indirectly, affect trade between the Parties. 2. Neither Party may have recourse to dispute settlement under this Agreement
for any matter arising under this Chapter.
Article 6.4: General Provisions
1. The Parties affirm their rights and obligations under the SPS Agreement. 2. The Parties shall cooperate on priority proposals for technical assistance
and capacity building to enhance the capability on SPS related aspects to
further the achievement of the objectives of this Chapter. 3. The Parties shall cooperate in relevant international bodies engaged in work
on SPS related issues, including the WTO SPS Committee, the various
Codex Committees (including the Codex Alimentarius Commission), the
International Plant Protection Convention, the World Organisation for
Animal Health (OIE) and other international and regional fora on food safety
and human, animal and plant life or health.
Article 6.5: Consultations on and Implementation of Sanitary and
Phytosanitary Measures
1. Each Party shall identify an overall contact point relating to SPS measures
(“SPS Contact Point”). For the purpose of this Article, the SPS Contact Point
shall be:
(a) in the case of Australia, the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and
Forestry, or its successor; and (b) in the case of Chile, the General Directorate of International Economic
Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or its successor.
2. On request of a Party for consultations on a matter arising under this
Chapter, the Parties shall enter into consultations between relevant government
agencies with responsibility for that matter under the scope of the SPS Contact
Point. 3. Each Party´s SPS Contact Point shall:
(a) coordinate requests for technical assistance and capacity building programs
on SPS matters; (b) review progress on addressing SPS matters that may arise between the
Parties; (c) communicate SPS priorities between the Parties;
(d) facilitate the consideration of requests for information and clarification
of issues with the other Party; (e) facilitate communication between relevant experts when the consideration of
scientific or technical issues requires such contact; (f) promote and facilitate cooperation on SPS issues between the Parties;
(g) perform any other activities that facilitate transparency in the
implementation of SPS measures; and (h) ensure that all relevant government agencies participate in the above
activities as appropriate and arrange meetings between relevant experts of each
Party on these activities when required.
4. The Parties acknowledge the value of exchanging information on their
respective SPS measures and, to ensure transparency in the implementation of SPS
measures, each Party shall:
(a) exchange a list, to be updated as appropriate, of officials responsible for
SPS matters in the agencies of the Parties; and (b) provide notifications to a nominated SPS official of the other Party of
measures imposed in response to an urgent threat to human, animal or plant life
or health.
5. The SPS Contact Point shall be included in all communications between the
Parties made pursuant to this Article.
Article 7.1: Definitions
For the purposes of this Chapter: technical regulation, standard and conformity assessment procedures
shall have the meanings assigned to those terms in Annex 1 of the TBT Agreement.
Article 7.2: Objectives
The objectives of this Chapter are to increase and facilitate trade through the
improvement of the implementation of the TBT Agreement, the elimination of
unnecessary technical barriers to trade and the enhancement of bilateral
Article 7.3: Scope and Coverage
1. Except as provided in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article, this Chapter
applies to all standards, technical regulations, and conformity assessment
procedures of the central level of government that may, directly or indirectly,
affect trade in goods between the Parties. 2. Each Party shall take such reasonable measures as may be available to it to
ensure compliance by regional or local governments and non-governmental bodies
within its territory which are responsible for the preparation, adoption and
application of technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment
procedures in the implementation of the provisions of this Chapter. 3. Technical specifications prepared by governmental bodies for production or
consumption requirements of such bodies are not subject to the provisions of
this Chapter, but are addressed in Chapter 15 (Government Procurement),
according to its coverage. 4. This Chapter does not apply to sanitary and phytosanitary measures as defined
in Annex A, paragraph 1 of the SPS Agreement, which are covered in Chapter 6
(Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures).
Article 7.4: Affirmation of Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade
The Parties affirm their rights and obligations under the TBT Agreement.
Article 7.5: International Standards
1. Each Party shall use relevant international standards, to the extent provided
in Article 2.4 of the TBT Agreement, as a basis for its technical regulations. 2. In determining whether an international standard, guide or recommendation
within the meaning of Articles 2 and 5 and Annex 3 of the TBT Agreement exists,
each Party shall apply the principles set out in Decisions and
Recommendations adopted by the Committee since 1 January 1995,
G/TBT/1/Rev.8, 23 May 2002, Section IX (Decision of the Committee on
Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and
Recommendations with relation to Articles 2, 5 and Annex 3 of the Agreement),
issued by the WTO Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade.
Article 7.6: Trade Facilitation
The Parties shall work cooperatively in the fields of standards, technical
regulations and conformity assessment procedures with a view to facilitating
trade between the Parties. In particular, the Parties shall seek to identify
trade facilitating bilateral initiatives regarding standards, technical
regulations and conformity assessment procedures that are appropriate for
particular issues or sectors. Such initiatives may include:
(a) cooperation on regulatory issues, such as convergence or equivalence of
technical regulations and standards;
(b) alignment with international standards;
(c) reliance on a supplier’s declaration of conformity; and
(d) use of accreditation to qualify conformity assessment bodies, as well as
cooperation through recognition of conformity assessment procedures.
Article 7.7: Technical Regulations
1. Each Party shall give positive consideration to accepting as equivalent
technical regulations of the other Party, even if these regulations differ from
its own, provided it is satisfied that these regulations adequately fulfil the
objectives of its regulations. 2. Where a Party does not accept a technical regulation of the other Party as
equivalent to its own, it shall, at the request of the other Party, explain its
reasons. 3. Neither Party may have recourse to dispute settlement under this Agreement
for any matter arising under this Article.
Article 7.8: Conformity Assessment Procedures
1. The Parties recognise that a broad range of mechanisms exist to facilitate
the acceptance in a Party’s territory of the results of conformity assessment
procedures conducted in the other Party’s territory. For example:
(a) the importing Party may rely on a supplier’s declaration of conformity; (b) conformity assessment bodies located in each Party’s territory may enter
into voluntary arrangements to accept the results of each other’s conformity
assessment procedures; (c) a Party may agree with the other Party to accept the results of conformity
assessment procedures that bodies located in the other Party’s territory conduct
with respect to specific technical regulations; (d) a Party may adopt accreditation procedures for qualifying conformity
assessment bodies located in the territory of the other Party; (e) a Party may designate conformity assessment bodies located in the territory
of the other Party; and (f) a Party may facilitate the consideration of a request by the other Party to
recognise the results of conformity assessment procedures conducted by bodies in
the other Party’s territory, including through negotiation of agreements in a
sector nominated by that other Party.
The Parties shall exchange information on these and other similar mechanisms
with a view to facilitating acceptance of conformity assessment results. 2. Where a Party does not accept the results of a conformity assessment
procedure conducted in the territory of the other Party, it shall, on request of
that other Party, explain the reasons for its decision. 3. Each Party shall accredit, approve, license, or otherwise recognise
conformity assessment bodies in the territory of the other Party on terms no
less favourable than those it accords to conformity assessment bodies in its
territory. Where a Party accredits, approves, licenses, or otherwise recognises
a body assessing conformity with a specific technical regulation or standard in
its territory and refuses to accredit, approve, license, or otherwise recognise
a body assessing conformity with that technical regulation or standard in the
territory of the other Party, it shall, on request of that other Party, explain
the reasons for its decision. 4. Where a Party declines a request from the other Party to engage in
negotiations or conclude an agreement on facilitating recognition in its
territory of the results of conformity assessment procedures conducted by bodies
in the other Party’s territory, it shall, on request of that other Party,
explain the reasons for its decision. Article 7.9: Transparency
1. Each Party shall allow persons of the other Party to participate in the
development of standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment
procedures on terms no less favourable than those accorded to its own persons. 2. Each Party shall recommend that non-governmental bodies in its territory
observe paragraph 1 in relation to the development of standards and voluntary
conformity assessment procedures. 3. The Parties acknowledge the importance of transparency in decision-making,
including providing a meaningful opportunity for persons to provide comments on
proposed technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures. Where a
Party publishes a notice under Article 2.9 or 5.6 of the TBT Agreement, it
(a) include in the notice a statement describing the objective of the proposed
technical regulation or conformity assessment procedure and the rationale for
the approach the Party is proposing; and (b) transmit the proposal electronically to the other Party through the enquiry
point the Party has established under Article 10 of the TBT Agreement at the
same time as it notifies WTO Members of the proposal pursuant to the TBT
Each Party should allow at least 60 days after it transmits a proposal under
subparagraph (b) for the public and the other Party to make comments in writing
on the proposal. 4. Where a Party makes a notification under Article 2.10 or 5.7 of the TBT
Agreement, it shall at the same time transmit the notification to the other
Party electronically through the enquiry point referenced in subparagraph 3(b). 5. Each Party shall publish, or otherwise make available to the public, in print
or electronically, its responses to significant comments it receives under
paragraph 3 no later than the date it publishes the final technical regulation
or conformity assessment procedure. 6. On request of the other Party, a Party shall provide the other Party
information regarding the objective of, and rationale for, a standard, technical
regulation or conformity assessment procedure that the Party has adopted or is
proposing to adopt.
Article 7.10: Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade
1. In order to facilitate implementation of this Chapter and cooperation between
the Parties, the Parties hereby establish a Committee on Technical Barriers to
Trade, comprising representatives of each Party. 2. For the purposes of this Article, the Committee shall be coordinated by (“the
(a) in the case of Australia, the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science
and Research, or its successor; and (b) in the case of Chile, the General Directorate of International Economic
Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or its successor.
3. The Committee’s functions shall include:
(a) monitoring the implementation and administration of this Chapter; (b) promptly addressing any issue that a Party raises related to the
development, adoption, application, or enforcement of standards, technical
regulations or conformity assessment procedures; (c) enhancing cooperation in the development and improvement of standards,
technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures; (d) exchanging information on standards, technical regulations and conformity
assessment procedures, in response to all reasonable requests for such
information from a Party; (e) providing technical advice, information and assistance on mutually agreed
terms and conditions to enhance the Parties’ standards, technical regulations
and conformity assessment procedures; (f) conducting joint studies and holding seminars on mutually agreed terms and
conditions to enhance the Parties’ understanding of technical regulations,
standards and conformity assessment procedures; (g) facilitating cooperation in the area of specific technical regulations by
referring enquiries from a Party to the appropriate regulatory authorities; (h) where appropriate, facilitating sectoral cooperation among governmental and
non-governmental conformity assessment bodies in the Parties’ territories; (i) exchanging information on developments in non-governmental, regional, and
multilateral fora engaged in activities related to standardisation, technical
regulations and conformity assessment procedures; (j) taking any other steps the Parties consider will assist them in implementing
the TBT Agreement and in facilitating trade in goods between them; (k) at a Party’s request, consulting on any matter arising under this Chapter; (l) reviewing this Chapter in light of any developments under the TBT Agreement,
and developing recommendations for amendments to this Chapter in light of those
developments; and (m) as it considers appropriate, reporting to the Joint FTA Committee on the
implementation of this Chapter.
4. Where the Parties have had recourse to consultations under paragraph 3(k)
such consultations shall, on the agreement of the Parties, constitute
consultations under Article 21.3 (Consultations - Dispute Settlement Chapter). 5. A Party shall, on request, give favourable consideration to any
sector-specific proposal the other Party makes for further cooperation under
this Chapter. 6. The Coordinators shall communicate with each other by any agreed method that
is appropriate for the efficient and effective discharge of their functions. 7. The Committee shall meet at such venues and times as may be agreed by
the Parties. Meetings may be held via teleconference, videoconference, or
through any other means, as mutually determined by the Parties. By mutual
agreement, ad hoc working groups may be established, if necessary.
Article 7.11: Information Exchange
Any information or explanation that is provided on request of a Party pursuant
to the provisions of this Chapter shall be provided in print or electronically
within a reasonable period of time.
Article 8.1: Global safeguards
1. Each Party retains its rights and obligations under Article XIX of GATT 1994
and the Safeguards Agreement, and any other relevant provisions in the WTO
Agreement, and their successors.
2. This Agreement does not confer any additional rights or obligations on the
Parties with regard to actions taken pursuant to Article XIX of GATT 1994 and
the Safeguards Agreement, and their successors.
Article 8.2: Antidumping and Countervailing Duties
1. Each Party retains its rights and obligations under Article VI of GATT 1994
and the WTO Agreement, and their successors, with regard to the application of
antidumping and countervailing duties. 2. This Agreement does not confer any additional rights or obligations on the
Parties with regard to actions taken pursuant to Article VI of GATT 1994 and the
WTO Agreement, and their successors, with regard to the application of
antidumping and countervailing duties.
Article 9.1: Definitions
For the purposes of this Chapter:
(a) aircraft repair and maintenance services means such activities
when undertaken on an aircraft or a part thereof while it is withdrawn from
service and does not include so-called line maintenance (part of CPC 8868); (b)
airport operation services means passenger air terminal services and
ground services on air fields, including runway operating services, on a fee or
contract basis (excluding cargo handling) (as covered under CPC 7461); (c) computer reservation system services
means services provided by
computerised systems that contain information about air carrier’s schedules,
availability, fares and fare rules, through which reservations can be made or
tickets may be issued (part of CPC 7523); (d) cross-border trade in services or cross-border supply of services
means the supply of a service:
(i) from the territory of one Party into the territory of the other Party; (ii) in the territory of one Party by a person of that Party to a person of the
other Party; or (iii) by a national of a Party in the territory of the other Party;
but does not include the supply of a service in the territory of a Party by an
investor of the other Party or a covered investment; (e) enterprise means an enterprise as defined in Article 2.1(f)
(Definitions of General Application – General Definitions Chapter), and a branch
of an enterprise; (f) enterprise of a Party means an enterprise organised or constituted
under the laws of a Party, and a branch located in the territory of a Party and
carrying out business activities there; (g) ground handling services means container handling services for air
transport services only (part of CPC 7411); other cargo handling services for
air transport services only, including baggage handling (part of CPC 7419); and
other supporting services for air transport (CPC 7469); (h) measures adopted or maintained by a Party
means measures adopted or
maintained by:
(i) central, regional, or local governments and authorities; and (ii) non-governmental bodies in the exercise of powers delegated by central,
regional, or local governments or authorities.
(i) selling and marketing of air transport services has the same meaning
as defined in paragraph 6(b) of the GATS Annex on Air Transport Services, except
that “marketing” shall be limited to market research, advertising and
distribution; (j) service supplied in the exercise of governmental authority means any
service which is supplied neither on a commercial basis nor in competition with
one or more service suppliers; (k) service supplier of a Party means a person of that
Party who seeks to supply or supplies a service; and (l) specialty air services means any non-transportation air services,
such as aerial fire-fighting, sightseeing, spraying, surveying, mapping,
photography, parachute jumping, glider towing, and helicopter-lift for logging
and construction, and other airborne agricultural, industrial, and inspection
Article 9.2: Scope and Coverage
1. This Chapter applies to measures adopted or maintained by a Party affecting
cross-border trade in services by service suppliers of the other Party. Such
measures include measures affecting:
(a) the production, distribution, marketing, sale, and delivery of a service; (b) the purchase or use of, or payment for, a service; (c) the access to and use of distribution, transport, or telecommunications
networks and services in connection with the supply of a service; (d) the presence in its territory of a service supplier of the other Party; and (e) the provision of a bond or other form of financial security as a condition
for the supply of a service.
2. Articles 9.5 and 9.8 shall also apply to measures adopted and maintained by a
Party affecting the supply of a service in its territory by an investor of the
other Party or a covered investment.9-1
3. This Chapter does not apply to:
(a) financial services as defined in Article 12.1(e) (Definitions – Financial
Services Chapter); (b) government procurement; (c) subsidies or grants provided by a Party, including government-supported
loans, guarantees, and insurance;
(d) services supplied in the exercise of governmental authority within the
territory of each respective Party; or
(e) air services, including domestic and international air transportation
services, whether scheduled or non‑scheduled, and related services in support of
air services, other than:
(i) aircraft repair and maintenance services during which an aircraft is
withdrawn from service; (ii) the selling and marketing of air transport services; (iii) computer reservation system services; (iv) airport operation services (excluding cargo handling); (v) ground handling services; and (vi) specialty air services.
4. This Chapter does not impose any obligation on a Party with respect to a
national of the other Party seeking access to its employment market, or employed
on a permanent basis in its territory, and does not confer any right on that
national with respect to that access or employment.
Article 9.3: National Treatment
Each Party shall accord to services and service suppliers of the other Party
treatment no less favourable than that it accords, in like circumstances, to its
own services and service suppliers.
Article 9.4: Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment
Each Party shall accord to services and service suppliers of the other Party
treatment no less favourable than that it accords, in like circumstances, to the
services and service suppliers of a non-Party.
Article 9.5: Market Access
Neither Party may adopt or maintain, either on the basis of a regional
subdivision or on the basis of its entire territory, measures that:
(a) impose limitations on:
(i) the number of service suppliers, whether in the form of numerical quotas,
monopolies, exclusive service suppliers, or the requirement of an economic needs
test; (ii) the total value of service transactions or assets in the form of numerical
quotas or the requirement of an economic needs test;
(iii) the total number of service operations or the total quantity of services
output expressed in terms of designated numerical units in the form of quotas or
the requirement of an economic needs test9-2;
(iv) the total number of natural persons that may be employed in a particular
service sector or that a service supplier may employ and who are necessary for,
and directly related to, the supply of a specific service in the form of
numerical quotas or the requirement of an economic needs test; or
(b) restrict or require specific types of legal entity or joint venture through
which a service supplier may supply a service.
Article 9.6: Local Presence
Neither Party may require a service supplier of the other Party to establish or
maintain a representative office or any form of enterprise, or to be resident,
in its territory as a condition for the cross-border supply of a service.
Article 9.7: Non-Conforming Measures
1. Articles 9.3, 9.4, 9.5 and 9.6 do not apply to:
(a) any existing non-conforming measure that is maintained by a Party at:
(i) the central level of government, as set out by that Party in its Schedule to
Annex I; (ii) a regional level of government, as set out by that Party in its Schedule to
Annex I; or
(iii) a local level of government;
(b) the continuation or prompt renewal of any non-conforming measure referred to
in subparagraph (a); or (c) an amendment to any non-conforming measure referred to in subparagraph (a)
to the extent that the amendment does not decrease the conformity of the
measure, as it existed immediately before the amendment, with Articles 9.3, 9.4,
9.5 or 9.6.
2. Articles 9.3, 9.4, 9.5 and 9.6 do not apply to any measure that a
Party adopts or maintains with respect to sectors, sub-sectors, or activities as
set out in its Schedule to Annex II.
Article 9.8: Domestic Regulation
1. Each Party shall ensure that all measures of general application affecting
trade in services are administered in a reasonable, objective and impartial
manner. 2. Each Party shall ensure that measures relating to qualification requirements
and procedures, technical standards and licensing requirements do not constitute
unnecessary barriers to trade in services, including by ensuring that such
measures are, inter alia:
(a) based on objective and transparent criteria, such as competence and the
ability to supply the service; (b) not more burdensome than necessary to ensure the quality of the service; and (c) in the case of licensing procedures, not in themselves a restriction on the
supply of the service.
3. Where a Party maintains measures relating to qualification requirements and
procedures, technical standards and licensing requirements, the Party shall:
(a) make publicly available:
(i) information on requirements and procedures to obtain, renew or retain any
licences or professional qualifications; and (ii) information on technical standards;
(b) where any form of authorisation is required for the supply of a service,
ensure that it will:
(i) within a reasonable period of time after the submission of an application
deemed complete under its domestic laws and regulations, consider the
application and make a decision as to whether or not to grant the relevant
(ii) promptly inform the applicant of the decision whether or not to grant the
relevant authorisation;
(iii) upon the request of the applicant, provide without undue delay,
information concerning the status of the application; and (iv) where practicable, upon the written request of an unsuccessful applicant,
provide written reasons for a decision not to grant the relevant authorisation;
(c) provide for adequate procedures to verify the competency of professionals of
the other Party;
(d) in appropriate professional and other service sectors consider, and where
feasible, take steps to implement a temporary or project-specific licensing or
registration regime, based on the foreign supplier’s home licence or recognised
professional body membership (without the need for further written or oral
examination) with a view to facilitating temporary access for foreign service
suppliers to provide services in relation to specific projects or for limited
periods in circumstances where specific expertise is required. Such a temporary
or limited licence regime should not operate to prevent a foreign supplier from
gaining a local licence subsequent to satisfying the necessary local licensing
requirements; (e) in each sector where an examination must be passed as a pre-requisite to the
provision of a service in the territory of the Party:
(i) in the case of examinations administered by government authorities, take
reasonable steps to schedule examinations no less frequently than once in every
calendar year; or (ii) in the case of examinations solely administered by non-governmental bodies
or professional associations, use best efforts to encourage such bodies or
associations to schedule examinations no less frequently than once in every
calendar year; and
in each case, the Party shall ensure that such examinations are open to
applicants of the other Party. The possibility of using electronic means for
conducting such examinations, of conducting such examinations orally, and of
providing opportunities for taking such exams in the territory of the other
Party should be explored.
4. Notwithstanding Article 9.1(h), paragraphs 1 to 3 above shall not apply where
the relevant measures are the responsibility of non-governmental bodies.
However, each Party shall encourage such non-governmental bodies to comply with
the requirements of paragraphs 1 to 3 above. 5. If the results of the negotiations related to Article VI:4 of GATS enter into
effect, the Parties shall jointly review those results with a view to their
incorporation into this Agreement, as considered appropriate by the Parties.
Article 9.9: Recognition
1. For the purposes of the fulfilment, in whole or in part, of its standards or
criteria for the authorisation, licensing, or certification of service
suppliers, and subject to the requirements of paragraph 3, a Party may
recognise the education or experience obtained, requirements met, or licences or
certifications granted in a particular country. Such recognition, which may be
achieved through harmonisation or otherwise, may be based upon an agreement or
arrangement with the country concerned or may be accorded autonomously.
2. Where a Party recognises, autonomously or by agreement or arrangement,
the education or experience obtained, requirements met or licences or
certifications granted in the territory of a non-Party:
(a) nothing in Article 9.4 shall be construed to require the Party to accord
such recognition to the education or experience obtained, requirements met or
licences or certifications granted in the territory of the other Party; and (b) the Party shall accord the other Party an adequate opportunity to
demonstrate that the education or experience obtained, requirements met or
licences or certifications granted in the other Party should also be recognised.
3. A Party shall not accord recognition in a manner which would constitute a
means of discrimination between countries in the application of its standards or
criteria for the authorisation, licensing, or certification of services
suppliers, or a disguised restriction on trade in services.
Article 9.10: Denial of Benefits
Subject to prior notification and consultation, a Party may deny the benefits of
this Chapter to a service supplier of the other Party if the service supplier is
an enterprise:
(a) owned or controlled either by persons of a non-Party or of the denying
Party; and
(b) has no substantive business operations in the territory of the other Party.
1. Further to Article 9.9, the Parties agree to support, to the extent that
their resources permit, profession-led initiatives that seek to facilitate
recognition of the qualifications and or registration/licensing of professionals
of the other Party. 2. To that end, the Parties agree to establish contact points and, on the
request of either Party, to consult and exchange information on professional
qualifications and registration/licensing. Such information may include:
(a) relevant professional and regulatory bodies, including contact details; (b) laws, regulations and/or rules relating to professional qualifications,
registration/licensing; (c) procedures for recognition of qualifications; and (d) procedures for recognition of registration/licensing.
3. The Parties agree to support profession-led mutual recognition initiatives,
if and when required and to the extent to which their resources permit, in ways
that are indicated by professional bodies and/or a regulator that may be of
assistance to the negotiation of a mutual recognition agreement.
Article 10.1: Definitions
For the purposes of this Chapter:
(a) Centre means the International Centre for Settlement of Investment
Disputes (ICSID) established by the ICSID Convention; (b) claimant means an investor of a Party that is a party to an
investment dispute with the other Party; (c) disputing parties means the claimant and the respondent; (d)
disputing party means either the claimant or the respondent; (e)
enterprise means an enterprise as defined in Article 2.1(f)
(Definitions of General Application – General Definitions), and a branch of an
enterprise; (f) enterprise of a Party means an enterprise constituted or organised
under the law of a Party, and a branch located in the territory of a Party and
carrying out business activities there; (g) freely usable currency means freely usable currency as determined by
the International Monetary Fund under its Articles of Agreement; (h) ICSID Additional Facility Rules means the
Rules Governing the
Additional Facility for the Administration of Proceedings by the Secretariat of
the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes; (i) ICSID Convention
means the Convention on the Settlement of
Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of other States, done at
Washington, March 18, 1965; (j) investment means every asset that an investor owns or controls,
directly or indirectly, that has the characteristics of an investment, including
such characteristics as the commitment of capital or other resources, the
expectation of gain or profit, or the assumption of risk. Forms that an
investment may take include:
(i) an enterprise; (ii) shares, stock, and other forms of equity participation in an enterprise; (i) bonds, debentures, loans and other debt instruments10-1;
but do not include a debt instrument of a Party or of a state enterprise; (iv) futures, options and other derivatives; (v) rights under contract, including turnkey, construction, management,
production, concession, or revenue-sharing contracts; (vi) intellectual property rights; (vii) rights conferred pursuant to domestic law, such as concessions, licences,
authorisations, and permits;10-2
and (viii) other tangible or intangible, movable or immovable property, and related
property rights, such as leases, mortgages, liens, and pledges;
but investment does not mean an order or judgment entered in a judicial or
administrative action; (k) investor of a non-Party means, with respect to a Party, an investor
that attempts to make, is making, or has made an investment in the territory of
that Party, that is not an investor of either Party;
(l) New York Convention means the United Nations Convention on the
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, done at New York,
June 10, 1958;
(m) non-disputing Party means the Party that is not a party to an
investment dispute; (n) respondent means the Party that is a party to an investment dispute; (o)
Secretary-General means the Secretary-General of ICSID;
(p) tribunal means an arbitration tribunal established under Article
10.19 or 10.26; and
(q) UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules means the arbitration rules of the
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law.
Article 10.2: Scope and Coverage10-3
1. This Chapter applies to measures adopted or maintained by a Party relating
(a) investors of the other Party; (b) covered investments; and (c) with respect to Article 10.7 all investments in the territory of the Party.
2. In the event of any inconsistency between this Chapter and another Chapter,
the other Chapter shall prevail to the extent of the inconsistency. 3. A requirement by a Party that a service supplier of the other Party post a
bond or other form of financial security as a condition of providing a service
into its territory does not of itself make this Chapter applicable to measures
adopted or maintained by a Party relating to the provision of that cross-border
service. This Chapter applies to that Party’s treatment of the posted bond or
financial security to the extent that such bond or financial security is a
covered investment. 4. This Chapter does not apply to:
(a) measures adopted or maintained by a Party to the extent that they are
covered by Chapter 12 (Financial Services); and (b) any act or fact that took place or any situation that ceased to exist before
the date of entry into force of this Agreement, except as provided in Annex 10-E
paragraph 2.
Article 10.3: National Treatment
1. Each Party shall accord to investors of the other Party treatment no less
favourable than that it accords, in like circumstances, to its own investors
with respect to the establishment, acquisition, expansion, management, conduct,
operation, and sale or other disposition of investments in its territory. 2. Each Party shall accord to covered investments treatment no less favourable
than that it accords, in like circumstances, to investments in its territory of
its own investors with respect to the establishment, acquisition, expansion,
management, conduct, operation, and sale or other disposition of investments.
Article 10.4: Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment10-4 1. Each Party shall accord to investors of the other Party treatment no less
favourable than that it accords, in like circumstances, to investors of any
non-Party with respect to the establishment, acquisition, expansion, management,
conduct, operation, and sale or other disposition of investments in its
territory. 2. Each Party shall accord to covered investments treatment no less favourable
than that it accords, in like circumstances, to investments in its territory of
investors of any non-Party with respect to the establishment, acquisition,
expansion, management, conduct, operation, and sale or other disposition of
investments. Article 10.5: Minimum Standard of Treatment10-5 1. Each Party shall accord to covered investments treatment in accordance with
customary international law, including fair and equitable treatment and full
protection and security. 2. For greater certainty, paragraph 1 prescribes the customary international law
minimum standard of treatment of aliens as the minimum standard of treatment to
be afforded to covered investments. The concepts of “fair and equitable
treatment” and “full protection and security” do not require treatment in
addition to or beyond that which is required by that standard, and do not create
additional substantive rights. The obligation in paragraph 1 to provide:
(a) “fair and equitable treatment” includes the obligation not to deny justice
in criminal, civil, or administrative adjudicatory proceedings in accordance
with the principle of due process embodied in the principal legal systems of the
world; and (b) “full protection and security” requires each Party to provide the level of
police protection required under customary international law.
3. A determination that there has been a breach of another provision of this
Agreement, or of a separate international agreement, does not establish that
there has been a breach of this Article.
Article 10.6: Treatment in Case of Strife 1. Notwithstanding Article 10.9.5(b), each Party shall accord to investors of
the other Party, and to covered investments, with respect to measures it adopts
or maintains relating to losses suffered by investments in its territory owing
to armed conflict or civil strife treatment no less favourable than that it
accords, in like circumstances, to:
(a) its own investors and their investments; or (b) investors of any non-Party and their investments.
2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, if an investor of a Party, in the situations
referred to in paragraph 1, suffers a loss in the territory of the other Party
resulting from:
(a) requisitioning of its covered investment or part thereof by the latter’s
forces or authorities; or
(b) destruction of its covered investment or part thereof by the latter’s forces
or authorities, which was not required by the necessity of the situation,
the latter Party shall provide the investor restitution, compensation or both in
the event of a partial restitution, which in any case shall be prompt, adequate,
and effective, and with respect to compensation, in accordance with paragraphs 2
to 4 of Article 10.11, mutatis mutandis. 3. Paragraph 1 does not apply to existing measures relating to subsidies or
grants that would be inconsistent with Article 10.3 but for Article 10.9.5(b).
Article 10.7: Performance Requirements
Mandatory Performance Requirements 1. Neither Party may impose or enforce any of the following requirements, or
enforce any commitment or undertaking, in connection with the establishment,
acquisition, expansion, management, conduct, operation, or sale or other
disposition of an investment of an investor of a Party or of a non-Party in its
(a) to export a given level or percentage of goods or services;
(b) to achieve a given level or percentage of domestic content;
(c) to purchase, use, or accord a preference to goods produced in its territory,
or to purchase goods from persons in its territory;
(d) to relate in any way the volume or value of imports to the volume or value
of exports or to the amount of foreign exchange inflows associated with such
(e) to restrict sales of goods or services in its territory that such investment
produces or supplies by relating such sales in any way to the volume or value of
its exports or foreign exchange earnings;
(f) to transfer a particular technology, a production process, or other
proprietary knowledge to a person in its territory; or
(g) to supply exclusively from the territory of the Party the goods that it
produces or the services that it supplies to a specific regional market or to
the world market.
Advantages Subject to Performance Requirements 2. Neither Party may condition the receipt or continued receipt of an
advantage, in connection with the establishment, acquisition, expansion,
management, conduct, operation, or sale or other disposition of an investment in
its territory of an investor of a Party or of a non-Party, on compliance with
any of the following requirements:
(a) to achieve a given level or percentage of domestic content;
(b) to purchase, use, or accord a preference to goods produced in its territory,
or to purchase goods from persons in its territory;
(c) to relate in any way the volume or value of imports to the volume or value
of exports or to the amount of foreign exchange inflows associated with such
investment; or
(d) to restrict sales of goods or services in its territory that such investment
produces or supplies by relating such sales in any way to the volume or value of
its exports or foreign exchange earnings.
Exceptions and Exclusions 3.
(a) Nothing in paragraph 2 shall be construed to prevent a Party from conditioning the receipt or continued receipt of an advantage, in
connection with an investment in its territory of an investor of a Party
or of a non-Party, on compliance with a requirement to locate
production, supply a service, train or employ workers, construct or
expand particular facilities, or carry out research and development, in
its territory.
(b) Paragraph 1(f) does not apply:
(i) when a Party authorises use of an intellectual property right in accordance
with Article 3110-6 of the TRIPS
Agreement, or to measures requiring the disclosure of proprietary information
that fall within the scope of, and are consistent with, Article 39 of the TRIPS
Agreement; or (ii) when the requirement is imposed or the commitment or undertaking is
enforced by a court, administrative tribunal, or competition authority to remedy
a practice determined after judicial or administrative process to be
anticompetitive under the Party’s competition laws10-7
(c) Provided that such measures are not applied in an arbitrary or unjustifiable
manner, or do not constitute a disguised restriction on international trade or
investment, paragraphs 1(b), (c), and (f), and 2(a) and (b), shall not be
construed to prevent a Party from adopting or maintaining measures, including
environmental measures:
(i) necessary to secure compliance with laws and regulations that are not
inconsistent with this Agreement;
(ii) necessary to protect human, animal, or plant life or health; or
(iii) related to the conservation of living or non-living exhaustible
natural resources.
