Patent Laws and Regulations
Regulations: Title 37, Chapter I (Subchapter A,
Parts 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, and 15a and Subchapter B); Chapter IV and Chapter V,
Code of Federal Regulations
37 C.F.R. � 1.673 Notice of examination of witness.
(a) A party authorized to take testimony of a witness by deposition shall, after complying with paragraphs (b) and (g) of this section, file and serve a single notice of deposition stating the time and place of each deposition to be taken. Depositions to be taken in the United States may be noticed for a reasonable time and place in the United States. A deposition may not be noticed for any other place without approval of an administrative patent judge. The notice shall specify the name and address of each witness and the general nature of the testimony to be given by the witness. If the name of a witness is not known, a general description sufficient to identify the witness or a particular class or group to which the witness belongs may be given instead.
(b) Unless the parties agree or an administrative patent judge or the Board determine otherwise, a party shall serve, but not file, at least three working days prior to the conference required by paragraph (g) of this section, if service is made by hand or Express Mail, or at least 14 days prior to the conference if service is made by any other means, the following:
(1) A list and copy of each document in the party's possession, custody, or control and upon which the party intends to rely at any deposition and
(2) A list of and a proffer of reasonable access to things in the party's possession, custody, or control and upon which the party intends to rely at any deposition.
(c) A party shall not be permitted to rely on any witness not listed in the notice, or any document not served or any thing not listed as required by paragraph (b) of this section:
(1) Unless all opponents agree in writing or on the record to permit the party to rely on the witness, document or thing, or
(2) Except upon a motion (� 1.635) promptly filed which is accompanied by any proposed notice, additional documents, or lists and which shows good cause why the notice, documents, or lists were not served in accordance with this section.
(d) Each opponent shall have a full opportunity to attend a deposition and cross-examine.
(e) A party who has presented testimony by affidavit and is required to notice depositions for the purpose of cross-examination under � 1.672(b), shall, after complying with paragraph (g) of this section, file and serve a single notice of deposition stating the time and place of each cross-examination deposition to be taken.
(f) The parties shall not take depositions in more than one place at the same time or so nearly at the same time that reasonable opportunity to travel from one place of deposition to another cannot be had.
(g) Before serving a notice of deposition and after complying with paragraph (b) of this section, a party shall have an oral conference with all opponents to attempt to agree on a mutually acceptable time and place for conducting the deposition. A certificate shall appear in the notice stating that the oral conference took place or explaining why the conference could not be had. If the parties cannot agree to a mutually acceptable place and time for conducting the deposition at the conference, the parties shall contact an administrative patent judge who shall then designate the time and place for conducting the deposition.
(h) A copy of the notice of deposition shall be attached to the certified transcript of the deposition filed under � 1.676(a).
[49 FR 48455, Dec. 12, 1984; 60 FR 14532, Mar. 17, 1995]
37 C.F.R. � 1.674 Persons before whom depositions may be taken.
(a) A deposition shall be taken before an officer authorized to administer oaths by the laws of the United States or of the place where the examination is held.
(b) Unless the parties agree in writing, the following persons shall not be competent to serve as an officer: (1) A relative or employee of a party, (2) a relative or employee of an attorney or agent of a party, or (3) a person interested, directly or indirectly, in the interference either as counsel, attorney, agent, or otherwise.
[49 FR 48455, Dec. 12, 1984; 60 FR 14533, Mar. 17, 1995]
37 C.F.R. � 1.675 Examination of witness, reading and signing transcript of deposition.
(a) Each witness before giving an oral deposition shall be duly sworn according to law by the officer before whom the deposition is to be taken.
(b) The testimony shall be taken in answer to interrogatories with any questions and answers recorded in their regular order by the officer or by some other person, who shall be subject to the provisions of � 1.674(b), in the presence of the officer unless the presence of the officer is waived on the record by agreement of all parties.
