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2nd Session, 35th
45-46 Elizabeth II, 1996-97
The House of Commons of
An Act to amend the Copyright Act
R.S., c. C-42; R.S., c. 10 (1st Supp.), cc. 1, 41 (3rd Supp.), c.
10 (4th Supp.); 1988, c. 65; 1990, c. 37; 1992, c. 1; 1993, cc. 15,
23, 44; 1994, c. 47; 1995, c. 1
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and
House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
1. (1) The definitions ''delivery'',
''Her Majesty's Realms and Territories'' and ''work of sculpture''
in section 2 of the Copyright Act are repealed.
1993, c. 44, s. 53(2), (3); 1994, c. 47, s. 56(1), (3)
(2) The definitions
''book'', ''cinematograph'', ''infringing'', ''maker'',
''performance'', ''performer's performance'' and ''plate'' in
section 2 of the Act are replaced by the following:
� livre �
''book'' means a volume or
a part or division of a volume, in printed form, but does not
(a) a pamphlet,
(b) a newspaper,
review, magazine or other periodical,
(c) a map, chart,
plan or sheet music where the map, chart, plan or sheet music is
separately published, and
(d) an instruction
or repair manual that accompanies a product or that is supplied as
an accessory to a service;
� oeuvre cin�mato-
graphique �
''cinematographic work''
includes any work expressed by any process analogous to
cinematography, whether or not accompanied by a soundtrack;
� contre-fa�on �
''infringing'' means
(a) in relation to
a work in which copyright subsists, any copy, including any
colourable imitation, made or dealt with in contravention of this
(b) in relation to
a performer's performance in respect of which copyright subsists,
any fixation or copy of a fixation of it made or dealt with in
contravention of this Act,
(c) in relation to
a sound recording in respect of which copyright subsists, any copy
of it made or dealt with in contravention of this Act, or
(d) in relation to
a communication signal in respect of which copyright subsists, any
fixation or copy of a fixation of it made or dealt with in
contravention of this Act.
The definition includes a
copy that is imported in the circumstances set out in paragraph
27(2)(e) and section 27.1 but does not otherwise include a
copy made with the consent of the owner of the copyright in the
country where the copy was made;
� producteur �
''maker'' means
(a) in relation to
a cinematographic work, the person by whom the arrangements
necessary for the making of the work are undertaken, or
(b) in relation to
a sound recording, the person by whom the arrangements necessary for
the first fixation of the sounds are undertaken;
''performance ''
� repr�sentation � ou
� ex�cution �
''performance'' means any
acoustic or visual representation of a work, performer's
performance, sound recording or communication signal, including a
representation made by means of any mechanical instrument, radio
receiving set or television receiving set;
''performer's performance''
� prestation �
performance'' means any of the following when done by a performer:
(a) a performance
of an artistic work, dramatic work or musical work, whether or not
the work was previously fixed in any material form, and whether or
not the work's term of copyright protection under this Act has
(b) a recitation or
reading of a literary work, whether or not the work's term of
copyright protection under this Act has expired, or
(c) an
improvisation of a dramatic work, musical work or literary work,
whether or not the improvised work is based on a pre-existing work;
''plate'' � planche �
''plate'' includes
(a) any stereotype
or other plate, stone, block, mould, matrix, transfer or negative
used or intended to be used for printing or reproducing copies of
any work, and
(b) any matrix or
other appliance used or intended to be used for making or
reproducing sound recordings, performer's performances or
communication signals;
1993, c. 44, s. 53(2); 1994, c. 47, s. 56(4)
(3) The definitions
''artiste interpr�te'' and ''oeuvre artistique'' in section 2 of
the French version of the Act are replaced by the following:
artiste-interpr�te �
French version only
artiste-interpr�te � Tout artiste-interpr�te ou ex�cutant.
� oeuvre artistique
''artistic work''
� oeuvre artistique
� Sont compris parmi les oeuvres artistiques les peintures,
dessins, sculptures, oeuvres architecturales, gravures ou
photographies, les oeuvres artistiques dues � des artisans ainsi
que les graphiques, cartes, plans et compilations d'oeuvres
1993, c. 44, s. 53(2)
(4) Paragraph (b)
of the definition ''dramatic work'' in section 2 of the English
version of the Act is replaced by the following:
(b) any
cinematographic work, and
(5) Section 2 of the
Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:
� radiodiffuseur �
''broadcaster'' means a
body that, in the course of operating a broadcasting undertaking,
broadcasts a communication signal in accordance with the law of the
country in which the broadcasting undertaking is carried on, but
excludes a body whose primary activity in relation to communication
signals is their retransmission;
� soci�t� de gestion �
''collective society''
means a society, association or corporation that carries on the
business of collective administration of copyright or of the
remuneration right conferred by section 19 or 81 for the benefit of
those who, by assignment, grant of licence, appointment of it as
their agent or otherwise, authorize it to act on their behalf in
relation to that collective administration, and
(a) operates a
licensing scheme, applicable in relation to a repertoire of works,
performer's performances, sound recordings or communication signals
of more than one author, performer, sound recording maker or
broadcaster, pursuant to which the society, association or
corporation sets out classes of uses that it agrees to authorize
under this Act, and the royalties and terms and conditions on which
it agrees to authorize those classes of uses, or
(b) carries on the
business of collecting and distributing royalties or levies payable
pursuant to this Act;
''commerciall y
�accessible sur le march��
''commercially available''
means, in relation to a work or other subject matter
(a) available on
the Canadian market within a reasonable time and for a reasonable
price and may be located with reasonable effort, or
(b) for which a
licence to reproduce, perform in public or communicate to the public
by telecommunication is available from a collective society within a
reasonable time and for a reasonable price and may be located with
reasonable effort;
� signal de communication �
''communication signal''
means radio waves transmitted through space without any artificial
guide, for reception by the public;
� droit d'auteur �
''copyright'' means the
rights described in
(a) section 3, in
the case of a work,
(b) sections 15 and
26, in the case of a performer's performance,
(c) section 18, in
the case of a sound recording, or
(d) section 21, in
the case of a communication signal;
''country'' � pays �
''country'' includes any
''defendant'' Version
anglaise seulement
''defendant'' includes a
respondent to an application;
� �tablissement d'enseigne-
ment �
institution'' means
(a) a non-profit
institution licensed or recognized by or under an Act of Parliament
or the legislature of a province to provide pre-school, elementary,
secondary or post-secondary education,
(b) a non-profit
institution that is directed or controlled by a board of education
regulated by or under an Act of the legislature of a province and
that provides continuing, professional or vocational education or
(c) a department or
agency of any order of government, or any non-profit body, that
controls or supervises education or training referred to in
paragraph (a) or (b), or
(d) any other
non-profit institution prescribed by regulation;
� distributeur exclusif �
''exclusive distributor''
means, in relation to a book, a person who
(a) has, before or
after the coming into force of this definition, been appointed in
writing, by the owner or exclusive licensee of the copyright in the
book in Canada, as
the only distributor of the book in Canada or any part of Canada, or
the only distributor of the book in Canada or any part of Canada in
respect of a particular sector of the market, and
(b) meets the
criteria established by regulations made under section 2.6,
for greater certainty, if there are no regulations made under
section 2.6, then no person qualifies under this definition as an
''exclusive distributor'';
''library, archive
or museum''
� biblioth�que, mus�e ou service d'archive �
''library, archive or
museum'' means
(a) an institution,
whether or not incorporated, that is not established or conducted
for profit or that does not form a part of, or is not administered
or directly or indirectly controlled by, a body that is established
or conducted for profit, in which is held and maintained a
collection of documents and other materials that is open to the
public or to researchers, or
(b) any other
non-profit institution prescribed by regulation;
� d�ficience perceptuelle �
''perceptual disability''
means a disability that prevents or inhibits a person from reading
or hearing a literary, musical, dramatic or artistic work in its
original format, and includes such a disability resulting from
(a) severe or total
impairment of sight or hearing or the inability to focus or move
one's eyes,
(b) the inability
to hold or manipulate a book, or
(c) an impairment
relating to comprehension;
''plaintiff'' Version
anglaise seulement
''plaintiff'' includes an
� locaux �
''premises'' means, in
relation to an educational institution, a place where education or
training referred to in the definition ''educational institution''
is provided, controlled or supervised by the educational
''Rome Convention
� pays partie � la Convention de Rome �
''Rome Convention
country'' means a country that is a party to the International
Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms
and Broadcasting Organisations, done at Rome on October 26, 1961;
� sculpture �
''sculpture'' includes a
cast or model;
''sound recording''
� enregistrement sonore �
''sound recording'' means
a recording, fixed in any material form, consisting of sounds,
whether or not of a performance of a work, but excludes any
soundtrack of a cinematographic work where it accompanies the
cinematographic work;
2. The Act is amended
by adding the following after section 2.1:
Definition of ''maker''
2.11 For greater certainty, the arrangements referred to
in paragraph (b) of the definition ''maker'' in section 2, as
that term is used in section 19 and in the definition ''eligible
maker'' in section 79, include arrangements for entering into
contracts with performers, financial arrangements and technical
arrangements required for the first fixation of the sounds for a
sound recording.
Definition of ''publication''
2.2 (1) For the purposes of this Act, ''publication''
(a) in relation to works,
(i) making copies of a work available to the public,
(ii) the construction of an architectural work, and
(iii) the incorporation of an artistic work into an architectural
work, and
(b) in relation to sound
recordings, making copies of a sound recording available to the
but does not include
(c) the performance in public, or
the communication to the public by telecommunication, of a literary,
dramatic, musical or artistic work or a sound recording, or
(d) the exhibition in public of
an artistic work.
Issue of photographs and engravings
(2) For the purpose of subsection (1), the issue of photographs
and engravings of sculptures and architectural works is not deemed
to be publication of those works.
Where no consent of copyright owner
(3) For the purposes of this Act, other than in respect of
infringement of copyright, a work or other subject-matter is not
deemed to be published or performed in public or communicated to the
public by telecommunication if that act is done without the consent
of the owner of the copyright.
Unpublished works
(4) Where, in the case of an unpublished work, the making of the
work is extended over a considerable period, the conditions of this
Act conferring copyright are deemed to have been complied with if
the author was, during any substantial part of that period, a
subject or citizen of, or a person ordinarily resident in, a country
to which this Act extends.
2.3 A person who communicates a
work or other subject-matter to the public by telecommunication does
not by that act alone perform it in public, nor by that act alone is
deemed to authorize its performance in public.
Communication to the
public by telecommunication
2.4 (1) For the purposes of
communication to the public by telecommunication,
(a) persons who occupy apartments, hotel rooms or dwelling
units situated in the same building are part of the public, and a
communication intended to be received exclusively by such persons
is a communication to the public;
(b) a person whose only act in respect of the communication
of a work or other subject-matter to the public consists of
providing the means of telecommunication necessary for another
person to so communicate the work or other subject-matter does not
communicate that work or other subject-matter to the public; and
(c) where a person, as part of
(i) a network, within the meaning of the Broadcasting Act,
whose operations result in the communication of works or other
subject-matter to the public, or
(ii) any programming undertaking whose operations result in the
communication of works or other subject-matter to the public,
transmits by telecommunication a work or other subject-matter that
is communicated to the public by another person who is not a
retransmitter of a signal within the meaning of subsection 31(1),
the transmission and communication of that work or other
subject-matter by those persons constitute a single communication
to the public for which those persons are jointly and severally
(2) The Governor in Council may make
regulations defining ''programming undertaking'' for the purpose of
paragraph (1)(c).
(3) A work is not communicated in the
manner described in paragraph (1)(c) or 3(1)(f) where
a signal carrying the work is retransmitted to a person who is a
retransmitter to whom section 31 applies.
What constitutes
2.5 (1) For the purposes of
paragraphs 3(1)(h) and (i), 15(1)(c) and 18(1)(c),
an arrangement, whatever its form, constitutes a rental of a
computer program or sound recording if, and only if,
(a) it is in substance a rental, having regard to all the
circumstances; and
(b) it is entered into with motive of gain in relation to
the overall operations of the person who rents out the computer
program or sound recording, as the case may be.
Motive of gain
(2) For the purpose of paragraph (1)(b),
a person who rents out a computer program or sound recording with
the intention of recovering no more than the costs, including
overhead, associated with the rental operations does not by that act
alone have a motive of gain in relation to the rental operations.
Exclusive distributor
2.6 The Governor in Council may
make regulations establishing distribution criteria for the purpose
of paragraph (b) of the definition ''exclusive distributor''
in section 2.
Exclusive licence
2.7 For the purposes of this Act,
an exclusive licence is an authorization to do any act that is
subject to copyright to the exclusion of all others including the
copyright owner, whether the authorization is granted by the owner
or an exclusive licensee claiming under the owner.