(d) Paragraphs 1(a), (b), and (c), and 2(a) and (b), do not apply to
qualification requirements for goods or services with respect to export
promotion and foreign aid programs. (e) Paragraphs 1(b), (c), (f), and (g), and 2(a) and (b), do not apply to
government procurement. (f) Paragraphs 2(a) and (b) do not apply to requirements imposed by an importing
Party relating to the content of goods necessary to qualify for preferential
tariffs or preferential quotas.
4. For greater certainty, paragraphs 1 and 2 do not apply to any requirement
other than the requirements set out in those paragraphs. 5. This Article does not preclude enforcement of any commitment, undertaking, or
requirement between private parties, where a Party did not impose or require the
commitment, undertaking, or requirement.
Article 10.8: Senior Management and Boards of Directors 1. Neither Party may require that an enterprise of that Party that is a covered
investment appoint to senior management positions individuals of any particular
nationality. 2. A Party may require that a majority or less of the board of directors, or any
committee thereof, of an enterprise of that Party that is a covered investment,
be of a particular nationality, or resident in the territory of the Party,
provided that the requirement does not materially impair the ability of the
investor to exercise control over its investment.
Article 10.9: Non-Conforming Measures 1. Articles 10.3, 10.4, 10.7, and 10.8 do not apply to:
(a) any existing non-conforming measure that is maintained by a Party at:
(i) the central level of government, as set out by that Party in its Schedule to
Annex I; (ii) a regional level of government, as set out by that Party in its Schedule to
Annex I; or (iii) a local level of government;
(b) the continuation or prompt renewal of any non-conforming measure referred to
in subparagraph (a); or
(c) an amendment to any non-conforming measure referred to in subparagraph (a)
to the extent that the amendment does not decrease the conformity of the
measure, as it existed immediately before the amendment, with Articles 10.3,
10.4, 10.7, and 10.8.
2. Articles 10.3, 10.4, 10.7, and 10.8 do not apply to any measure that a Party
adopts or maintains with respect to sectors, subsectors, or activities, as set
out in its Schedule to Annex II. 3. Neither Party may, under any measure adopted after the date of entry into
force of this Agreement and covered by its Schedule to Annex II, require an
investor of the other Party, by reason of its nationality, to sell or otherwise
dispose of an investment existing at the time the measure becomes effective. 4. Articles 10.3 and 10.4 do not apply to any measure that is an exception to,
or derogation from, the obligations under Article 17.5 (National Treatment –
Intellectual Property Chapter) as specifically provided for in that Article. 5. Articles 10.3, 10.4, and 10.8 do not apply to:
(a) government procurement; or (b) subsidies or grants provided by a Party, including government-supported
loans, guarantees, and insurance.
Article 10.10: Transfers10-8
1. Each Party shall permit all transfers relating to a covered investment to be
made freely and without delay into and out of its territory. Such transfers
(a) contributions to capital; (b) profits, dividends, interest, capital gains, royalty payments, management
fees, and technical assistance and other fees; (c) proceeds from the sale of all or any part of the covered investment or from
the partial or complete liquidation of the covered investment;
(d) payments made under a contract entered into by the investor, or the covered
investment, including payments made pursuant to a loan agreement; (e) payments made pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 10.6 and Article
10.11; and
(f) payments arising under Section B.
2. Each Party shall permit returns in kind relating to a covered investment to
be made as authorised or specified in a written agreement between the Party and
a covered investment or an investor of the other Party. 3. Each Party shall permit transfers relating to a covered investment to be made
in a freely usable currency at the market rate of exchange prevailing on the
date of transfer. 4. Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 to 3, a Party may prevent or delay a transfer
through the equitable, non-discriminatory, and good faith application of its
laws relating to:
(a) bankruptcy, insolvency, or the protection of the rights of creditors;
(b) issuing, trading, or dealing in securities, futures or derivatives; (c) criminal or penal offences;
(d) financial reporting or record keeping of transfers when necessary to assist
law enforcement or financial regulatory authorities; or (e) ensuring compliance with orders or judgments in judicial or administrative
5. Notwithstanding paragraph 2, a Party may restrict transfers of returns in
kind in circumstances where it could otherwise restrict such transfers under
this Agreement, including as set out in paragraph 4.
Article 10.11: Expropriation and Compensation10-9 1. Neither Party may expropriate or nationalise a covered investment either
directly or indirectly through measures equivalent to expropriation or
nationalisation (“expropriation”), except:
(a) for a public purpose;
(b) in a non-discriminatory manner;
(c) on payment of prompt, adequate, and effective compensation in accordance
with paragraphs 2 to 4; and
(d) in accordance with due process of law.
2. Compensation shall:
(a) be paid without delay;
(b) be equivalent to the fair market value of the expropriated investment
immediately before the expropriation took place (“the date of expropriation”); (c) not reflect any change in value occurring because the intended expropriation
had become known earlier; and
(d) be fully realisable and freely transferable.
3. If the fair market value is denominated in a freely usable currency, the
compensation paid shall be no less than the fair market value on the date of
expropriation, plus interest at a commercially reasonable rate for that
currency, accrued from the date of expropriation until the date of payment. 4. If the fair market value is denominated in a currency that is not freely
usable, the compensation paid – converted into the currency of payment at the
market rate of exchange prevailing on the date of payment – shall be no less
(a) the fair market value on the date of expropriation, converted into a freely
usable currency at the market rate of exchange prevailing on that date; plus (b) interest, at a commercially reasonable rate for that freely usable currency,
accrued from the date of expropriation until the date of payment.
5. This Article does not apply to the issuance of compulsory licences granted in
relation to intellectual property rights in accordance with the TRIPS Agreement,
or to the revocation, limitation, or creation of intellectual property rights,
to the extent that such revocation, limitation, or creation is consistent with
Chapter 17 (Intellectual Property). Article 10.12: Special Formalities and Information Requirements 1. Nothing in Article 10.3 shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting
or maintaining a measure that prescribes special formalities in connection with
covered investments, such as a requirement that investors be residents of the
Party or that covered investments be legally constituted under the laws or
regulations of the Party, provided that such formalities do not materially
impair the protections afforded by a Party to investors of the other Party and
covered investments pursuant to this Chapter. 2. Notwithstanding Articles 10.3 and 10.4, a Party may require an investor of
the other Party, or a covered investment, to provide information concerning that
investment solely for informational or statistical purposes. The Party shall
protect such information that is confidential from any disclosure that would
prejudice the competitive position of the investor or the covered investment.
Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to prevent a Party from otherwise
obtaining or disclosing information in connection with the equitable and good
faith application of its domestic law.
Article 10.13: Denial of Benefits Subject to prior notification and consultation, a Party may deny the benefits of
this Chapter to an investor of the other Party and to investments of that
investor if the investor is an enterprise:
(a) owned or controlled either by persons of a non-Party or of the denying
Party; and
(b) has no substantive business operations in the territory of the other Party.
Article 10.14: Scope of Investor-State Dispute Settlement
Section B applies where there is a dispute between a Party and an investor of
the other Party relating to a covered investment made in the territory of a
Party in accordance with its laws, regulations and investment policies.
Article 10.15: Consultations and Negotiations 1. In the event of an investment dispute, the claimant and the respondent shall
initially seek to resolve the dispute through consultations and negotiations,
which may include the use of non-binding, third-party procedures. Such
consultations shall be initiated by a written request for consultations
delivered by the claimant to the respondent. 2. The parties shall endeavour to commence consultations within 30 days of
receipt by the respondent of the request for consultations, unless the disputing
parties otherwise agree. 3. With the objective of resolving an investment dispute through consultations,
a claimant shall make all reasonable efforts to provide the respondent, prior to
the commencement of consultations, with information regarding the legal and
factual basis for the investment dispute. 4. For greater certainty, the initiation of consultations and negotiations shall
not be construed as recognition of the jurisdiction of the tribunal.
Article 10.16: Submission of a Claim to Arbitration 1. If an investment dispute has not been resolved within six months of the
receipt by the respondent of a request for consultations:
(a) the claimant, on its own behalf, may submit to arbitration under this
Section a claim that:
(i) the respondent has breached an obligation under Section A; and (ii) the claimant has incurred loss or damage by reason of, or arising out of,
that breach; and
(b) the claimant, on behalf of an enterprise of the respondent that is a
juridical person that the claimant owns or controls directly or indirectly, may
submit to arbitration under this Section a claim that:
(i) the respondent has breached an obligation under Section A; and (ii) the enterprise has incurred loss or damage by reason of, or arising out of,
that breach.
2. At least 90 days before submitting any claim to arbitration under this
Section, a claimant shall deliver to the respondent a written notice of its
intention to submit the claim to arbitration (“notice of intent”). The notice
shall specify:
(a) the name and address of the claimant and, where a claim is submitted on
behalf of an enterprise, the name, address, and place of incorporation of the
(b) for each claim, the provision of this Agreement alleged to have been
breached and any other relevant provisions; (c) the legal and factual basis for each claim; and
(d) the relief sought and the approximate amount of damages claimed.
3. A claimant may submit a claim referred to in paragraph 1:
(a) under the ICSID Convention, provided that both the non-disputing Party and
the respondent are parties to the ICSID Convention; (b) under the ICSID Additional Facility Rules, provided that either the
non-disputing Party or the respondent, but not both, is a party to the ICSID
Convention; (c) under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules; or (d) if the disputing parties agree, to any other arbitration institution or
under any other arbitration rules.
4. A claim shall be deemed submitted to arbitration under this Section when the
claimant’s notice of or request for arbitration (“notice of arbitration”) is
received under the applicable arbitral rules. 5. The arbitration rules applicable under paragraph 3, and in effect on the date
the claim or claims were submitted to arbitration under this Section, shall
govern the arbitration except to the extent modified by this Agreement. 6. The claimant shall provide with the notice of arbitration referred to in
paragraph 4:
(a) the name of the arbitrator that the claimant appoints; or (b) the claimant’s written consent for the Secretary-General to appoint the
claimant’s arbitrator.
Article 10.17: Consent of each Party to Arbitration 1. Each Party consents to the submission of a claim to arbitration under this
Section in accordance with this Agreement. 2. The consent under paragraph 1 and the submission of a claim to arbitration
under this Section shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements of:
(a) Chapter II of the ICSID Convention (Jurisdiction of the Centre) and the
ICSID Additional Facility Rules for written consent of the parties to the
(b) Article II of the New York Convention for an “agreement in writing”; and
(c) Article 1 of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules.
Article 10.18: Conditions and Limitations on Consent of each Party
1. No claim may be submitted to arbitration under this Section if more than
three years have elapsed from the date on which the claimant first acquired, or
should have first acquired, knowledge of the breach alleged under Article
10.16.1 causing loss or damage to a claimant or covered investment. 2. No claim may be submitted to arbitration under this Section unless:
(a) the claimant consents in writing to arbitration in accordance with the
procedures set out in this Agreement; and (b) the notice of arbitration referred to in Article 10.16.6 is accompanied:
(i) for claims submitted to arbitration under Article 10.16.1(a), by the
claimant’s written waiver; and
(ii) for claims submitted to arbitration under Article 10.16.1(b), by the
claimant’s and the enterprise’s written waivers,
of any right to initiate or continue before any administrative tribunal or court
under the law of either Party, or other dispute settlement procedures, any
proceeding with respect to the events alleged to give rise to the claimed
3. No claim may be submitted to arbitration, if the claimant referred to in
Article 10.16.1(a) or 10.16.1(b), has alleged the breach of an obligation under
Section A in proceedings before a court or an administrative tribunal of a
Party, or other binding dispute settlement procedure. For greater certainty, if
an investor elects to submit a claim, of the type previously described to a
court or administrative tribunal of the Party, that election shall be definitive
and the investor may not thereafter submit the claim to arbitration under this
Section. 4. Notwithstanding paragraph 2(b), the claimant (for claims brought under
Article 10.16.1(a)) and the claimant or the enterprise (for claims brought under
Article 10.16.1(b)) may initiate or continue an action that seeks interim
injunctive relief and does not involve the payment of monetary damages before a
judicial or administrative tribunal of the respondent, provided that the action
is brought for the sole purpose of preserving the claimant’s or the enterprise’s
rights and interests during the pendency of the arbitration. 5. Neither Party shall give diplomatic protection, or bring an international
claim, in respect of a dispute which one of its investors and the other Party
shall have consented to submit or have submitted to conciliation or arbitration
under Article 10.17, unless such other Party has failed to abide by and comply
with the award rendered in such dispute. Diplomatic protection, for the purposes
of this paragraph, shall not include informal diplomatic exchanges for the sole
purpose of facilitating a settlement of the dispute.
Article 10.19: Selection of Arbitrators 1. Unless the disputing parties otherwise agree, the tribunal shall comprise
three arbitrators, one arbitrator appointed by each of the disputing parties and
the third, who shall be the presiding arbitrator, appointed by agreement of the
disputing parties and who shall be a national of a third country. 2. Arbitrators shall have expertise or experience in public international law,
international trade or international investment rules, and be independent of,
and not be affiliated with or take instructions from, either Party or the
claimant. 3. The Secretary-General shall serve as appointing authority for an arbitration
under this Section. 4. If a tribunal has not been constituted within 75 days from the date that a
claim is submitted to arbitration under this Section, the Secretary-General, on
the request of a disputing party, shall appoint, in his or her discretion, the
arbitrator or arbitrators not yet appointed. 5. Pursuant to paragraph 1, where the disputing parties have agreed on a sole
arbitrator or each individual member of the tribunal and one or more of those
arbitrators has the nationality of one of the disputing parties, the appointment
shall be in writing. 6. Subject to paragraph 7:
(a) the costs of arbitration shall be born equally by the disputing parties
unless the tribunal decides otherwise; and (b) the prevailing ICSID rate for arbitrators shall apply.
7. The disputing parties may establish rules relating to expenses incurred by
the tribunal, including arbitrators’ remuneration. 8. Even without the consent of the tribunal that he or she was a member, where
any arbitrator appointed as provided for in this Section resigns or becomes
unable to act, a successor shall be appointed in the same manner as prescribed
for the appointment of the original arbitrator and the successor shall have all
the powers and duties of the original arbitrator.
Article 10.20: Conduct of the Arbitration 1. The disputing parties may agree on the legal place of any arbitration under
the arbitral rules applicable under Article 10.16.3(b), (c) or (d). If the
disputing parties fail to reach agreement, the tribunal shall determine the
place in accordance with the applicable arbitral rules, provided that the place
shall be in the territory of a State that is a party to the New York Convention. 2. The tribunal shall have the authority to accept and consider amicus curiae
written submissions that may assist the tribunal in evaluating the submissions
and arguments of the disputing parties from a person or entity that is not a
disputing party (the “submitter”). The submissions shall be provided in both
Spanish and English, and shall identify the submitter and any Party, other
government, person, or organisation, other than the submitter, that has
provided, or will provide, any financial or other assistance in preparing the
submission. Where such submissions are admitted by the tribunal, the tribunal
shall provide to the parties an opportunity to respond to such written
submissions. 3. Without prejudice to a tribunal’s authority to address other objections as a
preliminary question, such as an objection that a dispute is not within the
jurisdiction or the competence of the tribunal, a tribunal shall address and
decide as a preliminary question any objection by the respondent that the claim
is manifestly without legal merit.
(a) Such objection shall be submitted to the tribunal as soon as possible after
the tribunal is constituted, and in no event later than the date the tribunal
fixes for the respondent to submit its counter-memorial (or, in the case of an
amendment to the notice of arbitration referred to in Article 10.16.4, the date
the tribunal fixes for the respondent to submit its response to the amendment).
(b) On receipt of an objection under this paragraph, the tribunal shall suspend
any proceedings on the merits, establish a schedule for considering the
objection consistent with any schedule it has established for considering any
other preliminary question, and issue a decision or award on the objection,
stating the grounds therefor.
(c) The respondent does not waive any objection as to the jurisdiction or
competence of the tribunal or any argument on the merits merely because the
respondent did or did not raise an objection under this paragraph or make use of
the expedited procedure set out in the following paragraph.
4. In the event that the respondent so requests within 45 days after the
tribunal is constituted, the tribunal shall decide on an expedited basis an
objection under paragraph 3 or any objection that the dispute is not within the
tribunal’s jurisdiction or competence. The tribunal shall suspend any
proceedings on the merits and issue a decision or award on the objection(s),
stating the grounds therefor, no later than 150 days after the date of the
request. However, if a disputing party requests a hearing, the tribunal may take
an additional 30 days to issue the decision or award. Regardless of whether a
hearing is requested, a tribunal may, on a showing of extraordinary cause, delay
issuing its decision or award by an additional brief period of time, which may
not exceed 30 days. 5. When it decides a respondent’s objection under paragraph 3 or 4, the tribunal
may, if warranted, award to the prevailing disputing party reasonable costs and
attorneys’ fees incurred in submitting or opposing the objection. In determining
whether such an award is warranted, the tribunal shall consider whether either
the claimant’s claim or the respondent’s objection was frivolous, and shall
provide the disputing parties a reasonable opportunity to comment. 6. A respondent may not assert as a defence, counterclaim, right of set-off, or
otherwise that the claimant has received or will receive indemnification or
other compensation for all or part of the alleged loss or damages pursuant to an
insurance or guarantee contract. 7. A tribunal may order an interim measure of protection to preserve the rights
of a disputing party, or to ensure that the tribunal’s jurisdiction is made
fully effective, including an order to preserve evidence in the possession or
control of a disputing party or to protect the tribunal’s jurisdiction. A
tribunal may not order attachment or enjoin the application of a measure alleged
to constitute a breach referred to in Article 10.16. For the purposes of this
paragraph, an order includes a recommendation. 8. At the request of a disputing party, a tribunal shall, before issuing an
award on liability, transmit its proposed award to the disputing parties and to
the non-disputing Party. Within 60 days after the tribunal transmits its
proposed award, only the disputing parties may submit written comments to the
tribunal concerning any aspect of its proposed award. The tribunal shall
consider any such comments and issue its award not later than 45 days after the
expiration of the 60 day comment period.
Article 10.21: The non-disputing Party 1. No later than 30 days after the date that such documents have been delivered
to the respondent, the respondent shall deliver to the non-disputing Party a
copy of:
(a) the notice of intent referred to in Article 10.16.2; (b) the notice of arbitration referred to in Article 10.16.4; (c) pleadings, memorials, and briefs submitted to the tribunal by a disputing
party and any written submissions submitted pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 3 of
Article 10.20 and Article 10.26; (d) minutes or transcripts of hearings of the tribunal, where available; (e) orders, awards, and decisions of the tribunal; and (f) any other document submitted to the tribunal, including redacted versions of
confidential documents submitted in accordance with Article 10.22.
2. On written notice to the disputing parties, the non-disputing Party may make
a submission to a tribunal on any question of interpretation of this Agreement. 3. The non-disputing Party receiving confidential information pursuant to
paragraph 1 shall treat the information as if it were a disputing party.
Article 10.22: Transparency of Arbitral Proceedings 1. Subject to paragraphs 2 and 4, the respondent shall, after receiving the
following documents, make them available to the public at their cost:
(a) the notice of intent referred to in Article 10.16.2; (b) the notice of arbitration referred to in Article 10.16.4; (c) pleadings, memorials, and briefs submitted to the tribunal by a disputing
party and any written submissions submitted pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 3 of
Article 10.20, Article 10.21.2 and Article 10.26; (d) minutes or transcripts of hearings of the tribunal, where available; and
(e) orders, awards, and decisions of the tribunal.
2. The tribunal shall conduct hearings open to the public and shall determine,
in consultation with the disputing parties, the appropriate logistical
arrangements. However, any disputing party that intends to use information
designated as confidential business information or information that is
privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure under a Party’s law in a
hearing shall so advise the tribunal. The tribunal shall make appropriate
arrangements to protect the information from disclosure including closing the
hearing for the duration of any discussion of confidential information. 3. Nothing in this Section requires a respondent to disclose information which
would impede law enforcement or information that is privileged or otherwise
protected from disclosure under a Party’s law or to furnish or allow access to
information that it may withhold in accordance with Article 22.2 (Security
Exceptions – General Provisions and Exceptions Chapter) or Article 22.5
(Disclosure of Information – General Provisions and Exceptions Chapter). 4. Information that may be designated as confidential information is limited to
any sensitive factual information that is not available in the public domain.
5. Confidential business information or information that is privileged or
otherwise protected from disclosure under a Party’s law shall, if such
information is submitted to the tribunal, be protected from disclosure in
accordance with the following procedures:
(a) Subject to subparagraph (d), neither the disputing parties nor the tribunal
shall disclose to the non-disputing Party or to the public any confidential
business information or information that is privileged or otherwise protected
from disclosure under a Party’s law where the disputing party that provided the
information clearly designates it in accordance with subparagraph (b); (b) Any disputing party claiming that certain information constitutes
confidential business information or information that is privileged or otherwise
protected from disclosure under a Party’s law shall clearly designate the
information at the time it is submitted to the tribunal; (c) A disputing party shall, at the same time that it submits a document
containing information claimed to be confidential business information or
information that is privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure under a
Party’s law, submit a redacted version of the document that does not contain the
information. Only the redacted version shall be made public in accordance with
paragraph 1; and (d) The tribunal shall decide any objection regarding the designation of
information claimed to be confidential business information or information that
is privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure under a Party’s law. If the
tribunal determines that such information was not properly designated, the
disputing party that submitted the information may:
(i) withdraw all or part of its submission containing such information; or (ii) agree to resubmit complete and redacted documents with corrected
designations in accordance with the tribunal’s determination and subparagraph
In either case, the other disputing party shall, whenever necessary, resubmit
complete and redacted documents which either remove the information withdrawn
under subparagraph (d)(i) by the disputing party that first submitted the
information or redesignate the information consistent with the designation under
subparagraph (d)(ii) of the disputing party that first submitted the
6. A disputing party may disclose to other persons in connection with the
arbitral proceedings such confidential documents as it considers necessary for
the preparation of its case, but it shall require that any confidential
information in such documents is protected. 7. Nothing in this Section authorises a respondent to withhold from the public
information required to be disclosed by its laws.
Article 10.23: Governing Law 1. Subject to paragraph 2, when a claim is submitted under Article 10.16.1(a)
or Article 10.16.1(b), the tribunal shall decide the issues in dispute in
accordance with this Agreement and applicable rules of international law. 2. A decision of the Joint FTA Committee issuing its interpretation of a
provision of this Agreement under Article 20.1.3(f) (Joint FTA Committee –
Institutional Arrangements Chapter) shall be binding on a tribunal established
under this Section, and any award must be consistent with that decision.
Article 10.24: Interpretation of Annexes
1. Where a respondent asserts as a defence that the measure alleged to be a
breach is within the scope of a non-conforming measure set out in Annex I or
Annex II, the tribunal shall, on request of the respondent, request the
interpretation of the Joint FTA Committee on the issue. The Joint FTA Committee
shall submit in writing any decision issuing its interpretation under Article
20.1.3(f) (Joint FTA Committee – Institutional Arrangements Chapter) to the
tribunal within 60 days of delivery of the request. 2. A decision issued by the Joint FTA Committee under paragraph 1 shall be
binding on the tribunal, and any award must be consistent with that decision. If
the Joint FTA Committee fails to issue such a decision within 60 days, the
tribunal shall decide the issue.
Article 10.25: Expert Reports
Without prejudice to the appointment of other kinds of experts where authorised
by the applicable arbitration rules, a tribunal, at the request of a disputing
party or, unless the disputing parties disapprove, on its own initiative, may
appoint one or more experts to report to it in writing on any factual issue
concerning environmental, health, safety or other scientific matters raised by a
disputing party in a proceeding, subject to such terms and conditions as the
disputing parties may agree. Article 10.26: Consolidation
1. Where two or more claims have been submitted separately to arbitration under
Article 10.16.1 and the claims have a question of law or fact in common and
arise out of the same events or circumstances, any disputing party may seek a
consolidation order with the agreement of all the disputing parties sought to be
covered by the order or in accordance with the terms of paragraphs 2 to 10. 2. A disputing party that seeks a consolidation order under this Article shall
deliver, in writing, a request to the Secretary-General and to all the disputing
parties sought to be covered by the order and shall specify in the request:
(a) the names and addresses of all the disputing parties sought to be covered by
the order; (b) the nature of the order sought; and (c) the grounds on which the order is sought.
3. Unless the Secretary-General finds within 30 days after receiving a request
under paragraph 2 that the request is manifestly unfounded, a tribunal shall be
established under this Article. 4. Subject to paragraph 5, unless all the disputing parties sought to be covered
by the order otherwise agree, a tribunal established under this Article shall be
constituted in accordance with Article 10.19 except that, for the purpose of
Article 10.19.1, the claimants shall appoint a single arbitrator by agreement. 5. If, within 60 days after the Secretary-General receives a request made under
paragraph 2, the respondent fails or the claimants fail to appoint an arbitrator
in accordance with paragraph 4, the Secretary-General may be requested by any
disputing party sought to be covered by the order, to appoint the arbitrator or
arbitrators not yet appointed. If the respondent fails to appoint an arbitrator,
the arbitrator to be appointed by the Secretary-General may be a national of the
respondent, and if the claimants fail to appoint an arbitrator, the arbitrator
to be appointed by the Secretary-General may be a national of the Party other
than the respondent. 6. Where a tribunal established under this Article is satisfied that two or more
claims that have been submitted to arbitration under Article 10.16.1 have a
question of law or fact in common, and arise out of the same events or
circumstances, the tribunal may, in the interest of fair and efficient
resolution of the claims, and after hearing the disputing parties, by order:
(a) assume jurisdiction over, and hear and determine together, all or part of
the claims;
(b) assume jurisdiction over, and hear and determine one or more of the claims,
the determination of which it believes would assist in the resolution of the
others; or (c) instruct a tribunal previously established under Article 10.19 to assume
jurisdiction over, and hear and determine together, all or part of the claims,
provided that:
(i) that tribunal, at the request of any claimant not previously a disputing
party before that tribunal, shall be reconstituted with its original members,
except that the arbitrator for the claimants shall be appointed pursuant to
paragraphs 4 and 5; and (ii) that tribunal shall decide whether any prior hearing shall be repeated.
7. Where a tribunal has been established under this Article, a claimant that has
submitted a claim to arbitration under Article 10.16.1 and that has not been
named in a request made under paragraph 2 may make a written request to the
tribunal that it be included in any order made under paragraph 6, and shall
specify in the request:
(a) the name and address of the claimant; (b) the nature of the order sought; and (c) the grounds on which the order is sought.
The claimant shall deliver a copy of its request to the Secretary-General. 8. A tribunal established under this Article shall conduct its proceedings in
accordance with Section B of this Agreement. 9. A tribunal established under Article 10.19 shall not have jurisdiction to
decide a claim, or a part of a claim, over which a tribunal established or
instructed under this Article has assumed jurisdiction. 10. On application of a disputing party, a tribunal established under this
Article, pending its decision under paragraph 6, may order that the proceedings
of a tribunal established under Article 10.19 be stayed, unless the latter
tribunal has already adjourned its proceedings.
Article 11.1: Definitions
For the purposes of this Chapter:
(a) cost-oriented means
based on cost, and may include a reasonable profit, and may involve different
cost methodologies for different facilities or services; (b) dialing
parity means the ability of an end-user to use an equal number of digits to
access a like public telecommunications service, regardless of the public
telecommunications service supplier chosen by such end-user and in a way that
involves no unreasonable dialing delays; (c) end-user means a
final consumer of or subscriber to a public telecommunications service,
including a service supplier other than a supplier of public telecommunications
services; (d) essential facilities means facilities of a public
telecommunications network or service that:
(i) are exclusively or
predominantly provided by a single or limited number of suppliers,
and (ii) cannot feasibly be economically or technically substituted in
order to provide a service;
(e) interconnection means linking with
suppliers providing public telecommunications networks or services in order to
allow the users of one supplier to communicate with the users of another
supplier and to access services provided by another
supplier; (f) leased circuit means telecommunications facilities
between two or more designated points that are set aside for the dedicated use
of, or availability to, a particular customer or other
users; (g) major supplier means a supplier or suppliers which
alone or together have the ability to materially affect the terms of
participation (having regard to price and supply) in the relevant market for
public telecommunications networks or services as a result of control over
essential facilities or use of its position in the market; (h) network
element means a facility or equipment used in supplying a public
telecommunications service, including features, functions, and capabilities
provided by means of such a facility or equipment, which may include local loop,
sub loops and line sharing; (i) non-discriminatory means treatment
no less favourable than that accorded to any other user of like public
telecommunications networks or services in like
circumstances; (j) number portability means the ability of
end-users to retain existing telephone numbers when switching between suppliers
of like public telecommunications networks or services; (k) physical
co-location means physical access to space in order to install, maintain or
repair equipment at premises owned or controlled and used by a major supplier to
supply public telecommunications networks or services; (l) public
telecommunications network means the telecommunications infrastructure which
a Party requires to be used to provide telecommunications
services; (m) public telecommunications service means any
telecommunications service which a Party requires to be offered to the public
generally. Such services may include, inter alia, telephone and data
transmission typically involving customer-supplied information between two or
more points without any end-to-end change in the form or content of the
customer’s information; (n) regulatory decisions means
decisions by regulators made pursuant to authority conferred under domestic law
including in relation to:
(i) the making of rules for the
telecommunications industry excluding legislation and statutory
rules; (ii) the approval of terms and conditions, standards and codes to
apply in the telecommunications industry; (iii) the adjudication or other
resolution of disputes between suppliers of public telecommunications networks
or services; and (iv) licensing;
(o) telecommunications
means the transmission and reception of signals by any electromagnetic
means; (p) telecommunications regulatory body means any body or
bodies responsible for the regulation of telecommunications;
and (q) user means an end-user or a supplier of public
telecommunications networks or services.
Article 11.2: Scope and Coverage
1. This Chapter applies to:
(a) measures adopted or maintained by
a Party relating to access to and use of public telecommunications networks and
services; (b) measures adopted or maintained by a Party relating to
suppliers of public telecommunications networks and
services; (c) measures adopted or maintained by a Party relating to the
conduct of major suppliers; and (d) other measures relating to public
telecommunication networks or services.
2. In the event of any
inconsistency between this Chapter and another Chapter, this Chapter shall
prevail to the extent of the inconsistency. 3. Except to ensure that
enterprises operating broadcast stations and cable systems have continued access
to and use of public telecommunications networks and services, this Chapter does
not apply to measures that a Party adopts or maintains relating to broadcast or
cable distribution of radio or television programming. 4. Nothing in this
Chapter shall be construed as:
(a) requiring a Party to compel any
enterprise to establish, construct, acquire, lease, operate, or provide
telecommunications networks or services where such networks or services are not
offered to the public generally; (b) requiring a Party to compel any
enterprise exclusively engaged in the broadcast or cable distribution of radio
or television programming to make available its broadcast or cable facilities as
a public telecommunications network; or (c) preventing a Party from
prohibiting persons operating private networks from using their networks to
provide public telecommunications networks or services to third
Article 11.3: Access and Use
1. Each Party shall ensure that enterprises of the other Party have
access to and use of any public telecommunications network or service, including
leased circuits, offered in its territory or across its borders on a timely
basis and on terms and conditions that are reasonable and non-discriminatory
such as those set out in paragraphs 2 to 6. 2. Each Party shall ensure
that such enterprises are permitted to:
(a) purchase or lease, and attach
terminal or other equipment that interfaces with, a public telecommunications
network; (b) provide services to individual or multiple end-users over
leased or owned circuits; (c) connect owned or leased circuits with
public telecommunications networks and services in the territory, or across the
borders, of that Party, or with circuits leased or owned by another
enterprise; (d) perform switching, signaling, processing, and conversion
functions; and (e) use operating protocols of their
3. Each Party shall ensure that enterprises of the other Party
may use public telecommunications networks and services for the movement of
information in its territory or across its borders and for access to information
contained in databases or otherwise stored in machine-readable form in the
territory of either Party or any WTO Member. 4. Notwithstanding
paragraph 3, a Party may take such measures as are necessary
(a) ensure the security and confidentiality of messages;
or (b) protect the privacy of personal data of end users of public
telecommunications networks or services, subject to the requirement that
such measures are not applied in a manner that would constitute a means of
arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination or a disguised restriction on trade in
5. Each Party shall ensure that no condition is imposed on
access to and use of public telecommunications networks or services, other than
as necessary to:
(a) safeguard the public service responsibilities of
suppliers of public telecommunications networks or services, in particular their
ability to make their networks or services available to the public generally;
or (b) protect the technical integrity of public telecommunications
networks or services.
6. Provided that they satisfy the criteria set out
in paragraph 5, conditions for access to and use of public telecommunications
networks and services may include:
(a) a requirement to use specified
technical interfaces, including interface protocols, for inter-connection with
such networks and services; (b) requirements, where necessary, for the
inter-operability of such services; (c) type approval of terminal or
other equipment which interfaces with the network and technical requirements
relating to the attachment of such equipment to such networks;
and (d) notification, registration and licensing which, if adopted or
maintained, are transparent and applications processed without undue
Article 11.4: Interconnection
1. Each Party shall ensure suppliers of public telecommunications
networks or services in its territory provide, directly or indirectly,
interconnection with the suppliers of public telecommunications networks or
services of the other Party. 2. In carrying out paragraph 1, each Party
shall ensure that suppliers of public telecommunications networks or services in
its territory take reasonable steps to protect the confidentiality of
commercially sensitive information of, or relating to, suppliers and end-users
of public telecommunications networks or services and only use such information
for the purpose of providing those services.
