Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization
Agreement on Textiles and Clothing
Recalling that Ministers agreed at Punta del Este that
"negotiations in the area of textiles and clothing shall
aim to formulate modalities that would permit the eventual integration
of this sector into GATT on the basis of strengthened GATT rules
and disciplines, thereby also contributing to the objective of
further liberalization of trade";
Recalling also that in the April 1989 Decision of the
Trade Negotiations Committee it was agreed that the process of
integration should commence following the conclusion of the Uruguay
Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations and should be progressive
in character;
Recalling further that it was agreed that special treatment
should be accorded to the least-developed country Members;
Hereby agree as follows:
Article 1
1. This Agreement sets out provisions to be applied by Members
during a transition period for the integration of the textiles
and clothing sector into GATT 1994.
2. Members agree to use the provisions of paragraph 18 of Article
2 and paragraph 6(b) of Article 6 in such a way as to permit meaningful
increases in access possibilities for small suppliers and the
development of commercially significant trading opportunities
for new entrants in the field of textiles and clothing trade.
3. Members shall have due regard to the situation of those Members
which have not accepted the Protocols extending the Arrangement
Regarding International Trade in Textiles (referred to in this
Agreement as the "MFA") since 1986 and, to the extent
possible, shall afford them special treatment in applying the
provisions of this Agreement.
4. Members agree that the particular interests of the cotton-producing
exporting Members should, in consultation with them, be reflected
in the implementation of the provisions of this Agreement.
5. In order to facilitate the integration of the textiles and
clothing sector into GATT 1994, Members should allow for continuous
autonomous industrial adjustment and increased competition in
their markets.
6. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, its provisions
shall not affect the rights and obligations of Members under the
provisions of the WTO Agreement and the Multilateral Trade Agreements.
7. The textile and clothing products to which this Agreement applies
are set out in the Annex.
Article 2
1. All quantitative restrictions within bilateral agreements maintained
under Article 4 or notified under Article 7 or 8 of the MFA in
force on the day before the entry into force of the WTO Agreement
shall, within 60 days following such entry into force, be notified
in detail, including the restraint levels, growth rates and flexibility
provisions, by the Members maintaining such restrictions to the
Textiles Monitoring Body provided for in Article 8 (referred to
in this Agreement as the "TMB"). Members agree that
as of the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement, all such
restrictions maintained between GATT 1947 contracting parties,
and in place on the day before such entry into force, shall be
governed by the provisions of this Agreement.
2. The TMB shall circulate these notifications to all Members
for their information. It is open to any Member to bring to the
attention of the TMB, within 60 days of the circulation of the
notifications, any observations it deems appropriate with regard
to such notifications. Such observations shall be circulated to
the other Members for their information. The TMB may make recommendations,
as appropriate, to the Members concerned.
3. When the 12-month period of restrictions to be notified under
paragraph 1 does not coincide with the 12-month period immediately
preceding the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement, the
Members concerned should mutually agree on arrangements to bring
the period of restrictions into line with the agreement year 2,
and to establish notional base levels of such restrictions in
order to implement the provisions of this Article. Concerned Members
agree to enter into consultations promptly upon request with a
view to reaching such mutual agreement. Any such arrangements
shall take into account, inter alia, seasonal patterns
of shipments in recent years. The results of these consultations
shall be notified to the TMB, which shall make such recommendations
as it deems appropriate to the Members concerned.
4. The restrictions notified under paragraph 1 shall be deemed
to constitute the totality of such restrictions applied by the
respective Members on the day before the entry into force of the
WTO Agreement. No new restrictions in terms of products or Members
shall be introduced except under the provisions of this Agreement
or relevant GATT 1994 provisions. 3 Restrictions not notified
within 60 days of the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement
shall be terminated forthwith.
5. Any unilateral measure taken under Article 3 of the MFA prior
to the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement may remain
in effect for the duration specified therein, but not exceeding
12 months, if it has been reviewed by the Textiles Surveillance
Body (referred to in this Agreement as the "TSB") established
under the MFA. Should the TSB not have had the opportunity to
review any such unilateral measure, it shall be reviewed by the
TMB in accordance with the rules and procedures governing Article
3 measures under the MFA. Any measure applied under an MFA Article
4 agreement prior to the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement
that is the subject of a dispute which the TSB has not had the
opportunity to review shall also be reviewed by the TMB in accordance
with the MFA rules and procedures applicable for such a review.
6. On the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement, each
Member shall integrate into GATT 1994 products which accounted
for not less than 16 per cent of the total volume of the Member's
1990 imports of the products in the Annex, in terms of HS lines
or categories. The products to be integrated shall encompass products
from each of the following four groups: tops and yarns, fabrics,
made-up textile products, and clothing.
7. Full details of the actions to be taken pursuant to paragraph
6 shall be notified by the Members concerned according to the
(a) Members maintaining restrictions falling under paragraph
1 undertake, notwithstanding the date of entry into force of the
WTO Agreement, to notify such details to the GATT Secretariat
not later than the date determined by the Ministerial Decision
of 15 April 1994. The GATT Secretariat shall promptly circulate
these notifications to the other participants for information.
These notifications will be made available to the TMB, when established,
for the purposes of paragraph 21;
(b) Members which have, pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 6,
retained the right to use the provisions of Article 6, shall notify
such details to the TMB not later than 60 days following the date
of entry into force of the WTO Agreement, or, in the case of those
Members covered by paragraph 3 of Article 1, not later than at
the end of the 12th month that the WTO Agreement is in effect.
The TMB shall circulate these notifications to the other Members
for information and review them as provided in paragraph 21.
8. The remaining products, i.e. the products not integrated into
GATT 1994 under paragraph 6, shall be integrated, in terms of
HS lines or categories, in three stages, as follows:
(a) on the first day of the 37th month that the WTO Agreement
is in effect, products which accounted for not less than 17 per
cent of the total volume of the Member's 1990 imports of the products
in the Annex. The products to be integrated by the Members shall
encompass products from each of the following four groups: tops
and yarns, fabrics, made-up textile products, and clothing;
(b) on the first day of the 85th month that the WTO Agreement
is in effect, products which accounted for not less than 18 per
cent of the total volume of the Member's 1990 imports of the products
in the Annex. The products to be integrated by the Members shall
encompass products from each of the following four groups: tops
and yarns, fabrics, made-up textile products, and clothing;
(c) on the first day of the 121st month that the WTO Agreement
is in effect, the textiles and clothing sector shall stand integrated
into GATT 1994, all restrictions under this Agreement having been
9. Members which have notified, pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article
6, their intention not to retain the right to use the provisions
of Article 6 shall, for the purposes of this Agreement, be deemed
to have integrated their textiles and clothing products into GATT
1994. Such Members shall, therefore, be exempted from complying
with the provisions of paragraphs 6 to 8 and 11.
10. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Member which has
submitted an integration programme pursuant to paragraph 6 or
8 from integrating products into GATT 1994 earlier than provided
for in such a programme. However, any such integration of products
shall take effect at the beginning of an agreement year, and details
shall be notified to the TMB at least three months prior thereto
for circulation to all Members.
11. The respective programmes of integration, in pursuance of
paragraph 8, shall be notified in detail to the TMB at least 12
months before their coming into effect, and circulated by the
TMB to all Members.
12. The base levels of the restrictions on the remaining products,
mentioned in paragraph 8, shall be the restraint levels referred
to in paragraph 1.
13. During Stage 1 of this Agreement (from the date of entry into
force of the WTO Agreement to the 36th month that it is in effect,
inclusive) the level of each restriction under MFA bilateral agreements
in force for the 12-month period prior to the date of entry into
force of the WTO Agreement shall be increased annually by not
less than the growth rate established for the respective restrictions,
increased by 16 per cent.
14. Except where the Council for Trade in Goods or the Dispute
Settlement Body decides otherwise under paragraph 12 of Article
8, the level of each remaining restriction shall be increased
annually during subsequent stages of this Agreement by not less
than the following:
(a) for Stage 2 (from the 37th to the 84th month that the WTO
Agreement is in effect, inclusive), the growth rate for the respective
restrictions during Stage 1, increased by 25 per cent;
(b) for Stage 3 (from the 85th to the 120th month that the WTO
Agreement is in effect, inclusive), the growth rate for the respective
restrictions during Stage 2, increased by 27 per cent.
15. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Member from eliminating
any restriction maintained pursuant to this Article, effective
at the beginning of any agreement year during the transition period,
provided the exporting Member concerned and the TMB are notified
at least three months prior to the elimination coming into effect.
The period for prior notification may be shortened to 30 days
with the agreement of the restrained Member. The TMB shall circulate
such notifications to all Members. In considering the elimination
of restrictions as envisaged in this paragraph, the Members concerned
shall take into account the treatment of similar exports from
other Members.
16. Flexibility provisions, i.e. swing, carryover and carry forward,
applicable to all restrictions maintained pursuant to this Article,
shall be the same as those provided for in MFA bilateral agreements
for the 12-month period prior to the entry into force of the WTO
Agreement. No quantitative limits shall be placed or maintained
on the combined use of swing, carryover and carry forward.
17. Administrative arrangements, as deemed necessary in relation
to the implementation of any provision of this Article, shall
be a matter for agreement between the Members concerned. Any such
arrangements shall be notified to the TMB.
18. As regards those Members whose exports are subject to restrictions
on the day before the entry into force of the WTO Agreement and
whose restrictions represent 1.2 per cent or less of the total
volume of the restrictions applied by an importing Member as of
31 December 1991 and notified under this Article, meaningful improvement
in access for their exports shall be provided, at the entry into
force of the WTO Agreement and for the duration of this Agreement,
through advancement by one stage of the growth rates set out in
paragraphs 13 and 14, or through at least equivalent changes as
may be mutually agreed with respect to a different mix of base
levels, growth and flexibility provisions. Such improvements shall
be notified to the TMB.
19. In any case, during the duration of this Agreement, in which
a safeguard measure is initiated by a Member under Article XIX
of GATT 1994 in respect of a particular product during a period
of one year immediately following the integration of that product
into GATT 1994 in accordance with the provisions of this Article,
the provisions of Article XIX, as interpreted by the Agreement
on Safeguards, will apply, save as set out in paragraph 20.
20. Where such a measure is applied using non-tariff means, the
importing Member concerned shall apply the measure in a manner
as set forth in paragraph 2(d) of Article XIII of GATT 1994 at
the request of any exporting Member whose exports of such products
were subject to restrictions under this Agreement at any time
in the one-year period immediately prior to the initiation of
the safeguard measure. The exporting Member concerned shall administer
such a measure. The applicable level shall not reduce the relevant
exports below the level of a recent representative period, which
shall normally be the average of exports from the Member concerned
in the last three representative years for which statistics are
available. Furthermore, when the safeguard measure is applied
for more than one year, the applicable level shall be progressively
liberalized at regular intervals during the period of application.
In such cases the exporting Member concerned shall not exercise
the right of suspending substantially equivalent concessions or
other obligations under paragraph 3(a) of Article XIX of GATT
21. The TMB shall keep under review the implementation of this
Article. It shall, at the request of any Member, review any particular
matter with reference to the implementation of the provisions
of this Article. It shall make appropriate recommendations or
findings within 30 days to the Member or Members concerned, after
inviting the participation of such Members.
Article 3
1. Within 60 days following the date of entry into force of the
WTO Agreement, Members maintaining restrictions 4 on textile
and clothing products (other than restrictions maintained under
the MFA and covered by the provisions of Article 2), whether consistent
with GATT 1994 or not, shall (a) notify them in detail
to the TMB, or (b) provide to the TMB notifications with
respect to them which have been submitted to any other WTO body.
The notifications should, wherever applicable, provide information
with respect to any GATT 1994 justification for the restrictions,
including GATT 1994 provisions on which they are based.
2. Members maintaining restrictions falling under paragraph 1,
except those justified under a GATT 1994 provision, shall either:
(a) bring them into conformity with GATT 1994 within one year
following the entry into force of the WTO Agreement, and notify
this action to the TMB for its information; or
(b) phase them out progressively according to a programme to
be presented to the TMB by the Member maintaining the restrictions
not later than six months after the date of entry into force of
the WTO Agreement. This programme shall provide for all restrictions
to be phased out within a period not exceeding the duration of
this Agreement. The TMB may make recommendations to the Member
concerned with respect to such a programme.
3. During the duration of this Agreement, Members shall provide
to the TMB, for its information, notifications submitted to any
other WTO bodies with respect to any new restrictions or changes
in existing restrictions on textile and clothing products, taken
under any GATT 1994 provision, within 60 days of their coming
into effect.
4. It shall be open to any Member to make reverse notifications
to the TMB, for its information, in regard to the GATT 1994 justification,
or in regard to any restrictions that may not have been notified
under the provisions of this Article. Actions with respect to
such notifications may be pursued by any Member under relevant
GATT 1994 provisions or procedures in the appropriate WTO body.
5. The TMB shall circulate the notifications made pursuant to
this Article to all Members for their information.
Article 4
1. Restrictions referred to in Article 2, and those applied under
Article 6, shall be administered by the exporting Members. Importing
Members shall not be obliged to accept shipments in excess of
the restrictions notified under Article 2, or of restrictions
applied pursuant to Article 6.
2. Members agree that the introduction of changes, such as changes
in practices, rules, procedures and categorization of textile
and clothing products, including those changes relating to the
Harmonized System, in the implementation or administration of
those restrictions notified or applied under this Agreement should
not: upset the balance of rights and obligations between the Members
concerned under this Agreement; adversely affect the access available
to a Member; impede the full utilization of such access; or
disrupt trade under this Agreement.
3. If a product which constitutes only part of a restriction is
notified for integration pursuant to the provisions of Article
2, Members agree that any change in the level of that restriction
shall not upset the balance of rights and obligations between
the Members concerned under this Agreement.
4. When changes mentioned in paragraphs 2 and 3 are necessary,
however, Members agree that the Member initiating such changes
shall inform and, wherever possible, initiate consultations with
the affected Member or Members prior to the implementation of
such changes, with a view to reaching a mutually acceptable solution
regarding appropriate and equitable adjustment. Members further
agree that where consultation prior to implementation is not feasible,
the Member initiating such changes will, at the request of the
affected Member, consult, within 60 days if possible, with the
Members concerned with a view to reaching a mutually satisfactory
solution regarding appropriate and equitable adjustments. If a
mutually satisfactory solution is not reached, any Member involved
may refer the matter to the TMB for recommendations as provided
in Article 8. Should the TSB not have had the opportunity to review
a dispute concerning such changes introduced prior to the entry
into force of the WTO Agreement, it shall be reviewed by the TMB
in accordance with the rules and procedures of the MFA applicable
for such a review.
Continue with the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing
1 To the extent possible, exports from a least-developed
country Member may also benefit from this provision.
2 The "agreement year" is defined to mean a 12-month period beginning from the date of entry into force of the WTO
Agreement and at the subsequent 12-month intervals.
3 The relevant GATT 1994 provisions shall not include Article
XIX in respect of products not yet integrated into GATT 1994,
except as specifically provided in paragraph 3 of the Annex.
4 Restrictions denote all unilateral quantitative restrictions,
bilateral arrangements and other measures having a similar effect.