In April 2002, the U.S. president called for free trade talks with Morocco. On 1 October 2002, the USTR sent a formal notice to the U.S. Congress conveying the intent to negotiate, within ninety days, a free trade agreement with Morocco. On 21 January 2003 the USTR sent a letter to Congress notifying the intent to negotiate an FTA with Morocco and outlining the various objectives of the agreement and on that day the United States and Morocco announced that they had launched negotiations towards a free trade agreement.
On 2 March 2004, after eight rounds of negotiation, an agreement was reached. Draft texts of the agreement were released on 2 April 2004. On 8 March 2004 the President notified Congress of his intention to enter into the United States - Morocco Free Trade Agreement. On 15 June 2004 the U.S. - Morocco Free Trade Agreement was signed in Washington, D.C.