Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (P4)
Chile-Brunei Darussalam-New Zealand-Singapore
Text of the Agreement
  Background and Negotiations

Chile, New Zealand and Singapore announced their intention to initiate negotiations towards a trilateral closer economic partnership agreement, the Pacific Three (P3) at the APEC meeting in Los Cabos, Mexico in October 2002. On 3 June 2004, the P-3 accepted Brunei Darussalam as a founding member of the Agreement, thus becoming the P4.

Negotiations began in March 2003 and concluded with an agreement on 3 June 2005. At the same time, the Ministers announced the conclusion of parallel negotiations on an Environment Cooperation Agreement and a Labour Cooperation Memorandum of Understanding.

On 18 July 2005, the Agreement was signed by Chile, New Zealand and Singapore. A few weeks later, on 2 August 2005, Brunei signed the Agreement at the New Zealand Parliament, in Wellington.

Documents relating to the negotiations
02 August 2005 Brunei signs agreementPDF
18 July 2005 Signing of the Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement -- Chile, New Zealand, Singapore and Brunei Spanish Word
01 June 2005 Joint Statement at conclusion of negotiations on a Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership AgreementPDF
18-23 April 2005 Singapore. Fifth round of negotiationsPDF
07 - 11 March 2005 Queenstown, New Zealand. Fourth round of negotiations PDF
13-16 December 2004 Santiago, Chile. Third round of negotiationsPDF
18-21 July 2004 Wellington, New Zealand. Second round of negotiationsPDF
24-26 September 2003 Singapore. First round of negotiationsWord

Source: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian Government; Dirección General de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales, Chile (DIRECON); Ministry of Trade and Industry, Singapore; New Zealand government website; Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR)

  Entry into Force


New Zealand and Singapore deposited their instruments of ratification on 20 and 28 April of 2006. The agreement provisionally entered into force for New Zealand and Singapore on 01 May and officially entered into force for these two countries on 28 May. Brunei Darussalam deposited its instrument of provisional application on 12 June and the agreement entered into force for Brunei on 12 July 2006.

Documents relating to entry into force

08 November 2006 P-4 agreement enters into force SpanishPDF
29 June 2006 Trans-Pacific SEP implemented for New Zealand, Singapore and BruneiPDF
23 March 2006 New Zealand ratification of P4PDF
Source:  New Zealand Customs Service; New Zealand government website; ProChile

  Related Articles and Studies
November 2011 DIRECON. Evaluación del P4 al quinto año del acuerdo esp pdf New!
November 2010 DIRECON. Evaluación del P4 al cuarto año del acuerdo esp pdf
November 2009 DIRECON. Evaluación del P4 al tercer año del acuerdo esp pdf
May 2006 DIRECON. Acuerdo Estratégico Transpacífico de Asociación Económica Spanish PDF
May 2006 DIRECON. Acuerdo Transpacífico de Asociación Estratégica entre Chile, Nueva Zelanda, Singapur y Brunei Darussalam SpanishPDF
May 2006 Ministry of Trade and Industry, Singapore. Trans-Pacific SEP: Guide to Rules of OriginPDF
November 2005 New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership (Trans-Pacific SEP) Agreement among Brunei Darussalam, Chile, New Zealand and Singapore PDF
June 2005 DIRECON. Antecedentes Generales Nueva Zelanda, Singapur y Brunei Darussalam SpanishPDF
May 2005 Ministry of Trade and Industry, Singapore. Info-Note on Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (Trans-Pacific SEP)PDF


Spanish version 
Recent Developments

November 2011. Fifth year
assessment of the agreement


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