Article 11.5: Number Portability
Each Party shall ensure that suppliers of public telecommunications
networks or services in its territory provide number portability, to the extent
technically and economically feasible, in a reasonable period of time and on
terms and conditions that are reasonable and non-discriminatory.
Article 11.6: Dialing Parity and Access to
Telephone Numbers
Each Party shall ensure that:
(a) its telecommunication regulatory
body has the authority to require that suppliers of public telecommunications
services in its territory provide dialing parity within the same category of
service to suppliers of public telecommunications services of the other Party;
and (b) suppliers of public telecommunications services of the other
Party are afforded non-discriminatory access to telephone
Article 11.7: Submarine Cable Systems Each Party shall ensure reasonable and non-discriminatory treatment for
access to submarine cable systems (including landing facilities) in its
territory, where a supplier is authorised to operate a submarine cable system as
a public telecommunications service.
Article 11.8: Major Supplier Competitive
Each Party shall maintain appropriate measures for the purpose of
preventing suppliers who, alone or together, are a major supplier in its
territory from engaging in or continuing anti-competitive practices, including
in particular:
(a) engaging in anti-competitive
cross-subsidisation; (b) using information obtained from competitors with
anti-competitive results; and (c) not making available, on a timely
basis, to suppliers of public telecommunications networks or services, technical
information about essential facilities and commercially relevant information
that are necessary for them to provide services.
Article 11.9: Treatment by Major
Each Party shall ensure that major suppliers in its territory accord
suppliers of public telecommunications networks and services of the other Party
treatment no less favourable than such major suppliers accord in like
circumstances to their subsidiaries, their affiliates or non-affiliated service
suppliers regarding:
(a) the availability, provisioning, rates, or
quality of like public telecommunications networks or services;
and (b) the availability of technical interfaces necessary for
Article 11.10: Interconnection with Major
General Terms and Conditions 1. Each Party shall ensure
that major suppliers in its territory provide interconnection for the facilities
and equipment of suppliers of public telecommunications networks or services of
the other Party:
(a) at any technically feasible point in the major
supplier’s network; (b) under non-discriminatory terms, conditions
(including technical standards and specifications), and
rates11-2; (c) of a quality
no less favourable than that provided by such major suppliers for their own like
services, for like services of non-affiliated service suppliers, or for like
service of their subsidiaries or other affiliates; (d) in a timely
fashion, on terms, conditions (including technical standards and
specifications), and cost-oriented
rates11-3 that are transparent,
reasonable, having regard to economic feasibility, and sufficiently unbundled so
that suppliers seeking interconnection need not pay for network components or
facilities that they do not require for the service to be provided;
and (e) on request, at points in addition to the network termination
points offered to the majority of users, subject to charges that reflect the
cost of construction of necessary additional facilities.
Options for
Interconnecting with Major Suppliers 2. Each Party shall ensure that
suppliers of public telecommunications networks or services of the other Party
may interconnect their facilities and equipment with those of major suppliers in
its territory pursuant to at least one of the following
(a) a reference
interconnection offer or another standard interconnection offer containing the
rates, terms, and conditions that the major supplier offers generally to
suppliers of public telecommunications networks or services;
(b) the
terms and conditions of an existing interconnection agreement;
or (c) through negotiation of a new interconnection
Public Availability of Procedures for Interconnection
Negotiations 3. Each Party shall ensure that applicable procedures
for interconnection negotiations with major suppliers in its territory are made
publicly available. Public Availability of Terms and Conditions for
Interconnection with Major Suppliers 4. Each Party shall ensure,
where interconnection is provided under paragraph 2(a), that the rates, terms,
and conditions are made publicly available.
Article 11.11: Resale
Each Party11-5 shall ensure
that major suppliers in its territory:
(a) offer for resale, at
reasonable rates, 11-6 to suppliers
of public telecommunications services of the other Party, public
telecommunications services that such major supplier provides at retail to end
users that are not suppliers of public telecommunications services;
and (b) do not impose unreasonable or discriminatory conditions or
limitations on the resale of such services.
Article 11.12: Unbundling of Network
Each Party shall provide its telecommunications regulatory body with the
authority to require that major suppliers in its territory provide suppliers of
public telecommunications networks and services of the other Party access to
network elements for the provision of public telecommunications networks or
services on an unbundled basis, and on terms and conditions and at cost-oriented
rates that are reasonable and non-discriminatory.
Article 11.13: Provisioning and Pricing of
Leased Circuits 1. Each Party shall ensure that major suppliers in its territory provide
enterprises of the other Party leased circuit services that are public
telecommunications networks or services in a reasonable period of time, on terms
and conditions, and at rates, that are reasonable and
non-discriminatory. 2. In carrying out paragraph 1, each Party shall
provide its telecommunications regulatory body the authority to require major
suppliers in its territory to offer such leased circuit services that are public
telecommunications networks or services to enterprises of the other Party at
capacity-based, cost-oriented prices.
Article 11.14: Co-location 1. Each Party shall ensure that major suppliers in its territory provide
to suppliers of public telecommunications services of the other Party physical
co-location of equipment necessary for interconnection or access to unbundled
network elements on a timely basis and on terms, conditions and at cost-oriented
rates that are reasonable and non-discriminatory. 2. Where physical
co-location is not practical for technical reasons or because of space
limitations, each Party shall ensure that major suppliers in its territory
provide alternative solution, which may include facilitating virtual
co-location, on a timely basis and on terms, conditions and at cost-oriented
rates that are reasonable and non-discriminatory. 3. Each Party may
determine, in accordance with its law and regulations, which premises in its
territory are subject to paragraphs 1 and 2.
Article 11.15: Access to Poles, Ducts,
Conduits, Transmission Towers, Underground Facilities and Rights of Way
Each Party shall maintain appropriate measures for the purpose of
preventing major suppliers in its territory from denying access to poles, ducts,
conduits, transmission towers, underground facilities and rights-of-way, or any
other structures deemed necessary by the Party, owned or controlled by such
major suppliers, to suppliers of public telecommunications networks or services
of the other Party in a manner which would constitute anti-competitive
practices. Article 11.16: Denial of Access Each Party shall ensure that any decision of the Party to deny access
will be provided with a clear and detailed written explanation.
Article 11.17: Independent Regulatory
1. Each Party shall ensure that any telecommunications regulatory body
that it establishes or maintains is independent and separate from, and not
accountable to, any supplier of public telecommunications networks or services.
To this end, each Party shall ensure that its telecommunications regulatory
bodies do not hold a financial interest or maintain an operating role in any
supplier of public telecommunications networks or services. 2. Each Party
shall ensure that the decisions and procedures of its telecommunications
regulatory body are impartial with respect to all interested persons. To this
end, each Party shall ensure that its regulatory body does not hold a financial
interest in any supplier of public telecommunications networks or services, and
that any financial interest that the Party holds in a supplier of a public
telecommunications networks or services does not influence the decisions and
procedures of its telecommunications regulatory body. 3. Each Party shall
ensure that the decisions of, and procedures used by, its telecommunications
regulatory bodies shall be fair and impartial and shall be made and implemented
without undue delay. Article 11.18: Flexibility in the Choice of
Technology Neither Party may prevent suppliers of public telecommunications networks
or services from choosing the technologies they wish to use to supply their
services, including packet-based services and commercial mobile wireless
services, subject to requirements necessary to satisfy legitimate public policy
interests, including protection of the technical integrity of public
telecommunications networks and services.
Article 11.19: Universal Service Each Party shall administer any universal service obligation that it
maintains in a transparent, non-discriminatory, and competitively neutral manner
and shall ensure that its universal service obligation is not more burdensome
than necessary for the kind of universal service that it has
defined. Article 11.20: Licensing Process 1. When a Party requires a supplier of public telecommunications networks
or services to have a licence, the Party shall make publicly
available: (a) all the licensing criteria and procedures it applies,
including any standard terms and conditions of the licence; (b) the time
it normally requires to reach a decision concerning an application for a
licence; and (c) the terms and conditions of individual
licences. 2. Each Party shall ensure that, on request, an applicant
receives the reasons for the denial of a licence. 3. Each Party shall
ensure that licensing requirements for suppliers of telecommunications networks
or services of the other Party are applied in a way that is not more burdensome
than necessary. Article 11.21: Allocation and Use of Scarce
Telecommunications Resources 1. Each Party shall administer its procedures for the allocation and use
of scarce telecommunications resources, including frequencies, numbers, and
rights of way, in an objective, timely, transparent, and non-discriminatory
manner. 2. Each Party shall make publicly available the current state of
allocated frequency bands but shall not be required to provide detailed
identification of frequencies assigned for specific government
uses. 3. For greater clarity, measures regarding the allocation and
assignment of spectrum and regarding frequency management are not measures that
are per se inconsistent with Article 9.5 (Market Access –
Cross-Border Trade in Services Chapter), which is applied to Chapter 10
(Investment) through Article 9.2.2 (Scope and Coverage – Cross-Border
Trade in Services Chapter). Accordingly, each Party retains the right to
establish and apply its spectrum and frequency management policies, which may
limit the number of suppliers of public telecommunications networks or services,
provided that it does so in a manner that is consistent with this Agreement.
Each Party also retains the right to allocate frequency bands taking into
account current and future needs. 4. When making a spectrum allocation
for non-governmental telecommunications networks or services, each Party shall
endeavour to rely on an open and transparent public comment process that
considers the overall public interest. Each Party shall endeavour to rely
generally on market-based approaches in assigning spectrum for terrestrial
non-governmental telecommunications networks or services.
Article 11.22: Enforcement 1. Each Party shall provide its relevant regulatory body with the
authority to enforce compliance with the Party’s measures relating to the
obligations set out in Articles 11.3 to 11.15 and Articles 11.20 to
11.23. 2. Such authority to enforce compliance shall include the ability
to impose, or seek from administrative or judicial bodies, effective sanctions,
which may include financial penalties, or the modification, suspension, and
revocation of licences.
Article 11.23: Resolution of Telecommunications
Disputes and Appeal Processes Each Party shall ensure that: Recourse to a telecommunications
regulatory body
(a) enterprises of the other Party may seek timely
review by a telecommunications regulatory body or other relevant body to resolve
disputes regarding the Party’s measures relating to a matter set out in
Articles 11.3 to 11.15 and Articles 11.20 to 11.23; (b) suppliers of
public telecommunications networks or services of the other Party that have
requested interconnection with a major supplier in its territory may have
recourse, within a reasonable and publicly available period of time after the
supplier requests interconnection, to a national telecommunications regulatory
body or other relevant body to resolve disputes regarding the terms, conditions,
and rates for interconnection with such major supplier;
(c) any enterprise that is aggrieved or whose interests are
adversely affected by a determination or decision of the Party’s
telecommunications regulatory body may obtain judicial review of such
determination or decision by an impartial and independent judicial authority;
and (d) the making of an application for judicial review shall not have the
effect of delaying the coming into operation of the telecommunications
regulatory body’s decision or determination, or of suspending the
operation of the decision or determination, unless otherwise determined
by the relevant judicial body.
Article 11.24: Transparency
Further to Chapter 19 (Transparency), each Party shall ensure
(a) regulatory decisions, including the basis for such decisions,
of its telecommunications regulatory body are promptly published or otherwise
made available to all interested persons; (b) its measures relating to
public telecommunications networks or services are made publicly available,
(i) tariffs and other terms and conditions of
service; (ii) requirements for judicial review following a regulatory
decision; (iii) specifications of technical
interfaces; (iv) conditions for attaching terminal or other equipment to
public telecommunications networks; (v) notification, permit,
registration, or licensing requirements, if any; and (vi) measures of
bodies responsible for preparing, amending, and adopting standards-related
measures affecting access and use.
Article 11.25: Industry Participation
Each Party shall facilitate consultation with suppliers of public
telecommunications networks or services of the other Party operating in its
territory in the development of telecommunications policy, regulations and
standards in a manner that is open to any participant in the telecommunications
industry in the territory of that Party.
Article 11.26: International Standards
The Parties recognise the importance of international standards for
global compatibility and interoperability of telecommunications networks and
services, and undertake to promote such standards through the work of relevant
international bodies, including the International Telecommunication Union and
the International Organization for Standardization.
Article 12.1: Definitions
For the purposes of this Chapter:
(a) cross-border financial
service supplier of a Party means a person of a Party that is engaged in the
business of supplying a financial service within the territory of the Party and
that seeks to supply or supplies a financial service through the cross-border
supply of such services; b) cross-border trade in
financial services or cross-border supply of financial services means
the supply of a financial service:
(i) from the territory of one
Party into the territory of the other Party; (ii) in the territory of a
Party by a person of that Party to a person of the other Party;
or (iii) by a national of a Party in the territory of the other
but does not include the supply of a service in the territory of a
Party by an investment in that territory;
(c) financial
institution means any financial intermediary or other enterprise that is
authorised to do business and regulated or supervised as a financial institution
under the law of the Party in whose territory it is
located; (d) financial institution of the other Party means a
financial institution, including a branch, located in the territory of a Party
that is controlled by persons of the other Party; (e) financial
service means any service of a financial nature. Financial services include
all insurance and insurance-related services, and all banking and other
financial services (excluding insurance), as well as services incidental or
auxiliary to a service of a financial nature. Financial services include the
following activities:
Insurance and insurance-related
services (i) direct insurance (including
(A) life;
(B) non-life;
(ii) reinsurance
and retrocession; (iii) insurance intermediation, such as brokerage and
agency; (iv) service auxiliary to insurance, such as consultancy,
actuarial, risk assessment, and claim settlement services;
Banking and
other financial services (excluding insurance) (v) acceptance of
deposits and other repayable funds from the
public; vi) lending of all types, including consumer
credit, mortgage credit, factoring and financing of commercial
transactions; (vii) financial leasing; (viii) all payment and
money transmission services, including credit, charge and debit cards,
travellers cheques, and bankers drafts; (ix) guarantees and
commitments; (x) trading for own account or for account of customers,
whether on an exchange, in an over-the-counter market, or otherwise, the
(A) money market instruments (including cheques, bills,
certificates of deposits); (B) foreign exchange; (C) derivative
products including, futures and options; (D) exchange rate and interest
rate instruments, including products such as swaps, forward rate
agreements; (E) transferable securities; (F) other negotiable
instruments and financial assets, including bullion;
(xi) participation
in issues of all kinds of securities, including underwriting and placement as
agent (whether publicly or privately) and provision of services related to such
issues; (xii) money broking; (xiii) asset management, such as cash
or portfolio management, all forms of collective investment management, pension
fund management, custodial, depository, and trust
services; (xiv) settlement and clearing services for financial assets,
including securities, derivative products, and other negotiable
instruments; (xv) provision and transfer of financial information, and
financial data processing and related software by suppliers of other financial
services; (xvi) advisory, intermediation, and other
auxiliary financial services on all the activities listed in subparagraphs (v)
to (xv), including credit reference and analysis, investment and portfolio
research and advice, advice on acquisitions and on corporate restructuring and
(f) financial service supplier of a Party means a
person of a Party that is engaged in the business of supplying a financial
service within the territory of that Party; (g) investment means
“investment” as defined in Article 10.1(j) (Definitions –
Investment Chapter), except that, with respect to “loans” and
“debt instruments” referred to in that Article:
(i) a loan
to or debt instrument issued by a financial institution is an investment only
where it is treated as regulatory capital by the Party in whose territory the
financial institution is located; and
(ii) a loan granted by or debt
instrument owned by a financial institution, other than a loan to or debt
instrument of a financial institution referred to in subparagraph (i), is not an
for greater certainty: (iii) a loan to, or debt
instrument issued by, a Party or a state enterprise is not an investment; and
(iv) a loan granted by or debt instrument owned by a cross-border
financial service supplier, other than a loan to or debt instrument issued by a
financial institution, is an investment if such loan or debt instrument meets
the criteria for investments set out in Article 10.1(j) (Definitions –
Investment Chapter);
(h) investor of a Party means an
“investor of a Party” as defined in Article 2.1(o) (Definitions of
General Application – General Definitions Chapter); (i) new
financial service means a financial service not supplied in the
Party’s territory that is supplied within the territory of the other
Party, and includes any new form of delivery of a financial service or the sale
of a financial product that is not sold in the Party’s
territory; (j) person of a Party means “person of a
Party” as defined in Article 2.1(t) (Definitions of General Application
– General Definitions Chapter) and, for greater certainty, does not
include a branch of an enterprise of a non-Party; (k) public
entity means a central bank or monetary authority of a Party, or any
financial institution owned or controlled by a Party;
and (l) self-regulatory organisation means any non-governmental
body, including any securities or futures exchange or market, clearing agency,
other organisation or association, that exercises its own or delegated
regulatory or supervisory authority over financial service suppliers or
financial institutions.
Article 12.2: Scope and Coverage
1. This Chapter applies to measures adopted or maintained by a Party
relating to:
(a) financial institutions of the other
Party; (b) investors of the other Party, and investments of such
investors, in financial institutions in the Party’s territory;
and (c) cross-border trade in financial services.
2. Articles 9.10
(Denial of Benefits – Cross-Border Trade in Services Chapter), 10.10
(Transfers – Investment Chapter), 10.11 (Expropriation and Compensation
– Investment Chapter), 10.12 (Special Formalities and Information
Requirements – Investment Chapter) and 10.13 (Denial of Benefits –
Investment Chapter) are hereby incorporated into and made a part of this Chapter
mutatis mutandis12-1.
Section B of Chapter 10 (Investment) is hereby incorporated into and made a part
of this Chapter solely for breaches by a Party of Articles 10.10 to 10.13, as
incorporated in this Chapter. No other provision of Chapter 9 (Cross-Border
Trade in Services) or Chapter 10 (Investment) shall apply to a measure described
in paragraph 1. 3. This Chapter does not apply to measures adopted or
maintained by a Party relating to:
(a) activities or services forming
part of a public retirement plan or statutory system of social security;
or (b) activities or services conducted for the account or with the
guarantee or using the financial resources of the Party, including its public
except that this Chapter shall apply if a Party allows any of
the activities or services referred to in subparagraphs (a) or (b) to be
conducted by its financial institutions in competition with a public entity or a
financial institution.
Article 12.3: National Treatment
1. Each Party shall accord to investors of the other Party treatment no
less favourable than that it accords to its own investors, in like
circumstances, with respect to the establishment, acquisition, expansion,
management, conduct, operation, and sale or other disposition of financial
institutions and investments in financial institutions in its
territory. 2. Each Party shall accord to financial
institutions of the other Party and to investments of investors of the other
Party in financial institutions treatment no less favourable than that it
accords to its own financial institutions, and to investments of its own
investors in financial institutions, in like circumstances, with respect to the
establishment, acquisition, expansion, management, conduct, operation, and sale
or other disposition of financial institutions and investments. 3. For
purposes of the national treatment obligations in Article 12.6.1, a Party shall
accord to cross-border financial service suppliers of the other Party treatment
no less favourable than that it accords to its own financial service suppliers,
in like circumstances, with respect to the supply of the relevant
Article 12.4: Most-Favoured-Nation
Each Party shall accord to investors of the other Party, financial
institutions of the other Party, investments of investors in financial
institutions, and cross-border financial service suppliers of the other Party
treatment no less favourable than that it accords to the investors, financial
institutions, investments of investors in financial institutions, and
cross-border financial service suppliers of a non-Party, in like
Article 12.5: Market Access for Financial
A Party shall not adopt or maintain, with respect to investors of the
other Party, either on the basis of a regional subdivision or on the basis of
its entire territory, measures that:
(a) impose
(i) on the number of financial institutions, whether in the
form of numerical quotas, monopolies, exclusive service suppliers, or the
requirement of an economic needs test; (ii) on the total value of
financial service transactions or assets in the form of numerical quotas or the
requirement of an economic needs test; (iii) on the total number of
financial service operations or on the total quantity of financial services
output expressed in terms of designated numerical units in the form of quotas or
the requirement of an economic needs test;
12-2 or (iv) on the total number
of natural persons that may be employed in a particular financial service sector
or that a financial institution may employ and who are necessary for, and
directly related to, the supply of a specific financial service in the form of
numerical quotas or the requirement of an economic needs test;
(b) restrict or require specific types of legal entity or joint
venture through which a financial institution may supply a service.
Article 12.6: Cross-Border Trade
1. Each Party shall permit, under terms and conditions that accord
national treatment, cross-border financial service suppliers of the other Party
to supply the financial services specified in Annex 12-A. 2. Each Party
shall permit persons located in its territory, and its nationals wherever
located, to purchase financial services from cross-border financial service
suppliers of the other Party located in the territory of the other Party. This
obligation does not require a Party to permit such suppliers to do business or
solicit in its territory. Each Party may define “doing business”
and “solicitation” for purposes of this Article as long as such
definitions are not inconsistent with the obligations of paragraph
1. 3. Without prejudice to other means of prudential regulation of
cross-border trade in financial services, a Party may require the registration
of cross-border financial service suppliers of the other Party and of financial
Article 12.7: New Financial Services12-3
1. Each Party shall permit a financial institution of the other Party, on
request or notification to the relevant regulator, where required, to supply any
new financial service that the first Party would permit its own financial
institutions, in like circumstances, to supply under its domestic law, provided
that the introduction of the financial service does not require the Party to
adopt a new law or modify an existing law. 2. Notwithstanding Article
12.5(b), a Party may determine the institutional and juridical form through
which the new financial service may be supplied and may require authorisation
for the supply of the service. Where a Party requires authorisation to supply a
new financial service, the decision shall be made within a reasonable time and
authorisation may only be refused for prudential reasons.
Article 12.8: Treatment of Certain
Nothing in this Chapter requires a Party to furnish or allow access
(a) information related to the financial affairs and accounts of
individual customers of financial institutions or cross-border financial service
suppliers; or (b) any confidential information, the disclosure of which
would impede law enforcement or otherwise be contrary to the public interest or
prejudice legitimate commercial interests of particular enterprises.
Article 12.9: Senior Management and Boards of
1. Neither Party may require financial institutions of the other Party to
engage individuals of any particular nationality as senior managerial or other
essential personnel. 2. Neither Party may require that more than a
minority of the board of directors of a financial institution of the other Party
be composed of nationals of the Party, persons residing in the territory of the
Party, or a combination thereof.
Article 12.10: Non-Conforming Measures
1. Articles 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.6 and 12.9 do not apply
(a) any existing non-conforming measure that is maintained by a Party
i) the central level of government, as set out by that Party in
Section 1 of its Schedule to Annex III of non-conforming measures;
(ii) a regional level of government, as set out by that Party in Section
1 of its Schedule to Annex III of non-conforming measures; or (iii) a
local level of government.
(b) the continuation or prompt renewal of any
non-conforming measure referred to in subparagraph (a); or (c) an
amendment to any non-conforming measure referred to in subparagraph (a) to the
extent that the amendment does not decrease the conformity of the measure, as it
(i) immediately before the amendment, with Articles 12.3, 12.4
and 12.9; or (ii) on the date of entry into force of the Agreement, with
Articles 12.5 and 12.6.
2. Articles 12.3 to 12.6 and Article 12.9 do not
apply to any non-conforming measure that a Party adopts or maintains with
respect to sectors, sub-sectors, or activities, in accordance with Section 2 of
its Schedule to Annex III of non-conforming
measures. 3. Annex 12-B sets out certain specific
commitments by each Party. 4. Where a Party has set out a non-conforming
measure to Articles 9.3 (National Treatment – Cross-Border-Trade in
Services Chapter), 9.4 (Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment – Cross-Border
Trade in Services Chapter), 9.5 (Market Access – Cross-Border Trade in
Services Chapter), 10.3 (National Treatment – Investment Chapter), 10.4
(Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment – Investment Chapter), or 10.8 (Senior
Management and Boards of Directors – Investment Chapter) in its Schedule
to Annex I or Annex II, the non-conforming measure shall be deemed to constitute
a non-conforming measure to Articles 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.6 or 12.9, as the case
may be, to the extent that the measure, sector, sub-sector or activity set out
in the non-conforming measure is covered by this Chapter.
Article 12.11: Exceptions
1. Nothing in this Chapter or Chapter 9 (Cross-Border Trade in Services),
Chapter 10 (Investment), Chapter 11 (Telecommunications), including specifically
Article 11.2.2 (Scope and Coverage – Telecommunications Chapter), Chapter
14 (Competition Policy) or Chapter 16 (Electronic Commerce) of this Agreement
shall prevent a Party from adopting or maintaining measures for
prudential reasons 12-4, including
for the protection of investors, depositors, policy holders, or persons to whom
a fiduciary duty is owed by a financial institution or cross-border financial
service supplier, or to ensure the integrity and stability of the financial
system. Where such measures do not conform with the provisions of this Agreement
referred to in this paragraph, they shall not be used as a means of avoiding the
Party's obligations under such
2. Nothing
in this Chapter or, Chapter 9 (Cross-Border Trade in Services), Chapter 10
(Investment), Chapter 11 (Telecommunications), including specifically Article
11.2.2 (Scope and Coverage – Telecommunications Chapter), Chapter 14
(Competition Policy) or Chapter 16 (Electronic Commerce) of this Agreement
applies to non-discriminatory measures of general application taken by any
public entity in pursuit of monetary and related credit policies or exchange
rate policies. This paragraph shall not affect a Party’s obligations
under Article 10.7 (Performance Requirements – Investment Chapter) with
respect to measures covered by Chapter 10 (Investment), or under Article 10.10
(Transfers – Investment Chapter). 3. Notwithstanding Article 10.10
(Transfers – Investment Chapter), as incorporated into this
Chapter, a Party may prevent or limit transfers by a financial institution or
cross-border financial service supplier to, or for the benefit of, an affiliate
of or person related to such institution or supplier, through the equitable,
non-discriminatory and good faith application of measures relating to
maintenance of the safety, soundness, integrity, or financial responsibility of
financial institutions or cross-border financial service suppliers. This
paragraph does not prejudice any other provision of this Agreement that permits
a Party to restrict transfers. 4. For greater certainty, nothing in this
Chapter shall be construed to prevent the adoption or enforcement by a Party of
measures necessary to secure compliance with laws or regulations that are not
inconsistent with this Chapter, including those relating to the prevention of
deceptive and fraudulent practices or to deal with the effects of a default on
financial services contracts, subject to the requirement that such measures are
not applied in a manner which would constitute a means of arbitrary or
unjustifiable discrimination between countries where like conditions prevail, or
a disguised restriction on investment in financial institutions or cross-border
trade in financial services as covered by this Chapter.
Article 12.12: Recognition
1. A Party may recognise prudential measures of a non-Party in the
application of measures covered by this Chapter. Such recognition may
(a) accorded autonomously; (b) achieved through harmonisation
or other means; or (c) based upon an agreement or arrangement with the
2. A Party according recognition of prudential measures under
paragraph 1 shall provide adequate opportunity to the other Party to demonstrate
that circumstances exist in which there are or would be equivalent regulation,
oversight, implementation of regulation and, if appropriate, procedures
concerning the sharing of information between the Parties. 3. Where a
Party accords recognition of prudential measures under paragraph 1(c) and the
circumstances set out in paragraph 2 exist, the Party shall provide adequate
opportunity to the other Party to negotiate accession to the agreement or
arrangement, or to negotiate a comparable agreement or arrangement.
Article 12.13: Transparency
1. The Parties recognise that transparent regulations and policies and
reasonable, objective and impartial administration governing the activities of
financial institutions and financial service suppliers are important in
facilitating both access of financial institutions and financial service
suppliers to, and their operations in, each other’s markets.
2.Each Party shall ensure that all measures of general
application to which this Chapter applies are administered in a reasonable,
objective and impartial manner. 3. In lieu of Article 19.3 (Publication
– Transparency Chapter), each Party shall, to the extent
(a) publish in advance any regulations of general
application relating to the subject matter of this Chapter that it proposes to
adopt; and (b) provide interested persons and the other
Party a reasonable opportunity to comment on such proposed
4. Each Party’s regulatory authorities shall make
publicly available their requirements, including any documentation required, for
completing applications relating to the supply of financial
services. 5. On the request of an applicant, a Party’s regulatory
authority shall inform the applicant of the status of its application. If such
authority requires additional information from the applicant, it shall notify
the applicant without undue delay. 6. A regulatory authority shall make
an administrative decision on a completed application of an investor in a
financial institution, a financial institution, or a cross-border financial
service supplier of the other Party relating to the supply of a financial
service within 120 days, and shall promptly notify the applicant of the
decision. An application shall not be considered complete until all relevant
hearings are held and all necessary information is received. Where it is not
practicable for a decision to be made within 120 days, the regulatory authority
shall notify the applicant without undue delay and shall endeavour to make the
decision within a reasonable time thereafter. 7.On the request of
an unsuccessful applicant, a regulatory authority that has denied an application
shall, to the extent practicable, inform the applicant of the reasons for denial
of the application in writing. 8. Each Party shall maintain or establish
appropriate mechanisms that will respond to inquiries from interested persons
regarding measures of general application covered by this
Chapter. 9. Each Party shall ensure that the rules of general application
adopted or maintained by self-regulatory organisations of the Party are promptly
published or otherwise made available in such a manner as to enable interested
persons to become acquainted with them. 10. To the extent practicable,
each Party should allow reasonable time between publication of final regulations
and their effective date. 11. At the time it adopts final regulations, a
Party should, to the extent practicable, address in writing substantive comments
received from interested persons with respect to the proposed
Article 12.14: Self-Regulatory
Where a Party requires a financial institution or a cross-border
financial service supplier of the other Party to be a member of, participate in,
or have access to, a self-regulatory organisation to provide a financial service
in or into the territory of that Party, the Party shall ensure observance of the
obligations of this Chapter by such self-regulatory organisation.
Article 12.15: Payment and
Clearing Systems
Under terms and conditions that accord national treatment, each Party
shall grant to financial institutions of the other Party established in its
territory access to payment and clearing systems operated by public entities,
and to official funding and refinancing facilities available in the normal
course of ordinary business. This Article is not intended to confer access to
the Party’s lender of last resort facilities.
Article 12.16: Financial Services
1. The Parties hereby establish a Financial Services Committee.
2. The Committee may meet at the request of either Party to discuss any
matter arising under this Agreement that affects financial
services. 3. The Committee shall be headed by officials of the
authorities specified in Annex 12-C.
Article 12.17: Dispute Settlement
1. Chapter 21 (Dispute Settlement Chapter) applies as modified by this
Article to the settlement of disputes arising under this Chapter. 2. A
Party may request in writing consultations with the other Party regarding any
matter on the implementation, interpretation, application or operation of this
Chapter. 3. Consultations under this Article shall be headed by
officials of the authorities specified in Annex 12-C. 4. Upon initiation
of consultations, the Parties shall provide information and give confidential
treatment to the information exchanged in accordance with Article 22.5
(Disclosure of Information – General Provisions and Exceptions
Chapter). 5. Nothing in this Article shall be construed to require
regulatory authorities participating in consultations to disclose information or
take any action that would interfere with specific regulatory, supervisory,
administrative or enforcement matters. 6. Nothing in this Article shall
be construed to require a Party to derogate from its relevant law regarding
sharing of information among financial regulators or the requirements of an
agreement or arrangement between financial authorities of the
Parties. 7. Panelists on panels constituted for disputes arising under
this Chapter shall meet the requirements set out in Article 21.7 (Compositions
of Arbitral Panels – Dispute Settlement Chapter) and shall also have
expertise or experience in financial services law or practice, which may include
the regulation of financial institutions. 8. Consistent with Article
21.12 (Non-Implementation – Compensation and Suspension of Concessions or
other Obligations – Dispute Settlement Chapter), in any dispute where a
panel finds a measure to be inconsistent with the obligations of this Agreement
and the measure affects:
(a) only the financial services sector, the
complaining Party may suspend benefits only in the financial services
sector; (b) the financial services sector and any other sector, the
complaining Party may suspend benefits in the financial services sector that
have an effect equivalent to the effect of the measures in the Party’s
financial services sector; or (c) only a sector other than the financial
services sector, the complaining Party may not suspend benefits in the financial
services sector.
Article 12.18: Investment Disputes in Financial
1. Where an investor of one Party submits a claim under Article 10.16
(Submission of a Claim to Arbitration – Investment Chapter) to arbitration
under Section B of Chapter 10 (Investment) against the other Party and the
respondent invokes Article 12.11, on the request of the respondent, the tribunal
shall refer the matter in writing to the Parties for discussions under
Article 12.16. Subject to paragraph 4, the tribunal may not proceed pending
receipt of a decision or report under this Article. 2. In a referral
pursuant to paragraph 1, the Parties shall decide whether reliance on Article
12.11 is justified. The Parties shall transmit a copy of their decision to the
tribunal. The decision shall be binding on the tribunal. 3. Where
the Parties have not decided the issue within 60 days of the receipt of the
referral under paragraph 1, either Party may institute dispute settlement
proceedings under Article 12.17. The panel shall be constituted in accordance
with Article 12.17. 4. Where no request for dispute settlement
proceedings has been made within 10 days of the expiration of the 60 day period
referred to in paragraph 3, the tribunal may proceed to decide the
matter. 5. Where the parties resolve or seek resolution of the issues
through dispute settlement proceedings, the decision of the arbitral panel shall
be binding on the tribunal.
