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Trade Agreements - FTAA Process - Trade Issues 

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Protocol Between the Republic of Peru and
the Kingdom of Thailand to accelerate the Liberalization of
Trade in Goods and Trade Facilitation

Table of Contents

Protocol Between the Republic of Peru and the Kingdom of Thailand  

Text [PDF format, 121 KB]


Annex 1: Trade in Goods

Text [PDF format, 110 KB]

Appendix 1

Peru's List

Text [PDF format, 302 KB]

Thailand's List

Text [PDF format, 392 KB]

Appendix 2 

Tariff Schedule

Text [PDF format, 34 KB]


Appendix 3

Used Goods

Text [PDF format, 31 KB]


 Annex 2: Rules of Origin

Text [PDF format, 338 KB]


 Annex 3: Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

Text [PDF format, 145 KB]


 Annex 4: Technical Barriers to Trade

Text [PDF format, 109 KB]


 Annex 5: Customs Procedures

Text [PDF format, 100 KB]


 Annex 6: Transparency and Administration of Laws and Regulations

Text [PDF format, 76 KB]


 Annex 7: Consultations and Dispute Settlement

Text [PDF format, 191 KB]


Source: Ministerio de Comercio Exterior y Turismo del Perú
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