Article 1310: Definitions
For purposes of this Chapter:
authorized equipment means terminal or other equipment
that has been approved for attachment to the public telecommunications
transport network in accordance with a Party's conformity assessment
conformity assessment procedure means "conformity
assessment procedure" as defined in Article 915 (Standards-Related
Measures-Definitions), and includes the procedures referred to
in Annex 1310;
enhanced or value-added services means those telecommunications
services employing computer processing applications that:
(a) act on the format, content, code, protocol or similar aspects
of a customer's transmitted information;
(b) provide a customer with additional, different or restructured
information; or
(c) involve customer interaction with stored information;
flat-rate pricing basis means pricing on the basis of a
fixed charge per period of time regardless of the amount of use;
intracorporate communications means telecommunications
through which an enterprise communicates:
(a) internally or with or among its subsidiaries, branches or
affiliates, as defined by each Party, or
(b) on a non-commercial basis with other persons that are fundamental
to the economic activity of the enterprise and that have a continuing
contractual relationship with it,
but does not include telecommunications services provided to persons
other than those described herein;
network termination point means the final demarcation of
the public telecommunications transport network at the customer's
private network means a telecommunications transport network
that is used exclusively for intracorporate communications;
protocol means a set of rules and formats that govern the
exchange of information between two peer entities for purposes
of transferring signaling or data information;
public telecommunications transport network means public
telecommunications infrastructure that permits telecommunications
between defined network termination points;
public telecommunications transport networks or services
means public telecommunications transport networks or public telecommunications
transport services;
public telecommunications transport service means any telecommunications
transport service required by a Party, explicitly or in effect,
to be offered to the public generally, including telegraph, telephone,
telex and data transmission, that typically involves the real-time
transmission of customer-supplied information between two or more
points without any end-to-end change in the form or content of
the customer's information;
standards-related measure means a "standards-related
measure" as defined in Article 915;
telecommunications means the transmission and reception
of signals by any electromagnetic means; and
terminal equipment means any digital or analog device capable
of processing, receiving, switching, signaling or transmitting
signals by electromagnetic means and that is connected by radio
or wire to a public telecommunications transport network at a
termination point.
Annex 1310: Conformity Assessment Procedures
For Canada:
Department of Communications, Terminal Attachment Program
Certification Procedures (CP01)
Department of Communications Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C35
Railway Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. R3
Radiocommunication Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. R2, as amended
by S.C. 1989, c. 17
Telecommunications Act (Bill C62)
For Mexico:
Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes
Subsecretaría de Comunicaciones y Desarrollo Technológico
Reglamento de Telecomunicaciones, Capítulo X
For the United States:
Part 15 and Part 68 of the Federal Communications Commission's
Rules, Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations
Continue on to Chapter 14: Financial Services