Insurance and insurance-related services 1. For
Australia, Article 12.6.1 applies to the cross-border supply of or trade in
financial services as defined in Article 12.1(b)(i) with respect
(a) insurance of risks relating to:
(i) maritime shipping and
commercial aviation and space launching and freight (including satellites), with
such insurance to cover any or all of the following: the goods being
transported, the vehicle transporting the goods and any liability arising there
from; and (ii) goods in international transit;
(b) reinsurance and
retrocession, and services auxiliary to insurance as referred to in Article
12.1(e)(ii) and (iv); and (c) insurance intermediation, such as brokerage
and agency as referred to in Article 12.1(e)(iii) in relation to the services in
subparagraphs (a) and (b).
2. For Chile, Article 12.6.1 applies to the
cross-border supply of or trade in financial services as defined in Article
12.1(b)(i) with respect to:
(a) insurance of risk relating
(i) international maritime transport and international commercial
aviation, with such insurance to cover any or all of the following: the goods
being transported, the vehicle transporting the goods, and any liability
deriving there from; and (ii) goods in international
(b) brokerage of insurance of risks relating to subparagraph
(a)(i) and (a)(ii); and (c) reinsurance and retrocession; reinsurance
brokerage; and consultancy, actuarial, and risk
Banking and other financial services (excluding
3. For Australia, Article 12.6.1 applies with respect
to the provision and transfer of financial information and financial data
processing and related software as referred to in Article 12.1(e)(xv), and
advisory and other auxiliary services, excluding intermediation, relating to
banking and other financial services as referred to in Article
12.1(e)(xvi). 4. For Chile, Article 12.6.1 applies with respect
(a) provision and transfer of financial information as described in
Article 12.1(e)(xv); (b) financial data processing as described in
Article 12.1(e)(xv),subject to prior authorisation from the relevant regulator,
as required; 12-6
and (c) advisory and other auxiliary financial services, excluding
intermediation and credit reference and analysis, relating to banking and other
financial services as described in Article
5. Notwithstanding subparagraph 4(c), in the event that
after the date of entry into force of this Agreement Chile allows credit
reference and analysis to be supplied by cross-border financial service
suppliers, it shall accord national treatment (as specified in Article 12.3.3)
to cross-border financial service suppliers of Australia. Nothing in this
commitment shall be construed to prevent Chile from subsequently restricting or
prohibiting the supply of credit reference and analysis services by cross-border
financial service suppliers. 6. It is understood that Chile’s
commitments on cross-border investment advisory services shall not, in and of
themselves, be construed to require Chile to permit the public offering of
securities (as defined under its relevant law) in it’s territory by
cross-border suppliers of Australia who supply or seek to supply such investment
advisory services. Chile may subject the cross-border suppliers of investment
advisory services to regulatory and registration requirements.
Section A Pension Funds Management
1. Notwithstanding
the inclusion of the non-conforming measures of Chile in Annex III, Section 2,
referring to social services, Chile, with respect to the establishment by an
investor of Australia:
(a) shall permit such an investor that does not
own or control an Administradora de Fondos de Pensiones under Decreto
Ley 3.500 to establish or acquire in Chile an Administradora de Fondos de
Pensiones to supply the financial services that such an institution may
supply under Chile’s domestic law at the time of establishment, without
the imposition of numerical restrictions or of an economic needs test;
and (b) as required by its domestic law, shall not establish arbitrary
differences with respect to such an investor in Administradora de Fondos de
Pensiones under Decreto Ley 3.500.
2. No other modification
of the effect of the non-conforming measures referring to social services is
intended or shall be construed under this paragraph. 3. The specific
commitments of Chile under paragraph 1 are subject to the headnotes and
non-conforming measures set forth in Annex III of Chile with respect to
financial services. 4. For the purposes of this Annex:
(a) an
“investor of Australia” means an investor of Australia engaged in
the business of providing banking and other financial services (excluding
insurance) in Australia; and (b) “numerical restrictions”
means limitations imposed, either on the basis of a regional subdivision or on
the basis of the entire territory, on the number of financial institutions
whether in the form of numerical quotas, monopolies, exclusive service suppliers
or the requirements of an economic needs test.
B: Voluntary Savings Plans; Non-Discriminatory Treatment of Australian
1. Notwithstanding the inclusion of the non-conforming
measures of Chile in Annex III, Section 2, referring to social services, with
respect to voluntary savings pension plans established under Ley 19.768,
Chile shall extend the obligations of Article 12.3.1 and 12.3.2 and of Article
12.4 to financial institutions of Australia, investors of Australia, and
investments of such investors in financial institutions established in Chile.
2. Notwithstanding the inclusion of the nonconforming measures of Chile
in Annex III, Section 2, referring to social services, Chile, as required by its
domestic law, shall not establish arbitrary differences with respect to
Australian investors in Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones under
Decreto Ley 3.500. Section C: Portfolio
1. A Party shall allow a financial institution (other than
a trust company or insurance company) organised outside its territory to provide
investment advice and portfolio management services, excluding (1) custodial
services, (2) trustee services and (3) execution services that are not related
to managing a collective investment scheme, to a collective investment scheme
located in its territory. This commitment is subject to Article 12.2 and to
Article 12.6.3, regarding the right to require registration, without prejudice
to other means of prudential regulation. 2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1,
a Party may require the collective investment scheme located in the
Party’s territory to retain ultimate responsibility for the management of
the collective investment scheme or the funds it manages. 3. For the
purposes of paragraph 1 and 2, a collective investment scheme
(a) in Australia, a managed investment scheme as defined under
section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), other than a managed
investment scheme operated in contravention of subsection 601ED (5) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), or an entity that:
(i) carries on a
business of investment in securities, interests in land, or other investments;
and (ii) in the course of carrying on that business, invests funds
subscribed, whether directly or indirectly, after an offer or invitation to the
public (within the meaning of section 82 of the Corporations Act 2001
(Cth)) made on terms that the funds subscribed would be invested;
(b) in Chile, the following fund management companies subject to
supervision by the Superintendencia de Valores y
(i) Compañías Administradoras de Fondos
Mutuos (Decreto Ley 1.328 de 1976); (ii) Compañías
Administradoras de Fondos de Inversión (Ley 18.815 de
1989); (iii) Compañías Administradoras de Fondos de
Inversión de Capital Extranjero (Ley 18.657 de
1987); (iv) Compañías Administradoras de Fondos para la
Vivienda (Ley 18.281 de 1993); and (v) Compañías
Administradoras Generales de Fondos (Ley 18.045 de 1981).
The authority of each Party responsible for financial services shall
(a) for Australia, the Department of the Treasury, or its
successor. (b) for Chile, the Ministerio de
Article 13.1: Definitions
For the purposes of this Chapter:
(a) business person means
a national of a Party who is engaged in trade in goods, the supply of services,
or the conduct of investment activities; (b) business visitor
means a national of a Party who is seeking to travel to the other Party for
business purposes, including for investment purposes, whose remuneration and
financial support for the duration of the visit is derived from sources outside
the granting Party, and who is not engaged in making direct sales to the general
public or in supplying goods or services themselves. For the purposes of
qualifying under this category, a national seeking temporary entry under the
present category, shall
present 13-1
(i) proof of
nationality of a Party;
(ii) documentation demonstrating that the
business person will be so engaged and describing the purpose of entry; and
(iii) evidence demonstrating that the proposed business activity is
international in scope and that the business person is not seeking to enter the
local labour market.
Each Party shall provide that a business person may
satisfy the requirements of subparagraph (b)(iii) by demonstrating that:
(A) the source of remuneration for the proposed business activity is
outside the territory of the Party granting temporary entry; and (B) the
business person’s principal place of business and the actual place of
accrual of profits, at least predominantly, remain outside such
(c) contractual service supplier means a
(i) who has high level technical or professional
qualifications, skills and experience and:
(A) who is an employee of an
enterprise of a Party that has concluded a contract for the supply of a service
within the other Party and which does not have a commercial presence within that
Party; or (B) who is engaged by an enterprise lawfully and actively
operating in the other Party in order to supply under a contract within that
Party; and
(ii) who is assessed as having the necessary qualifications,
skills and work experience accepted as meeting the domestic standard in the
granting Party for their nominated occupation. Nothing in (A) or (B)
above shall preclude a Party from requiring an employment contract between the
national and the enterprise operating in the granting
(d) dependent means:
(i) For Australia, a person who
meets the requirements for a dependent or dependent child as defined in the
Migration Regulations 1994.
(ii) For Chile, a family member who lives
with the business person, including the parents, children and the concubine.
(e) executive means a national who primarily directs the
management of an enterprise, exercises wide latitude in decision making, and
receives only general supervision or direction from higher level executives, the
board of directors, or stockholders of the enterprise. An executive would not
directly perform tasks related to the actual provision of the service or the
operation of the enterprise. (f) granting Party means a Party who
receives an application for temporary entry from a national of the other Party
who is covered by Article 13.2.
(g) immigration formality
means a visa, employment pass, or other document or electronic authority
granting a national of one Party the right:
(i) in the case of business
visitors, to enter and visit the granting Party; (ii) in the case of
executives and their accompanying spouses, intra-corporate transferees and their
accompanying spouses and contractual service suppliers and their accompanying
spouses, to enter, reside and work in the granting Party; or (iii) in the
case of dependents of executives, intra-corporate transferees and contractual
service suppliers, to enter and reside in the territory of the granting
(h) immigration measure means a measure affecting the entry
and sojourn of aliens. (i) intra-corporate transferee means an
employee of an enterprise of a Party established in the territory of the other
Party through a branch, subsidiary or affiliate which is lawfully and actively
operating in that Party, who is transferred by that enterprise to fill a
position in the branch, subsidiary or affiliate of the enterprise in the
granting Party, and who is:
(i) a manager which means a national
who will be responsible for the entire or a substantial part of the operations
of the enterprise in the granting Party, receiving general supervision or
direction principally from higher level executives, the board of directors or
stockholders of the enterprise, including directing the enterprise or a
department or subdivision of it; supervising and controlling the work of other
supervisory, professional or managerial employees; and having the authority to
establish goals and policies of the department or subdivision of the enterprise;
or (ii) a specialist which means a national with advanced trade,
technical or professional skills. The person seeking entry must be assessed as
having the necessary qualifications or alternative credentials accepted as
meeting the granting Party’s domestic standards for the relevant
occupation. For the purposes of qualifying under this category, a
national seeking temporary entry under the present category, shall
(A) proof of
nationality of a Party;
(B) documentation demonstrating that the
business person will be so engaged and describing the purpose of entry;
and (C) documentation demonstrating the attainment of the relevant
minimum educational requirements or alternative
(j) spouse means:
(i) For Australia, a person
who meets the requirements for a spousal relationship as defined in the
Migration Regulations 1994. (ii) For Chile, a person who meets the
requirements for a spousal relationship under Chilean domestic laws and
(k) temporary entry means entry into the territory of
a Party by a business person of the other Party without the intent to establish
permanent residence.
Article 13.2: Scope and Coverage
1. This Chapter shall apply to measures affecting the movement of
nationals of a Party into the territory of the other Party where such persons
(a) business visitors; (b) contractual service
suppliers; (c) executives of a business headquartered in a Party,
establishing a branch or subsidiary of that business in the other Party;
or (d) intra-corporate transferees.
2. This Chapter does not apply
to measures affecting nationals seeking access to the employment market of a
Party, nor shall it apply to measures regarding citizenship, nationality,
permanent residence, or employment on a permanent basis.
Article 13.3: General Obligations
1. Each Party shall apply expeditiously its measures relating to
the provisions of this Chapter so as to avoid unduly impairing or delaying trade
in goods or services or conduct of investment activities under this
Agreement. 2. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Party from
applying measures to regulate the entry of nationals of the other Party into, or
their temporary stay in, its territory, including those measures necessary to
protect the integrity of, and to ensure the orderly movement of nationals
across, its borders provided that such measures are not applied in such a manner
as to nullify or impair the benefits accruing to the other Party under the terms
of this Chapter and Chapter 9 (Cross-Border Trade in Services). 3. The
sole fact of requiring nationals to meet eligibility requirements prior to entry
to a Party shall not be regarded as nullifying or impairing the benefits
accruing to the other Party under this Chapter and Chapter 9 (Cross-Border Trade
in Services). 4. Any measure regarding temporary entry of business
persons adopted and maintained by a Party at its own initiative or as a result
of an agreement between the Parties, that provides for more liberal access for
and/or treatment of business persons covered by this Chapter, shall be accorded
to business persons covered by this Chapter. However, with respect to
such measures adopted or maintained by a Party at its own initiative, any more
liberal access and/or treatment under such measures shall only be accorded for
so long as the measures are in place.
Article 13.4: Grant of Temporary Entry
1. Each Party shall grant temporary entry to business persons, including
spouses and dependents of intra-corporate transferees, who are otherwise
qualified for entry under applicable measures including those relating to public
health and safety and national security, in accordance with this Chapter,
including the provisions of Annex 13-A. 2. Each Party shall ensure that
fees charged by its competent authorities on applications for an immigration
formality do not constitute an unjustifiable impediment to the movement of
nationals under this Chapter. 3. The temporary entry granted by virtue of
this Chapter does not replace the requirements needed to carry out a profession
or activity according to the specific laws and regulations in force in the
territory of the Party authorising the temporary entry.
Article 13.5: Provision of Information
1. Each Party shall:
(a) make publicly available
explanatory material on all relevant measures which pertain to or affect the
operation of this Chapter, including any new or changed measures;
(b) no
later than six months after the date of entry into force of this Agreement
provide the other Party with a consolidated document describing the requirements for temporary entry under this Chapter in such a manner as
will enable business persons of the other Party to become acquainted with them;
and (c) maintain appropriate mechanisms to respond to inquiries from the
other Party, and interested persons of the other Party, regarding measures
affecting the temporary entry and temporary stay of nationals of the other
2. Each Party shall collect and maintain, and make available upon
request to the other Party in accordance with its domestic law, data respecting
the granting of temporary entry under this Chapter to business persons of the
other Party who have been issued immigration documents.
Article 13.6: Consultations
1. The Parties agree to consult on any issue raised by a Party that
relates to this Chapter. Such consultations may include:
(a) consideration of suggestions to further facilitate temporary entry
of business persons;
(b) consideration of the development of common
criteria and interpretations for the implementation of this Chapter;
and (c) any concerns regarding a refusal to grant temporary entry under
this Chapter.
2. Consultations shall include officials from the
Parties’ immigration authorities.
Article 13.7: Dispute Settlement
1. A Party may not initiate proceedings under Chapter 21 (Dispute
Settlement) regarding a refusal to grant temporary entry under this Chapter or a
particular case arising under Article 13.3 unless:
(a) the matter
involves a pattern of practice;
(b) the business person has exhausted
the available domestic remedies regarding the particular matter;
and (c) the Parties have undertaken consultations in accordance with
Article 13.6.
2. The remedies referred to in paragraph 1(b) shall be
deemed to be exhausted where there is undue delay in the remedial process which
is attributable to the Party in which the process is undertaken.
Article 13.8: Relation to Other
1. Except for this Chapter, Chapters 1 (Initial Provisions), 2 (General
Definitions), 20 (Institutional Arrangements), 21 (Dispute Settlement), and 23
(Final Provisions), no provision of this Agreement shall impose any obligation
on a Party regarding its immigration measures. 2. Nothing in this
Chapter shall be construed to impose obligations or commitments with respect to
other Chapters of this Agreement.
Article 13.9: Application of Regulations
1. To the extent possible, each Party shall, on request, provide to
interested persons a concise statement addressing comments received on proposed
and existing regulations relating to the temporary entry of business
persons. 2. Where an application for an immigration formality is
required by a Party, the Party shall process expeditiously complete applications
for immigration formalities received from nationals of the other Party covered
by Article 13.2, including further immigration formality
requests. 3. Each Party shall upon request, and within a reasonable
period after a complete application by a national covered by Article 13.2
requesting temporary entry is lodged, notify the applicant
(a) receipt of the application; (b) the status of the
application; and (c) the decision concerning the application, including,
if approved, the period of stay and other conditions; or if refused, the reasons
for refusal and any avenues for merits review.
Section 1
1. In the case of Chile:
(a) Business persons who enter Chile
under any of the categories set out in Article 13.2, including spouses and
dependants of intra-corporate transferees, shall be deemed to be engaged in
activities which are in the country’s interest. (b) Business
persons who enter Chile under any of the categories set out in Article 13.2 and
are issued a temporary visa shall have that temporary visa extended for
subsequent periods provided the conditions on which it is based remain in
effect, without requiring that person to apply for permanent
residence. (c) When a national:
(i) has been granted the right to
temporary entry under Article 13.4 for longer than 12 months;
and (ii) has a spouse;
Chile shall, upon application by an
accompanying spouse of a national of Australia who meets Chile’s criteria
for the grant of an immigration formality, grant that accompanying spouse the
right of temporary entry, stay, work and movement, for an equal period to that
of the national. (d) Business persons who enter Chile may also obtain an
identity card for foreigners.
Section 2
2. In the case of Australia:
For the purposes of this Section
of the Annex: service seller means a national who is a sales
representative of a service supplier of that Party who is seeking temporary
entry to the other Party for the purpose of negotiating, or entering into,
agreements for the sale of services for that service supplier, where such a
representative will not be engaged in making direct sales to the general public
or in supplying services directly.
Short Term Temporary Entry
(a) Australia shall, upon application by a business visitor of Chile who
meets Australia’s criteria for the grant of an immigration formality,
grant that business visitor, through a single immigration formality, the right
of temporary entry to, and stay and movement in, Australia, consistent with the
purpose of the visit, for a period of up to 90 days. A business visitor of
Chile who is a service seller may stay for a period of up to 12 months.
Long Term Temporary Entry
(b) Australia shall, upon application by a contractual service supplier,
an executive or an intra-corporate transferee, who is a national of Chile who
meets Australia’s criteria for the grant of an immigration formality,
grant that person, through a single immigration formality, the right of
temporary entry to, and stay, work and movement in, Australia. These rights
shall be granted for an initial period of time, sufficient to supply relevant
services and consistent with the purpose of the visit, for:
(i) an
intra-corporate transferee, who meets the definition of an intra-corporate
transferee and who is a manager, for a period of up to four years, with the
possibility of further stay;
(ii) an intra-corporate transferee, who
meets the definition of an intra-corporate transferee and who is a specialist,
for a period of up to two years, with the possibility of further stay; and
(iii) a contractual service supplier for a period of up to one year,
with the possibility of further stay.
(c) When a national:
(i) has
been granted the right to temporary entry under Article 13.4 for longer than 12
months; and (ii) has a spouse;
Australia shall, upon application
by an accompanying spouse of a national of Chile who meets Australia’s
criteria for the grant of an immigration formality, grant that accompanying
spouse the right of temporary entry, stay, work and movement, for an equal
period to that of the national.
14.1: Definitions
For the purposes of this Chapter:
(a) competition authority
(i) for Australia, the Australian Competition and Consumer
Commission (ACCC) or its successor; and (ii) for Chile, the Fiscalía
Nacional Económica or its successor;
(b) competition law
(i) for Australia, the Trade Practices Act 1974 (excluding
Part X) and any regulations, made under that Act, as well as any amendments
thereto; and
(ii) for Chile, Decree Law No. 211 of 1973 and any
implementing regulations, as well as any amendments
(c) anticompetitive activity means public or private
business conduct or transactions that adversely affect competition, such
(i) anticompetitive horizontal arrangements between
competitors; (ii) anticompetitive unilateral
conduct; (iii) anticompetitive vertical arrangements;
and (iv) anticompetitive mergers and
(d) enforcement activity means any application of
competition law by way of investigation or proceeding conducted by a Party, but
shall not include research, studies or surveys with the objective of examining
the general economic situation or general conditions in specific industries.
Such research, studies or surveys shall not be construed so as to include any
investigation with regard to suspected violation of competition
law; (e) enterprise with special or exclusive rights means an
enterprise to which a Party has granted special or exclusive rights in its
purchases or sales involving either imports or
exports; (f) designate means, whether formally or in effect,
to establish, designate, or authorise a monopoly or to expand the scope of a
monopoly to cover an additional good or service;
(g) monopoly
means an entity, including a consortium or government agency, that in any
relevant market in the territory of a Party is designated as the sole provider
or purchaser of a good or service, but does not include an entity that has been
granted an exclusive intellectual property right solely by reason of such
grant; (h) non-discriminatory treatment means the better of
national treatment and most-favoured-nation treatment, as set out in the
relevant provisions of this Agreement; and (i) in accordance with
commercial considerations means consistent with normal business practices of
privately-held enterprises in the relevant business or industry.
14.2: Objectives
1. Recognising that anticompetitive practices have the potential to
restrict bilateral trade and investment, the Parties believe that proscribing
anticompetitive activities and implementing policies that promote economic
efficiency and consumer welfare will help secure the benefits of this Agreement.
2. With a view to preventing distortions or restrictions of competition
which may affect trade in goods or services between them, the Parties shall give
particular attention to anticompetitive activities. 3. The Parties
agree, within their existing domestic legal frameworks, to coordinate on the
implementation of competition laws. This will include notification,
consultation and exchange of non-confidential information. 4. The
Parties acknowledge the importance of contributing to the development of best
practice in the area of competition policy in global and plurilateral
14.3: Competition Law and Anticompetitive Activities
1. Each Party shall maintain or adopt measures consistent with its
domestic law to proscribe anticompetitive activities and take appropriate action
with respect thereto, recognising that such measures will help realise the
objectives of this Agreement. Each Party shall ensure that a person subject to
the imposition of a sanction or remedy for violation of such measures is
provided with the opportunity to be heard and to present evidence, and to seek
review of such sanction or remedy in a court or independent tribunal of that
Party. 2. Each Party shall ensure that all businesses operating in its
territory are subject to its competition laws. Parties may exempt businesses or
sectors from the application of competition laws, provided that such exemptions
are transparent and are undertaken on the grounds of public policy or public
interest. Where a Party considers such an exemption might adversely affect its
interests, it may seek consultations pursuant to Article 14.7. 3. Each
Party shall maintain an authority or authorities responsible for the enforcement
of its national competition laws. In enforcing its competition laws, each
Party’s competition authority will treat nationals of the other Party no
less favourably than it treats its own nationals in like circumstances.
4. The Parties recognise the importance of effective competition law
enforcement in the free trade area. To this end, the Parties shall cooperate,
on mutually agreed terms, on the enforcement of competition laws.
14.4: Enterprises with Special or Exclusive Rights, including Designated
1. Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to prevent a Party from
granting to an enterprise special or exclusive rights or designating a monopoly
provided that this is done in accordance with the Party’s domestic
law. 2. Recognising that enterprises with special or exclusive rights,
including designated monopolies, should not operate in a manner that creates
obstacles to trade and investment, each Party shall ensure that any enterprise
with special or exclusive rights, including any privately or publicly designated
(a) acts solely in accordance with commercial considerations
in its exercise of special or exclusive rights including, where applicable, the
purchase or sale of the monopoly good or service in the relevant market,
including with regard to price, quality, availability, marketability,
transportation, and other terms and conditions of purchase or sale, except to
comply with any terms of its grant or designation that are not inconsistent with
subparagraph (b) or (c);
(b) provides non-discriminatory treatment to
covered investments, to goods of the other Party, and to service suppliers of
the other Party in its exercise of special or exclusive rights including, where
applicable, the purchase or sale of the monopoly good or service in the relevant
(c) does not use its special or exclusive rights including,
where applicable, its monopoly position to engage, either directly or
indirectly, including through its dealings with its parent, subsidiaries, or
other enterprises with common ownership, in anticompetitive practices in a
non-monopolised market in its territory, where such practices adversely affect
covered investments; and (d) acts in a manner that is not inconsistent
with the Party’s obligations under this Agreement wherever such an
enterprise with special or exclusive rights or designated monopoly exercises any
regulatory, administrative or other governmental authority that the Party has
delegated to it in connection with the exercise of special or exclusive rights
including, where applicable, the monopoly good or service, such as the power to
grant import or export licences, approve commercial transactions, or impose
quotas, fees or other charges.
3. This Article does not apply to
government procurement. 4. Where a Party grants to an enterprise special
or exclusive rights or designates a monopoly and it determines that the grant or
designation may affect the interests of the other Party, the Party shall
endeavour to:
(a) at the time of the grant or designation introduce such
conditions on the exercise of special or exclusive rights including, where
applicable, the operation of the monopoly so as to minimise any adverse affect
on the other Party, as communicated by that Party, under Article 14.7;
and (b) provide written notification, in advance wherever possible, to
the other Party of the grant or designation.
Article 14.5: State
1. Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to prevent a Party from
establishing or maintaining a state enterprise, provided that this is done in
accordance with the Party’s domestic law. 2. Each Party shall
ensure that any state enterprise that it establishes or maintains acts in a
manner that is not inconsistent with the Party’s obligations under this
Agreement wherever such enterprise exercises any regulatory, administrative or
other governmental authority that the Party has delegated to it, such as the
power to expropriate, grant licences, approve commercial transactions, or impose
quotas, fees or other charges. 3. Each Party shall ensure that any state
enterprise that it establishes or maintains accords non-discriminatory treatment
in the sale of its goods or services. 4. Each Party shall take reasonable
measures to ensure it does not provide any competitive advantage to any
government-owned business simply because it is government owned. This Article
applies to the business activities of government-owned businesses and not to
their non-business, non-commercial activities.
14.6: Notifications
1. Each Party, through its competition authority, but subject to its laws
and regulations, shall notify the competition authority of the other Party of an
enforcement activity where it determines that the enforcement
(a) is liable to substantially affect the other Party’s
important interests; (b) relates to restrictions on competition which are
liable to have a direct and substantial effect in the territory of the other
Party; or (c) concerns anticompetitive acts taking place principally in
the territory of the other Party.
2. Provided that it is not contrary to
the Parties’ competition laws and does not affect any investigation being
carried out, notifications shall take place at an early stage of the procedure.
3. The notifications provided for in paragraph 1 should include
sufficient detail to permit the other Party to evaluate its
interests. 4. The Parties undertake to ensure that notifications are made
in the circumstances set out above, taking into account the administrative
resources available to them.
14.7: Consultations
1. If the competition authority of a Party considers that an
investigation or proceeding being conducted by the competition authority of the
other Party may adversely affect its important interests it may transmit its
views on the matter to the other Party’s competition
authority. 2. A Party, through its competition authority, may request
consultations regarding the issues addressed in paragraph 1 as well as any other
matter covered by this Chapter. The requesting Party shall indicate the reasons
for the request and whether any procedural time limit or other constraints
require that consultations be expedited. Such consultations shall be without
prejudice to the right of a Party so consulted to take any measure under its
competition laws it deems appropriate.
14.8: Exchange of Information, Transparency and Confidentiality
1. With a view to facilitating the effective application of their
respective competition laws, the competition authorities may exchange
information. 2. With the objective of making their competition policies
as transparent as possible, each Party shall ensure that its laws, regulations
and procedures addressing competition shall be in writing and shall be published
or otherwise made publicly available. 3. On the request of a Party, the
other Party shall endeavour to make available public information
(a) the enforcement of its measures proscribing
anticompetitive activities; (b) its state enterprises, and enterprises
with special or exclusive rights, including designated monopolies, provided that
requests for such information shall indicate the entities involved, specify the
particular goods and/or services and markets concerned, and include indicia that
these entities may be engaging in practices that may hinder trade or investment
between the Parties; and (c) exemptions to its measures proscribing
anticompetitive activities, provided that requests for such information shall
specify the particular goods and/or services and markets to which the request
4. Any information or documents exchanged between the Parties on
a confidential basis pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter shall be kept
confidential. Neither Party shall, except to comply with its domestic legal
requirements, release or disclose such information or documents to any person
without the written consent of the Party which provided such information or
documents. Where the disclosure of such information or documents is necessary
to comply with the domestic legal requirements of a Party, that Party shall
notify the other Party where possible before such disclosure is made or
otherwise at the earliest practicable time. 5. The Party providing such
confidential information shall furnish non-confidential summaries thereof if
requested by the other Party. These summaries shall be in sufficient detail to
permit a reasonable understanding of the substance of the information submitted
in confidence. When a Party indicates that such confidential information is not
susceptible to a public summary and where such information is submitted to a
judicial authority, it shall be at the discretion of that judicial authority
whether to consider such information.
14.9: Dispute Settlement
1. Neither Party may have recourse to dispute settlement under this
Agreement for any matter arising under this Chapter. 2. In the event that
a breach of this Chapter by an enterprise exercising any regulatory,
administrative or other governmental authority that the Party has delegated to
it also constitutes a breach of another Chapter of this Agreement, this Article
shall not preclude recourse by a Party to dispute settlement for the breach of
the other Chapter by such an enterprise.
14.10: Technical Assistance The Parties may provide each other technical assistance in order to take
advantage of their respective experience and to strengthen the implementation of
their competition laws and policies.
Article 15.1: Definitions
For the purposes of this Chapter:
(a) build-operate-transfer
contract and public works concession contract mean any contractual
arrangement the primary purpose of which is to provide for the construction or
rehabilitation of physical infrastructure, plant, buildings, facilities, or
other government owned works and under which, as consideration for a
supplier’s execution of a contractual arrangement, a procuring entity
grants the supplier, for a specified period of time, temporary ownership or a
right to control and operate, and demand payment for, the use of such works for
the duration of the contract;
(b) covered procurement means a
government procurement of goods, services including construction services, or
(i) by any contractual means, including purchase and rental or
lease, with or without an option to buy , build-operate-transfer contracts and
public works concessions contracts;
(ii) for which the value, as
estimated in accordance with Article 15.5 equals or exceeds the relevant
threshold specified in Annex 15-A; (iii) that is conducted by a procuring
(iv) is not excluded from coverage by this Agreement;
and (v) subject to the conditions specified in Annex
(c) in writing or written means any expression of
information in words, numbers, or other symbols, including electronic
expressions, that can be read, reproduced, and
stored; (d) international standard means a standard that has been
developed in conformity with the document referenced in Article 7.5
(International Standards – Technical Regulations, Standards and Conformity
Assessment Procedures Chapter); (e) limited tender procedure means
a procurement method where the procuring entity contacts a supplier or suppliers
of its choice in accordance with Article 15.15; (f) multi-use list
means a list of suppliers that a procuring entity has determined satisfy the
conditions for participation in that list and that the procuring entity intends
to use more than once; (g) offset means any condition or
undertaking that encourages local development or improves a Party’s
balance of payments accounts such as the use of domestic content, the licensing
of technology, investment, counter-trade and similar actions or
requirements; (h) open tender procedure means those tendering
procedures in which all interested suppliers may submit a
tender; (i) procuring entity means an entity listed in Annex
15-A; (j) publish means to disseminate information in an
electronic or paper medium that is distributed widely and is readily accessible
to the general public; (k) selective tender procedure means those
tendering procedures in which the procuring entity determines the suppliers that
it will invite to submit tenders; (l) supplier means a person or
group of persons that provides or could provide goods or services to a procuring
entity; and (m) technical specification means a tendering
requirement that:
(i) sets out the characteristics of:
(A) goods
to be procured, including quality, performance, safety and dimensions, or the
processes and methods for their production; or (B) services to be
procured, or the processes or methods for their provision, including any
applicable administrative provisions;
(ii) addresses terminology,
symbols, packaging, marking or labelling requirements, as they apply to a good
or service; or (iii) sets out conformity assessment procedures prescribed
by a procuring entity.
Article 15.2: Scope and Coverage
1. This Chapter applies to any measure adopted or maintained by a Party
regarding covered procurement. 2. This Chapter does not apply
(a) non-contractual agreements or any form of assistance provided by
a Party, including grants, loans, equity infusions, fiscal incentives,
subsidies, guarantees, cooperative agreements and sponsorship arrangements;
(b) procurement for the direct purpose of providing foreign assistance;
(c) procurement funded by international grants, loans or other
assistance to the extent that the provision of such assistance is subject to
conditions inconsistent with this Chapter; (d) public employment
contracts; (e) procurement of a financial service as defined in Article
12.1(e) (Definitions – Financial Services Chapter). (f) procurement
of goods and services by a procuring entity from another entity of the same
Party, or between a procuring entity of a Party and a regional or local
government of that Party, where no other supplier has been asked to
tender; (g) procurement of goods and services outside the territory of
the procuring Party, for consumption outside the territory of the procuring
Party; (h) procurement funded by grants and/or sponsorship payments
received from a person other than a procuring entity of a
Party; (i) procurement of fiscal agency or depository services,
liquidation and management services for regulated financial institutions, or
services related to the sale, redemption and distribution of public debt,
including loans and government bonds, notes, derivatives and other securities;
or (j) the procurement or rental of land, existing buildings or other
immovable property or rights thereon where not part of an arrangement for
procurement of construction services.
