Canada-Costa Rica
Text of the Agreement
  Background and Negotiations

Negotiations between Canada and Costa Rica were launched on June 30, 2000. Seven rounds of negotiations took place. Negotiations were concluded in April 2001 and the agreement was signed on 23 April 2001 in Ottawa, Canada.

In addition to the Free Trade Agreement, on 21 March 2001, Canada and Costa Rica issued a joint statement on global electronic commerce.

On 27 August 2010, after 8 years of the entry into force of the agreement, both countries agreed to work toward modernizing the existing bilateral free trade agreement. The process was scheduled to begin in November 2010. Canada and Costa Rica announced the launch of negotiations to modernize their existing free trade agreement on August 11, 2011. The first round of negotiations to expand the FTA began on 07 November 2011 in Ottawa, Canada. The second round of negotiations took place in San José, Costa Rica, from 6 to 10 February 2012. The third round began on 17 April 2012. The fourth round was held on 11-14 June 2012, both rounds took place in San Jose as well. The fifth round of negotiations took take place in Ottawa, in September 2012.

Documents related to the update of the FTA

28-31 August 2012 Ottawa, Canada. Fifth round of negotiations to expand the FTA between Canada and Costa Rica Spanish PDF New!
11-14 June 2012 San Jose, Costa Rica. Fourth round of negotiations to expand the FTA between Canada and Costa Rica Spanish PDF
17 April 2012 San Jose, Costa Rica. Third round of negotiations to expand the FTA between Canada and Costa Rica PDF
06 -10 February 2012 San Jose, Costa Rica. Second round of negotiations to expand the FTA between Canada and Costa Rica  PDF
07 November 2011 Ottawa, Canada. First round of negotiations to expand the FTA between Canada and Costa Rica PDF\
11 August 2011 Canada and Costa launch negotiations to modernize their FTA PDF
27 August 2010

Beginning of the exploratory process to modernize the FTA between Canada and Costa Rica PDF

Source: Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada

Documents relating to the negotiations
23 April 2001 Ottawa, Canada. Canada and Costa Rica sign free trade agreement PDF
21 March 2001 Canada-Costa Rica Joint Statement on Global Electronic Commerce
19-23 February 2001 San José, Costa Rica.Report of the 6th round of negotiations SpanishWord
15-19 January 2001 Ottawa, Canada. Report of the 5th round of negotiations SpanishWord
20-24 November 2000 San José, Costa Rica. Report of the 4th round of negotiations SpanishWord
16-20 October 2000 Ottawa, Canada. Report of the 3rd round of negotiations SpanishWord
11-14 September 2000

San José, Costa Rica. Report of the 2nd round of negotiations SpanishWord

11-14 July 2000 Ottawa, Canada. Report of the 1st round of negotiations SpanishWord
30 June 2000 Canada-Costa Rica free trade negotiations
Source: Ministerio de Comercio Exterior de Costa Rica (COMEX); Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada

  Entry into Force

The Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement came into force on 01 November 2002.

Canada and Costa Rica exchanged instruments of ratification at the occasion of the VII Ministerial Meeting of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) in Quito, Ecuador.

Documents relating to entry into force

01 November 2002 Canada-Costa RIca Free Trade Agreement enters into force PDF
18 December 2001 Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement legislation receives Royal Assent PDF
Source: Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada

  Implementation of the Agreement

Article XIII.1 of the Agreement establishes a Free Trade Commission, comprising cabinet-level representatives, to meet yearly with the duty to supervise the implementation of the Agreement. The Commission was charged with the task of establishing a Secretariat, comprising national sections. This was done through the Free Trade Commission decision N° 1 in November 2002. The Commission also agreed to certain modifications to the specific rules of origin set out in Annex IV.1.

Documents relating to the Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Commission
01 November 2002 Decision N° 1: Establishment of a Secretariat of the Free Trade Agreement between Canada and Costa Rica SpanishPDF
01 November 2002 Agreement to modify Annex IV.I (Specific rules of origin) of the Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement SpanishPDF
Source: Ministerio de Comercio Exterior de Costa Rica (COMEX)

  Cooperation Agreements

The Canada-Costa Free Trade Agreement includes parallel cooperation agreements on environment and labour. The Agreement on Environmental Cooperation states that Parties shall meet biennially to review progress on the implementation and further elaboration of the Agreement.

Documents related to Environmental Cooperation

11 June 2004 San José, Costa Rica. First meeting of the Signatory Parties to the Canada-Costa Rica Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (CCRAEC) PDF
Source: Environment Canada

The Agreement on Labor Cooperation sets out a Ministerial Council comprised of Ministers responsible for labour affairs to review the progress of the agreement. The first meeting was held during the 15th American regional meeting of the International Labour Organization.

Documents related to Labour Cooperation

12 December 2002 Lima, Peru. First Ministerial Council meetingPDF
01 November 2002 Canada-Costa Rica Labour Agreement enters into forcePDF
06 August 2002 Agreement on Labor Cooperation approved in Costa Rica SpanishPDF
Source: Human Resources and Social Development Canada

  Related Articles and Studies
2007 COMEX. Cinco Años del Tratado de Libre Comercio Costa Rica-Canadá SpanishPDF
July 2004 COMEX. Acuerdos comerciales suscritos por Costa Rica: principales resultados en el 2003 SpanishPDF
June 2003 COMEX. El comercio y la inversión entre Costa Rica y Canadá en el 2002 SpanishPDF
May 2001 COMEX. Documento explicativo del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre el Gobierno de la República de Costa Rica y el GObierno de la República de Canadá SpanishPDF
August 2000 COMEX. Negociaciones comerciales con Canadá y con Panamá: resultados de la consulta y el diálogo con los costarricences SpanishPDF


Spanish version
Recent Developments

28-31 August 2012. Fifth round of negotiations to expand FTA New!
