During the 1990s meetings of Central American presidents, an important element of the Central American peace process, were also directed towards issues relating to the Central American Integration System. These meetings extended participation to include neighbouring countries such as Belize, the Dominican Republic and Panama.
Panama and the Central American countries had signed bilateral partial preferential trade agreements in the 1970s.
The Central American countries and Panama agreed to initiate negotiations towards a free trade agreement on 12 July 1997 at the XIX Summit of Central American Presidents. Negotiations were initiated in July 1998, but were suspended in March 1999. Negotiations were relaunched in March 2000 at a meeting of Ministers of Central America and Panama. The first round of negotiations was held in April 2000 in Guatemala. Negotiations on the normative framework were concluded on 16 May 2001, after eight rounds of negotiations. The following year, bilateral negotiations took place between each of the Central American countries and Panama.
El Salvador and Panama concluded their bilateral negotiations in January 2002, signing a bilateral protocol to the agreement on 6 March 2002. Honduras and Panama concluded their bilateral negotiations and signed a bilateral protocol to the agreement on 15 June 2007. Costa Rica and Panama concluded negotiations on 22 June 2007 and signed a free trade agreement on 7 August 2007. Further rounds of negotiation have been held between Panama and the other Central American countries. The seventh round of negotiations between Nicaragua and Panama was held in Panama City on 12 October 2007. On 15 January 2009, Nicaragua and Panama signed a bilateral protocol to the agreement.
Documents relating to the Central America-Panama negotiations |
15-16 May 2001 |
Panama City, Panama. Eighth round of negotiations  |
13-16 March 2001 |
Panama City, Panama. Seventh round of negotiations  |
30 January - 02 February 2001 |
Managua, Nicaragua. Sixth round of negotiations  |
08-11 January 2001 |
Guatemala City, Guatemala. Second meeting of Investment and Services table  |
04-06 December 2000 |
Panama City, Panama. Specific rules of origin and customs procedures table  |
30 November - 01 December 2000 |
Panama City, Panama. Investment and Services table  |
24-26 October 2000 |
San Salvador, El Salvador. Fifth round of negotiations  |
22-24 August 2000 |
Panama City, Panama. Fourth round of negotiations  |
17-20 July 2000 |
San Jose, Costa Rica. Third round of negotiations  |
6-8 June 2000 |
Panama City, Panama. Second round of negotiations  |
27-28 April 2000 |
Guatemala City, Guatemala. First round of negotiations  |
20 March 2000 |
Meeting of Ministers of Central America and Panama  |
Source: Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias de Panamá; Ministerio de Comercio Exterior de Costa Rica (COMEX); Ministerio de Economía de El Salvador; Ministerio de Economía de Guatemala; Secretaría de Integración Económica Centroamericana (SIECA) |
Previous preferential trade agreements between the Central American countries and Panama
08 June 1973 |
Costa Rica-Panama preferential trade agreement  |
02 June 1970 |
El Salvador-Panama preferential trade agreement  |
20 June 1974 |
Guatemala-Panama preferential trade agreement  |
08 November 1973 |
Honduras-Panama preferential trade agreement  |
26 July 1973 |
Nicaragua-Panama preferential trade agreement  |