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1980 Treaty of Montevideo

Instrument Establishing the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI)

Montevideo, August 1980

(Includes Resolutions CM/1 to 7 adopted by the LAFTA Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs)

Table of Contents

Introductory Note

  • Chapter I: Objectives, duties and principles
  • Chapter II: Mechanisms
  • Chapter III: System in favour of countries at a relatively less advanced stage of economic development
  • Chapter IV: Convergence and cooperation with other Latin American countries and areas of economic integration
  • Chapter V: Cooperation with other areas of economic integration
  • Chapter VI: Institutional Organization
  • Chapter VII: General Provisions
  • Chapter VIII: Legal status, immunities and privileges
  • Chapter IX: Final Provisions
  • Chapter X: Transitional Provisions

Resolutions CM/1 to 7 adopted by the LAFTA Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs

  • Resolution 1: Revision of commitments arising from the Montevideo Treaty's liberalization program
  • Resolution 2: Partial scope agreements
  • Resolution 3: Market opening in favour of countries at a relatively less advanced stage of economic development
  • Resolution 4: Special Cooperation Programs in favour of countries at a relatively less advanced stage of economic development and Economic Promotion Unit
  • Resolution 5: Basic rules on the regional tariff preference
  • Resolution 6: Categories of countries
  • Resolution 7: Legal-institutional situation arising from the entry into force of the new Treaty