Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization
Understanding on the Interpretation of Article XVII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994
Noting that Article XVII provides for obligations on Members
in respect of the activities of the state trading enterprises
referred to in paragraph 1 of Article XVII, which are required
to be consistent with the general principles of non-discriminatory
treatment prescribed in GATT 1994 for governmental measures affecting
imports or exports by private traders;
Noting further that Members are subject to their GATT
1994 obligations in respect of those governmental measures affecting
state trading enterprises;
Recognizing that this Understanding is without prejudice
to the substantive disciplines prescribed in Article XVII;
Hereby agree as follows:
1. In order to ensure the transparency of the activities of state
trading enterprises, Members shall notify such enterprises to
the Council for Trade in Goods, for review by the working party
to be set up under paragraph 5, in accordance with the following
working definition:
"Governmental and non-governmental enterprises, including
marketing boards, which have been granted exclusive or special
rights or privileges, including statutory or constitutional powers,
in the exercise of which they influence through their purchases
or sales the level or direction of imports or exports."
This notification requirement does not apply to imports of products
for immediate or ultimate consumption in governmental use or in
use by an enterprise as specified above and not otherwise for
resale or use in the production of goods for sale.
2. Each Member shall conduct a review of its policy with regard
to the submission of notifications on state trading enterprises
to the Council for Trade in Goods, taking account of the provisions
of this Understanding. In carrying out such a review, each Member
should have regard to the need to ensure the maximum transparency
possible in its notifications so as to permit a clear appreciation
of the manner of operation of the enterprises notified and the
effect of their operations on international trade.
3. Notifications shall be made in accordance with the questionnaire
on state trading adopted on 24 May 1960 (BISD 9S/184-185), it
being understood that Members shall notify the enterprises referred
to in paragraph 1 whether or not imports or exports have in fact
taken place.
4. Any Member which has reason to believe that another Member
has not adequately met its notification obligation may raise the
matter with the Member concerned. If the matter is not satisfactorily
resolved it may make a counter-notification to the Council for
Trade in Goods, for consideration by the working party set up
under paragraph 5, simultaneously informing the Member concerned.
5. A working party shall be set up, on behalf of the Council for
Trade in Goods, to review notifications and counter-notifications.
In the light of this review and without prejudice to paragraph
4(c) of Article XVII, the Council for Trade in Goods may make
recommendations with regard to the adequacy of notifications and
the need for further information. The working party shall also
review, in the light of the notifications received, the adequacy
of the above-mentioned questionnaire on state trading and the
coverage of state trading enterprises notified under paragraph
1. It shall also develop an illustrative list showing the kinds
of relationships between governments and enterprises, and the
kinds of activities, engaged in by these enterprises, which may
be relevant for the purposes of Article XVII. It is understood
that the Secretariat will provide a general background paper for
the working party on the operations of state trading enterprises
as they relate to international trade. Membership of the working
party shall be open to all Members indicating their wish to serve
on it. It shall meet within a year of the date of entry into force
of the WTO Agreement and thereafter at least once a year. It shall
report annually to the Council for Trade in Goods 1.
Continue on to Understanding on Balance-of-Payments Provisions
of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994
1 The activities of this working party shall be coordinated
with those of the working group provided for in Section III of the Ministerial Decision on Notification Procedures adopted on 15 April 1994.