(c) All objections made at the time of the deposition to the qualifications of the officer taking the deposition, the manner of taking it, the evidence presented, the conduct of any party, or any other objection to the proceeding shall be noted on the record by the officer. Evidence objected to shall be taken subject to any objection.
(d) Unless the parties agree in writing or waive reading and signature by the witness on the record at the deposition, when the testimony has been transcribed a transcript of the deposition shall, unless the witness refuses to read and/or sign the transcript of the deposition, be read by the witness and then signed by the witness in the form of:
(1) An affidavit in the presence of any notary or
(2) A declaration.
[49 FR 48455, Dec. 12, 1984; 60 FR 14533, Mar. 17, 1995]
37 C.F.R. � 1.676 Certification and filing by officer, marking exhibits.
(a) The officer shall prepare a certified transcript of the deposition by attaching to a transcript of the deposition a copy of the notice of deposition, any exhibits to be annexed to the certified transcript, and a certificate signed and sealed by the officer and showing:
(1) The witness was duly sworn by the officer before commencement of testimony by the witness.
(2) The transcript is a true record of the testimony given by the witness.
(3) The name of the person by whom the testimony was recorded and, if not recorded by the officer, whether the testimony was recorded in the presence of the officer.
(4) The presence or absence of any opponent.
(5) The place where the deposition was taken and the day and hour when the deposition began and ended.
(6) The officer is not disqualified under � 1.674.
(b) If the parties waived any of the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, the certificate shall so state.
(c) The officer shall note on the certificate the circumstances under which a witness refuses to sign a transcript.
(d) Unless the parties agree otherwise in writing or on the record at the deposition, the officer shall securely seal the certified transcript in an envelope endorsed with the style of the interference (e.g., Smith v. Jones), the interference number, the name of the witness, and the date of sealing and shall promptly forward the envelope to BOX INTERFERENCE, Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks, Washington, DC 20231. Documents and things produced for inspection during the examination of a witness, shall, upon request of a party, be marked for identification and annexed to the certified transcript, and may be inspected and copied by any party, except that if the person producing the documents and things desires to retain them, the person may: (1) Offer copies to be marked for identification and annexed to the certified transcript and to serve thereafter as originals if the person affords to all parties fair opportunity to verify the copies by comparison with the originals or (2) offer the originals to be marked for identification, after giving to each party an opportunity to inspect and copy them, in which event the documents and things may be used in the same manner as if annexed to the certified transcript. The exhibits shall then be filed as specified in � 1.653(i). If the weight or bulk of a document or thing shall reasonably prevent the document or thing from being annexed to the certified transcript, it shall, unless waived on the record at the deposition by all parties, be authenticated by the officer and forwarded to the Commissioner in a separate package marked and addressed as provided in this paragraph.
[49 FR 48455, Dec. 12, 1984; 50 FR 23124, May 31, 1985; 60 FR 14533, Mar. 17, 1995]
37 C.F.R. � 1.677 Form of an affidavit or a transcript of deposition.
(a) An affidavit or a transcript of a deposition must be on opaque, unglazed, durable paper approximately 21.8 by 27.9 cm. (8 1/2 by 11 inches) in size (letter size). The printed matter shall be double-spaced on one side of the paper in not smaller than 11 point type with a margin of 3.8 cm. (1 1/2 inches) on the left-hand side of the page. The pages of each transcript must be consecutively numbered and the name of the witness shall appear at the top of each page (� 1.653(e)). In transcripts of depositions, the questions propounded to each witness must be consecutively numbered unless paper with numbered lines is used and each question must be followed by its answer.
(b) Exhibits must be numbered consecutively to the extent possible and each must be marked as required by � 1.653(i).
[49 FR 48455, Dec. 12, 1984; 60 FR 14533, Mar. 17, 1995]
37 C.F.R. � 1.678 Time for filing transcript of deposition.
Unless otherwise ordered by an administrative patent judge, a certified transcript of a deposition must be filed in the Patent and Trademark Office within one month after the date of deposition. If a party refuses to file a certified transcript, the administrative patent judge or the Board may take appropriate action under � 1.616. If a party refuses to file a certified transcript, any opponent may move for leave to file the certified transcript and include a copy of the transcript as part of the opponent's record.
