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INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTSNATIONAL LEGISLATION - CANADA Rules Respecting the Patent Act 114. A nucleotide sequence shall be presented only by a single strand, in the 5' to 3' direction from left to right. 115. Nucleotides shall be represented using the symbols set out in the table to this section. Table
116. (1) Modified nucleotides shall be listed in the sequence as "N", with further information given elsewhere in the sequence listing. (2) For the purpose of providing the further information referred to in subsection (1), the symbols set out in the table to this subsection may be used. Table
117. The amino acids in an amino acid sequence shall be listed in the amino to carboxy direction from left to right, and the amino and carboxy groups shall not be represented in the sequence. 118. The amino acids in an amino acid sequence shall be represented using the symbols set out in the table to this section. Table
119. (1) Modified or unusual amino acids shall be listed in the sequence as "Xaa", with further information given elsewhere in the sequence listing. (2) For the purpose of providing the further information referred to in subsection (1), the symbols set out in the table to this subsection may be used. Table
120. (1) The nucleotides of a nucleotide sequence shall be listed in groups of 10 bases, except in the coding parts of the sequence. (2) Leftover bases, fewer than 10 in number at the end of non-coding parts of a sequence, shall be grouped together and separated from adjacent groups by a space. 121. The nucleotides of the coding parts of a nucleotide sequence shall be listed as triplets. 122. A nucleotide sequence shall be listed with a maximum of 16 codons or 60 nucleotides per line, with a space between each codon or group of 10 nucleotides. 123. An amino acid sequence shall be listed with a maximum of 16 amino acids per line, with a space between each amino acid. 124. (1) Amino acids corresponding to the codons in the coding parts of a nucleotide sequence shall be indicated immediately under the corresponding codons. (2) Where a codon is split by an intron, the amino acid symbol shall be indicated below the portion of the codon containing two nucleotides. 125. (1) The nucleotides in a nucleotide sequence shall be enumerated starting at the first nucleotide of the sequence with number 1. (2) The enumeration shall be continuous through the whole nucleotide sequence in the direction 5' to 3' and shall be marked in the right margin, next to the line containing the one-letter codes for the nucleotides, and giving the number of the last nucleotide of that line. 126. (1) Subject to subsection (2), the enumeration of amino acids in an amino acid sequence shall start at the first amino acid at the amino terminal as number 1 and shall be marked under the sequence every 5 amino acids. (2) Where a mature protein has been identified (a) the amino acids shall be enumerated starting at the first amino acid of the mature protein, with number 1; and (b) the amino acids preceding the mature protein, when present, shall have negative numbers, counting backwards starting with the amino acid next to number 1. 127. (1) A sequence that is made up of one or more non-contiguous segments of a larger sequence or segments from different sequences shall be presented as a separate sequence. (2) A sequence with a gap or gaps shall be numbered as a plurality of separate sequences with separate sequence identifier numbers. 128. The enumeration methods set out in sections 126 and 127 apply to circular nucleotide and amino acid sequences with the exception that any nucleotide or amino acid sequence may be designated by the applicant as the first nucleotide or amino acid. 129. (1) The order of presentation of the items of information in a sequence listing shall follow the order in which those items are listed in these Rules with the appropriate data element headings. (2) The headings shall be in upper case characters. (3) When more than one line is necessary for the text following a heading, the additional lines shall be indented to distinguish them from the heading at the left margin. 130. The sequence listing shall include, in addition to and immediately preceding the actual nucleotide or amino acid sequence, the following data element headings and the respective items of information, if applicable and when available to the applicant:
131. (1) The copy of the sequence listing in computer-readable form shall comprise a printable copy of the sequence listing recorded on diskette and shall be encoded and formatted so that a printed copy of the sequence listing may be recreated using the print commands of the computer operating system configuration specified by the Commissioner in the Canadian Patent Office Record. (2) The submitted diskette shall be write-protected. (3) Subject to subsections (4) and (5), the diskette shall have a label permanently fixed to it that includes a description of the format of the diskette as well as the name of the applicant, the title of the invention, a reference number, the date on which the data were recorded on the diskette and the name and type of computer and operating-system that generated the file on the diskette. (4) If all of the information referred to in subsection (3) cannot be included on a label affixed to the diskette, the label shall include the name of the applicant, the title of the invention and a reference number, and the additional information shall be provided on a container for the diskette together with the name of the applicant, the title of the invention and the reference number. (5) If the diskette is submitted after the filing date of an
application, the label shall also include the filing date of the
application and information, such as the application number, sufficient to
identify the application. Continue to: Part IV: Applications filed in the period beginning on October 1, 1989 and ending on September 30, 1996 |