United States-Morocco
Text of the agreement
  Background and Negotiations

In April 2002, the U.S. president called for free trade talks with Morocco. On 1 October 2002, the USTR sent a formal notice to the U.S. Congress conveying the intent to negotiate, within ninety days, a free trade agreement with Morocco. On 21 January 2003 the USTR sent a letter to Congress notifying the intent to negotiate an FTA with Morocco and outlining the various objectives of the agreement and on that day the United States and Morocco announced that they had launched negotiations towards a free trade agreement.

On 2 March 2004, after eight rounds of negotiation, an agreement was reached. Draft texts of the agreement were released on 2 April 2004. On 8 March 2004 the President notified Congress of his intention to enter into the United States - Morocco Free Trade Agreement. On 15 June 2004 the U.S. - Morocco Free Trade Agreement was signed in Washington, D.C. 

Documents relating to the negotiations
15 June 2004 United States and Morocco Sign Free Trade AgreementPDF
08 March 2004 Notice of Intention to Enter into FTA with MoroccoPDF
02 March 2004 U.S. and Morocco Conclude Free Trade AgreementPDF
21 January 2003 United States and Morocco Launch Free Trade NegotiationsPDF
21 January 2003 Letter to Congress Notifying Intent to Negotiate FTA with MoroccoPDF
01 October 2002 Morocco FTA Senate Notification LetterPDF
01 October 2002 Morocco FTA House Notification LetterPDF
23 April 2002 President calls for free trade with MoroccoPDF
Source: Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR); official White House website

  Draft Texts

On 2 April 2004, a draft text of the U.S. - Morocco free trade agreement, dated 31 March 2004, was made available to the public. The Moroccan Chamber adopted legislation on the U.S. - Morocco FTA on 18 January 2005.

Draft texts of the Agreement
02 April 2004 Draft text of the U.S.-Morocco Free Trade Agreement
Source: Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR)

  Entry into Force

The U.S.-Morocco FTA was approved by the US House of Representatives and by the Senate on 22 July 2004. U.S. implementing legislation was signed on 17 August 2004. On 22 December 2005 the U.S. President issued a proclamation authorizing adjustment of tariffs on Moroccan imports and implementing the agreement. The U.S. - Morocco Free Trade Agreement entered into force on 1 January 2006.

Documents relating to entry into force

01 January 2006 U.S.-Morocco free trade agreement enters into forcePDF
December 2005 Modifications to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States to Implement the United States-Morocco Free Trade Agreement (USITC Publication 3721) PDF
22 December 2005 Proclamation 7971 by the President to Implement the United States-Morocco Free Trade AgreementPDF
18 January 2005 La Chambre des Conseillers adopte l'Accord de Libre Echange Maroc-USA French PDF
17 August 2004 United States-Morocco Free Trade Agreement Implementation ActPDF
22 July 2004 H.R. 4842 - United States - Morocco Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act PDF
Source: Kingdom of Morocco, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation; Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR); official White House website; U.S. Commercial Service, U.S. Department of Commerce; U.S. Library of Congress; U.S. Federal Register

  Implementation of the Agreement

Documents related to the Joint Commission

16 July 2019 Sixth meeting of the Joint Commission that oversees the FTAPDF new!
Source: Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR)

  Related Articles and Studies
April 2006 U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Morocco FTA Textile and Apparel TRQs and TPLsPDF
April 2005 Congressional Research Service, Report to Congress. Morocco-U.S. Free Trade AgreementPDF
April 2005 United States International Trade Commission (USITC). Effect of Modifications to the U.S.-Morocco Trade AgreementPDF
July 2004 Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR). Final Environmental Review of the U.S.-Morocco FTA PDF
July 2004 U.S. Department of Labor. United States Employment Impact Review of the U.S.-Morocco Free Trade AgreementPDF
June 2004 United States International Trade Commission (USITC). U.S.-Morocco Free Trade Agreement: Potential Economywide and Selected Sectoral EffectsPDF
March 2004 Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR). Trade Facts: Free Trade with Morocco PDF
September 2003 Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR). Interim Environmental Review. U.S. - Morocco FTAPDF


Spanish version 
Recent Developments
  16 July 2019. Sixth meeting of the Joint Commission that oversees the FTA new!