[49 FR 48455, Dec. 12, 1984; 60 FR 14533, Mar. 17, 1995]
37 C.F.R. � 1.679 Inspection of transcript.
A certified transcript of a deposition filed in the Patent and Trademark Office may be inspected by any party. The certified transcript may not be removed from the Patent and Trademark Office unless authorized by an administrative patent judge upon such terms as may be appropriate.
[49 FR 48455, Dec. 12, 1984; 60 FR 14533, Mar. 17, 1995]
37 C.F.R. � 1.682 Official records and printed publications.
(a) A party may introduce into evidence, if otherwise admissible, an official record or printed publication not identified in an affidavit or on the record during an oral deposition of a witness, by filing a copy of the official record or printed publication or, if appropriate, a notice under � 1.671(e). If the official record or printed publication relates to the party's case-in-chief, it shall be filed or noticed together with any affidavits filed by the party under � 1.672(b) for its case-in-chief or, if the party does not serve any affidavits under � 1.672(b) for its case-in-chief, no later than the date set by an administrative patent judge for the party to file affidavits under � 1.672(b) for its case-in-chief. If the official record or printed publication relates to rebuttal, it shall be filed or noticed together with any affidavits filed by the party under � 1.672(b) for its case-in-rebuttal or, if the party does not file any affidavits under � 1.672(b) for its case-in-rebuttal, no later than the date set by an administrative patent judge for the party to file affidavits under � 1.672(b) for its case-in-rebuttal. Official records and printed publications filed under this paragraph shall be assigned sequential exhibit numbers by the party in the manner set forth in � 1.672(b). The official record and printed publications shall be accompanied by a paper which shall:
(1) Identify the official record or printed publication;
(2) Identify the portion thereof to be introduced in evidence; and
(3) Indicate generally the relevance of the portion sought to be introduced in evidence.
(b) [Reserved]
(c) Unless otherwise ordered by an administrative patent judge, any written objection by an opponent to the paper or to the admissibility of the official record or printed publication shall be filed no later than the date set by the administrative patent judge for the opponent to file objections under � 1.672(c) to affidavits submitted by the party under � 1.672(b). An opponent who fails to object to the admissibility of the official record or printed publication on a ground that could have been raised in a timely objection under this paragraph will not be entitled to move under � 1.656(h) to suppress the evidence on that ground. If an opponent timely files an objection, the party may respond by filing one or more supplemental affidavits, official records or printed publications, which must be filed together with any supplemental evidence filed by the party under � 1.672(c) or, if the party does not file any supplemental evidence under � 1.672(c), no later than the date set by an administrative patent judge for the party to file supplemental affidavits under � 1.672(c). No objection to the admissibility of the supplemental evidence shall be made, except as provided by � 1.656(h). The pages of supplemental affidavits and the exhibits filed under this section shall be sequentially numbered by the party in the manner set forth in � 1.672(c). The supplemental affidavits and exhibits shall be accompanied by an index of witnesses and an index of exhibits of the type required by � 1.672(b).
(d) Any request by an opponent to cross-examine on oral deposition the affiant of a supplemental affidavit submitted under paragraph (c) of this section shall be filed no later than the date set by the administrative patent judge for the opponent to file a request to cross-examine an affiant with respect to an affidavit served by the party under � 1.672 (b) or (c). If any opponent requests cross-examination of an affiant, the party shall file notice of a deposition for a reasonable location within the United States under � 1.673(e) for the purpose of cross-examination by any opponent. Any redirect and recross shall take place at the deposition. At any deposition for the purpose of cross-examination of a witness, the party shall not be entitled to rely on any document or thing not mentioned in one or more of the affidavits filed under this paragraph, except to the extent necessary to conduct proper redirect. The party who gives notice of a deposition shall be responsible for providing a translator if the witness does not testify in English, for obtaining a court reporter, and for filing a certified transcript of the deposition as required by � 1.676. Within 45 days of the close of the period for taking cross-examination, the party shall serve (but not file) a copy of each deposition transcript on each opponent together with copies of any additional documentary exhibits identified by the witness during the deposition. The pages of deposition transcripts and exhibits served under this paragraph shall be sequentially numbered by the party in the manner set forth in � 1.672(d). The deposition transcripts shall be accompanied by an index of the names of the witnesses, giving the number of the page where cross-examination, redirect and recross of each witness begins, and an index of exhibits of the type specified in � 1.672(b).
[49 FR 48455, Dec. 12, 1984; 60 FR 14533, Mar. 17, 1995]
37 C.F.R. � 1.683 Testimony in another interference, proceeding, or action.
(a) A party may introduce into evidence, if otherwise admissible, testimony by affidavit or oral deposition and referenced exhibits from another interference, proceeding, or action involving the same parties by filing a copy of the affidavit or a copy of the transcript of the oral deposition and the referenced exhibits. If the testimony and referenced exhibits relate to the party's case-in-chief, they shall be filed together with any affidavits served by the party under � 1.672(b) for its case-in-chief or, if the party does not file any affidavits under � 1.672(b) for its case-in-chief, no later than the date set by an administrative patent judge for the party to file affidavits under � 1.672(b) for its case-in-chief. If the testimony and referenced exhibits relate to rebuttal, they shall be filed together with any affidavits served by the party under � 1.672(b) for its case-in-rebuttal or, if the party does not file any affidavits under � 1.672(b) for its case-in-rebuttal, no later than the date set by an administrative patent judge for the party to file affidavits under � 1.672(b) for its case-in-rebuttal. Pages of affidavits and deposition transcripts served under this paragraph and any new exhibits served therewith shall be assigned sequential numbers by the party in the manner set forth in � 1.672(b). The testimony shall be accompanied by a paper which specifies with particularity the exact testimony to be used and demonstrates its relevance.
(b) Unless otherwise ordered by an administrative patent judge, any written objection by an opponent to the paper or the admissibility of the testimony and referenced exhibits filed under this section shall be filed no later than the date set by the administrative patent judge for the opponent to file any objections under � 1.672(c) to affidavits submitted by the party under � 1.672(b). An opponent who fails to challenge the admissibility of the testimony or referenced exhibits on a ground that could have been raised in a timely objection under this paragraph will not be entitled to move under � 1.656(h) to suppress the evidence on that ground. If an opponent timely files an objection, the party may respond with one or more supplemental affidavits, official records or printed publications, which must be filed together with any supplemental evidence filed by the party under � 1.672(c) or, if the party does not file any supplemental evidence under � 1.672(c), no later than the date set by an administrative patent judge for the party to file supplemental evidence under � 1.672(c). No objection to the admissibility of the evidence contained in or submitted with a supplemental affidavit shall be made, except as provided by � 1.656(h). The pages of supplemental affidavits and the exhibits filed under this section shall be sequentially numbered by the party in the manner set forth in � 1.672(c). The supplemental affidavits and exhibits shall be accompanied by an index of witnesses and an index of exhibits of the type required by � 1.672(b).
(c) Any request by an opponent to cross-examine on oral deposition the affiant of an affidavit or supplemental affidavit submitted under paragraph (a) or (b) of this section shall be filed no later than the date set by the administrative patent judge for the opponent to file a request to cross-examine an affiant with respect to an affidavit filed by the party under � 1.672 (b) or (c). If any opponent requests cross-examination of an affiant, the party shall file a notice of deposition for a reasonable location within the United States under � 1.673(e) for the purpose of cross-examination by any opponent. Any redirect and recross shall take place at the deposition. At any deposition for the purpose of cross-examination of a witness, the party shall not be entitled to rely on any document or thing not mentioned in one or more of the affidavits filed under this paragraph, except to the extent necessary to conduct proper redirect. The party who gives notice of a deposition shall be responsible for providing a translator if the witness does not testify in English, for obtaining a court reporter, and for filing a certified transcript of the deposition as required by � 1.676. Within 45 days of the close of the period for taking cross-examination, the party shall serve (but not file) a copy of each deposition transcript on each opponent together with copies of any additional documentary exhibits identified by the witness during the deposition. The pages of deposition transcripts and exhibits served under this paragraph shall be sequentially numbered by the party in the manner set forth in � 1.672(d). The deposition transcripts shall be accompanied by an index of the names of the witnesses, giving the number of the page where cross-examination, redirect and recross of each witness begins, and an index of exhibits of the type specified in � 1.672(b).
[49 FR 48455, Dec. 12, 1984; 60 FR 14534, Mar. 17, 1995]
37 C.F.R. � 1.684 [Reserved]
37 C.F.R. � 1.685 Errors and irregularities in depositions.
(a) An error in a notice for taking a deposition is waived unless a motion (� 1.635) to quash the notice is filed as soon as the error is, or could have been, discovered.
(b) An objection to a qualification of an officer taking a deposition is waived unless:
(1) The objection is made on the record of the deposition before a witness begins to testify.
(2) If discovered after the deposition, a motion (� 1.635) to suppress the deposition is filed as soon as the objection is, or could have been, discovered.
(c) An error or irregularity in the manner in which testimony is transcribed, a certified transcript is signed by a witness, or a certified transcript is prepared, signed, certified, sealed, endorsed, forwarded, filed, or otherwise handled by the officer is waived unless a motion (� 1.635) to suppress the deposition is filed as soon as the error or irregularity is, or could have been, discovered.
(d) An objection to the deposition on any grounds, such as the competency of a witness, admissibility of evidence, manner of taking the deposition, the form of questions and answers, any oath or affirmation, or conduct of any party at the deposition, is waived unless an objection is made on the record at the deposition stating the specific ground of objection. Any objection which a party wishes considered by the Board at final hearing shall be included in a motion to suppress under � 1.656(h).
(e) Nothing in this section precludes taking notice of plain errors affecting substantial rights although they were not brought to the attention of an administrative patent judge or the Board.
[49 FR 48455, Dec. 12, 1984; 50 FR 23124, May 31, 1985; 60 FR 14534, Mar. 17, 1995]
37 C.F.R. � 1.687 Additional discovery.
(a) A party is not entitled to discovery except as authorized in this subpart.
(b) Where appropriate, a party may obtain production of documents and things during cross-examination of an opponent's witness or during the testimony period of the party's case-in-rebuttal.
(c) Upon a motion (� 1.635) brought by a party within the time set by an administrative patent judge under � 1.651 or thereafter as authorized by � 1.645 and upon a showing that the interest of justice so requires, an administrative patent judge may order additional discovery, as to matters under the control of a party within the scope of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, specifying the terms and conditions of such additional discovery. See � 1.647 concerning translations of documents in a foreign language.
(d) The parties may agree to discovery among themselves at any time. In the absence of an agreement, a motion for additional discovery shall not be filed except as authorized by this subpart.
[49 FR 48455, Dec. 12, 1984; 60 FR 14535, Mar. 17, 1995]
37 C.F.R. � 1.688 Use of discovery.
(a) If otherwise admissible, a party may introduce into evidence an answer to a written request for an admission or an answer to a written interrogatory obtained by discovery under � 1.687 by filing a copy of the request for admission or the written interrogatory and the answer. If the answer relates to a party's case-in-chief, the answer shall be served together with any affidavits served by the party under � 1.672(b) for its case-in-chief or, if the party does not serve any affidavits under � 1.672(b) for its case-in-chief, no later than the date set by an administrative patent judge for the party to serve affidavits under � 1.672(b) for its case-in-chief. If the answer relates to the party's rebuttal, the answer shall be served together with any affidavits served by the party under � 1.672(b) for its case-in-rebuttal or, if the party does not serve any affidavits under � 1.672(b) for its case-in-rebuttal, no later than the date set by an administrative patent judge for the party to serve affidavits under � 1.672(b) for its case-in-rebuttal.
(b) Unless otherwise ordered by an administrative patent judge, any written objection to the admissibility of an answer shall be filed no later than the date set by the administrative patent judge for the opponent to file any objections under � 1.672(c) to affidavits submitted by the party under � 1.672(b). An opponent who fails to challenge the admissibility of an answer on a ground that could have been raised in a timely objection under this paragraph will not be entitled to move under � 1.656(h) to suppress the evidence on that ground. If an opponent timely files an objection, the party may respond with one or more supplemental affidavits, which must be filed together with any supplemental evidence filed by the party under � 1.672(c) or, if the party does not file any supplemental evidence under � 1.672(c), no later than the date set by an administrative patent judge for the party to file supplemental affidavits under � 1.672(c). No objection to the admissibility of the evidence contained in or submitted with a supplemental affidavit shall be made, except as provided by � 1.656(h). The pages of supplemental affidavits and the exhibits filed under this section shall be sequentially numbered by the party in the manner set forth in � 1.672(c). The supplemental affidavits and exhibits shall be accompanied by an index of witnesses and an index of exhibits of the type required by � 1.672(b).
(c) Any request by an opponent to cross-examine on oral deposition the affiant of a supplemental affidavit submitted under paragraph (b) of this section shall be filed no later than the date set by the administrative patent judge for the opponent to file a request to cross-examine an affiant with respect to an affidavit filed by the party under � 1.672(b) or (c). If any opponent requests cross-examination of an affiant, the party shall file a notice of deposition for a reasonable location within the United States under � 1.673(e) for the purpose of cross-examination by any opponent. Any redirect and recross shall take place at the deposition. At any deposition for the purpose of cross-examination of a witness, the party shall not be entitled to rely on any document or thing not mentioned in one or more of the affidavits filed under this paragraph, except to the extent necessary to conduct proper redirect. The party who gives notice of a deposition shall be responsible for providing a translator if the witness does not testify in English, for obtaining a court reporter, and for filing a certified transcript of the deposition as required by � 1.676. Within 45 days of the close of the period for taking cross-examination, the party shall serve (but not file) a copy of each deposition transcript on each opponent together with copies of any additional documentary exhibits identified by the witness during the deposition. The pages of deposition transcripts and exhibits served under this paragraph shall be sequentially numbered by the party in the manner set forth in � 1.672(d). The deposition transcripts shall be accompanied by an index of the names of the witnesses, giving the number of the page where cross-examination, redirect and recross of each witness begins, and an index of exhibits of the type specified in � 1.672(b).
(d) A party may not rely upon any other matter obtained by discovery unless it is introduced into evidence under this subpart.
[49 FR 48455, Dec. 12, 1984; 60 FR 14535, Mar. 17, 1995.]
37 C.F.R. � 1.690 Arbitration of interferences.
(a) Parties to a patent interference may determine the interference or any aspect thereof by arbitration. Such arbitration shall be governed by the provisions of Title 9, United States Code. The parties must notify the Board in writing of their intention to arbitrate. An agreement to arbitrate must be in writing, specify the issues to be arbitrated, the name of the arbitrator or a date not more than thirty (30) days after the execution of the agreement for the selection of the arbitrator, and provide that the arbitrator's award shall be binding on the parties and that judgment thereon can be entered by the Board. A copy of the agreement must be filed within twenty (20) days after its execution. The parties shall be solely responsible for the selection of the arbitrator and the rules for conducting proceedings before the arbitrator. Issues not disposed of by the arbitration will be resolved in accordance with the procedures established in this subpart, as determined by the administrative patent judge.
(b) An arbitration proceeding under this section shall be conducted within such time as may be authorized on a case-by-case basis by an administrative patent judge.
(c) An arbitration award will be given no consideration unless it is binding on the parties, is in writing and states in a clear and definite manner the issue or issues arbitrated and the disposition of each issue. The award may include a statement of the grounds and reasoning in support thereof. Unless otherwise ordered by an administrative patent judge, the parties shall give notice to the Board of an arbitration award by filing within twenty (20) days from the date of the award a copy of the award signed by the arbitrator or arbitrators. When an award is timely filed, the award shall, as to the parties to the arbitration, be dispositive of the issue or issues to which it relates.
(d) An arbitration award shall not preclude the Office from determining patentability of any invention involved in the interference.
[52 FR 13838, Apr. 27, 1987; 60 FR 14535, Mar. 17, 1995]
37 C.F.R. � 1.701 Extension of patent term due to prosecution delay.
(a) A patent, other than for designs, issued on an application filed on or after June 8, 1995, is entitled to extension of the patent term if the issuance of the patent was delayed due to:
(1) Interference proceedings under 35 U.S.C. 135(a); and/or
(2) The application being placed under a secrecy order under 35 U.S.C. 181; and/or
(3) Appellate review by the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences or by a Federal court under 35 U.S.C. 141 or 145, if the patent was issued pursuant to a decision reversing an adverse determination of patentability and if the patent is not subject to a terminal disclaimer due to the issuance of another patent claiming subject matter that is not patentably distinct from that under appellate review.
(b) The term of a patent entitled to extension under paragraph (a) of this section shall be extended for the sum of the periods of delay calculated under paragraphs (c)(1), (c)(2), (c)(3) and (d) of this section, to the extent that these periods are not overlapping, up to a maximum of five years. The extension will run from the expiration date of the patent.
(1) The period of delay under paragraph (a)(1) of this section for an application is the sum of the following periods, to the extent that the periods are not overlapping:
(i) With respect to each interference in which the application was involved, the number of days, if any, in the period beginning on the date the interference was declared or re-declared to involve the application in the interference and ending on the date that the interference was terminated with respect to the application; and
(ii) The number of days, if any, in the period beginning on the date prosecution in the application was suspended by the Patent and Trademark Office due to interference proceedings under 35 U.S.C. 135(a) not involving the application and ending on the date of the termination of the suspension.
(2) The period of delay under paragraph (a)(2) of this section for an application is the sum of the following periods, to the extent that the periods are not overlapping:
(i) The number of days, if any, the application was maintained in a sealed condition under 35 U.S.C. 181;
(ii) The number of days, if any, in the period beginning on the date of mailing of an examiner's answer under � 1.193 in the application under secrecy order and ending on the date the secrecy order and any renewal thereof was removed;
(iii) The number of days, if any, in the period beginning on the date applicant was notified that an interference would be declared but for the secrecy order and ending on the date the secrecy order and any renewal thereof was removed; and
(iv) The number of days, if any, in the period beginning on the date of notification under � 5.3(c) and ending on the date of mailing of the notice of allowance under � 1.311.
(3) The period of delay under paragraph (a)(3) of this section is the sum of the number of days, if any, in the period beginning on the date on which an appeal to the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences was filed under 35 U.S.C. 134 and ending on the date of a final decision in favor of the applicant by the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences or by a Federal court in an appeal under 35 U.S.C. 141 or a civil action under 35 U.S.C. 145.
(d) The period of delay set forth in paragraph (c)(3) shall be reduced by:
(1) Any time during the period of appellate review that occurred before three years from the filing date of the first national application for patent presented for examination; and
(2) Any time during the period of appellate review, as determined by the Commissioner, during which the applicant for patent did not act with due diligence. In determining the due diligence of an applicant, the Commissioner may examine the facts and circumstances of the applicant's actions during the period of appellate review to determine whether the applicant exhibited that degree of timeliness as may reasonably be expected from, and which is ordinarily exercised by, a person during a period of appellate review.
[60 FR 20228, Apr. 25, 1995]
Continuation: 37 C.F.R. � 1.710 Patents
subject to extension of the patent term.