Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization
ANNEX 3: Trade Policy Review Mechanism
Members hereby agree as follows:
A. Objectives
(i) The purpose of the Trade Policy Review Mechanism ("TPRM")
is to contribute to improved adherence by all Members to rules,
disciplines and commitments made under the Multilateral Trade
Agreements and, where applicable, the Plurilateral Trade Agreements,
and hence to the smoother functioning of the multilateral trading
system, by achieving greater transparency in, and understanding
of, the trade policies and practices of Members. Accordingly,
the review mechanism enables the regular collective appreciation
and evaluation of the full range of individual Members' trade
policies and practices and their impact on the functioning of
the multilateral trading system. It is not, however, intended
to serve as a basis for the enforcement of specific obligations
under the Agreements or for dispute settlement procedures, or
to impose new policy commitments on Members.
(ii) The assessment carried out under the review mechanism takes
place, to the extent relevant, against the background of the wider
economic and developmental needs, policies and objectives of the
Member concerned, as well as of its external environment. However,
the function of the review mechanism is to examine the impact
of a Member's trade policies and practices on the multilateral
trading system.
B. Domestic transparency
Members recognize the inherent value of domestic transparency
of government decision-making on trade policy matters for both
Members' economies and the multilateral trading system, and agree
to encourage and promote greater transparency within their own
systems, acknowledging that the implementation of domestic transparency
must be on a voluntary basis and take account of each Member's
legal and political systems.
C. Procedures for review
(i) The Trade Policy Review Body (referred to herein as the "TPRB")
is hereby established to carry out trade policy reviews.
(ii) The trade policies and practices of all Members shall be
subject to periodic review. The impact of individual Members on
the functioning of the multilateral trading system, defined in
terms of their share of world trade in a recent representative
period, will be the determining factor in deciding on the frequency
of reviews. The first four trading entities so identified (counting
the European Communities as one) shall be subject to review every
two years. The next 16 shall be reviewed every four years. Other
Members shall be reviewed every six years, except that a longer
period may be fixed for least-developed country Members. It is
understood that the review of entities having a common external
policy covering more than one Member shall cover all components
of policy affecting trade including relevant policies and practices
of the individual Members. Exceptionally, in the event of changes
in a Member's trade policies or practices that may have a significant
impact on its trading partners, the Member concerned may be requested
by the TPRB, after consultation, to bring forward its next review.
(iii) Discussions in the meetings of the TPRB shall be governed
by the objectives set forth in paragraph A. The focus of these
discussions shall be on the Member's trade policies and practices,
which are the subject of the assessment under the review mechanism.
(iv) The TPRB shall establish a basic plan for the conduct of
the reviews. It may also discuss and take note of updated reports
from Members. The TPRB shall establish a programme of reviews
for each year in consultation with the Members directly concerned.
In consultation with the Member or Members under review, the Chairman
may choose discussants who, acting in their personal capacity,
shall introduce the discussions in the TPRB.
(v) The TPRB shall base its work on the following documentation:
(a) a full report, referred to in paragraph D, supplied by the
Member or Members under review;
(b) a report, to be drawn up by the Secretariat on its own responsibility,
based on the information available to it and that provided by
the Member or Members concerned. The Secretariat should seek clarification
from the Member or Members concerned of their trade policies and
(vi) The reports by the Member under review and by the Secretariat,
together with the minutes of the respective meeting of the TPRB,
shall be published promptly after the review.
(vii) These documents will be forwarded to the Ministerial Conference,
which shall take note of them.
D. Reporting
In order to achieve the fullest possible degree of transparency,
each Member shall report regularly to the TPRB. Full reports shall
describe the trade policies and practices pursued by the Member
or Members concerned, based on an agreed format to be decided
upon by the TPRB. This format shall initially be based on the
Outline Format for Country Reports established by the Decision
of 19 July 1989 (BISD 36S/406-409), amended as necessary to extend
the coverage of reports to all aspects of trade policies covered
by the Multilateral Trade Agreements in Annex 1 and, where applicable,
the Plurilateral Trade Agreements. This format may be revised
by the TPRB in the light of experience. Between reviews, Members
shall provide brief reports when there are any significant changes
in their trade policies; an annual update of statistical information
will be provided according to the agreed format. Particular account
shall be taken of difficulties presented to least-developed country
Members in compiling their reports. The Secretariat shall make
available technical assistance on request to developing country
Members, and in particular to the least-developed country Members.
Information contained in reports should to the greatest extent
possible be coordinated with notifications made under provisions
of the Multilateral Trade Agreements and, where applicable, the
Plurilateral Trade Agreements.
E. Relationship with the balance-of-payments provisions of
GATT 1994 and GATS
Members recognize the need to minimize the burden for governments
also subject to full consultations under the balance-of-payments
provisions of GATT 1994 or GATS. To this end, the Chairman of
the TPRB shall, in consultation with the Member or Members concerned,
and with the Chairman of the Committee on Balance-of-Payments
Restrictions, devise administrative arrangements that harmonize
the normal rhythm of the trade policy reviews with the timetable
for balance-of-payments consultations but do not postpone the
trade policy review by more than 12 months.
F. Appraisal of the Mechanism
The TPRB shall undertake an appraisal of the operation of the
TPRM not more than five years after the entry into force of the
Agreement Establishing the WTO. The results of the appraisal will
be presented to the Ministerial Conference. It may subsequently
undertake appraisals of the TPRM at intervals to be determined
by it or as requested by the Ministerial Conference.
G. Overview of Developments in the International Trading Environment
An annual overview of developments in the international trading
environment which are having an impact on the multilateral trading
system shall also be undertaken by the TPRB. The overview is to
be assisted by an annual report by the Director-General setting
out major activities of the WTO and highlighting significant policy
issues affecting the trading system.
Continue on to Annex 4(a): Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft