Trademark Laws and Regulations
Regulations: Title 37, Chapter I, Part 2, Code of Federal
37 C.F.R. � 2.52 Requirements for drawings.
(a) Character of drawing. All drawings, except as otherwise provided, must be made with the pen or by a process which will provide high definition upon reproduction. A photolithographic reproduction or printer's proof copy may be used if otherwise suitable. Every line and letter, including color lining and lines used for shading, must be black. All lines must be clean, sharp, and solid, and must not be fine or crowded. Gray tones or tints may not be used for surface shading or any other purpose. The requirements of this paragraph are not necessary in the case of drawings permitted and filed in accordance with paragraph (e) of � 2.51.
(b) Paper and ink. The drawing must be made upon paper which is flexible, strong, smooth, non-shiny, white and durable. A good grade of bond paper is suitable; however, water marks should not be prominent. India ink or its equivalent in quality must be used for pen drawings to secure perfectly black solid lines. The use of white pigment to cover lines is not acceptable.
(c) Size of paper and margins. The size of the sheet on which a drawing is made must be 8 to 8 1/2 inches (20.3 to 21.6 cm.) wide and 11 inches (27.9 cm.) long. One of the shorter sides of the sheet should be regarded as its top. It is preferable that the drawing be 2.5 inches (6.1 cm.) high and/or wide, but in no case may it be larger than 4 inches (10.3 cm.) high and 4 inches (10.3 cm) wide. If the amount of detail in the mark precludes a reduction to this size, such detail may be verbally described in the body of the application. There must be a margin of at least 1 inch (2.5 cm.) on the sides and bottom of the paper and at least 1 inch (2.5 cm.) between the drawing and the heading.
(d) Heading. Across the top of the drawing, beginning one inch (2.5 cm.) from the top edge and not exceeding one third of the sheet, there must be placed a heading, listing in separate lines, applicant's complete name; applicant's post office address; the dates of first use of the mark and first use of the mark in commerce in an application under section 1(a) of the Act; the priority filing date of the relevant foreign application in an application claiming the benefit of a prior foreign application in accordance with section 44(d) of the Act; and the goods or services recited in the application or a typical item of the goods or services if a number of items are recited in the application. This heading should be typewritten. If the drawing is in special form, the heading should include a description of the essential elements of the mark.
(e) Linings for color. Where color is a feature of a mark, the color or colors employed may be designated by means of conventional linings as shown in the following color chart:
[51 FR 29921, Aug. 21, 1986, as amended at 54 FR 37591, Sept. 11, 1989; 54 FR 46231, Nov. 2, 1989]
37 C.F.R. � 2.53 [This section was removed. See 61 FR 55223, Oct. 25, 1996.]
[54 FR 37591, Sept. 11, 1989; 54 FR 46231, Nov. 2, 1989]
37 C.F.R. � 2.56 Specimens.
An application under section 1(a) of the Act, an amendment to allege use under � 2.76, and a statement of use under � 2.88 must each include three specimens of the trademark as used on or in connection with the goods in commerce. The specimens shall be duplicates of the labels, tags, or containers bearing the trademark, or the displays associated with the goods and bearing the trademark (or if the nature of the goods makes use of such specimens impracticable then on documents associated with the goods or their sale), when made of suitable flat material and of a size not to exceed 8 1/2 inches (21.6 cm.) wide and 11 inches (27.9 cm.) long.
[54 FR 37591, Sept. 11, 1989]
37 C.F.R. � 2.57 Facsimiles.
(a) When, due to the mode of applying or affixing the trademark to the goods, or to the manner of using the mark on the goods, or to the nature of the mark, specimens as above stated cannot be furnished, three copies of a suitable photograph or other acceptable reproduction, not to exceed 8 1/2 inches (21.6 cm.) wide and 11 inches (27.9 cm.) long, and clearly and legibly showing the mark a all matter used in connection therewith, shall be furnished.
(b) A purported facsimile which is merely a reproduction of the drawing submitted to comply with � 2.51 will not be considered to be a facsimile depicting the mark as used on or in connection with the goods or in connection with the services.
[54 FR 37591, Sept. 11, 1989]
37 C.F.R. � 2.58 Specimens or facsimiles in the case of a service mark.
(a) In the case of service marks, specimens or facsimiles as specified in �� 2.56 and 2.57, of the mark as used in the sale or advertising of the services shall be furnished unless impossible because of the nature of the mark or the manner in which it is used, in which event some other representation acceptable to the Commissioner must be submitted.
(b) In the case of service marks not used in printed or written form, three audio cassette tape recordings will be accepted.
[30 FR 13193, Oct. 16, 1965, as amended at 51 FR 29922, Aug. 21, 1986]
37 C.F.R. � 2.59 Filing substitute specimens.
(a) In an application under section 1(a) of the Act, the applicant may submit substitute specimens of the mark as used on or in connection with the goods, or in the sale or advertising of the services, provided that any substitute specimens submitted are supported by applicant's affidavit or declaration in accordance with � 2.20 verifying that the substitute specimens were in use in commerce at least as early as the filing date of the application. The verification requirement shall not apply if the specimens are duplicates or facsimiles, such as photographs, of specimens already of record in the application.
(b) In an application under section 1(b) of the Act, after filing either an amendment to allege use under � 2.76 or a statement of use under � 2.88, the applicant may submit substitute specimens of the mark as used on or in connection with the goods, or in the sale or advertising of the services, provided that the use in commerce of any substitute specimens submitted is supported by applicant's affidavit or declaration in accordance with � 2.20. In the case of a statement of use under � 2.88, the applicant must verify that the substitute specimens were in use in commerce prior to the filing of the statement of use or prior to the expiration of the time allowed to applicant for filing a statement of use.
[54 FR 37591, Sept. 11, 1989]
37 C.F.R. � 2.61 Action by examiner.
(a) Applications for registration, including amendments to allege use under section 1(c) of the Act, and statements of use under section 1(d) of the Act, will be examined and, if the applicant is found not entitled to registration for any reason, applicant will be notified and advised of the reasons therefor and of any formal requirements or objections.
(b) The examiner may require the applicant to furnish such information and exhibits as may be reasonably necessary to the proper examination of the application.
(c) Whenever it shall be found that two or more parties whose interests are in conflict are represented by the same attorney, each party and also the attorney shall be notified of this fact.
[30 FR 13193, Oct. 16, 1965, as amended at 37 FR 2880, Feb. 9, 1972; 54 FR 37592, Sept. 11, 1989]
37 C.F.R. � 2.62 Period for response.
The applicant has six months from the date of mailing of any action by the examiner to respond thereto. Such response may be made with or without amendment and must include such proper action by the applicant as the nature of the action and the condition of the case may require.
[30 FR 13193, Oct. 16, 1965]
37 C.F.R. � 2.63 Reexamination.
(a) After response by the applicant, the application will be reexamined or reconsidered. If registration is again refused or any formal requirement[s] is repeated, but the examiner's action is not stated to be final, the applicant may respond again.
(b) After reexamination the applicant may respond by filing a timely petition to the Commissioner for relief from a formal requirement if: (1) The requirement is repeated, but the examiner's action is not made final, and the subject matter of the requirement is appropriate for petition to the Commissioner (see � 2.146(b)); or (2) the examiner's action is made final and such action is limited to subject matter appropriate for petition to the Commissioner. If the petition is denied, the applicant shall have until six months from the date of the Office action which repeated the requirement or made it final or thirty days from the date of the decision on the petition, whichever date is later, to comply with the requirement. A formal requirement which is the subject of a petition decided by the Commissioner may not subsequently be the subject of an appeal to the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board.
[48 FR 23134, May 23, 1983]
37 C.F.R. � 2.64 Final action.
(a) On the first or any subsequent reexamination or reconsideration the refusal of the registration or the insistence upon a requirement may be stated to be final, whereupon applicant's response is limited to an appeal, or to a compliance with any requirement, or to a petition to the Commissioner if permitted by � 2.63(b).
(b) During the period between a final action and expiration of the time for filing an appeal, the applicant may request the examiner to reconsider the final action. The filing of a request for reconsideration will not extend the time for filing an appeal or petitioning the Commissioner, but normally the examiner will reply to a request for reconsideration before the end of the six-month period if the request is filed within three months after the date of the final action. Amendments accompanying requests for reconsideration after final action will be entered if they comply with the rules of practice in trademark cases and the Act of 1946.
(1) If an applicant in an application under section 1(b) of the Act files an amendment to allege use
under � 2.76 during the six-month response period after issuance of a final action, the examiner shall examine the amendment. The filing of such an amendment will not extend the time for filing an appeal or petitioning the Commissioner.
(2) If the amendment to allege use under � 2.76 is acceptable in all respects, the applicant will be notified of its acceptance.
(3) If, as a result of the examination of the amendment to allege use under � 2.76, the applicant is found not entitled to registration for any reason not previously stated, applicant will be notified and advised of the reasons and of any formal requirements or refusals. The Trademark Examining Attorney shall withdraw the final action previously issued and shall incorporate all unresolved refusals or requirements previously stated in the new non-final action.
[48 FR 23134, May 23, 1983, as amended at 54 FR 37592, Sept. 11, 1989]
37 C.F.R. � 2.65 Abandonment.
(a) If an applicant fails to respond, or to respond completely, within six months after the date an action is mailed, the application shall be deemed to have been abandoned. A timely petition to the Commissioner pursuant to �� 2.63(b) and 2.146 is a response which avoids abandonment of an application.
(b) When action by the applicant filed within the six-month response period is a bona fide attempt to advance the examination of the application and is substantially a complete response to the examiner's action, but consideration of some matter or compliance with some requirement has been inadvertently omitted, opportunity to explain and supply the omission may be given before the question of abandonment is considered.
(c) If an applicant in an application under section 1(b) of the Act fails to timely file a statement of use under � 2.88, the application shall be deemed to be abandoned.
[48 FR 23134, May 23, 1983, as amended at 54 FR 37592, Sept. 11, 1989]
37 C.F.R. � 2.66 Revival of abandoned applications.
(a) An application abandoned for failure to timely respond, or for failure to timely file a statement of use under � 2.88 in an application under section 1(b) of the Act, may be revived as a pending application if it is shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that the delay was unavoidable.
(b) A petition to revive an application abandoned for failure to timely respond must be accompanied by:
(1) The required fee,
(2) A showing which is verified or which includes a declaration in accordance with � 2.20 of the causes of the delay, and
(3) The proposed response, unless a response has been previously filed.
(c) A petition to revive an application abandoned for failure to timely file a statement of use under � 2.88 in an application under section 1(b) of the Act must be accompanied by:
(1) The required petition fee,
(2) A showing which is verified or which includes a declaration in accordance with � 2.20 of the causes of the delay,
(3) The required fees for the number of requests (in accordance with � 2.89 for extensions of time to file a statement of use) which should have been filed if the application had not been abandoned, and
(4) Either a statement of use in accordance with � 2.88 (unless the same has been previously filed) or a request in accordance with � 2.89 for an extension of time to file a statement of use.
(d) The petition must be filed promptly. No petition to revive will be granted in an application under section 1(b) of the Act if granting the petition would permit the filing of a statement of use more than 36 months after the issuance of a notice of allowance under section 13(b)(2) of the Act.
[54 FR 37592, Sept. 11, 1989]
37 C.F.R. � 2.67 Suspension of action by the Patent and Trademark Office.
Action by the Patent and Trademark Office may be suspended for a reasonable time for good and sufficient cause. The fact that a proceeding is pending before the Patent and Trademark Office or a court which is relevant to the issue of registrability of the applicant's mark, or the fact that the basis for registration is, under the provisions of section 44(e) of the Act, registration of the mark in a foreign country and the foreign application is still pending, will be considered prima facie good and sufficient cause. An applicant's request for a suspension of action under this section filed within the 6-month response period (see � 2.62) may be considered responsive to the previous Office action. The first suspension is within the discretion of the Examiner of Trademarks and any subsequent suspension must be approved by the Commissioner.
[37 FR 3898, Feb. 24, 1972]
37 C.F.R. � 2.68 Express abandonment (withdrawal) of application.
An application may be expressly abandoned by filing in the Patent and Trademark Office a written statement of abandonment or withdrawal of the application signed by the applicant, or the attorney or other person representing the applicant. Except as provided in � 2.135, the fact that an application has been expressly abandoned shall not, in any proceeding in the Patent and Trademark Office, affect any rights that the applicant may have in the mark which is the subject of the abandoned application.
[54 FR 34897, Aug. 22, 1989]
37 C.F.R. � 2.69 Compliance with other laws.
When the sale or transportation of any product for which registration of a trademark is sought is regulated under an Act of Congress, the Patent and Trademark Office may make appropriate inquiry as to compliance with such Act for the sole purpose of determining lawfulness of the commerce recited in the application.
[54 FR 37592, Sept. 11, 1989]
37 C.F.R. � 2.71 Amendments to correct informalities.
(a) The application may be amended to correct informalities, or to avoid objections made by the Patent and Trademark Office, or for other reasons arising in the course of examination.
(b) The identification of goods or services may be amended to clarify or limit the identification, but additions will not be permitted.
(c) If the verification or declaration filed with the application is defective, the defect may be corrected only by the submission of a substitute or supplemental verification or declaration in accordance with � 2.20. A verification or declaration required under �� 2.21(a)(6), 2.76(e)(3) or 2.88(e)(3), to be properly signed, must be signed by the applicant, a member of the applicant firm, or an officer of the applicant corporation or association. A verification or declaration which is signed by a person having color of authority to sign, is acceptable for the purpose of determining the timely filing of the paper. Persons having color of authority to sign are those who have first-hand knowledge of the truth of the statements in the verification or declaration and who also have actual or implied authority to act on behalf of the applicant. However, a properly signed substitute verification or declaration must be submitted before the application will be approved for publication or registration, as the case may be.
(1) No amendment to the dates of use will be permitted unless the amendment is supported by
applicant's affidavit or declaration in accordance with � 2.20 and by such showing as may be required.
(2) In an application under section 1(a) of the Act, no amendment to specify a date of use which is subsequent to the filing date of the application will be permitted.
(3) In an application under section 1(b) of the Act, after the filing of a statement of use under � 2.88, no amendment will be permitted to the statement of use to recite dates of use which are subsequent to the expiration of the time allowed to applicant for filing a statement of use.
[54 FR 37592, Sept. 11, 1989]
37 C.F.R. � 2.72 Amendments to description or drawing of the mark.
(a) Amendments may not be made to the description or drawing of the mark if the character of the mark is materially altered. The determination of whether a proposed amendment materially alters the character of the mark will be made by comparing the proposed amendment with the description or drawing of the mark as originally filed.
(b) In applications under section 1(a) of the Act, amendments to the description or drawing of the mark may be permitted only if warranted by the specimens (or facsimiles) as originally filed, or supported by additional specimens (or facsimiles) and a supplemental affidavit or declaration in accordance with � 2.20 alleging that the mark shown in the amended drawing was in use prior to the filing date of the application.
(c) In applications under section 1(b) of the Act, amendments to the description or drawing of the mark, which are filed after submission of an amendment to allege use under � 2.76 or a statement of use under � 2.88, may be permitted only if warranted by the specimens (or facsimiles) filed, or supported by additional specimens (or facsimiles) and a supplemental affidavit or declaration in accordance with � 2.20 alleging that the mark shown in the amended drawing is in use in commerce. In the case of a statement of use under � 2.88, applicant must verify that the mark shown in the amended drawing was in use in commerce prior to the filing of the statement of use or prior to the expiration of the time allowed to applicant for filing a statement of use.
(d) In applications under section 44 of the Act, amendments to the description or drawing of the mark may be permitted only if warranted by the description or drawing of the mark in the foreign registration certificate.
[54 FR 37593, Sept. 11, 1989]
37 C.F.R. � 2.73 Amendment to recite concurrent use.
(a) An application under section 1(a) of the Act may be amended so as to be treated as an application for a concurrent registration, provided the application as amended satisfies the requirements of � 2.42. The examiner will determine whether the application, as amended, is acceptable.
(b) An application under section 1(b) of the Act may not be amended so as to be treated as an application for a concurrent registration until an acceptable amendment to allege use under � 2.76 or statement of use under � 2.88 has been filed in the application, after which time such an amendment may be made, provided the application as amended satisfies the requirements of � 2.42. The examiner will determine whether the application, as amended, is acceptable.
[54 FR 37593, Sept. 11, 1989]
37 C.F.R. � 2.74 Form of amendment.
(a) In every amendment the exact word or words to be stricken out or inserted in the application must be specified and the precise point indicated where the deletion or insertion is to be made. Erasures, additions, insertions, or mutilations of the papers and records must not be made by the applicant or his attorney or agent.
(b) When an amendatory clause is amended, it must be wholly rewritten so that no interlineation or erasure will appear in the clause, as finally amended, when the application is passed to registration. If the number or nature of the amendments shall render it otherwise difficult to consider the case or to arrange the papers for printing or copying, or when otherwise desired to clarify the record, the examiner may require the entire statement to be rewritten.
[30 FR 13193, Oct. 16, 1965]
37 C.F.R. � 2.75 Amendment to change application to different register.
(a) An application for registration on the Principal Register under section 1(a) or 44 of the Act may be changed to an application for registration on the Supplemental Register and vice versa by amending the application to comply with the rules relating to the appropriate register, as the case may be.
(b) An application under section 1(b) of the Act may be amended to change the application to a different register only after submission of an acceptable amendment to allege use under � 2.76 or statement of use under � 2.88. When such an application is changed from the Principal Register to the Supplemental Register, the effective filing date of the application is the date of the filing of the allegation of use under section 1(c) or 1(d) of the Act.
[54 FR 37593, Sept. 11, 1989]
37 C.F.R. � 2.76 Amendment to allege use.
(a) An application under section 1(b) of the Act may be amended to allege use of the mark in commerce under section 1(c) of the Act at any time between the filing of the application and the date the examiner approves the mark for publication or the date of expiration of the six-month response period after issuance of a final action. Thereafter, an allegation of use may be submitted only as a statement of use under � 2.88 after the issuance of a notice of allowance under section 13(b)(2) of the Act. If an amendment to allege use is filed outside the time period specified in this paragraph, it will be returned to the applicant.
(b) A complete amendment to allege use must include:
(1) A verified statement that the applicant is believed to be the owner of the mark sought to be registered and that the mark is in use in commerce, specifying the date of the applicant's first use of the mark and first use of the mark in commerce, the type of commerce, those goods or services specified in the application on or in connection with which the mark is in use in commerce and the mode or manner in which the mark is used on or in connection with such goods or services;
(2) Three specimens or facsimiles, conforming to the requirements of �� 2.56, 2.57 and 2.58, of the mark as used in commerce; and
(3) The fee prescribed in � 2.6.
(c) An amendment to allege use may be filed only when the applicant has made use of the mark in commerce on or in connection with all of the goods or services, as specified in the application, for which applicant will seek registration in that application unless the amendment to allege use is accompanied by a request in accordance with � 2.87 to divide out from the application the goods or services to which the amendment pertains. If more than one item of goods or services is specified in the amendment to allege use, the dates of use required in paragraph (b)(1) of this section need be for only one of the items specified in each class, provided the particular item to which the dates apply is designated.
(d) The title "Amendment to allege use under � 2.76" should appear at the top of the first page of the paper.
(e) The Office will review a timely filed amendment to allege use to determine whether it meets the following minimum requirements:
(1) The fee prescribed in � 2.6;
(2) At least one specimen or facsimile of the mark as used in commerce; and
(3) A verification or declaration signed by the applicant stating that the mark is in use in commerce.
(f) A timely filed amendment to allege use which meets the minimum requirements specified in paragraph (e) of this section will be examined in accordance with �� 2.61 through 2.69. If, as a result of the examination of the amendment to allege use, applicant is found not entitled to registration for any reason not previously stated, applicant will be so notified and advised of the reasons and of any formal requirements or refusals. The notification shall restate or incorporate by reference all unresolved refusals or requirements previously stated. The amendment to allege use may be amended in accordance with �� 2.59 and 2.71 through 2.75. If the amendment to allege use is acceptable in all respects, the applicant will be notified of its acceptance. The filing of such an amendment shall not constitute a response to any outstanding action by the Trademark Examining Attorney.
(g) If the amendment to allege use is filed within the permitted time period but does not meet the minimum requirements specified in paragraph (e) of this section, applicant will be notified of the deficiency. The deficiency may be corrected provided the mark has not been approved for publication or the six-month response period after issuance of a final action has not expired. If an acceptable amendment to correct the deficiency is not filed prior to approval of the mark for publication or prior to the expiration of the six-month response period after issuance of a final action, the amendment will not be examined.
(h) An amendment to allege use may be withdrawn for any reason prior to approval of a mark for publication or expiration of the six-month response period after issuance of a final action.
[54 FR 37593, Sept. 11, 1989]
37 C.F.R. � 2.77 Amendments between notice of allowance and statement of use.
An application under section 1(b) of the Act may not be amended during the period between the issuance of the notice of allowance under section 13(b)(2) of the Act and the filing of a statement of use under � 2.88, except to delete specified goods or services. Other amendments filed during this period will be placed in the application file and considered when the statement of use is examined.
[54 FR 37594, Sept. 11, 1989]
37 C.F.R. � 2.80 Publication for opposition.
If, on examination or reexamination of an application for registration on the Principal Register, it appears that the applicant is entitled to have his mark registered, the mark will be published in the Official Gazette for opposition. The mark will also be published in the case of an application to be placed in interference or concurrent use proceedings, if otherwise registrable.
[41 FR 758, Jan. 5, 1976]
37 C.F.R. � 2.81 Post publication.
(a) Except in an application under section 1(b) of the Act for which no amendment to allege use under � 2.76 has been submitted and accepted, if no opposition is filed within the time permitted or all oppositions filed are dismissed, and if no interference is declared and no concurrent use proceeding is instituted, the application will be prepared for issuance of the certificate of registration as provided in � 2.151.
(b) In an application under section 1(b) of the Act for which no amendment to allege use under � 2.76 has been submitted and accepted, if no opposition is filed within the time permitted or all oppositions filed are dismissed, and if no interference is declared, a notice of allowance will issue. The notice of allowance will state the serial number of the application, the name of the applicant, the correspondence address, the mark, the identification of goods or services, and the issue date of the notice of allowance. The mailing date that appears on the notice of allowance will be the issue date of the notice of allowance. Thereafter, the applicant shall submit a statement of use as provided in � 2.88.
[54 FR 37594, Sept. 11, 1989]
37 C.F.R. � 2.82 Marks on Supplemental Register published only upon registration.
In the case of an application for registration on the Supplemental Register the mark will not be published for opposition but if it appears, after examination or reexamination, that the applicant is entitled to have the mark registered, a certificate of registration will issue as provided in � 2.151. The mark will be published in the "Official Gazette" when registered.
[54 FR 37594, Sept. 11, 1989]
37 C.F.R. � 2.83 Conflicting marks.
(a) Whenever an application is made for registration of a mark which so resembles another mark or marks pending registration as to be likely to cause confusion or mistake or to deceive, the mark with the earliest effective filing date will be published in the "Official Gazette" for opposition if eligible for the Principal Register, or issued a certificate of registration if eligible for the Supplemental Register.
(b) In situations in which conflicting applications have the same effective filing date, the application with the earliest date of execution will be published in the "Official Gazette" for opposition or issued on the Supplemental Register.
(c) Action on the conflicting application which is not published in the Official Gazette for opposition or not issued on the Supplemental Register will be suspended by the Examiner of Trademarks until the published or issued application is registered or abandoned.
[37 FR 2880, Feb. 9, 1972, as amended at 54 FR 37594, Sept. 11, 1989]
37 C.F.R. � 2.84 Jurisdiction over published applications.
(a) The examiner may exercise jurisdiction over an application up to the date the mark is published in the "Official Gazette." After publication of an application under section 1(a) or 44 of the Act the examiner may, with the permission of the Commissioner, exercise jurisdiction over the application. After publication of an application under section 1(b) of the Act, the examiner may exercise jurisdiction over the application after the issuance of the notice of allowance under section 13(b)(2) of the Act. After publication, and prior to issuance of a notice of allowance in an application under section 1(b), the examiner may, with the permission of the Commissioner, exercise jurisdiction over the application.
(b) After publication, but before the printing of the certificate of registration in an application under section 1(a) or 44 of the Act, or before the printing of the notice of allowance in an application under section 1(b) of the Act, an application which is not the subject of an inter partes proceeding before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board may be amended if the amendment does not necessitate republication of the mark or issuance of an Office action. Otherwise, an amendment to such an application may be submitted only upon petition to the Commissioner to restore jurisdiction of the application to the examiner for consideration of the amendment and further examination. The amendment of an application which is the subject of an inter partes proceeding before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board is governed by � 2.133.
[54 FR 37594, Sept. 11, 1989]
37 C.F.R. � 2.85 Classification schedules.
(a) Section 6.1 of part 6 of this chapter specifies the system of classification for goods and services which applies for all statutory purposes to trademark applications filed in the Patent and Trademark Office on or after September 1, 1973, and to registrations issued on the basis of such applications. It shall not apply to applications filed on or before August 31, 1973, nor to registrations issued on the basis of such applications.
(b) With respect to applications filed on or before August 31, 1973, and registrations issued thereon, including older registrations issued prior to that date, the classification system under which the application was filed will govern for all statutory purposes, including, inter alia, the filing of petitions to revive, appeals, oppositions, petitions for cancellation, affidavits under section 8 and renewals, even though such petitions to revive, appeals, etc., are filed on or after September 1, 1973.
(c) Section 6.2 of part 6 of this chapter specifies the system of classification for goods and services which applies for all statutory purposes to all trademark applications filed in the Patent and Trademark Office on or before August 31, 1973, and to registrations issued on the basis of such applications, except when the registration may have been issued under a classification system prior to that set forth in � 6.2. Moreover, this classification will also be utilized for facilitating trademark searches until all pending and registered marks in the search file are organized on the basis of the international system of classification.
(d) Renewals filed on registrations issued under a prior classification system will be processed on the basis of that system.
(e) Where the amount of the fee received on filing an appeal in connection with an application or on an application for renewal or in connection with a petition for cancellation is sufficient for at least one class of goods or services but is less than the required amount because multiple classes in an application or registration are involved, the appeal or renewal application or petition for cancellation will not be refused on the ground that the amount of the fee was insufficient if the required additional amount of the fee is received in the Patent and Trademark Office within the time limit set forth in the notification of this defect by the Office, or if action is sought only for the number of classes equal to the number of fees submitted.
(f) Sections 6.3 and 6.4 specify the system of classification which applies to certification marks and collective membership marks.
(g) Classification schedules shall not limit or extend the applicant's rights.
[38 FR 14681, June 4, 1973, as amended at 39 FR 16885, May 10, 1974; 47 FR 41282, Sept. 17, 1982]
Continuation: 37 C.F.R. � 2.86 Application may include multiple goods or services comprised in single class or multiple classes.