Background and Negotiations

On December 8 2005, in Montevideo, Uruguay, MERCOSUR (composed of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) signed a Framework Agreement on Trade whose objective is to provide the conditions and mechanisms to negotiate a free trade agreement.

MERCOSUR Common Market Council Decision No 22/05 approved the initiative to negotiate a free trade agreement. The first round of negotiations took place in February 2006. The first, third and fifth round of negotiations were held in Jerusalem, Israel. The second and fourth rounds took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The fifth round of negotiations was held in Jerusalem, Israel on 20-23 November 2006. On 18 December 2007, MERCOSUR and Israel signed a free trade agreement.

Documents relating to the negotiations
18 December 2007 MERCOSUR and Israel sign free trade agreement EnglishPDF format
20-23 November 2006

Jerusalem, Israel. 5th round of negotiations between MERCOSUR and Israel MS Word format

05-07 July 2006

Buenos Aires, Argentina. 4th round of negotiations between MERCOSUR and IsraelMS Word format

28-31 May 2006

Jerusalem, Israel. 3rd round of negotiations between MERCOSUR and IsraelMS Word format

25-28 April 2005

Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2nd round of negotiations between MERCOSUR and Israel PDF format

15-16 February 2006 Jerusalem, Israel. 1st round of negotiations between MERCOSUR and Israel PDF format
08 December 2005

Framework Agreement on Trade between the MERCOSUR and the State of IsraelEnglish Portuguese PDF format

Source: Presidencia de la República Oriental del Uruguay; Subsecretaría de Política y Gestión Comercial, Dirección Nacional de Polítical Comercial Externa de Argentina

    Entry into force

The MERCOSUR-Israel FTA will entered into force between Uruguay and Israel on 23 December 2009. In March 2010, Brazil gave its final approval for the Israel-MERCOSUR FTA. A few days later, on 24 March 2010, the agreement became effective for Paraguay.

Documents related to the entry into force
24 March 2010 The MERCOSUR-Israel FTA becomes effective for Paraguay 
15 March 2010 Brazil approves FTA between Israel and MERCOSUR
07 December 2009 MERCOSUR-Israel Free FTA to enter into force for Uruguay on 23 December 2009  
Source: Presidencia de la República Oriental del Uruguay



Recent Developments
  24 March 2010. MERCOSUR-Israel FTA becomes effective for Paraguay New!
  15 March 2010. Brazil approves MERCOSUR-Israel FTA New!