Article 15.3: General Obligations
1. Each Party shall ensure that its procuring entities comply with this
Chapter in conducting covered procurements. 2. No procuring entity may
prepare, design, or otherwise structure or divide, in any stage of the
procurement, any procurement in order to avoid the obligations of this
Chapter. 3. Each Party shall apply to covered procurements of goods the
rules of origin that it applies in the normal course of trade to those
Article 15.4: National Treatment and
1. Each Party shall accord to the goods, services and suppliers of the
other Party treatment no less favourable than the most favourable treatment the
Party accords to its own goods, services and suppliers. 2. Neither Party
(a) treat a locally established supplier less favourably than
another locally established supplier on the basis of degree of foreign
affiliation or ownership; or
(b) discriminate against a locally
established supplier on the basis that the goods or services offered by that
supplier for a particular procurement are goods or services of the other
3. For greater clarity, all orders under contracts awarded for
covered procurement, such as framework agreements or panel arrangements shall be
subject to paragraphs 1 and 2. 4. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2
shall not apply to measures concerning customs duties and other charges of any
kind imposed on, or in connection with, importation, the method of levying such
duties and charges or other import regulations, including restrictions and
formalities, and measures affecting trade in services other than measures
governing covered procurement.
Article 15.5: Valuation of Contracts
1. In estimating the value of a procurement for the purpose of
ascertaining whether it is a covered procurement, a procuring entity
(a) take into account all forms of remuneration, including any
premiums, fees, commissions, interest, other revenue streams that may be
provided for under the contract and, where the procurement provides for the
possibility of option clauses, the maximum total value of the procurement,
inclusive of optional purchases; and
(b) without prejudice to paragraph
2, where the procurement is to be conducted in multiple parts, with contracts to
be awarded at the same time or over a given period to one or more suppliers,
base its calculation on the total maximum value of the procurement over its
entire duration.
2. In the case of procurement by lease, rental, or hire
purchase of goods or services, or procurement for which a total price is not
specified, a procuring entity shall estimate the value on the basis of objective
criteria or apply the following basis of valuation:
(a) in the case of a
fixed-term contract:
(i) where the term of the contract is 12 months or
less, the total estimated maximum value for its duration; or
(ii) where
the term of the contract exceeds 12 months, the total estimated maximum value,
including any estimated residual value;
(b) where the contract is for an
indefinite period, the estimated monthly instalment multiplied by 48;
and (c) where it is not certain whether the contract is to be a
fixed-term contract subparagraph (b) shall be used.
3. Where the total
estimated maximum value of a procurement over its entire duration is not known
the procurement shall be a covered procurement, unless otherwise excluded under
this Agreement.
Article 15.6: Prohibition of Offsets
A Party shall not seek, take account of, impose, or enforce offsets at
any stage of a covered procurement.
Article 15.7: Publication of Procurement
Each Party shall promptly publish its procurement laws, regulations,
procedures and policy guidelines of general application relating to covered
procurements, and any changes or additions to this information.
Article 15.8: Publication of Notice of Intended
1. In an open tendering procedure, a procuring entity shall publish a
notice inviting interested suppliers to submit tenders (“notice of
intended procurement”) in such a way as to be readily accessible to any
interested supplier of the other Party for the entire period established for
tendering. 2. Each notice of intended procurement shall include a
description of the intended procurement, any conditions that suppliers must
fulfil to participate in the procurement, the name of the procuring entity, the
address where suppliers may obtain all documents relating to the procurement and
the time limits for submission of tenders. 3. Where, in a selective
tendering procedure, a procuring entity publishes a notice inviting applications
for participation in a procurement, that notice shall be published in such a way
as to be readily accessible to any interested supplier of the other
Article 15.9: Procurement Plans
Each Party shall encourage its procuring entities to publish, prior to,
or as early as possible in, each fiscal year, a notice regarding their
procurement plans for that fiscal year that includes a description of each
planned procurement and indicate the expected time of commencement of the
related tender process.
Article 15.10: Time Limits
1. A procuring entity shall prescribe time limits for tendering that
allow sufficient time for suppliers to prepare and submit responsive tenders,
taking into account the nature and complexity of the procurement and the
efficient operation of the procurement process. The time allowed for the
submission of tenders shall not be set with the intention of causing a
competitive disadvantage for suppliers of the other Party, or suppliers offering
goods or services of the other Party, in submitting tenders in accordance with
the requirements set out in the tender documentation. 2. Except as
provided for in paragraphs 3 and 4, a procuring entity shall provide that the
final date for the submission of tenders shall not be less than 30
(a) from the date on which the notice of intended procurement is
published; or
(b) where the procuring entity has used selective
tendering, from the date on which the entity invites suppliers to submit
3. Under the following circumstances, a procuring entity may
establish a time limit for tendering that is less than 30 days, provided that
such time limit is sufficiently long to enable suppliers to prepare and submit
responsive tenders and is in no case less than 10 days:
(a) where the
procuring entity published a separate notice, including a notice of planned
procurement under Article 15.9 at least 30 days and not more than 12 months in
advance, and such separate notice contains:
(i) a description of the
(ii) the time limits for the submission of tenders or,
where appropriate, applications for participation in a procurement; and (iii) the address from which documents relating to the procurement may
be obtained;
(b) where the procuring entity procures commercial goods or
services that are sold or offered for sale to, and customarily purchased and
used by, non-governmental buyers for non-governmental purposes, including goods
and services with modifications customary in the commercial marketplace, as well
as minor modifications not customarily available in the commercial
marketplace; (c) in the case of second or subsequent publication of
notices for procurement of a recurring nature;
(d) where a state of
urgency duly substantiated by the procuring entity renders impracticable the
time limits specified in paragraph 2; or (e) when the intended
procurement is for goods or services which can be easily and objectively
specified and which reasonably imply less effort in the preparation and
submission of responsive tenders.
4. A procuring entity may reduce the
time limit for submission of a tender by up to five days when
(a) publishes a notice of intended procurement in an electronic
medium; or (b) in the context of a selective tendering procedure, issues
an invitation to tender via an electronic medium;
and provides, to the
extent practicable, the tender documentation via an electronic medium.
5. The application of paragraph 4 shall in no case result in the time
limit for submissions being reduced to less than 10 days. 6. A procuring
entity shall require all participating suppliers to submit tenders in accordance
with a common deadline.
Article 15.11: Tender Documentation
1. A procuring entity shall provide on request to any supplier
participating in a covered procurement or promptly publish, tender documentation
that includes all the information necessary to permit suppliers to prepare and
submit responsive tenders. The documentation shall include all criteria that the
procuring entity will consider in awarding the contract. 2. Where a
procuring entity, during the course of a covered procurement, modifies a notice
or tender documentation provided to participating suppliers, it shall publish or
transmit all such modifications in writing:
(a) to all suppliers that
are participating in the procurement at the time the notice or tender
documentation is modified, if the identities of such suppliers are known, and in
all other cases, in the same manner as the original information was transmitted;
(b) in adequate time to allow such suppliers to modify and re-submit
their tenders, as appropriate.
3. A procuring entity shall promptly reply
to any reasonable request for relevant information by a supplier participating
in the procurement. A procuring entity may establish a reasonable time limit to
request the relevant information. 4. Procuring entities shall not provide
information with regard to a specific procurement in a manner which would have
the effect of giving a potential supplier an unfair advantage over competitors.
Article 15.12: Technical Specifications
1. A procuring entity shall not prepare, adopt or apply any technical
specification with the purpose or the effect of creating unnecessary obstacles
to trade between the Parties. 2. In prescribing the technical
specifications for the good or service being procured, a procuring entity
(a) specify the technical specifications, wherever appropriate, in
terms of performance and functional requirements, rather than design or
descriptive characteristics; and (b) base the technical specifications on
relevant international standards, where such exist and are applicable to the
procuring entity, except where the use of an international standard would fail
to meet the procuring entity’s program requirements or would impose
greater burdens than the use of a recognised national standard.
3. A
procuring entity shall not prescribe technical specifications that require or
refer to a particular trade mark or trade name, patent, copyright, design or
type, specific origin or producer or supplier, unless there is no other
sufficiently precise or intelligible way of otherwise describing the procurement
requirements and provided that, in such cases, words such as “or
equivalent” are included in the tender documentation. 4. A
procuring entity shall not seek or accept, in a manner that would have the
effect of precluding competition, advice that may be used in the preparation or
adoption of any technical specification for a specific procurement from a person
that may have a commercial interest in that
procurement. 5. Notwithstanding paragraph 4, a procuring entity
(a) conduct market research in developing specifications for a
particular procurement; or (b) allow a supplier that has been engaged to
provide design or consulting services to participate in procurements related to
such services;
provided it would not give any supplier an unfair
advantage over other suppliers. 6. For greater clarity, this Article is
not intended to preclude a procuring entity from preparing, adopting, or
applying technical specifications to promote the conservation of natural
resources and the environment.
Article 15.13: Conditions for
1. A Party shall limit any conditions for participation in a covered
procurement to those that ensure the supplier’s capability to fulfil the
requirements of the procurement. 2. In assessing whether a supplier
satisfies the conditions for participation, a Party:
(a) shall evaluate
the capabilities of a supplier on the basis of that supplier’s business
activities both inside and outside the territory of the Party of the procuring
entity; (b) shall base its determination solely on the conditions that a
procuring entity has specified in advance in notices or tender
documentation; (c) may not impose the condition that, in order for a
supplier to participate in a procurement, the supplier has previously been
awarded one or more contracts by a procuring entity of that Party or that the
supplier has prior work experience in the territory of that Party;
and (d) may require prior experience where relevant to meet the
requirements of the procurement.
3. Nothing in this Article shall
preclude a Party from excluding a supplier from a procurement on grounds such
(a) bankruptcy; (b) false declarations;
or (c) significant or persistent deficiencies in performance of any
substantive requirement or obligation under a prior contract.
4. Where a
Party requires suppliers to register or pre-qualify before being permitted to
participate in a covered procurement that Party shall ensure that a notice
inviting suppliers to apply for registration or pre-qualification is published
sufficiently in advance of the procurement to allow for interested suppliers,
including suppliers of the other Party, to initiate and, to the extent that it
is compatible with the efficient operation of the procurement process, complete
the registration or qualification procedures. 5. The process of, and the
time required for, registering or qualifying suppliers shall not be used in
order to prevent or delay the inclusion of suppliers of the other Party on a
list of suppliers or prevent such suppliers from being considered for a
particular procurement. 6. A Party may establish a multi-use list
provided that it publishes, annually or continuously, a notice inviting
interested suppliers to apply for inclusion on the list. The notice shall
(a) a description of the goods and services, or categories
thereof, for which the list may be used; (b) the requirements to be
satisfied by suppliers;
(c) the name and address of the procuring entity
or other government agency and other information necessary to contact the
procuring entity and obtain all relevant documents relating to the list; and
(d) deadlines for submission of applications for inclusion on that list,
where applicable.
7. A Party that maintains a multi-use list shall
include on the list all suppliers that satisfy the requirements set out in the
notice referred to in paragraph 6 within a reasonably short time.
Article 15.14: Tendering Procedures
1. A procuring entity shall only use open or selective tendering
procedures consistent with the provisions of this Chapter, except as provided
for in Article 15.15. 2. A procuring entity may use selective tendering
procedures in accordance with Article 15.4 and the procurement laws,
regulations, procedures and policies of its Party. 3. To ensure effective
competition under selective tendering procedures, a procuring entity shall
invite tenders from the largest number of domestic suppliers and suppliers of
the other Party that is consistent with the efficient operation of the
procurement system. It shall select the suppliers to participate in the
procedure in a fair and non-discriminatory manner.
Article 15.15: Limited Tendering
1. Provided that it does not use this provision for the purpose of
avoiding competition, to protect domestic suppliers or in a manner that
discriminates against suppliers of the other Party, a procuring entity may use
limited tendering procedures. 2. When a procuring entity applies limited
tendering it may choose, according to the nature of the procurement, not to
apply Articles 15.8, 15.10, 15.11, 15.12, 15.13, 15.14, 15.16.1 and 15.16.3 to
15.16.6. A procuring entity may use limited tendering only under the following
(a) where, in response to a prior notice, invitation to
participate, or invitation to tender:
(i) no tenders were submitted or
no suppliers requested participation; (ii) no tenders were submitted that
conform to the essential requirements in the tender documentation;
or (iii) no suppliers satisfied the conditions for
and the procuring entity does not substantially modify the
essential requirements of the procurement; (b) where, for works of art,
or for reasons connected with the protection of exclusive rights, such as
patents or copyrights, or proprietary information, or where there is an absence
of competition for technical reasons, the goods or services can be supplied only
by a particular supplier and no reasonable alternative or substitute
exists; (c) for additional deliveries by the original supplier or its
authorised agent that are intended either as replacement parts, extensions, or
continuing services for existing equipment, software, services or installations,
where a change of supplier would compel the procuring entity to procure goods or
services not meeting requirements of interchangeability with existing equipment,
software, services, or installations; (d) for goods purchased on a
commodity market;
(e) where a procuring entity procures a prototype or a
first good or service that is intended for limited trial or developed at its
request in the course of, and for, a particular contract for research,
experiment, study, or original development; (f) where additional
construction services that were not included in the initial contract but that
were within the objectives of the original tender documentation have, due to
unforeseen circumstances, become necessary to complete the construction services
described therein. However, the total value of contracts awarded for additional
construction services may not exceed 50 per cent of the amount of the initial
contract; (g) for new construction services consisting of the repetition
of similar construction services that conform to a basic project for which an
initial contract was awarded following use of open tendering or selective
tendering in accordance with this Chapter, and for which the procuring entity
has indicated in the notice of intended procurement concerning the initial
construction service that limited tendering procedures might be used in awarding
contracts for such new construction services;
(h) for purchases made
under exceptionally advantageous conditions that only arise in the very short
term, such as from unusual disposals, unsolicited innovative proposals,
liquidation, bankruptcy or receivership and not for routine purchases from
regular suppliers;
(i) where a contract is awarded to the winner of a
design contest provided that: (i) the contest has been organised in a
manner that is consistent with this Chapter, and
(ii) the contest is
judged by an independent jury with a view to a design contract being awarded to
the winner; or
(j) in so far as is strictly necessary where, for reasons
of extreme urgency brought about by events unforeseen by the procuring entity,
the goods or services could not be obtained in time by means of an open or
selective tendering procedure.
3. A procuring entity shall maintain a
record or prepare a written report providing specific justification for any
contract awarded by means other than open or selective tendering procedures, as
provided for in this Article.
Article 15.16: Treatment of Tenders and Awarding
of Contracts
1. A procuring entity shall receive and open all tenders under procedures
that guarantee the fairness and impartiality of the procurement
process. 2. A procuring entity shall treat all tenders in confidence to
the extent permitted by its domestic law. In particular, it shall not provide
information to particular suppliers that might prejudice fair competition
between suppliers. 3. A procuring entity shall not penalise any supplier
whose tender is received after the time specified for receiving tenders if the
delay is due solely to mishandling on the part of the procuring
entity. 4. A procuring entity shall require that in order to be
considered for award, a tender must be submitted in writing and must, at the
time it is submitted, conform to the essential requirements of the tender
documentation. 5. Unless a procuring entity determines that it is not in
the public interest to award a contract, it shall award the contract to the
supplier that the procuring entity has determined to satisfy the conditions for
participation and whose tender is determined to be the most advantageous or best
value for money, in accordance with the requirements and evaluation criteria
specified in the notices and tender documentation. 6. A procuring entity
shall not cancel a procurement or modify awarded contracts in order to avoid the
obligations of this Chapter.
Article 15.17: Information on Awards
1. A procuring entity shall promptly inform suppliers participating in a
tendering procedure of its contract award decision. On request, a procuring
entity shall provide a supplier whose tender was not selected for award the
reasons for not selecting its tender. 2. Each Party shall require its
procuring entities either to promptly publish, or to publish no later than 60
days after award of a contract, a notice that includes at least the following
information about the award:
(a) the name of the procuring
entity; (b) a description of the goods or services
procured; (c) the value of the contract award; and (d) the name of
the winning supplier.
3. A procuring entity shall maintain records and
reports of tendering procedures relating to covered procurements, including the
reports provided for in Article15.15.3, and shall retain such records and
reports for a period of at least three years.
Article 15.18: Domestic Review of Supplier
1. Each Party shall maintain at least one impartial administrative or
judicial authority that is independent of its procuring entities to receive and
review, in a non-discriminatory, timely, transparent and effective manner,
complaints that suppliers submit, in accordance with the Party’s law,
relating to a covered procurement. Where such an authority is not a court it
shall either be subject to judicial review or shall have procedural guarantees
similar to those of a court. 2. Each Party shall make information on
complaint mechanisms generally available.
Article 15.19: Modifications and
1. A Party may modify its coverage under this Chapter provided that
(a) notifies the other Party in writing and simultaneously offers
acceptable compensatory adjustments to the other Party to maintain a level of
coverage comparable to that existing prior to the modification, except as
provided in paragraphs 2 and 3; and (b) the other Party does not object
in writing within 30 days of the notification.
2. Each Party may make
rectifications of a purely formal nature to its coverage under this Chapter, or
minor amendments to its Schedule in Annex 15-A provided that it notifies the
other Party in writing and the other Party does not object in writing within 30
days of the notification. A Party that makes such a rectification or minor
amendment need not provide compensatory adjustments. 3. A Party need
not provide compensatory adjustments in those circumstances where the Parties
agree that the proposed modification covers an entity over which a Party has
effectively eliminated its control or influence. Where the Parties do not agree
that such government control or influence has been effectively eliminated, the
objecting Party may request further information or consultations with a view to
clarifying the nature of any government control or influence and reaching
agreement on the entity’s continued coverage under this
Chapter. 4. Where appropriate, the Joint FTA Committee shall adopt the
modification, rectification or minor amendment notified by the Party
Article 15.20: Confidential Information
When a person of a Party makes available confidential information to the
other Party or its procuring entities, the latter Party shall ensure that such
information is kept confidential and is not used for a purpose other than that
for which it was made available. However, disclosure of confidential
information may occur where a Party or its procuring entities are required to
make disclosure under its domestic law or where disclosure is authorised by the
person that furnished the information.
Article 15.21: Encouraging use of Electronic
Communications in Procurement
1. The Parties shall seek to provide opportunities for government
procurement to be undertaken through the Internet or a comparable computer-based
telecommunications network. 2. In order to facilitate commercial
opportunities for their suppliers under this Chapter, each Party shall maintain
a single electronic portal for accessing information on government procurement
supply opportunities in its territory and on measures relating to government
procurement. 3. The Parties shall encourage, to the extent possible, the
use of electronic means for the provision of tender documents and receipt of
tenders. 4. The Parties shall ensure that policies and procedures adopted
for the use of electronic means in procurement:
(a) protect documentation
from unauthorised and undetected alteration; and
(b) provide appropriate
levels of security for data on, and passing through, the procuring
entity’s network.
5. Each Party shall encourage its procuring
entities to publish the notices covered by Article 15.9 on a website accessible
through the electronic portal referred to in paragraph 2.
Article 15.22: Ensuring Integrity in Procurement
Each Party shall ensure that criminal or administrative penalties exist
to address corruption in its government procurement, and that its entities have
in place policies and procedures to eliminate, to the extent possible, any
potential conflict of interest on the part of those engaged in or having
influence over a procurement.
Article 15.23: Exceptions
1. Provided that such measures are not applied in a manner that would
constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination between Parties
where the same conditions prevail or a disguised restriction on trade between
the Parties, nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to prevent a Party from
adopting or maintaining measures:
(a) necessary to protect public
morals, order or safety;
(b) necessary to protect human, animal, or
plant life or health;
(c) necessary to protect intellectual property;
or (d) relating to goods or services of handicapped persons, of
philanthropic or not for profit institutions, or of prison labour.
2. The Parties understand that subparagraph (b) includes environmental
measures necessary to protect human, animal, or plant life or
health. 3. Further to Article 22.2 (Security Exceptions – General
Provisions and Exceptions Chapter), nothing in this Chapter shall be construed
to prevent a Party from taking any action which it considers necessary for the
protection of its essential security interests relating to government
procurement indispensable for national security or for national defence
Article 15.24: Consultations on Government
1. Each Party shall use the contact point referred in Chapter 19
(Transparency). The contact point shall be included in all communications
between the Parties made pursuant to this Article. 2. For the purpose of
this Article each Party shall reply to any request from the other party for an
explanation of any matter relating to the application of this Chapter, including
matters related to its procurement laws, regulations and policy guidelines.
3. The Parties shall exchange information relating to the development
and use of electronic communication in government procurement systems, shall
exchange statistics and other information; and shall make efforts to increase
understanding of their respective government procurement systems. The Parties
shall also exchange information on their respective approaches to maximise
access for small and medium enterprises to the government procurement
market. 4. As provided for in Article 15.19, each Party shall inform the
other Party of any developments which may modify its coverage under this
Article 15.25: Further Negotiations
On request of either Party, the Parties shall enter into negotiations
with a view to extending coverage under this Chapter on a reciprocal basis, if a
Party provides, through an international agreement entered into after entry into
force of this Agreement, access to its procurement market for suppliers of a
non-Party beyond what it provides under this Agreement to suppliers of the other
Section 1: Central Government Entities
1. This Chapter applies to central government entities listed in each
Party’s Schedule to this Section where the value of the procurement is
estimated, in accordance with Article 15.5, to equal or exceed the thresholds
specified below:
a) for procurement of goods and
services: A$87,000 or CLP$35,911,000
(b) for procurement of construction services: A$9,570,000 or
2. The monetary thresholds set out in paragraph 1 shall be adjusted in
accordance with Section 8 of this Annex
Schedule of
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Portfolio
Department of Agriculture,
Fisheries and Forestry
Dairy Adjustment Authority
Biosecurity Australia
2. Attorney-General’s
Attorney-General’s Department
Administrative Appeals Tribunal
Australian Crime Commission
Australian Customs Service
Australian Federal Police
CrimTrac Agency
Family Court of Australia
Federal Court of Australia
Federal Magistrates Court
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity
Insolvency and Trustee Service
Australia (ITSA)
National Capital Authority
National Native Title Tribunal
Office of Parliamentary Counsel
Office of the Director of Public
3. Broadband, Communications
and the Digital Economy Portfolio
Department of Broadband,
Communications and the Digital Economy
4. Defence Portfolio
Department of Defence3
Department of Veterans’ Affairs
Defence Materiel Organisation3
5. Education, Employment and
Workplace Relations Portfolio
Department of Education, Employment
and Workplace Relations
Australian Industrial Registry
Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation
and Compensation Authority (Seacare Authority)
Office of the Workplace Ombudsman
Workplace Authority
6. Environment, Heritage and
the Arts Portfolio
Department of Environment, Water,
Heritage and the Arts
Bureau of Meteorology
7. Families, Housing,
Community Services and Indigenous Affairs Portfolio
Department of Families, Housing,
Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
Equal Opportunity for Women in the
Workplace Agency
8. Finance and Deregulation
Department of Finance and
Australian Electoral Commission
Australian Reward Investment
9. Foreign Affairs and Trade
Department of Foreign Affairs and
Australian Centre for International
Agricultural Research
10. Health and Ageing
Department of Health and Ageing
Australian Radiation Protection and
Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA)
National Blood Authority
Professional Services Review Scheme
11. Human Services Portfolio
Department of Human Services
12. Infrastructure,
Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Portfolio
Department of Infrastructure,
Transport, Regional Development and Local Government
13. Immigration and
Citizenship Portfolio
Department of Immigration and
Migration Review Tribunal and
Refugee Review Tribunal
14. Innovation, Industry,
Science and Research Portfolio
Department of Innovation, Industry,
Science and Research
Australian Research Council
IP Australia
15. Prime Minister and
Cabinet Portfolio
Department of the Prime Minister
and Cabinet
Australian National Audit Office
Australian Public Service
Office of the Commonwealth
Office of the Inspector-General of
Intelligence and Security
Office of the Official Secretary of
the Governor-General
Office of the Privacy Commissioner
Office of the Renewable Energy
National Archives of Australia
16. Resources, Energy and
Tourism Portfolio
Department of Resources, Energy and
Geoscience Australia
17. Treasury Portfolio
Department of the Treasury
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Australian Competition and Consumer
Australian Office of Financial
Management (AOFM)
Australian Taxation Office
Commonwealth Grants Commission
Inspector General of Taxation
National Competition Council
Productivity Commission
Royal Australian Mint
18. Parliamentary Departments
Department of the House of
Department of the Senate
Department of Parliamentary
Notes to the Schedule of Australia
1. This Chapter covers only those entities subordinate to the relevant
portfolio which are listed in this Schedule.
2. This Chapter does not cover the procurement of motor vehicles by any
entity listed in this Section.
3. Department of Defence and Defence Materiel Organisation
(a) This Chapter does not cover the procurement of the following goods due
to Article 15.23:
Approximately equivalent to:
FSC 10
Fire Control Equipment
FSC 12
Ammunition and Explosives
FSC 13
Guided Missiles
FSC 14
Aircraft and Airframe Structural Components
FSC 15
Aircraft Components and Accessories
FSC 16
Aircraft Launching, Landing & Ground Handling Equipment
FSC 17
Space Vehicles
FSC 18
Ships, Small Craft, Pontoons and Floating Docks
FSC 19
Ship and Marine Equipment
FSC 20
Ground Effect Vehicles, Motor Vehicles, Trailers and Cycles
FSC 23
Engines, Turbines and Components
FSC 28
Engines Accessories
FSC 29
FSC 31
Water Purification and Sewage Treatment Equipment
FSC 46
FSC 48
Maintenance and Repair Shop Equipment
FSC 49
Prefabricated Structures and Scaffolding
FSC 54
Communication, Detection and Coherent Radiation Equipment
FSC 58
Electrical and Electronic Equipment Components
FSC 59
Fiber Optics Materials, Components, Assemblies and Accessories
FSC 60
Electric Wire, and Power and Distribution Equipment
FSC 61
Alarm, Signal and Security Detection Systems
FSC 63
Instruments and Laboratory Equipment
FSC 66
Specialty Metals
No Code
NB: Whether a good is included within the scope of this Note shall be
determined solely according to the descriptions provided in the left column
above. United States Federal Supply Codes (FSC) are provided for reference
purposes only. (For a complete listing of the United States Federal Supply
Codes, to which the Australian categories are approximately equivalent, see
(b) For Australia, this Chapter does not cover the following services, as
elaborated in the Common Classification System and the WTO system of
classification – MTN.GNS/W/120, due to Article 15.23. (For a complete
listing of Common Classification System, see:
• Design,
development, integration, test, evaluation, maintenance, repair, modification,
rebuilding and installation of military systems and equipment (approximately
equivalent to relevant parts of U.S. Product Service Codes A &
J); • Operation of Government-owned facilities (approximately
equivalent to U.S. Product Service Code M); • Space services (AR, B4
& V3); and • Services in support of military forces overseas.
(c) This Chapter does not cover the procurement of goods and services by, or
on behalf of, the Defence Intelligence Organisation, the Defence Signals
Directorate or the Defence Imagery and Geospatial Organisation.
(d) In respect of Article 15.4, the Australian Government reserves the
right, pursuant to Article 15.23, to maintain the Australian Industry
Involvement program and its successor programs and policies.
4. Department of Finance and Deregulation
This Chapter does not cover procurement by the Australian Reward Investment
Alliance of investment management, investment advisory or master custody and
safekeeping services for the purposes of managing and investing the assets of
Australian Government superannuation funds.
5. Health and Ageing Portfolio
This Chapter does not apply to procurement of health and welfare
Schedule of Chile
1. Presidencia de la República
2. Ministerio de Interior
3. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
4. Ministerio de Defensa Nacional
5. Ministerio de Hacienda
6. Ministerio Secretaría General de la Presidencia
7. Ministerio Secretaría General de Gobierno
8. Ministerio de Economía, Fomento y Reconstrucción
9. Ministerio de Minería
10. Ministerio de Planificación y Cooperación
11. Ministerio de Educación
12. Ministerio de Justicia
13. Ministerio de Trabajo y Previsión Social
14. Ministerio de Obras Públicas
15. Ministerio de Transporte y Telecomunicaciones
16. Ministerio de Salud
17. Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo
18. Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales
19. Ministerio de Agricultura
20. Ministerio Servicio Nacional de la Mujer 21. Ministerio de
Gobiernos Regionales Intendencia Región de Arica y
Gobernación de Arica
Gobernación de Parinacota
Intendencia Región de Tarapacá
Gobernación de Iquique Gobernación de
Intendencia Región de Antofagasta Gobernación de
Gobernación de Loa
Gobernación de Tocopilla Intendencia Región de
Gobernación de Copiapó
Gobernación de Huasco
Gobernación de Chañaral Intendencia Región de
Gobernación de El Elqui
Gobernación de Limarí
Gobernación de Choapa Intendencia Región de
Gobernación de Valparaíso
Gobernación de Quillota
Gobernación de San Antonio
Gobernación de San Felipe
Gobernación de Los Andes
Gobernación de Petorca
Gobernación de Isla de Pascua Intendencia Región del
Libertador Bernardo O´Higgins
Gobernación de Cachapoal
Gobernación de Colchagua
Gobernación de Cardenal Caro Intendencia Región del
Gobernación de Curicó
Gobernación de Talca
Gobernación de Linares
Gobernación de Cauquenes Intendencia Región del
Bío Bío
Gobernación de Concepción
Gobernación de Ñuble
Gobernación de Bío-Bío
Gobernación de Arauco Intendencia Región de La
Gobernación de Cautín Gobernación de
Intendencia Región de Los Ríos
Gobernación de Valdivia
Gobernación de Ranco
Intendencia Región de Los Lagos
Gobernación de Llanquihue
Gobernación de Osorno
Gobernación de Chiloé
Gobernación de Palena
Intendencia Región de Aysén del General Carlos Ibañez del
Gobernación de Coihaique
Gobernación de Puerto Aysén
Gobernación de General Carrera Gobernación de
Capitán Prat Intendencia Región de Magallanes y de la
Antártica Chilena Gobernación de Magallanes
Gobernación de Última Esperanza
Gobernación de Tierra del Fuego
Gobernación de Antártica Chilena Intendencia
Región Metropolitana
Gobernación de Maipo
Gobernación de Cordillera
Gobernación de Talagante
Gobernación de Melipilla
Gobernación de Chacabuco
Gobernación de Santiago
Section 2: Sub-Central Government
1. This Chapter applies to the sub-central government entities listed in
each Party’s Schedule to this Section where the value of the procurement
is estimated, in accordance with Article 15.5, to equal or exceed:
(a) for procurement of goods and services:
A$679,000 or CLP$279,557,000
(b) for procurement of construction services:
A$9,570,000 or CLP$3,940,806,000
2. The monetary thresholds set out in paragraph 1
shall be adjusted in accordance with Section 8 of this Annex.
3. This Section covers only those entities specifically listed
Schedule of Australia
Australian Capital Territory1
ACT Auditor-General’s Office
ACT Electoral Commission
ACT Gambling and Racing Commission
ACT Health
ACT Human Rights Commission
ACT Insurance Authority
ACT Planning and Land Authority
ACT Planning and Land Council
ACT Workcover
Chief Minister’s Department
Cultural Facilities Corporation
Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services
Department of Education and Training
Department of Justice and Community Safety
Department of Treasury
Territory and Municipal Services
Director of Pubnt Commissioner
Legl Aid Commission of the ACT
Ombudsman of the ACT
Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission
Note to the Schedule of Australia
1. For the entities listed for the Australian Capital Territory, this Chapter
does not cover the procurement of health and welfare services, education
services, utility services or motor vehicles.
New South Wales1, 2
Department of Primary
Industries Office of the Rural Assistance Authority Office of the NSW Food
Authority Attorney General’s Department Department of Environment
and Climate Change Office of the Legal Aid Commission Office of the
Director of Public Prosecutions NSW Department of Commerce Office of the
Motor Accidents Authority Office of the WorkCover Authority Office for
Children Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care Department of
Community Services Aboriginal Housing Office Group of Staff Department of
Aboriginal Affairs Department of Education and Training Office of the
Board of Studies Department of Water and Energy Department of Health
Office of the Health Care Complaints Commission Department of
Planning Office of the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority Department of
Corrective Services Department of Juvenile Justice Ministry for Police
Office of the New South Wales Crime Commission Office of the Police Integrity
Commission Office of the Community Relations Commission Ombudsman’s
Office Department of Premier and Cabinet Office of the New South Wales
Electoral Commission The Audit Office of New South Wales Department of
State and Regional Development Department of Lands Department of Local
Government Department of Rural Fire Service New South Wales Fire Brigades
State Emergency Service Department of Arts, Sport and Recreation
Ministry of Transport Office of the Sydney Olympic Park Authority The
Treasury Tourism New South Wales Division
Notes to the Schedule of Australia
1. For the entities listed for New South Wales, this Chapter does not cover
the procurement of health and welfare services, education services or motor
2. For the entities listed for New South Wales, this Chapter does not apply
to procurements undertaken by a covered entity on behalf of a non-covered
Northern Territory1
Department of Chief
Minister Auditor General’s Office Department of the Legislative
Assembly Ombudsman’s Office Remuneration Tribunal Aboriginal
Areas Protection Authority Department of Business, Economic and Regional
Development Land Development Corporation Department of Primary Industry,
Fisheries and Mines Department of Local Government, Housing and
Sport Department of Natural Resources, Environment and the Arts Parks and
Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory Strehlow Research Centre
Board Northern Territory Employment and Training Authority Work Health
Authority Department of Health and Community Services Health and
Community Services Complaints Commission Department of Justice Northern
Territory Emergency Service Northern Territory Fire and Rescue
Service Police Force of the Northern Territory Northern Territory
Licensing Commission Racing Commission Tourism NT Office of the
Commissioner for Public Employment Northern Territory Treasury Utilities
Commission of the Northern Territory
Note to the Schedule of Australia
1. For the entities listed for the Northern Territory, this Chapter does not
cover set-asides on behalf of the Charles Darwin University pursuant to
Partnership Agreements between the Northern Territory Government and Charles
Darwin University.
Queensland 1, 2 Department of Justice and
Attorney-General Public Trust Office Office of Fair Trading Department
of Child Safety Department of Communities Disability Services
Queensland Department of Emergency Services Queensland Ambulance
Service Queensland Fire and Rescue Service Department of Infrastructure
and Planning Department of Local Government, Sport and
Recreation Department of Main Roads Department of Mines and
Energy Department of Natural Resources and Water Queensland Police
Service Department of Corrective Services Department of the Premier and
Cabinet Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel Office of the
Public Service Commissioner Department of Primary Industries and
Fisheries Forestry Plantations Queensland Department of Public
Works Department of Housing Environmental Protection Agency Department
of Tourism, Regional Development and Industry Queensland
Transport Department of Employment and Industrial Relations Treasury
Department QSuper Motor Accident Insurance Commission Nominal
Defendant Office of Economic and Statistical Research Office of State
Revenue Queensland Office of Gaming and Regulation
Notes to the Schedule of Australia
1. For the entities listed for Queensland, this Chapter does not apply to
procurements by covered entities on behalf of non-covered entities.
2. For the entities listed for Queensland, this Chapter does not cover the
procurement of health and welfare services, education services, government
advertising and motor vehicles.
South Australia1
Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Arts SA
Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation Division
Department of Treasury and Finance
Independent Gambling Authority
Department of Trade and Economic Development
Department of Primary Industries and Resources SA
Planning SA
Office for the Southern Suburbs
Department of Justice
Attorney-General’s Department
Department for Correctional Services
Country Fire Services
Courts Administration Authority
South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission
South Australian Metropolitan Fire Services
South Australian Police Department
State Electoral Office
Auditor-General’s Department
Department of Families and Community Services
Department of Health
Department of Education and Children's Services
Department of Further Education Employment, Science & Technology
SA Tourism Commission
Department for Environment and Heritage
Environment Protection Authority
Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation
Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure
Office for State/Local Government Relations
State Procurement Board
Note to the Schedule of Australia
1. For the entities listed for South Australia, this Chapter does not cover
the procurement of health and welfare services, education services, advertising
services or motor vehicles.
Tasmania 1
Department of Education
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources
Department of Justice
Department of Police and Emergency Management
Department of Premier and Cabinet
Department of Primary Industries and Water
Department of Economic Development and Tourism
Department of Environment, Parks, Heritage and the Arts
Department of Treasury and Finance
House of Assembly
Legislative Council
Office of the Governor
Tasmanian Audit Office
Office of the Ombudsman
Note to the Schedule of Australia
1. For the entities listed for Tasmania, this Chapter does not cover the
procurement of health and welfare services, education services or advertising
Victoria1, 2 Department of Premier and
Cabinet Department of Treasury and Finance Department of Human
Services Department of Education and Early Childhood
Development Department of Innovation Industry and Regional
Development Department of Infrastructure Department of Sustainability and
Environment Department of Primary Industries Department of Planning and
Community Development Department of Justice Essential Services Commission
Office of Police Integrity Office of Public Prosecutions Office of
the Chief Commissioner of Police Office of the Commissioner for
Environmental Sustainability Office of the Legal Services Commissioner
Office of the Ombudsman Office of the Privacy Commissioner Office of
the Special Investigations Monitor Office of the Victorian Electoral
Commission State Services Authority Victorian Auditor-General's
Notes to the Schedule of Australia
1. For the entities listed for Victoria, this Chapter does not cover the
procurement of motor vehicles.
2. For the entities listed for Victoria, this Chapter does not apply to
procurements by covered entities on behalf of non-covered entities.
Western Australia
Department of Agriculture and Food
Rural Business Development Corporation of Western Australia
Department of Fisheries
Mid West Development Commission
Wheatbelt Development Commission
Great Southern Development Commission
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
Office of the Information Commissioner
Law Reform Commission of Western Australia
Equal Opportunity Commission
Department of Health
Western Australian Electoral Commission
Department for Communities
Department for Child Protection
Disability Services Commission
Department of Culture and the Arts
Department of Consumer and Employment Protection
Department of Indigenous Affairs
Department of the Registrar, Western Australian Industrial Relations
Department of Education and Training
Country High Schools Hostels Authority
Curriculum Council of Western Australia
Department of Education Services
Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority
Department of Water
Department of Environment and Conservation
Swan River Trust
Zoological Parks Authority
Department of Housing and Works
State Supply Commission of Western Australia
Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor
Department of Local Government and Regional Development
Heritage Council of WA
National Trust of Australia (WA)
Kimberley Development Commission
Pilbara Development Commission
Gascoyne Development Commission
Goldfields Esperance Development Commission
Department for Planning and Infrastructure
Main Roads Western Australia
Western Australian Planning Commission
Public Transport Authority
Fire and Emergency Services Authority of Western Australia
Department of Attorney General
Department of Corrective Services
Office of the Inspector of Custodial Services
Western Australian Police
Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Governor’s Establishment
Office of the Public Sector Standards Commissioner
Salaries and Allowances Tribunal
Department of Industry and Resources
Minerals and Energy Research Institute of Western Australia
Western Australian Tourism Commission (Tourism Western Australia)
Small Business Development Corporation
Rottnest Island Authority
Department of Sport and Recreation
Western Australian Sports Centre Trust
South West Development Commission
Department of Treasury and Finance
Office of Energy
Perth International Centre for Application of Solar Energy
Legislative Assembly
Legislative Council
Office of the Auditor General
Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administrative Investigations
Corruption and Crime Commission
Parliamentary Services Department
Schedule of Chile
1. Municipalidad de Arica 2. Municipalidad de Camarones
3. Municipalidad de Putre 4. Municipalidad de General
Lagos 5. Municipalidad de Iquique 6. Municipalidad de Alto
Hospicio 7. Municipalidad de Pozo Almonte 8. Municipalidad
de Camiña 9. Municipalidad de
Colchane 10. Municipalidad de Huara 11. Municipalidad de
Pica 12. Municipalidad de Antofagasta 13. Municipalidad de
Mejillones 14. Municipalidad de Sierra
Gorda 15. Municipalidad de Taltal 16. Municipalidad de
Calama 17. Municipalidad de Ollagüe 18. Municipalidad
de San Pedro de Atacama 19. Municipalidad de
Tocopilla 20. Municipalidad de Maria Elena 21. Municipalidad
de Copiapó 22. Municipalidad de
Caldera 23. Municipalidad de Tierra
Amarilla 24. Municipalidad de
Chañl 25. Municipalidad de Diego de
26. Municipalidad de Vallenar 27. Municipalidad de
Alto del Carmen 28. Municipalidad de
Freirina 29. Municipalidad de Huasco 30. Municipalidad de La
Serena 31. Municipalidad de Coquimbo 32. Municipalidad de
Andacollo 33. Municipalidad de La Higuera 34. Municipalidad
de Paihuano 35. Municipalidad de
Vicuña 36. Municipalidad de Illapel 37. Municipalidad
de Canela 38. Municipalidad de Los Vilos 39. Municipalidad
de Salamanca 40. Municipalidad de Ovalle 41. Municipalidad
de Combarbalá 42. Municipalidad de Monte
Patria 43. Municipalidad de Punitaqui 44. Municipalidad de
Río Hurtado 45. Municipalidad de
Valparaíso 46. Municipalidad de
Casablanca 47. Municipalidad de Con –
Con 48. Municipalidad de Juan
Fernández 49. Municipalidad de
Puchuncaví 50. Municipalidad de
Quilpué 51. Municipalidad de Quintero 52. Municipalidad
de Villa Alemana 53. Municipalidad de Viña del
Mar 54. Municipalidad de Isla de Pascua 55. Municipalidad de
Los Andes 56. Municipalidad de Calle Larga 57. Municipalidad
de Rinconada 58. Municipalidad de San
Esteban 59. Municipalidad de La Ligua 60. Municipalidad de
Cabildo 61. Municipalidad de Papudo 62. Municipalidad de
Petorca 63. Municipalidad de Zapallar 64. Municipalidad de
Quillota 65. Municipalidad de La Calera 66. Municipalidad de
Hijuelas 67. Municipalidad de La Cruz 68. Municipalidad de
Limache 69. Municipalidad de Nogales 70. Municipalidad de
Olmué 71. Municipalidad de San
Antonio 72. Municipalidad de Algarrobo 73. Municipalidad de
Cartagena 74. Municipalidad de El Quisco 75. Municipalidad
de El Tabo 76. Municipalidad de Santo
Domingo 77. Municipalidad de San Felipe 78. Municipalidad de
Catemu 79. Municipalidad de Llay –
Llay 80. Municipalidad de Panquehue 81. Municipalidad de
Putaendo 82. Municipalidad de Santa
María 83. Municipalidad de Rancagua 84. Municipalidad
de Codegua 85. Municipalidad de Coinco 86. Municipalidad de
Coltauco 87. Municipalidad de Doñihue 88. Municipalidad
de Graneros 89. Municipalidad de Las
Cabras 90. Municipalidad de Machalí 91. Municipalidad
de Malloa 92. Municipalidad de Mostazal 93. Municipalidad de
Olivar 94. Municipalidad de Peumo 95. Municipalidad de
Pichidegua 96. Municipalidad de Quinta de
Tilcoco 97. Municipalidad de Rengo 98. Municipalidad de
Requínoa 99. Municipalidad de San
Vicente 100. Municipalidad de Pichilemu 101. Municipalidad
de La Estrella 102. Municipalidad de
Litueche 103. Municipalidad de Marchihue 104. Municipalidad
de Navidad 105. Municipalidad de
Paredones 106. Municipalidad de San
Fernando 107. Municipalidad de
Chépica 108. Municipalidad de
Chimbarongo 109. Municipalidad de Lolol 110. Municipalidad
de Nancagua 111. Municipalidad de
Palmilla 112. Municipalidad de Peralillo 113. Municipalidad
de Placilla 114. Municipalidad de Pumanque
115. Municipalidad de Santa Cruz 116. Municipalidad de
Talca 117. Municipalidad de
Constitución 118. Municipalidad de
Curepto 119. Municipalidad de Empedrado 120. Municipalidad
de Maule 121. Municipalidad de Pelarco 122. Municipalidad de
Pencahue 123. Municipalidad de Río
Claro 124. Municipalidad de San Clemente 125. Minicipalidad
de San Rafael 126. Municipalidad de
Cauquenes 127. Municipalidad de Chanco 128. Municipalidad de
Pelluhue 129. Municipalidad de
Curicó 130. Municipalidad de
Hualañé 131. Municipalidad de
Licantén 132. Municipalidad de
Molina 133. Municipalidad de Rauco 134. Municipalidad de
Romeral 135. Municipalidad de Sagrada
Familia 136. Municipalidad de Teno 137. Municipalidad de
Vichuquén 138. Municipalidad de
Linares 139. Municipalidad de Colbún 140. Municipalidad
de Longaví 141. Municipalidad de
Parral 142. Municipalidad de Retiro 143. Municipalidad de
San Javier 144. Municipalidad de Villa
Alegre 145. Municipalidad de Yerbas
Buenas 146. Municipalidad de
Concepción 147. Municipalidad de
Coronel 148. Municipalidad de Chiguayante 149. Municipalidad
de Florida 150. Municipalidad de Hualqui 151. Municipalidad
de Lota 152. Municipalidad de Penco 153. Municipalidad de
San Pedro de La Paz 154. Municipalidad de Santa
Juana 155. Municipalidad de Talcahuano 156. Municipalidad de
Tomé 157. Minicipalidad de
Hualpén 158. Municipalidad de Lebu 159. Municipalidad
de Arauco 160. Municipalidad de
Cañete 161. Municipalidad de
Contulmo 162. Municipalidad de
Curanilahue 163. Municipalidad de Los
Alamos 164. Municipalidad de Tirúa 165. Municipalidad
de Los Angeles 166. Municipalidad de
Antuco 167. Municipalidad de Cabrero 168. Municipalidad de
Laja 169. Municipalidad de Mulchén 170. Municipalidad
de Nacimiento 171. Municipalidad de
Negrete 172. Municipalidad de Quilaco 173. Municipalidad de
Quilleco 174. Municipalidad de San
Rosendo 175. Municipalidad de Santa
Bárbara 176. Municipalidad de
Tucapel 177. Municipalidad de Yumbel 178. Municipalidad de
Alto Bío Bío 179. Municipalidad de
Chillán 180. Municipalidad de Bulnes 181. Municipalidad
de Cobquecura 182. Municipalidad de
Coelemu 183. Municipalidad de Coihueco 184. Municipalidad de
Chillán Viejo 185. Municipalidad de El
Carmen 186. Municipalidad de Ninhue 187. Municipalidad de
Ñiquén 188. Municipalidad de
Pemuco 189. Municipalidad de Pinto 190. Municipalidad de
Portezuelo 191. Municipalidad de
Quillón 192. Municipalidad de
Quirihue 193. Municipalidad de Ranquil 194. Municipalidad
de San Carlos 195. Municipalidad de San
Fabián 196. Municipalidad de San
Ignacio 197. Municipalidad de San
Nicolás 198. Municipalidad de
Trehuaco 199. Municipalidad de Yungay 200. Municipalidad de
Temuco 201. Municipalidad de Carahue 202. Municipalidad de
Cunco 203. Municipalidad de Curarrehue 204. Municipalidad de
Freire 205. Municipalidad de Galvarino 206. Municipalidad de
Gorbea 207. Municipalidad de Lautaro 208. Municipalidad de
Loncoche 209. Municipalidad de Melipeuco 210. Municipalidad
de Nueva Imperial 211. Municipalidad de Padre de Las
Casas 212. Municipalidad de Perquenco 213. Municipalidad de
Pitrufquén 214. Municipalidad de
Pucón 215. Municipalidad de Saavedra 216. Municipalidad
de Teodoro Schmidt 217. Municipalidad de
Toltén 218. Municipalidad de
Vilcún 219. Municipalidad de
Villarrica 220. Municipalidad de Cholchol 221. Municipalidad
de Angol 222. Municipalidad de Collipulli 223.
Municipalidad de Curacautín 224. Municipalidad de
Ercilla 225. Municipalidad de Lonquimay 226. Municipalidad
de Los Sauces 227. Municipalidad de
Lumaco 228. Municipalidad de Purén 229. Municipalidad
de Renaico 230. Municipalidad de
Traiguén 231. Municipalidad de
Victoria 232. Municipalidad de Valdivia 233. Municipalidad
de Corral 234. Municipalidad de Lanco 235. Municipalidad de
Los Lagos 236. Municipalidad de Mafil 237. Municipalidad de
Mariquina 238. Municipalidad de Paillaco 239. Municipalidad
de Panguipulli 240. Municipalidad de La
Unión 241. Municipalidad de Futrono 242. Municipalidad
de Lago Ranco 243. Municipalidad de Río
Bueno 244. Municipalidad de Puerto Montt 245. Municipalidad
de Calbuco 246. Municipalidad de
Cochamó 247. Municipalidad de Fresia 248. Municipalidad
de Frutillar 249. Municipalidad de Los
Muermos 250. Municipalidad de Llanquihue 251. Municipalidad
de Maullín 252. Municipalidad de Puerto
Varas 253. Municipalidad de Castro 254. Municipalidad de
Ancud 255. Municipalidad de Chonchi 256. Municipalidad de
Curaco de Velez 257. Municipalidad de
Dalcahue 258. Municipalidad de
Puqueldón 259. Municipalidad de
Queilén 260. Municipalidad de
Quellón 261. Municipalidad de
Quemchi 262. Municipalidad de Quinchao 263. Municipalidad de
Osorno 264. Municipalidad de Puerto Octay 265. Municipalidad
de Purranque 266. Municipalidad de
Puyehue 267. Municipalidad de Río
Negro 268. Municipalidad de San Juan de La
Costa 269. Municipalidad de San Pablo 270. Municipalidad de
Chaitén 271. Municipalidad de
Futaleufú 272. Municipalidad de
Hualaihue 273. Municipalidad de Palena 274. Municipalidad de
Coyhaique 275. Municipalidad de Lago
Verde 276. Municipalidad de Aysén 277. Municipalidad de
Cisnes 278. Municipalidad de Guaitecas 279. Municipalidad de
Cochrane 280. Municipalidad de
O’Higgins 281. Municipalidad de
Tortel 282. Municipalidad de Chile Chico 283. Municipalidad
de Río Ibañez 284. Municipalidad de Punta
Arenas 285. Municipalidad de Laguna
Blanca 286. Municipalidad de Río
Verde 287. Municipalidad de San Gregorio 288. Municipalidad
Cabo de Hornos (Ex Navarino) 289. Municipalidad
Antártica 290. Municipalidad de
Porvenir 291. Municipalidad de Primavera 292. Municipalidad
de Timaukel 293. Municipalidad de Natales 294.
Municipalidad de Torres del Paine 295. Municipalidad de
Santiago 296. Municipalidad de Cerrillos 297. Municipalidad
de Cerro Navia 298. Municipalidad de
Conchalí 299. Municipalidad de El
Bosque 300. Municipalidad de Estación
Central 301. Municipalidad de Huechuraba 302. Municipalidad
de Independencia 303. Municipalidad de La
Cisterna 304. Municipalidad de La Florida 305. Municipalidad
de La Granja 306. Municipalidad de La
Pintana 307. Municipalidad de La Reina 308. Municipalidad de
Las Condes 309. Municipalidad de Lo
Barnechea 310. Municipalidad de Lo Espejo 311. Municipalidad
de Lo Prado 312. Municipalidad de Macul 313. Municipalidad
de Maipú 314. Municipalidad de
Ñuñoa 315. Municipalidad de Pedro Aguirre
Cerda 316. Municipalidad de
Peñalolen 317. Municipalidad de
Providencia 318. Municipalidad de
Pudahuel 319. Municipalidad de Quilicura 320. Municipalidad
de Quinta Normal 321. Municipalidad de
Recoleta 322. Municipalidad de Renca 323. Municipalidad de
San Joaquín 324. Municipalidad de San
Miguel 325. Municipalidad de San
Ramón 326. Municipalidad de Vitacura 327. Municipalidad
de Puente Alto 328. Municipalidad de
Pirque 329. Municipalidad de San José de
Maipo 330. Municipalidad de Colina 331. Municipalidad de
Lampa 332. Municipalidad de Til Til 333. Municipalidad de
San Bernardo 334. Municipalidad de Buin 335. Municipalidad
de Calera de Tango 336. Municipalidad de
Paine 337. Municipalidad de Melipilla 338. Municipalidad de
Alhué 339. Municipalidad de
Curacaví 340. Municipalidad de Maria
Pinto 341. Municipalidad de San Pedro 342. Municipalidad de
Talagante 343. Municipalidad de El Monte 344. Municipalidad
de Isla de Maipo 345. Municipalidad de Padre
Hurtado 346. Municipalidad de Peñaflor
Section 3: Other Covered Entities
1. This Chapter applies to entities listed in each
Party’s Schedule to this Section where the value of the procurement is
estimated, in accordance with Article 15.5, to equal or exceed:
(a) for procurement of goods and services:
A$436,000 or CLP$ 179,558,000
(b) for procurement of construction services:
A$9,570,000 or CLP$ 3,940,806,000
2. The monetary thresholds set out in paragraph 1
shall be adjusted in accordance with Section 8 of this Annex.
3. This Section covers only those entities specifically listed
Schedule of
Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency Ltd. Australian
Accounting Standards Board Australian Communications and Media
Authority Australian Fisheries Management Authority Australian Institute
of Criminology Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Australian
Institute of Marine Science Australian Law Reform Commission Australian
Maritime Safety Authority Australian National Maritime Museum Australian
Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Australian Pesticides and
Veterinary Medicines Authority Australian Prudential Regulation
Authority Australian Securities and Investments Commission Tourism
Australia Australian Trade Commission (Austrade) Australian War
Memorial2 Comcare Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Research Organisation Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee Export
Finance and Insurance Corporation Grains Research and Development
Corporation Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Medicare
Australia Land and Water Resources Research and Development
Corporation National Gallery of Australia National Museum of
Australia Reserve Bank of Australia Sydney Harbour Federation Trust The
Director of National Parks
Notes to the Schedule of Australia
1. For the entities listed in this schedule, this Chapter does not cover the
procurement of motor vehicles.
2. This Chapter does not cover procurement of telecommunications services by
the Australian War Memorial.
Schedule of Chile
1. Empresa Portuaria Arica
2. Empresa Portuaria Iquique
3. Empresa Portuaria Antofagasta
4. Empresa Portuaria Coquimbo
5. Empresa Portuaria Valparaíso
6. Empresa Portuaria San Antonio
7. Empresa Portuaria San Vicente Talcahuano
8. Empresa Portuaria Puerto Montt
9. Empresa Portuaria Chacabuco
10. Empresa Portuaria Austral
11. Aeropuertos de propiedad del Estado, dependientes de la Dirección
General de Aeronáutica Civil
Section 4: Goods
This Chapter applies to all goods procured by the
entities listed in Sections 1 to 3, unless otherwise specified in this Chapter,
including this Annex.
Section 5: Services
This Chapter applies to all services procured by
the entities listed in Sections 1 to 3, unless otherwise specified in this
Chapter, including this Annex.
Schedule of Australia
This Chapter does not cover the procurement of
research and development services, plasma fractionation services or government
advertising services.
Section 6: Construction Services
This Chapter applies to all construction services
procured by the entities listed in Sections 1 to 3, unless otherwise specified
in this Chapter, including this Annex.
Schedule of Australia
For the purposes of Articles 15.13.1 and 15.13.2, Australia requires, as a
condition for participation in procurement of building and construction
services, compliance with the National Code of Practice for the Construction
Industry and related implementation guidelines at the central and sub-central
government levels, and their successor policies and guidelines. In this respect
Australia shall accord to the goods, services and suppliers of Chile, treatment
no less favourable than the most favourable treatment it accords to its own
goods, services and suppliers.
Schedule of Chile
This Chapter shall not apply to construction services intended for Easter
Island (Isla de Pascua).
Note to Section 6
Buy national requirements on articles, supplies or
materials acquired for use in construction services contracts covered by this
Chapter shall not apply to goods of either Party.
Section 7: General
Unless otherwise specified herein, the following
General Notes in each Party’s Schedule apply without exception to this
Chapter, including to all sections of this Annex.
Schedule of Australia
This Chapter does not apply to:
(a) any form of preference to benefit small and
medium enterprises;
(b) measures to protect national treasures of
artistic, historic, or archaeological value;
(c) measures for the health and welfare of
indigenous people; and
(d) measures for the economic and social
advancement of indigenous people.
Section 8: Threshold
Adjustment Formula
1. The thresholds in Sections 1 to 3 shall be adjusted at two-year
intervals with each adjustment taking effect on January 1, beginning January 1,
2. The thresholds shall be adjusted:
(a) for Australia to align with the adjusted thresholds for equivalent
categories of procurement listed in Annex 15-A, Section 1 to 3 of the
Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement, expressed in its national currency
according to that Agreement; and
(b) for Chile to align with the adjusted thresholds for equivalent categories
of procurement listed in Annex 9.1, Section A to C of the Chile-United States
Free Trade Agreement, expressed in its national currency according to that
3. A Party may round its calculations for adjusted thresholds
covered by this section according to the following:
(a) for Australia, to the nearest thousand Australian
Dollars; and
(b) for Chile, to the nearest hundred thousand Chilean
4. The Parties shall consult if a major change in a national
currency vis-à-vis Special Drawing Rights or the other currency during a
year were to create a significant problem with regard to the application of the
5. In the event that:
(a) Australia withdraws from the Australia-United States Free Trade
Agreement pursuant to Article 23.4 of that Agreement; or
(b) Chile withdraws from the Chile-United States Free Trade Agreement
pursuant to Article 24.4 of that Agreement; or
(c) The Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement or the Chile-United
States Free Trade Agreement are terminated; or
(d) An alteration to the arrangements for determining or adjusting the
thresholds referred to in paragraph 2 in either the Australia-United States Free
Trade Agreement or the Chile-United States Free Trade Agreement impacts on the
operation of this Chapter;
The Joint FTA Committee shall agree revised
arrangements for determining or adjusting thresholds with a view to maintaining
the balance between the Parties in respect of the thresholds applying to one or
more categories of procurement as set out in Sections 1 to 3.
6. Each Party shall notify the other Party of the value of the newly
calculated thresholds in its national currency no later than one month before
the thresholds take effect.
16.1: Definitions16-1
For the purposes of this Chapter:
(a) digital certificates
are electronic documents or files that are issued or otherwise linked to a party
to an electronic communication, transaction or contract for the purpose of
establishing the party’s identity, authority or other
attributes; (b) electronic authentication means the process of
establishing levels of confidence in the identity of a party to an electronic
communication or transaction;
(c) electronic version of a
document means a document in electronic format prescribed by a Party,
including a document sent by facsimile transmission; (d) personal
data means information about an individual whose identity is apparent, or
can reasonably be ascertained, from the information; (e) trade
administration documents means forms issued or controlled by a Party which
must be completed by or for an importer or exporter in relation to the import or
export of goods; (f) party means a person who takes part in a
transaction or contract; and
(g) electronic transmission means
the transfer of digital products using any electromagnetic or photonic
Article 16.2: General Provisions
1. The Parties recognise the economic growth and opportunities provided
by electronic commerce, and the importance of avoiding unnecessary
barriers to its use and development consistent with this
Agreement. 2. The aim of this Chapter is to promote electronic commerce
between the Parties and the wider use of electronic commerce
globally. 3. The Parties agree that, to the maximum extent possible,
bilateral trade in electronic commerce shall be no more restricted than
comparable non-electronic bilateral trade.
Article 16.3: Electronic Supply of
Nothing in this Chapter imposes obligations to allow the electronic
supply of a service nor the electronic transmission of content associated with
those services, except in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9
(Cross-Border Trade in Services), Chapter 10 (Investment) or Chapter 12
(Financial Services), including the Annexes (Non-Conforming Measures).
Article 16.4: Customs Duties
Each Party shall not impose customs duties on electronic
transmissions between the Parties.
Article 16.5: Domestic Electronic Transactions
1. Each Party shall adopt or maintain measures regulating electronic
transactions based on the following principles:
(a) a transaction
including a contract shall not be denied legal effect, validity or
enforceability solely on the grounds that it is in the form of an electronic
communication; and (b) laws should not discriminate arbitrarily between
different forms of technology.
2. Nothing in paragraph 1 prevents the
Parties from making exceptions in their domestic laws to the general principles
outlined in that paragraph. 3. Each Party shall:
(a) minimise the
regulatory burden on electronic commerce; and (b) ensure that its
measures regulating electronic commerce support industry-led development of
electronic commerce.
Article 16.6: Electronic Authentication
1. The Parties recognise that electronic authentication represents an
element that facilitates trade. 2. The Parties shall work towards the
mutual recognition of digital certificates and electronic signatures at
governmental level, based on internationally accepted standards. 3. Each
Party shall adopt or maintain measures regulating electronic authentication
(a) permit parties who take part in a transaction or contract by
electronic means to determine the appropriate authentication technologies and
implementation models, and do not limit the recognition of such technologies and
implementation models, unless there is a domestic or international legal
requirement to the contrary; and (b) permit parties who take part in a
transaction or contract by electronic means to have the opportunity to prove in
court that their electronic transactions comply with any legal
4. The Parties shall encourage the use of interoperable
electronic authentication.
Article 16.7: Online Consumer Protection
1. Each Party shall, to the extent possible and in a manner considered
appropriate, adopt or maintain measures which provide protection for consumers
using electronic commerce that is at least equivalent to measures which provide
protection for consumers of other forms of commerce. 2. Each Party shall
adopt or maintain measures regulating consumer protection
(a) consumers who participate in electronic commerce should be
afforded transparent and effective consumer protection that is not less than the
level of protection afforded in other forms of commerce;
and (b) businesses engaged in electronic commerce should pay due regard
to the interests of consumers and act in accordance with fair business,
advertising and marketing practices.
3. Each Party shall encourage
business to adopt the following fair business practices where business engages
in electronic commerce with consumers:
(a) businesses should provide
accurate, clear and easily accessible information about themselves, the goods or
services offered, and about the terms, conditions and costs associated with a
transaction to enable consumers to make an informed decision about whether to
enter into the transaction; (b) to avoid ambiguity concerning the
consumer’s intent to make a purchase, the consumer should be able, before
concluding the purchase, to identify precisely the goods or services he or she
wishes to purchase; identify and correct any errors or modify the order; express
an informed and deliberate consent to the purchase; and retain a complete and
accurate record of the transaction; (c) consumers should be provided with
easy-to-use, secure payment mechanisms and information on the level of
security such mechanisms afford.
Article 16.8: Online Personal Data
Each Party shall adopt or maintain a domestic legal framework which
ensures the protection of the personal data of the users of electronic commerce.
In the development of personal data protection standards, each Party shall take
into account the international standards and criteria of relevant international
Article 16.9: Paperless Trading
1. Each Party shall endeavor to accept electronic versions
of trade administration documents used by the other Party as the legal
equivalent of paper documents, except where:
(a) there is a domestic or
international legal requirement to the contrary; or
(b) doing so would
reduce the effectiveness of the trade administration process.
2. For
greater certainty, the Parties confirm that Article 5.11 (Paperless Trading
– Customs Administration Chapter) applies to paperless trading under this
Chapter. 3. Each Party shall work towards developing a single
window16-2 to government
incorporating relevant international standards for the conduct of trade
administration, recognising that each Party will have its own unique
requirements and conditions.
Article 16.10: Consultations
1. The Parties will consult on electronic commerce matters arising under
this Chapter including in relation to electronic signatures, data protection,
online consumer protection and any other matters agreed by the
Parties. 2. The consultations may be held via teleconference,
videoconference, or through other means, as mutually determined by the
Article 17.1: Definitions
For the purposes of this Chapter:
(a) broadcasting means
the transmission to the public by wireless means, including satellite, of sounds
or sounds and images, or representations thereof, including wireless
transmission of encrypted signals where the means for decrypting are provided to
the public by the broadcasting organisation or with its consent;
(b) communication to the public of a performance or a phonogram
has the meaning in Article 2(g) of the WIPO Performances and Phonograms
Treaty; (c) fixation in relation to performances and
phonograms means the embodiment of sounds, or of the representations thereof,
from which they can be perceived, reproduced or communicated through a
device; (d) intellectual property refers to all categories of
intellectual property that are the subject of Sections 1 to 7 of Part II of the
TRIPS Agreement, namely: copyright and related rights; trade marks; geographical
indications; industrial designs; patents; layout designs (topographies) of
integrated circuits; and protection of undisclosed
information17-1; (e)
refers to a performance fixed in a phonogram unless otherwise specified;
(f) performers means actors, singers, musicians, dancers, and
other persons who act, sing, deliver, declaim, play in, interpret or otherwise
perform literary or artistic works or expressions of
folklore; (g) phonogram means the fixation of the sounds of a
performance or of other sounds, or of a representation of sounds, other than in
the form of a fixation incorporated in a cinematographic or other audiovisual
work; (h) producer of a phonogram means the person who, or the
legal entity which, takes the initiative and has the responsibility for the
first fixation of the sounds of a performance or other sounds, or the
representations of sounds;
(i) publication of a performance or a
phonogram means the offering of copies of the performance or the phonogram
to the public, with the consent of the right holder, and provided that copies
are offered to the public in reasonable quantity; (j) WIPO means
the World Intellectual Property Organization; and (k) work
includes a cinematographic work.
Article 17.2: Purpose
The Parties recognise that it is important to provide adequate and
effective protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights, promote
efficient and transparent intellectual property systems and achieve an
appropriate balance between the legitimate interests of intellectual property
right holders and of users in subject matter protected by intellectual property
Article 17.3: General Provisions
1. The Parties reaffirm their existing rights and obligations with
respect to each other under the TRIPS Agreement and any other multilateral
intellectual property agreements to which both are party. 2. Nothing in
this Chapter shall prevent a Party from adopting appropriate measures to
(a) the abuse of intellectual property rights by right holders
or the resort to practices that unreasonably restrain trade or adversely affect
the international transfer of technology; and
(b) anticompetitive
practices that may result from the abuse of intellectual property
provided that such measures are consistent with this
Agreement. 3. Each Party shall give effect to the provisions of this
Chapter and may, but shall not be obliged to, implement in its domestic law more
extensive protection than is required by this Chapter, provided that such
protection does not contravene the provisions of this Chapter.
Article 17.4: International Agreements
1. Each Party shall ratify or accede to the following agreements by 1
January 2009 in a manner consistent with its domestic law and subject to the
fulfilment of its necessary internal requirements:
(a) the Convention
Relating to the Distribution of Programme-Carrying Signals Transmitted by
Satellite (1974) (the Brussels Convention);
(b) the Budapest
Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the
Purposes of Patent Procedure (1980); and (c) the International
Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants
2. Each Party shall undertake reasonable efforts to ratify or
accede to the following agreements, in a manner consistent with its domestic law
and subject to the fulfilment of its necessary internal
(a) the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement
Concerning the International Registration of Marks (1989); (b) the
Patent Cooperation Treaty (1970); and (c) the Patent Law
Treaty (2000).
Article 17.5: National Treatment
1. In respect of all intellectual property rights covered in this
Chapter, each Party shall accord to persons of the other Party treatment no less
favourable than it accords to its own persons with regard to the
protection17-2 and enjoyment of such
intellectual property rights and any benefits derived from such rights, subject
to the exceptions provided in multilateral intellectual property agreements to
which either Party is, or becomes, a contracting party. 2. A Party may
derogate from paragraph 1 in relation to its judicial and administrative
procedures, including requiring a person of the other Party to designate an
address for service of process in its territory, or to appoint an agent in its
territory, provided that such derogation is:
(a) necessary to secure
compliance with laws and regulations that are not inconsistent with this
Chapter; and (b) not applied in a manner that would constitute a
disguised restriction on trade.
3. Paragraph 1 does not apply to
procedures provided in multilateral agreements concluded under the auspices of
WIPO in relation to the acquisition or maintenance of intellectual property
Article 17.6: Application of Agreement to
Existing Subject Matter
1. Except as it provides otherwise, including Article 17.32, this Chapter
gives rise to obligations in respect of all subject matter existing at the date
of entry into force of this Agreement, that is protected on that date in the
territory of the Party where protection is claimed, or that meets or comes
subsequently to meet the criteria for protection under this
Chapter. 2. Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, a Party shall
not be required to restore protection to subject matter that on the date of
entry into force of this Agreement has fallen into the public domain in the
territory of the Party where the protection is claimed.
Article 17.7: Application of Agreement to Prior
This Chapter does not give rise to obligations in respect of acts that
occurred before the date of entry into force of this Agreement.
Article 17.8: Industrial Property
1. Each Party shall provide a system that permits owners to assert
industrial property rights and interested parties to challenge such rights
through administrative or judicial means, or both. 2. Each Party shall
endeavour to simplify and streamline its administrative procedures and
participate in international fora, including the WIPO fora, dealing with reform
and development of the industrial property system.
Article 17.9: Trade Marks Protection
Each Party shall provide that trade marks shall include trade marks in
respect of goods and services, collective marks and certification marks. A
Party is not obligated to treat certification marks as a separate category in
its domestic law. Each Party shall provide, in accordance with its domestic
law, that a sound may constitute a sign, and a combination of colours may form
all or part of a sign. Each Party may provide trade mark protection for scents.
The Parties shall not require, as a condition of registration, that trade marks
be visually perceptible. A Party may require that trade marks be represented
Article 17.10: Use of Identical or Similar
Each Party shall provide that the owner of a registered trade mark shall
have the exclusive right to prevent third parties not having the owner’s
consent from using in the course of trade identical or similar signs, including
subsequent geographical indications, for goods or services that are related to
those goods or services in respect of which the trade mark is registered, where
such use would result in a likelihood of
Article 17.11: Exceptions to Trade Mark
Each Party may provide limited exceptions to the rights conferred by a
trade mark, such as fair use of descriptive terms, provided that such exceptions
take account of the legitimate interest of the owner of the trade mark and of
third parties.
Article 17.12: Well Known Trade Marks
1. Article 6bis of the Paris Convention for the Protection of
Industrial Property shall apply to goods or services that are not identical
or similar to those identified by a well known trade
mark17-4, whether registered or not,
provided that use of that trade mark in relation to those goods or services
would indicate a connection between those goods or services and the owner of the
trade mark, and provided that the interests of the owner of the trade mark are
likely to be damaged by such use. 2. Each Party recognises the
importance of the Joint Recommendation Concerning Provisions on the
Protection of Well-Known Marks (1999) as adopted by the Assembly of the
Paris Union for the Protection of Industrial Property and the General Assembly
of WIPO, and shall be guided by the principles contained in this
Article 17.13: Trade Mark System of
Each Party shall provide a system of protection for trade marks that
provides procedures for examination as to substance and formalities, opposition,
and cancellation, which shall include, but not be limited
(a) providing to the applicant a communication in writing, which may
be electronic, of the reasons for any refusal to register a trade
mark; (b) providing the opportunity for the applicant to respond to
communications from the authorities responsible for registration of trade marks,
to contest an initial refusal, and to appeal judicially any final refusal to
register a trade mark; (c) providing an opportunity for interested
parties to oppose the registration of a trade mark or to seek cancellation of a
trade mark; and (d) requiring that decisions in opposition or
cancellation proceedings be reasoned and in writing.
Article 17.14: Electronic Trade Marks
Each Party shall provide, to the maximum extent practical:
(a) a
system for the electronic application, processing, registration and maintenance
of trade marks; and (b) a publicly available electronic information
system of registered trade marks.
Article 17.15: Term of Protection for Trade
Each Party shall provide that initial registration of a trade mark shall
be for a term of no less than 10 years.
Article 17.16: Classification of Goods and
Each Party shall maintain a trade mark classification system that is
consistent with the Nice Agreement Concerning the International
Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of
Marks of June 15, 1957, as amended.
Article 17.17: Geographical Indications
1. Each Party shall recognise that geographical indications may be
protected through a trade mark or sui generis system or other legal
means. 2. Each Party shall provide the means for persons of the other
Party to apply for protection of geographical indications. Each Party shall
accept applications without the requirement for intercession by a Party on
behalf of its persons, and shall:
(a) process applications for
geographical indications with a minimum of formalities; (b) make its
regulations governing filing of such applications readily available to the
public; (c) ensure that applications for geographical indications are
published for opposition and provide procedures for:
(i) opposing
geographical indications before registration; and (ii) cancellation of
any registered geographical indications;
(d) ensure that measures
governing the filing of applications for geographical indications set out
clearly the procedures for such actions and shall include contact information
sufficient for applicants to obtain specific procedural guidance regarding the
processing of those applications; and (e) provide that the grounds for
refusing an application for protection of a geographical indication, or for
opposing such an application, include the
(i) the
geographical indication is confusingly similar to a trade mark that is the
subject of a pre-existing good-faith pending application or registration;
and (ii) the geographical indication is confusingly similar to a
pre-existing trade mark, the rights to which have been acquired through use in
good faith in the territory of the Party.
Article 17.18: Country Names
Each Party shall provide the legal means for interested parties to
prevent commercial use of country names of the other Party in relation to goods
in a manner which is likely to mislead consumers as to the origin of such goods.
Article 17.19: Availability of Patents
Each Party shall make patents available for any invention, whether a
product or process, in all fields of technology, provided that the invention is
new, involves an inventive step, and is capable of industrial application. For
the purposes of this Article, a Party may treat the terms “inventive
step” and “capable of industrial application” as synonymous
with the terms “non-obvious” and “useful”,
Article 17.20: Exceptions to Patent
A Party may provide limited exceptions to the exclusive rights conferred
by a patent, provided that such exceptions do not unreasonably conflict with a
normal exploitation of the patent and do not unreasonably prejudice the
legitimate interests of the patent owner, taking account of the legitimate
interests of third parties.
Article 17.21: Patent System of
1. Each Party shall provide an opportunity, either before or after grant,
for interested parties to oppose the grant of a patent or to seek its revocation
or cancellation17-6. 2. Each
Party shall provide that a patent may only be revoked or cancelled on grounds
that would have justified a refusal to grant the
patent. 3. Notwithstanding paragraph 2, a Party may also provide that a
patent may be revoked or cancelled on the basis of fraud, or that the patent is
used in a manner determined to be anticompetitive in a judicial proceeding
Article 17.22: Grace Period for Patents
Neither Party shall use the information contained in a public disclosure
to prevent patentability due to a lack of novelty or inventive step if the
public disclosure:
(a) was made or authorised by, or derived from, the
patent applicant; and (b) occurs within 12 months prior to the date of
filing of the application in the territory of the Party.
Article 17.23: Classification of
Each Party shall maintain a patent classification system that is
consistent with the Strasbourg Agreement Concerning the International Patent
Classification of March 24, 1971, as amended.
Article 17.24: Dispute Settlement and
Registration Database
1. Each Party shall require that the management of its country-code
top-level domain (ccTLD) provide an appropriate procedure for the settlement of
disputes, based on the principles established in the Uniform Domain-Name
Dispute-Resolution Policy. 2. Each Party shall require that the
management of its ccTLD provide online public access to a reliable and accurate
database of domain-name registrations in accordance with each Party’s law
regarding protection of personal data.
Article 17.25: Right of Reproduction
1. Each Party shall provide that
authors17-8 of literary and artistic
works have the right to authorise or
prohibit17-9 all reproductions of
their works, in any manner or form, permanent or temporary (including temporary
storage in material form)17-10. 2. The Parties reaffirm
that it is a matter for each Party’s law to prescribe that works shall not
be protected by copyright unless they have been fixed in some material
Article 17.26: Right of Reproduction
1. Each Party shall provide that performers, in respect of their
performances, and producers of phonograms, in respect of their
phonograms17-11, have the right to
authorise or prohibit all reproductions, in any manner or form, permanent or
temporary (including temporary storage in material
2. The Parties reaffirm that it is a matter for each Party’s
law to prescribe that performances and phonograms shall not be protected by
related rights unless they have been fixed in some material form.
Article 17.27: Term of Protection for Copyright
and Related Rights
Each Party shall provide that where the term of protection of a work
(including a photographic work), performance or phonogram is to be
(a) on the basis of the life of a natural person, the term
shall be not less than the life of the author and 70 years after the
author’s death; and (b) on a basis other than the life of a natural
person, the term shall be:
(i) not less than 70 years from the end of the
calendar year of the first authorised publication of the work, performance or
phonogram; or (ii) failing such authorised publication within 50 years
from the creation of the work, performance or phonogram, not less than 70 years
from the end of the calendar year of the creation of the work, performance or
Article 17.28: Effective Technological
Each Party shall provide for civil remedies or administrative measures
and, when appropriate, criminal penalties, against the circumvention of
effective technological measures that are used by authors, performers and
producers of phonograms in connection with the exercise of their copyright and
related rights, and that restrict acts in respect of their works, performances
or phonograms, which are not authorised by those right holders, or permitted by
Article 17.29: Rights Management
In order to provide adequate and effective legal remedies to protect
rights management information:
(a) each Party shall provide that any
person who without authority, and with respect to civil remedies, having
reasonable grounds to know, that it will induce, enable, facilitate or conceal
an infringement of any copyright or related right:
(i) knowingly removes
or alters any rights management information; (ii) distributes or imports
for distribution rights management information knowing that the rights
management information has been altered without authority;
or (iii) distributes to the public, imports for distribution, broadcasts,
communicates or makes available to the public copies of works, performances or
phonograms, knowing that rights management information has been removed or
altered without authority;
shall be liable, upon the suit of any injured
person, and subject to civil remedies. (b) Further to paragraph (a), each
Party shall provide for the application of criminal procedures and penalties at
least in cases where acts prohibited in subparagraph (a) are done knowingly,
wilfully and for purposes of commercial advantage. A Party may exempt from
criminal liability prohibited acts done in connection with a non-profit library,
archive, educational institution or broadcasting
entity17-13 established without a
Article 17.30: Government Use of
Each Party shall maintain appropriate laws, orders, regulations,
government issued guidelines or administrative or executive decrees which
provide that its central government agencies use only legitimate computer
software as authorised.
Article 17.31: Exceptions to Copyright and
Related Rights
Each Party shall provide for exceptions or limitations to copyright and
related rights included in this Chapter, in accordance with the Berne
Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, the TRIPS
Agreement, the WIPO Copyright Treaty and/or the WIPO Performances and
Phonograms Treaty.
Article 17.32: Application in Time
Each Party shall apply Article 18 of the Berne Convention, mutatis
mutandis, to the subject matter, rights and obligations in Articles 17.25 to
17.31 inclusive.
Article 17.33: Protection
1. Each Party shall make it:
(a) the basis for a civil action or a
criminal offence to manufacture, assemble, modify, import, export, sell, lease
or otherwise distribute a tangible or intangible device or system, knowing that
the device or system is of assistance in decoding an encrypted program-carrying
satellite signal17-15 without the
authorisation of the lawful distributor of such signal; and (b) the basis
for a civil action or a criminal offence wilfully to receive and make use of, or
further distribute, a program-carrying signal that originated as an encrypted
program-carrying satellite signal knowing that it has been decoded without the
authorisation of the lawful distributor of the signal. 2. Each Party
shall provide for the availability of civil proceedings for any person injured
by any activity described in paragraph 1, including any person that holds an
interest in the encrypted program-carrying signal or its content.
Article 17.34: General
1. Each Party shall ensure that procedures, remedies and penalties set
forth in Articles 17.34 to 17.40 for enforcement of intellectual property rights
are established in accordance with its domestic
law17-16. Such administrative and
judicial procedures, remedies or penalties, both civil and criminal, shall be
made available to the holders of such rights in accordance with the principles
of due process that each Party recognises, as well as with the foundations of
its own legal system. 2. Articles 17.34 to 17.40 do not create any
(a) to put in place a judicial system for the enforcement of
intellectual property rights distinct from that already existing for the
enforcement of law in general; or (b) with respect to the distribution of
resources for the enforcement of intellectual property rights and the
enforcement of law in general.
The distribution of resources for the
enforcement of intellectual property rights shall not excuse a Party from
compliance with the provisions of Articles 17.34 to 17.40. 3. Each Party
shall provide that final decisions of general application pertaining to the
enforcement of intellectual property rights shall be in writing and shall state
the reasons or the legal basis on which the decisions are based. Each Party
shall provide that such decisions shall be published, preferably
electronically, or, where such publication is not practicable, otherwise made
available to the public in its national language in such a manner as to enable
governments and right holders to become acquainted with them.
Article 17.35: Presumptions for Copyright and
Related Rights
In civil judicial and criminal proceedings involving copyright or related
rights, each Party shall provide:
(a) for a presumption, in the absence
of evidence to the contrary, that the natural person or legal entity whose name
is indicated as the author, producer, performer or publisher of the work,
performance or phonogram in the usual
manner17-17 shall be presumed to
be the designated right holder in such work, performance or phonogram; and
(b) in accordance with its domestic law, for a presumption, in the
absence of evidence to the contrary, that copyright or a related right subsists
in such subject matter.
Article 17.36: Civil and Administrative
Procedures and Remedies
1. Each Party shall make available to right
holders17-18 civil judicial
procedures concerning the enforcement of any intellectual property
right. 2. Each Party shall provide that in civil judicial proceedings,
its judicial authorities shall:
(a) have the authority to order the
infringer to pay the right holder:
(i) damages adequate to compensate for
the injury the right holder has suffered as a result of the infringement;
and (ii) at least in the case of copyright or related rights infringement
and trade mark counterfeiting, the profits of the infringer that are
attributable to the infringement, and that are not taken into account in
determining damages under subparagraph (i)17-19
(b) in
determining any order for damages made under subparagraph (a), consider,
inter alia, any legitimate measure of the value of the infringed goods or
services including the retail price.
3. Each Party shall provide that,
except in exceptional circumstances, its judicial authorities shall have the
authority to order, at the conclusion of civil judicial proceedings concerning
infringement of copyright or related rights or trade mark counterfeiting, that
the prevailing party be awarded payment of courts costs or fees and reasonable
attorney’s fees by the infringing party. 4. In civil judicial
proceedings concerning copyright or related rights infringement and trade mark
counterfeiting, each Party shall provide that its judicial authorities shall
have the authority, at least where necessary to prevent further infringement, to
order the seizure of suspected infringing goods, related materials and
implements by means of which such goods are produced. 5. Each Party shall
provide that in civil judicial proceedings concerning the enforcement of
intellectual property rights, its judicial authorities shall have the authority
to order the infringer to provide any information that the infringer possesses
regarding persons involved in the infringement and regarding the distribution
channels of the infringing goods. Judicial authorities shall also have the
authority to impose fines or imprisonment on infringers who do not comply with
such orders, in accordance with each Party’s domestic law. 6. If a
Party’s judicial or other authorities appoint technical or other experts
in civil judicial proceedings concerning the enforcement of intellectual
property rights, and require that the parties to the proceedings bear the costs
of such experts, the Party should seek to ensure that these costs are reasonable
and related appropriately to, inter alia, the quantity and nature of work
to be performed, or, if applicable, based on standardised fees, and do not
unreasonably deter recourse to such proceedings.
Article 17.37: Provisional Measures
1. Each Party’s authorities shall act on requests for relief
inaudita altera parte expeditiously in accordance with the Party’s
judicial rules. 2. With respect to provisional measures, each Party shall
provide that its judicial authorities shall have the authority to require the
applicant to provide any reasonably available evidence in order to satisfy
themselves with a sufficient degree of certainty that the applicant is the right
holder17-20 and that the
applicant’s right is being infringed or that such infringement is
imminent, and to order the applicant to provide a reasonable security or
equivalent assurance set at a level sufficient to protect the respondent and to
prevent abuse, and so as not to unreasonably deter recourse to such
Article 17.38: Criminal Procedures and
Each Party shall provide for criminal procedures and penalties to be
applied at least in cases where a person wilfully engages in trade mark
counterfeiting or piracy of works, performances or phonograms on a commercial
scale17-21 including wilful
infringement of copyright and related rights for a commercial advantage or
financial gain.17-22 Specifically,
each Party shall provide:
(a) penalties that include imprisonment and/or
monetary fines that are sufficient to provide a deterrent to infringement
consistent with the level of penalties applied for crimes of a corresponding
gravity; (b) that its judicial authorities shall have the authority to
order the seizure of suspected counterfeit or pirated goods, related materials
and implements that have been used in the commission of the offence, assets
legally traceable to the infringing activity and documentary evidence relevant
to the offence 17-23. Each Party
shall further provide that its judicial authorities have the authority to order
the seizure of items in accordance with its domestic law; (c) that its
judicial authorities shall have the authority, among other measures, to order
the forfeiture of any assets legally traceable to the infringing activity for at
least indictable offences, and the forfeiture and destruction of all goods found
to be counterfeit or pirated, and, at least with respect to wilful copyright and
related rights piracy, to order the forfeiture and destruction of materials and
implements that have been used in the making of the infringing goods. Each
Party shall further provide that such forfeiture and destruction shall occur
without compensation to the defendant; and (d) that the appropriate
authorities, as determined by each Party, shall have the authority to initiate
criminal legal action ex officio in cases of copyright and related rights
piracy and trade mark counterfeiting without the need for a formal complaint by
a person or right holder.
Article 17.39: Border Measures
1. Each Party shall provide, in any right holder initiated procedures for
suspension by its Customs Administration of the release into free circulation of
suspected counterfeit trade mark goods or pirated copyright
goods17-24 imported into the
Party’s territory, that the right holder provide to the satisfaction of
the competent authorities:
(a) adequate evidence that there is prima
facie infringement of the right holders’ intellectual property rights
under the laws of the territory of importation and a sufficiently detailed
description of the goods to make them reasonably recognisable by the
Party’s Customs Administration; and
(b) if requested, a
reasonable security or equivalent assurance sufficient to protect the defendant
and the competent authorities and to prevent abuse.
The requirements for
a sufficiently detailed description and a security or equivalent assurance shall
not unreasonably deter recourse to these procedures. 2. Where its
competent authorities have made a determination that goods are counterfeit or
pirated, a Party shall provide that its competent authorities have the authority
to inform the right holder of the names and addresses of the consignor, the
importer and the consignee, and of the quantity of the goods in
question. 3. Each Party shall provide that its Customs Administration may
initiate border measures ex officio with respect to imported or exported
goods suspected of being counterfeit trade mark or pirated copyright goods,
without the need for a specific formal complaint. 4. Each Party shall
provide that goods that have been suspended from release by its Customs
Administration, and that have been forfeited as pirated or counterfeit, shall be
destroyed, except in exceptional cases. In regard to counterfeit trade mark
goods, the simple removal of the trade mark unlawfully affixed shall not be
sufficient to permit the release of the goods into the channels of commerce.
The competent authorities, except in exceptional circumstances, shall not be
authorised to permit the exportation of counterfeit or pirated goods that have
been seized, nor shall they be authorised to permit such goods to be subject to
movement under customs control.
Article 17.40: Service Provider
1. Each Party shall provide for a legislative scheme to limit remedies
that may be available against service
providers17-25 for infringement of
copyright or related rights 17-26
that they do not control, initiate or direct and that take place through their
systems or networks. 2. The scheme in paragraph 1 will only apply if a
service provider meets conditions, including:
(a) removing or disabling
access to infringing material upon notification from the rights owner through a
procedure established by each Party; and (b) no financial benefit is
received by the service provider for the infringing activity in circumstances
where it has the right and ability to control such activity.
Article 17.41: Cooperation
Consistent with Article 17.2 the Parties agree to cooperate through:
(a) the notification of relevant contact points on the request of a
Party; and (b) the exchange of publicly available information concerning
policy developments in intellectual property of a Party on the request of the
other Party and to the extent that the requested Party is able to provide such
Article 18.1: General Objectives
1. The Parties agree to establish a framework for cooperative activities
as a means to expand and enhance the benefits of this Agreement and to build a
strategic economic partnership. 2. The Parties will establish close
cooperation aimed inter alia at:
(a) strengthening and building on
existing cooperative relationships;
(b) creating new opportunities for
trade and investment, and for promoting competitiveness, fostering innovation
and encouraging research and development; (c) supporting the role of the
private sector in promoting and building strategic alliances to encourage mutual
economic growth and development; and (d) increasing the level of and
further developing cooperation activities between the Parties in areas of mutual
Article 18.2: Scope
1. Cooperation between the Parties should contribute to achieving the
objectives of this Agreement through the identification and development of
innovative cooperation initiatives capable of providing added value to the
bilateral relationship. 2. Cooperation between the Parties under this
Chapter will complement the cooperation between the Parties set out in other
Chapters of this Agreement. 3. Areas of cooperation may include but
should not be limited to: science, agriculture including the wine industry, food
production and processing, mining, energy, environment, small and medium
enterprises, tourism, education, labour, human capital development and cultural
collaboration. 4. Cooperation on labour and employment matters of mutual
interest and benefit will be based on the concept of decent work, including the
principles embodied in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and
Rights at Work and its Follow-up (1998). 5. Cooperation on
environment will reflect the commitment of both Parties to strengthening
environmental protection and the promotion of sustainable development, in the
context of strengthening trade and investment relations between
them. 6. Cooperative activities will be agreed between the Parties and
may include, but should not be limited to: exchanges of people and information;
cooperation in regional and multilateral fora; dialogues, conferences and
seminars; facilitating contacts between scientists and academia; the development
of joint research programs; and the encouragement of private sector cooperation.
7. Areas of cooperation may be developed through existing agreements and
through appropriate implementing arrangements including the designation of
national contact points to facilitate activities on environment and labour
Article 18.3: Innovation, Research and
Cooperation in innovation, research and development will be focused on
cooperative activities in sectors where mutual and complementary interests
exist. Among other activities, the Parties will encourage the exchange of
experts and information. Where appropriate, they will also promote partnerships
in the support of the development of innovative products and services and
activities to promote linkage, innovation and technology exchange.
Article 18.4: Cooperation Committee
1. For the purposes of this Chapter, the Parties hereby establish a
Cooperation Committee (“the Committee”) comprising representatives
of each Party. 2. The Committee shall be coordinated and co-chaired
(a) in the case of Australia, the Department of Foreign Affairs and
Trade, or its successor; and (b) in the case of Chile, the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs through the General Directorate for International Economic
Affairs and the Chilean Agency for International Cooperation, or their
3. In order to ensure the proper functioning of the
Committee, each Party will designate a contact person no later than 6 months
from the date of entry into force of this Agreement. Each Party will notify the
other Party promptly of any change of contact person. 4. The Committee
shall meet in or shortly after the first year of entry into force of this
Agreement, and thereafter as agreed by the Parties. 5. The Committee
(a) adopt the Committee’s operating
procedures; (b) discuss cooperative activities which might be undertaken
under this Chapter; (c) review where appropriate the implementation of
cooperative activities; (d) maintain and update information on
cooperation between the Parties, including implementing arrangements;
and (e) undertake such other functions to foster cooperation including
establishing working groups under this Chapter as the Parties may
6. The Committee may interact, where appropriate, with relevant
entities to address specific matters. 7. The Committee shall report
periodically to the Joint FTA Committee the results of its meetings.
Article 18.5: Resources
With the aim of contributing to the fulfilment of the objectives of this
Chapter, the Parties shall provide, within the limits of their own capacities
and through their own channels, adequate resources to support cooperative
activities, as required.
Article 19.1: Definitions
For the purposes of this Chapter: administrative ruling of
general application means an administrative or quasi-judicial ruling or
interpretation that applies to all persons and fact situations that fall
generally within its ambit and that establishes a norm of conduct but does not
(a) a determination or ruling made in an administrative
proceeding that applies to a particular person, good or service of the other
Party in a specific case; or (b) a ruling that adjudicates with respect
to a particular act or practice.
Article 19.2: Contact Points
1. The contact point referred in Annex 19-A shall facilitate
communications between the Parties on any matter covered by this
Agreement. 2. On the request of the other Party, the contact point shall
identify the office or official responsible for the matter and assist, as
necessary, in facilitating communication with the requesting Party.
Article 19.3: Publication
1. Each Party shall ensure, wherever possible in electronic form, that
its laws, regulations, procedures and administrative rulings of general
application respecting any matter covered by this Agreement are promptly
published or otherwise made available in such a manner as to enable interested
persons and the other Party to become acquainted with them. 2. To the
extent possible, each Party shall:
(a) publish in advance any such
measure referred to in paragraph 1 that it proposes to adopt;
and (b) provide interested persons and the other Party a reasonable
opportunity to comment on such proposed measures.
Article 19.4: Notification and Provision of
1. To the maximum extent possible, each Party shall notify the other
Party of any proposed or actual measure that the Party considers might
materially affect the operation of this Agreement or otherwise substantially
affect the other Party’s interests under this Agreement. 2. On
request of the other Party, a Party shall promptly provide information and
respond to questions pertaining to any actual or proposed measure that the
requesting Party considers might materially affect the operation of this
Agreement or otherwise substantially affect its interests under this Agreement,
regardless of whether the requesting Party has been previously notified of that
measure. 3. Any notification, request or information under this Article
shall be provided to the other Party through the relevant contact
points. 4. Any notification or information provided under this Article
shall be without prejudice as to whether the measure is consistent with this
Article 19.5: Administrative Proceedings
With a view to administering in a consistent, impartial and reasonable
manner its measures referred to in Article 19.3, each Party shall ensure that in
its administrative proceedings in which these measures are applied to particular
persons, goods or services of the other Party in specific cases that
(a) provides wherever possible, persons of the other Party that are
directly affected by a proceeding reasonable notice, in accordance with its
domestic procedures, when a proceeding is initiated, including a description of
the nature of the proceeding, a statement of the legal authority under which the
proceeding is initiated, and a general description of any issues in
controversy; (b) affords such persons a reasonable opportunity to present
facts and arguments in support of their positions prior to any final
administrative action, when time, the nature of the proceeding and the public
interest permit; and
(c) follows its procedures in accordance with
domestic law.
Article 19.6: Review and Appeal
1. Each Party shall establish or maintain judicial, quasi-judicial or
administrative tribunals or procedures for the purpose of the prompt review and,
where warranted, correction of final administrative actions regarding matters
covered by this Agreement. Such tribunals shall be impartial and independent of
the office or authority entrusted with administrative enforcement and shall not
have any substantial interest in the outcome of the matter. 2. Each Party
shall ensure that, in any such tribunals or procedures, the parties to the
proceeding are provided with the right to:
(a) a reasonable opportunity
to support or defend their respective positions; and (b) a decision
based on the evidence and submissions of record or, where required by domestic
law, the record compiled by the administrative authority.
3. Each Party
shall ensure, subject to appeal or further review as provided in its domestic
law, that such decisions shall be implemented by, and shall govern the practice
of, the office or authority with respect to the administrative action that is
the subject of the decision.
For purposes of Article 19.2.1, the Contact Points shall be:
(a) in
the case of Australia, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, or its
successor; and (b) in the case of Chile, the Asia Pacific Department of
the General Directorate of International Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, or its successor.
Article 20.1: Joint FTA Committee
1. The Parties hereby establish a Joint FTA Committee. 2. The
Joint FTA Committee shall be composed of relevant government officials of each
Party and shall be co-chaired by (i) a Deputy Secretary of the Department of
Foreign Affairs and Trade for Australia and (ii) the Director-General of
International Economic Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Chile,
or their respective designees. 3. The Joint FTA Committee
(a) review the general functioning of this
Agreement; (b) review, consider and, as appropriate, decide on specific
matters related to the operation, application and implementation of this
Agreement, including matters reported by committees or working groups
established under this Agreement; (c) supervise the work of committees,
working groups and contact points established under this
Agreement; (d) facilitate, as appropriate, the avoidance and settlement
of disputes arising under this Agreement, including through consultations
pursuant to Article 21.4 (Referral of Matters to the Joint FTA Committee –
Dispute Settlement Chapter); (e) consider and adopt any amendment to this
Agreement or other modification or rectification to the commitments therein,
subject to completion of necessary domestic legal procedures by each Party
20-1; (f) as appropriate,
issue interpretations of the Agreement; (g) review the wider trade
relationship; (h) explore ways to enhance further trade and investment
between the Parties and to further the objectives of this Agreement;
and (i) take such other action as the Parties may agree.
4. The
Joint FTA Committee may seek the advice of non-governmental persons or groups on
matters covered by this Agreement.
Article 20.2: Meetings of the Joint FTA
1. The Joint FTA Committee shall meet:
(a) in or shortly after the
first year of entry into force of this Agreement; and (b) thereafter as
agreed by the Parties.
2. The Joint FTA Committee shall meet alternately
in the territory of each Party, unless the Parties otherwise
agree. 3. The Joint FTA Committee shall also meet in special session
within 30 days of the request of a Party, with such sessions to be held in the
territory of the other Party or at such location as may be agreed by the
Parties. 4. All decisions of the Joint FTA Committee shall be taken by
mutual agreement. 5. The Joint FTA Committee may adopt its own rules of
Article 21.1: Scope and Coverage
1. Unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement, this Chapter shall apply
with respect to the avoidance or settlement of disputes between the Parties
concerning the implementation, interpretation, application or operation of this
Agreement, which includes wherever a Party considers that:
(a) a measure of the other Party is inconsistent with its obligations
under this Agreement; (b) the other Party has otherwise failed to carry
out its obligations under this Agreement; or (c) a benefit the Party could
reasonably have expected to accrue to it under Chapters 3 (National
Treatment and Market Access for Goods), 4 (Rules of Origin), 5 (Customs
Administration), 7 (Technical Regulations, Standards and Conformity
Assessment Procedures), 9 (Cross-Border Trade in Services), 15 (Government
Procurement) or 17 (Intellectual Property) is being nullified or impaired as
a result of a measure that is not inconsistent with this Agreement.
2. In cases where there is an infringement of the obligations under this
Agreement, the action is considered prima facie to constitute a case of
nullification or impairment.
Article 21.2: Choice of Dispute
Settlement Procedure
1. Where a dispute regarding any matter arises under this Agreement and under
another free trade agreement to which both Parties are party or the WTO
Agreement, the complaining Party may select the dispute settlement procedure in
which to settle the dispute. 2. Once the complaining Party has requested a
panel under an agreement referred to in paragraph 1, the forum selected shall be
used to the exclusion of the others.
Article 21.3: Consultations
1. Either Party may request in writing consultations with the other Party
concerning any matter on the implementation, interpretation, application or
operation of this Agreement, including a matter relating to a measure that the
other Party proposes to take (hereinafter referred to in this Chapter as
“proposed measure”). 2. The requesting Party shall deliver the request to
the other Party, setting out the reasons for the request, including
identification of the measure at issue and an indication of the legal basis for
the complaint, and providing sufficient information to enable an examination of
the matter. 3. The Parties shall make every effort to arrive at a mutually
satisfactory resolution of the matter through consultations under this Article.
4. In consultations under this Article, a Party may request the other Party to
make available personnel of its government agencies or other regulatory bodies
who have expertise in the matter subject to consultations. 5. The
consultations under this Article shall be confidential and without prejudice to
the rights of either Party in any further proceedings.
Article 21.4: Referral of Matters to
the Joint FTA Committee
1. If the consultations fail to resolve the matter within 40 days of the
delivery of a Party’s request for consultations under Article 21.3.2, or 20 days
in cases of urgency including those which concern perishable goods, the
complaining Party may refer the matter to the Joint FTA Committee by delivering
written notification to the other Party. The Joint FTA Committee shall endeavour
to resolve the matter. 2. The Joint FTA Committee may:
(a) call on such technical advisers or create such working groups or
expert groups as it deems necessary; (b) have recourse to good offices,
conciliation, mediation or such other dispute resolution procedures; or
(c) make recommendations;
as may assist the Parties to reach a mutually satisfactory resolution of the
Article 21.5: Establishment of
Arbitral Panels
1. The complaining Party that requested consultations under Article 21.3 may
request in writing the establishment of an arbitral panel, if the Parties fail
to resolve the matter within:
(a) 45 days after the date of receipt of the request for consultation if
there is no referral to the Joint FTA Committee under Article 21.4; (b) 30
days of the Joint FTA Committee convening pursuant to Article 21.4, or 15
days in cases of urgency including those which concern perishable goods; or
(c) 60 days after a Party has delivered a request for consultation under
Article 21.3, or 30 days in cases of urgency including those which concern
perishable goods, if the Joint FTA Committee has not convened after a
referral under Article 21.4.
2. The establishment of an arbitral panel shall not be requested on any
matter relating to a proposed measure. 3. Any request to establish an
arbitral panel pursuant to this Article shall identify:
(a) the specific measure at issue; (b) the legal basis of the complaint
including any provision of this Agreement alleged to have been breached and
any other relevant provisions; and (c) the factual basis for the
4. The panel shall be established and perform its functions in a manner
consistent with the provisions of this Chapter. 5. The date of the
establishment of an arbitral panel shall be the date on which the chair is
Article 21.6: Terms of Reference of
Arbitral Panels
Unless the Parties otherwise agree within 20 days from the date of receipt
of the request for the establishment of the arbitral panel, the terms of
reference of the arbitral panel shall be:
“To examine, in the light of the relevant provisions of this Agreement,
the matter referred to in the request for the establishment of an arbitral
panel pursuant to Article 21.5, to make findings of law and fact and
determinations on whether the measure is not in conformity with the
Agreement or is causing nullification or impairment in the sense of Article
21.1(c) together with the reasons therefore, and to issue a written report
for the resolution of the dispute. If the Parties agree, the arbitral panel
may make recommendations for resolution of the dispute.”
Article 21.7: Composition of Arbitral
1. An arbitral panel shall comprise three panelists. 2. Each Party shall,
within 30 days after the date of receipt of the request for the establishment of
an arbitral panel, appoint one panelist who may be its national and propose up
to three candidates to serve as the third panelist who shall be the chair of the
arbitral panel. The third panelist shall not be a national of either Party, nor
have his or her usual place of residence in either Party, nor be employed by
either Party, nor have dealt with the dispute in any capacity. 3. The Parties
shall agree on and appoint the third panelist within 45 days after the date of
receipt of the request for the establishment of an arbitral panel, taking into
account the candidates proposed pursuant to paragraph 2. 4. If a Party has not
appointed a panelist pursuant to paragraph 2 or if the Parties fail to agree on
and appoint the third panelist pursuant to paragraph 3, the panelist or
panelists not yet appointed shall be chosen within seven days by lot from the
candidates proposed pursuant to paragraph 2. 5. All panelists shall:
(a) have expertise or experience in law, international trade or other
matters covered by this Agreement; (b) be chosen strictly on the basis of
objectivity, reliability and sound judgment;
(c) be independent of, and not be affiliated with or receive instructions
from, the government of either Party; and (d) comply with a code of
conduct, to be provided in the Rules of Procedure referred to in Article
6. If a panelist appointed under this Article dies, becomes unable to act or
resigns, a successor shall be appointed within 15 days in accordance with the
appointment procedure provided for in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4, which shall be
applied, respectively, mutatis mutandis. The successor shall have all the
powers and duties of the original panelist. The work of the arbitral panel shall
be suspended for a period beginning on the date the original panelist dies,
becomes unable to act or resigns. The work of the arbitral panel shall resume on
the date the successor is appointed.
Article 21.8: Proceedings of Arbitral
1. The arbitral panel shall meet in closed session except when meeting with
the Parties. Panel meetings with the Parties shall be open to the public except
where information designated as confidential by a Party is being discussed. 2.
The Parties shall be given the opportunity to provide at least one written
submission and to attend any of the presentations, statements or rebuttals in
the proceedings. All information or written submissions submitted by a Party to
the arbitral panel, including any comments on the draft report and responses to
questions put by the arbitral panel, shall be made available to the other Party.
3. The arbitral panel should consult with the Parties as appropriate and provide
adequate opportunities for the development of a mutually satisfactory
resolution. 4. The arbitral panel shall aim to make its decisions, including
its report, by consensus but may also make its decisions, including its report,
by majority vote. 5. After notifying the Parties, and subject to such terms
and conditions as the Parties may agree if any within 10 days, the arbitral
panel may seek information from any relevant source and may consult experts to
obtain their opinion or advice on certain aspects of the matter. The panel shall
provide the Parties with a copy of any advice or opinion obtained and an
opportunity to provide comments. 6. The deliberations of the arbitral panel
and the documents submitted to it shall be kept confidential. 7.
Notwithstanding paragraph 6, either Party may make public statements as to its
views regarding the dispute, but shall treat as confidential, information and
written submissions submitted by the other Party to the arbitral panel which
that other Party has designated as confidential. Where a Party has provided
information or written submissions designated to be confidential, that Party
shall, within 28 days of a request of the other Party, provide a
non-confidential summary of the information or written submissions which may be
disclosed publicly. 8. Each Party shall bear the cost of its appointed
panelist and its own expenses. The cost of the chair of an arbitral panel and
other expenses associated with the conduct of the proceedings shall be borne by
the Parties in equal shares.
Article 21.9: Suspension or
Termination of Proceedings
1. The Parties may agree that the arbitral panel suspend its work at any time
for a period not exceeding 12 months from the date of such agreement. In the
event of such a suspension, the time-frames set out in paragraphs 2, 5 and 7 of
Article 21.10 and paragraph 7 of Article 21.12 shall be extended by the amount
of time that the work was suspended. If the work of the arbitral panel has been
suspended for more than 12 months, the authority for establishment of the
arbitral panel shall lapse unless the Parties agree otherwise.
2. The Parties may agree to terminate the proceedings of the arbitral panel
by jointly so notifying the chair of the arbitral panel at any time before the
issuance of the report to the Parties.
Article 21.10: Report
1. The report of the arbitral panel shall be drafted without the presence of
the Parties. The panel shall base its report on the relevant provisions of this
Agreement and the submissions and arguments of the Parties, and may take into
account any other relevant information provided to the panel. 2. The arbitral
panel shall, within 180 days, or within 60 days in cases of urgency, including
those which concern perishable goods, after the date of its establishment,
submit to the Parties its draft report. 3. The draft report shall contain both
the descriptive part summarising the submissions and arguments of the Parties
and the findings and determinations of the arbitral panel. If the Parties agree,
the arbitral panel may make recommendations for resolution of the dispute in its
report. The findings and determinations of the panel and, if applicable, any
recommendations cannot add to or diminish the rights and obligations of the
Parties provided in this Agreement. 4. When the arbitral panel considers that
it cannot submit its draft report within the aforementioned 180 or 60 day
period, it may extend that period with the consent of the Parties. 5. A Party
may provide written comments to the arbitral panel on its draft report within 15
days after the date of submission of the draft report. 6. After considering
any written comments on the draft report, the arbitral panel may reconsider its
draft report and make any further examination it considers appropriate. 7. The
arbitral panel shall issue its final report, within 30 days after the date of
submission of the draft report. The report shall include any separate opinions
on matters not unanimously agreed, not disclosing which panelists are associated
with majority or minority opinions. 8. The final report of the arbitral panel
shall be available to the public within 15 days after the date of issuance,
subject to the requirement to protect confidential information. 9. The report
of the arbitral panel shall be final and binding on the Parties.
Article 21.11: Implementation of the Report
1. Unless the Parties agree otherwise, the Party complained against shall
eliminate the non-conformity or the nullification or impairment in the sense of
Article 21.1(c) as determined in the report of the arbitral panel, immediately,
or if this is not practicable, within a reasonable period of time. 2. The
Parties shall continue to consult at all times on the possible development of a
mutually satisfactory resolution. 3. The reasonable period of time referred to
in paragraph 1 shall be mutually determined by the Parties. Where the Parties
fail to agree on the reasonable period of time within 45 days after the date of
issuance of the report of the arbitral panel referred to in Article 21.10,
either Party may refer the matter to an arbitral panel as provided for in
Article 21.12.7, which shall determine the reasonable period of time. 4. Where
there is disagreement between the Parties as to whether the Party complained
against eliminated the non-conformity or the nullification or impairment in the
sense of Article 21.1(c) as determined in the report of the arbitral panel
within the reasonable period of time as determined pursuant to paragraph 3,
either Party may refer the matter to an arbitral panel as provided for in
Article 21.12.7.
Article 21.12: Non-Implementation –
Compensation and Suspension of Concessions or other Obligations
1. If the Party complained against notifies the complaining Party that it is
impracticable, or the arbitral panel to which the matter is referred pursuant to
Article 21.11.4 confirms that the Party complained against has failed to
eliminate the non-conformity or the nullification or impairment in the sense of
Article 21.1(c) as determined in the report of the arbitral panel within the
reasonable period of time as determined pursuant to Article 21.11.3, the Party
complained against shall, if so requested, enter into negotiations with the
complaining Party with a view to reaching mutually satisfactory compensation.
2. If there is no agreement on satisfactory compensation within 20 days after
the date of receipt of the request mentioned in paragraph 1, the complaining
Party may suspend the application to the Party complained against of concessions
or other obligations under this Agreement, after giving notification of such
suspension 30 days in advance. Such notification may only be given 20 days after
the date of receipt of the request mentioned in paragraph 1. 3. The
compensation referred to in paragraph 1 and the suspension referred to in
paragraph 2 shall be temporary measures. Neither compensation nor suspension is
preferred to full elimination of the non-conformity or the nullification or
impairment in the sense of Article 21.1(c) as determined in the report of the
arbitral panel. The suspension shall only be applied until such time as the
non-conformity or the nullification or impairment in the sense of Article
21.1(c) is fully eliminated, or a mutually satisfactory solution is reached.
4. In considering what concessions or other obligations to suspend pursuant to
paragraph 2:
(a) the complaining Party should first seek to suspend concessions or
other obligations with respect to the same sector(s) as that in which the
report of the arbitral panel referred to in Article 21.10 has found a
failure to comply with the obligations under this Agreement, or
nullification or impairment of benefits in the sense of Article 21.1(c); and
(b) if the complaining Party considers that it is not practicable or
effective to suspend concessions or other obligations with respect to the
same sector(s), it may suspend concessions or other obligations with respect
to other sectors. The notification of such suspension pursuant to paragraph
2 shall indicate the reasons on which it is based.
5. The level of suspension referred to in paragraph 2 shall be equivalent to
the level of the nullification or impairment. 6. If the Party complained
against considers that the requirements for the suspension of concessions or
other obligations by the complaining Party set out in paragraph 2, 3, 4 or 5
have not been met, it may refer the matter to an arbitral panel. 7. The
arbitral panel that is established for the purposes of this Article or Article
21.11 shall have, wherever possible, as its panelists, the panelists of the
original arbitral panel. If this is not possible, then the panelists to the
arbitral panel that is established for the purposes of this Article or Article
21.11 shall be appointed pursuant to Article 21.7. The arbitral panel
established under this Article or Article 21.11 shall issue its report within 60
days after the date when the matter is referred to it. When the arbitral panel
considers that it cannot issue its report within the aforementioned 60 day
period, it may extend that period for a maximum of 30 days with the consent of
the Parties. The report shall be available to the public within 15 days after
the date of issuance, subject to the requirement to protect confidential
information. The report shall be final and binding on the Parties.
Article 21.13: Rules of Procedure
The Joint FTA Committee shall adopt the Rules of Procedure which provide for
the details of the rules and procedures of arbitral panels established under
this Chapter, upon the entry into force of this Agreement. Unless the Parties
otherwise agree, the arbitral panel shall follow the rules of procedure adopted
by the Joint FTA Committee and may, after consulting the Parties, adopt
additional rules of procedure not inconsistent with the rules adopted by the
Joint FTA Committee.
Article 21.14: Application and
Modification of Rules and Procedures
Any time period or other rules and procedures for arbitral panels provided
for in this Chapter, including the Rules of Procedure referred to in Article
21.13, may be modified by mutual consent of the Parties. The Parties may also
agree at any time not to apply any provision of this Chapter.
Article 22.1: General Exceptions
1. For the purposes of Chapters 3 to 7 (National Treatment and Market Access
for Goods, Rules of Origin, Customs Administration, Sanitary and Phytosanitary
Measures, and Technical Regulations, Standards and Conformity Assessment
Procedures), GATT 1994 Article XX and its interpretative notes are incorporated
into and made part of this Agreement, mutatis mutandis. The Parties
understand that the measures referred to in GATT 1994 Article XX(b) include
environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal, or plant life or
health, and that GATT 1994 Article XX(g) applies to measures relating to the
conservation of living and nonliving exhaustible natural resources. 2. For the
purposes of Chapters 9, 11 and 16 (Cross-Border Trade in Services,
Telecommunications and Electronic Commerce22-1),
GATS Article XIV (including its footnotes) is incorporated into and made part of
this Agreement,
mutatis mutandis. The Parties understand that the measures referred to in
GATS Article XIV(b) include environmental measures necessary to protect human,
animal, or plant life or health. 3. Nothing in this Agreement shall be
construed to prevent a Party from taking action authorised by the Dispute
Settlement Body of the WTO. A Party taking such action shall inform the Joint
FTA Committee to the fullest extent possible of measures taken and of their
Article 22.2: Security Exceptions
1. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed:
(a) to require a Party to furnish any information the disclosure of which
it considers contrary to its essential security interests; (b) to prevent
a Party from taking any action which it considers necessary for the
protection of its essential security interests:
(i) relating to fissionable and fusionable materials or the materials
from which they are derived; (ii) relating to the traffic in arms,
ammunition and implements of war and to such traffic in other goods and
materials, or relating to the supply of services, as carried on directly
or indirectly for the purpose of supplying or provisioning a military
establishment; or (iii) taken in time of war or other emergency in
international relations; or
(c) to prevent a Party from taking any action in pursuance of its
obligations under the United Nations Charter for the maintenance of
international peace and security.
2. A Party taking action under paragraphs 1(b) and (c) shall inform the Joint
FTA Committee to the fullest extent possible of measures taken and of their
Article 22.3: Taxation
1. Except as set out in this Article, nothing in this Agreement shall apply
to taxation measures.
2. Nothing in this Agreement shall affect the rights and obligations of
either Party under any tax treaty. In the event of any inconsistency between
this Agreement and any such treaty, that treaty shall prevail to the extent of
the inconsistency. In the case of a tax treaty between the Parties, the
competent authorities under that treaty shall have sole responsibility for
determining whether any inconsistency exists between this Agreement and that
treaty. 3. Notwithstanding paragraph 2, the following Articles shall apply to
taxation measures:
(a) Article 3.3 (National Treatment – National Treatment and Market
Access for Goods Chapter), and such other provisions of this Agreement as
are necessary to give effect to that Article, to the same extent as does
GATT 1994 Article III; and (b) Article 3.11 (Export Taxes – National
Treatment and Market Access for Goods Chapter).
4. Subject to paragraph 2, the following Articles shall apply to taxation
(a) Article 9.3 (National Treatment – Cross-Border Trade in Services
Chapter) and Article 12.3 (National Treatment – Financial Services Chapter),
only where the taxation measure is a direct tax that relates to the purchase
or consumption of particular services, except that nothing in this
sub-paragraph shall prevent a Party from conditioning the receipt or
continued receipt of an advantage relating to the purchase or consumption of
particular services on requirements to provide the service in its territory;
(b) Article 9.3 (National Treatment – Cross-Border Trade in Services
Chapter), Article 9.4 (Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment – Cross-Border Trade
in Services Chapter), Article 10.3 (National Treatment – Investment
Chapter), Article 10.4 (Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment – Investment
Chapter), Article 12.3 (National Treatment – Financial Services Chapter),
and Article 12.4 (Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment – Financial Services
Chapter), only where the taxation measure is an indirect tax; and (c)
Without prejudice to the rights and obligations of the Parties under
paragraph 3, Articles 10.7.2, 10.7.3 and 10.7.4 (Performance Requirements –
Investment Chapter);
except that nothing in those Articles shall apply:
(d) any most-favoured-nation obligation in this Agreement with respect to
an advantage accorded by a Party pursuant to a tax treaty;
(e) to a non-conforming provision of any existing taxation measure;
(f) to the continuation or prompt renewal of a non-conforming provision
of any existing taxation measure;
(g) to an amendment to a non-conforming provision of any existing tax
measure to the extent that the amendment does not decrease its conformity,
at the time of the amendment, with any of those Articles22-2
(h) to the adoption of any non-conforming provision of a taxation measure
which is substantially similar to an existing non-conforming provision of
the other Party;
(i) to the adoption or enforcement of any taxation measure aimed at
ensuring the equitable or effective imposition or collection of taxes; or
(j) to a provision that conditions the receipt, or continued receipt of
an advantage relating to the contributions to, or income of, a pension
trust, superannuation fund or other arrangement to provide pension,
superannuation or similar benefits on a requirement that the Party
maintains continuous jurisdiction, regulation or supervision over
such trust, fund or other arrangement.
5. Article 10.11 (Expropriation and Compensation – Investment Chapter),
Article 10.16 (Submission of a Claim to Arbitration – Investment Chapter) and
Chapter 21 (Dispute Settlement) shall apply to a taxation measure alleged to be
an expropriation. However, no investor may invoke Article 10.11 (Expropriation
and Compensation – Investment Chapter) as the basis of a claim where it has been
determined pursuant to this paragraph that the measure is not an expropriation.
An investor that seeks to invoke Article 10.11 (Expropriation and Compensation –
Investment Chapter) with respect to a taxation measure must first refer to the
designated authorities at the time that it gives its notice of intent under
Article 10.16 (Submission of a Claim to Arbitration – Investment Chapter) the
issue of whether that taxation measure involves an expropriation. If the
designated authorities do not agree to consider the issue or, having agreed to
consider it, fail to agree that the measure is not an expropriation within a
period of six months of such referral, the investor may submit its claim to
arbitration under Article 10.16 (Submission of a Claim to Arbitration –
Investment Chapter). 6. For the purposes of this Article,
“taxation measure” means any measure relating to direct or indirect taxes,
but does not include:
(i) a customs duty; or (ii) the measures listed in exceptions (iii) and
(iv) of the definition of
customs duty in Article 2.1(d). 7. For the purposes of paragraph 4,
“designated authority” means:
(i) in the case of Australia, the Secretary to the Treasury or its
successor, or an authorised representative of the Secretary; and (ii) in
the case of Chile, the Director del Servicio de Impuestos Internos,
Ministerio de Hacienda, or an authorised representative of the
Ministro de Hacienda.
Article 22.4: Restrictions to Safeguard the
Balance of Payments
1. Where a Party is in serious balance of payments and external financial
difficulties, or under threat thereof, it may adopt or maintain restrictive
measures with regard to trade in goods and in services and with regard to
payments and capital movements, including those related to direct investment.
2. The Parties shall endeavour to avoid the application of the restrictive
measures referred to in paragraph 1. 3. Any restrictive measure adopted or
maintained under this Article shall be non-discriminatory and of limited
duration and shall not go beyond what is necessary to remedy the balance of
payments and external financial situation. They shall be in accordance with the
conditions established in the WTO Agreement and consistent with the Articles of
Agreement of the International Monetary Fund, as applicable. 4. The Party
maintaining or having adopted restrictive measures, or any changes thereto,
shall promptly notify them to the other Party and present, as soon as possible,
a time schedule for their removal. 5. The Party applying restrictive measures
shall consult promptly with the other Party within the Joint FTA Committee. Such
consultations shall assess the balance of payments situation of the Party
concerned and the restrictions adopted or maintained under this Article, taking
into account, inter alia, such factors as:
(a) the nature and extent of the balance of payments and the external
financial difficulties; (b) the external economic and trading environment
of the consulting Party; and (c) alternative corrective measures which may
be available.
The consultations shall address the compliance of any restrictive measures
with paragraphs 3 and 4. All findings of statistical and other facts presented
by the International Monetary Fund relating to foreign exchange, monetary
reserves and balance of payments shall be accepted and conclusions shall be
based on the assessment by the Fund of the balance of payments and external
financial situation of the consulting Party.
Article 22.5: Disclosure of Information
1. Each Party shall, in accordance with its laws and regulations, maintain
the confidentiality of information provided in confidence by the other Party
pursuant to this Agreement. 2. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as
requiring a Party to furnish or allow access to confidential information the
disclosure of which would impede law enforcement or otherwise be contrary to the
public interest22-3
or which would prejudice the legitimate commercial interests of particular
enterprises, public or private.
Article 23.1: Annexes and Footnotes
The Annexes and footnotes to this Agreement constitute an integral part
of this Agreement.
Article 23.2: Accession
This Agreement is open to accession, on terms to be agreed between the
Parties, by any country.
Article 23.3: Amendments
1. The Parties may agree, in writing, on any modification of or addition
to this Agreement.
2. When so agreed, and approved in accordance with the
necessary domestic legal procedures of each Party, a modification or addition
shall constitute an integral part of this Agreement. Such amendment shall enter
into force 45 days after the date on which the Parties exchange written
notification that such procedures have been completed, or after such other
period as the Parties may agree.
Article 23.4: Amendment of the WTO
If any provision of the WTO Agreement that the Parties have incorporated
into this Agreement is amended, the Parties shall consult on whether to amend
this Agreement.
Article 23.5: Entry into Force and
1. The entry into force of this Agreement is subject to the completion of
necessary domestic legal procedures by each Party.
2. This Agreement
shall enter into force 45 days after the date on which the Parties exchange
written notifications that such procedures have been completed, or after such
other period as the Parties may agree.
3. Either Party may terminate this
Agreement by written notification to the other Party. This Agreement shall
expire 180 days after the date of such notification.
Article 23.6: Authentic
The English and Spanish texts of this Agreement are equally
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly
authorised by their respective governments, have signed this Agreement.
DONE at Canberra, in duplicate, this thirtieth day of July,
Hon. Stephen Smith Minister for Foreign Affairs
Alejandro Foxley Rioseco Minister of Foreign Affairs
Chapter Two
2-1 For greater
certainty, the Parties understand that “investor of a Party” includes a state
Chapter Three
3-1 Temporary
admission equates to importation under Australia’s Customs Act 1901.
3-2 Taken out from
the territory of the other Party equates to exportation under Australia’s
Customs Act 1901.
Chapter Four
4-3 The definition
of “vegetable products” in the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding
System shall apply as the definition of “vegetable goods” for the purposes of
this Chapter.
Chapter Nine
9-1 For greater certainty, the Parties understand that nothing in this Chapter, including this paragraph, is subject to Investor-State Dispute Settlement pursuant to Section B of Chapter 10 (Investment).
9-2 Subparagraph
(a)(iii) does not cover measures of a Party which limit inputs for the supply of
Chapter Ten
10-1 Some forms of debt, such as
bonds, debentures, and long-term notes, are more likely to have the
characteristics of an investment, while other forms of debt, such as claims to
payment that are immediately due and result from the sale of goods or services,
are less likely to have such characteristics.
10-2 Whether a particular right
conferred pursuant to domestic law, as referred to in subparagraph (vii), has
the characteristics of an investment depends on such factors as the nature and
extent of the rights that the holder has under the domestic law of the Party.
Among such rights that do not have the characteristics of an investment are
those that do not create any rights protected under domestic law. For greater
certainty, the foregoing is without prejudice to whether any asset associated
with such right has the characteristics of an investment.
10-3 For greater certainty, this
Chapter is subject to and shall be interpreted in accordance with Annexes 10-A
through 10-D.
10-4 For greater certainty,
Article 10.4 does not apply to the dispute settlement procedures set out in
Section B of this Chapter, including requirements as to time.
10-5 For greater certainty,
Article 10.5 shall be interpreted in accordance with Annex 10-A.
10-6 The reference to Article 31
includes footnote 7 to Article 31.
10-7 The Parties recognise that a
patent does not necessarily confer market power.
10-8 For greater certainty,
Article 10.10 is subject to Annex 10-C.
10-9 For greater certainty, Article
10.11 shall be interpreted in accordance with Annex 10-B.
Chapter Eleven
11-1 Australia's
interconnection regime provides access on terms and conditions which are fair
and reasonable to all parties and which do not unfairly discriminate between
users. Access rights are guaranteed by legislation and the terms and conditions
of access are established primarily through processes of commercial negotiation
or by reference to access undertakings given by suppliers of public
telecommunications networks or services which may draw upon an industry code of
practice. Any code of practice and each supplier's undertaking will be subject
to approval by the regulator.
11-2 In Australia, the rate at which interconnection is provided is determined by negotiation. Both negotiating parties have recourse to the regulator which will make a decision based on transparent criteria to ensure that rates are fair and reasonable in the circumstances.
11-3 In Australia, the regulator may resolve any dispute on what costs are relevant in determining rates.
11-4 For Australia, these options include arbitration.
11-5 Australia may determine in accordance with its law and regulations which public telecommunications services must be offered for resale by major suppliers in accordance with paragraph 1, based on the need to promote competition or such other factors as the Party considers relevant.
11-6 For the purposes of Article 11.11(a): 1) a Party may determine reasonable rates through any methodology it considers appropriate; and 2) wholesale rates, set pursuant to a Party’s law and regulations, shall be considered reasonable.
Chapter Twelve
12-1 The Parties understand that the provisions of Chapter 10 (Investment) hereby incorporated include, are subject to and shall be interpreted in conformity with Annexes 10-A to 10-F of that Chapter, as applicable.
12-2 This subparagraph does not cover measures of a Party which limit inputs for the supply of financial services.
12-3 For greater certainty, a Party may, consistent with Article 12.3, prohibit a particular new financial service.
12-4 It is understood that the term “prudential reasons” includes the maintenance of the safety, soundness, integrity, or financial responsibility of individual financial institutions or cross-border financial service suppliers.
12-5 The Parties understand that a Party may take measures for prudential reasons through regulatory or administrative authorities, such as ministries or departments of labour, in addition to those who have regulatory responsibilities with respect to financial institutions.
12-6 It is understood that where the financial information or financial data processing referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b) involve personal data, the treatment of such personal data shall be in accordance with Chilean law regulating the protection of such data.
Chapter Thirteen
13-1 In addition to the
requirements in Article 13.1(b)(i) to (iii), temporary entry will only be
granted to business persons who also meet the requirements of a Party’s
immigration measures.
13-2 In
addition to the requirements in Article 13.1(i)(A) to (C), temporary entry will
only be granted to business persons who also meet the requirements of a
Party’s immigration measures.
Chapter Sixteen
16-1 For greater certainty, these
definitions apply only to this Chapter.
16-2 The Parties consider a
non-binding definition of a single window is “A facility that allows
parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standardised information and
documents with a single entry point to fulfil all import, export and transit
related regulatory requirements. If information is electronic, then individual
data elements should only be submitted once.”
Chapter Seventeen
17-1 For the purposes of this Chapter, intellectual property also includes rights in plant varieties.
17-2 For the purposes of this Article,
protection includes matters affecting the availability, acquisition, scope, maintenance, and enforcement of intellectual property rights, as well as those matters affecting the use of intellectual property rights specifically covered by this Chapter. Further, for the purposes of this Article,
protection also includes the provisions concerning the prohibition on circumvention of effective technological measures and rights management information specified in Articles 17.28 and 17.29 respectively.
17-3 It is understood that likelihood of confusion is to be determined under the domestic trade mark law of each Party.
17-4 In determining whether a trade mark is well known, the reputation of the trade mark need not extend beyond the sector of the public that normally deals with the relevant goods or services.
17-5 Without prejudice, final decisions on the matters covered in Article 17.17.2(e) shall be taken according to each Party's domestic law.
17-6 For the purposes of this Article, a Party may treat the term “cancellation” as synonymous with “revocation” and the term “cancelled” as synonymous with “revoked”.
17-7 Where a Party provides that misrepresentation or inequitable conduct are grounds for revocation or cancellation of a patent, it may continue to so provide.
17-8 References to “authors” in this Chapter refer also to any successors in interest.
17-9 For the purposes of paragraph 1 of Article 17.25 and paragraph 1 of Article 17.26, a right to authorise or prohibit means an exclusive right. For avoidance of doubt, in the case of Chile, a right to authorise also means an exclusive right.
17-10 It is consistent with this Agreement to provide exceptions and limitations for temporary acts of reproduction which are transient or incidental and an integral and essential part of a technological process and whose sole purpose is to enable (a) a lawful transmission in a network between third parties by an intermediary; or (b) a lawful use of a work; and which have no independent economic significance.
17-11 References to “performers” and “producers of phonograms” in this Chapter refer also to any successors in interest.
17-12 It is consistent with this Agreement to provide exceptions and limitations for temporary acts of reproduction of performances or phonograms which are transient or incidental and an integral and essential part of a technological process and whose sole purpose is to enable (a) a lawful transmission in a network between third parties by an intermediary; or (b) a lawful use of a performance or phonogram; and which have no independent economic significance.
17-13 A Party may provide that such a broadcasting entity means a “public non-commercial broadcasting entity”.
17-14 Each Party may provide for other exceptions to civil and criminal liability in accordance with its domestic law.
17-15 The degree to which the device or system assists in decoding an encrypted program-carrying satellite signal shall be a matter of each Party’s law.
17-16 Nothing in this Chapter prevents a Party from establishing or maintaining appropriate judicial or administrative procedural formalities for this purpose that do not impair each Party’s rights or obligations under this Agreement.
17-17 Each Party may establish the means by which it shall determine what constitutes the “usual manner” for a particular physical support.
17-18 For the purpose of this Article, the term
right holder includes licensees as provided for in each Party’s domestic law, as well as federations and associations having the legal standing and authority to assert such rights.
17-19 Notwithstanding Article 17.36.2(a), a Party may provide any one or more of the following: that only one or the other of the remedies set out in Article 17.36.2(a)(i) and (ii) is available at the election of the right holder; in the case of a finding of non-use of a trade mark that the right holder may not be entitled to either of the remedies set out in Article 17.36.2(a)(i) and (ii); and in the case of innocent copyright and related rights infringement that the right holder may be entitled to an account of profits but not damages.
17-20 In accordance with subparagraph (a) of Article 17.35.
17-21 Piracy of works, performances or phonograms on a commercial scale may include where a person wilfully commits significant infringements of copyright that are not committed for the purpose of commercial advantage or financial gain.
17-22 Commercial advantage or financial gain shall be understood to exclude
de minimis infringements. Nothing in this Agreement prevents prosecutors from exercising any discretion that they may have to decline to pursue cases.
17-23 Each Party may provide that items that are subject to seizure pursuant to any such judicial order need not be individually identified so long as they fall within general categories specified in the order.
17-24 For the purposes
of Article 17.39.1 to 4: (a) counterfeit trade mark goods means any
goods including packaging, bearing without authorisation a trade mark that is
identical to the trade mark validly registered in respect of such goods, or that
cannot be distinguished in its essential aspects from such a trade mark, and
that thereby infringes the rights of the owner of the trade mark in question
under the law of the country of importation; and (b) pirated copyright
goods means any goods that are copies made without the consent of the right
holder or person duly authorised by the right holder in the country of
production and that are made directly or indirectly from an article where the
making of that copy would have constituted an infringement of a copyright or
related right under the law of the country of
17-25 Each Party may determine, within its domestic law, what constitutes a service provider.
17-26 Each Party may determine, within its domestic law, what constitutes a related right for the purpose of this Article.
Chapter Nineteen
19-1 In the case of Australia,
for avoidance of doubt, “review” includes merits (de novo)
review only where provided for under the Party’s law.
Chapter Twenty
20-1 Chile
shall implement any amendment or other modification approved by the Joint FTA
Committee of the following provisions of the Agreement through Acuerdos de
in accordance with the Constitución Política de la República de Chile:
(i) the Schedules attached to Annex 3-B (Elimination of Customs Duties), to
accelerate tariff elimination; (ii) the rules of origin established in Annex
4-C (Rules of Origin Schedule); and (iii) the entities listed in Annex 15-A
to the Government Procurement Chapter.
Chapter Twenty-Two
22-1 This Article is without
prejudice to whether electronic transmissions should be classified as goods or
22-2 For greater
certainty, such an amendment may include the adoption of an excise tax on
insurance premiums in place of an income tax on insurance
22-3 For the purposes of
this paragraph the public interest includes, for Australia, compliance with the
Privacy Act (Cth) 1988.