Costa Rica-Mexico
Text of the Agreement
  Background and Negotiations

Discussions towards a free trade agreement began in January 1991, when the presidents of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Mexico signed the Declaration of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, which provided a framework for trade relations between Central American countries and Mexico.

In February of 1991, Costa Rica and Mexico began preliminary meetings to exchange information and to discuss means of deepening and facilitating trade. Negotiations with Costa Rica began in April 1993. The scope of negotiations widened from a focus on goods to include other areas such as services, investment, intellectual property, and government procurement. The agreement was signed on 5 April 1994 in Mexico City, Mexico.

Documents relating to the negotiations
11 January 1991 Declaration of Tuxtla Gutiérrez Spanish PDF
11 January 1991 Act of the Heads of State of the Republics of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and the United Mexican States SpanishPDF
11 January 1991 Agreement of Tuxtla Gutierrez between the presidents of Central America and Mexico Spanish Word
Source: Secretaría de Integración Económica Centroamericana (SIECA)

  Entry into Force

The Mexico-Costa Rica free trade agreement entered into force on 01 January 1995.

Documents relating to the entry into force
27 April 2005 Costa Rica and Mexico celebrate ten years of entry into force of their FTA SpanishPDF
Source: Ministerio de Comercio Exterior de Costa Rica (COMEX)

  Implementation of the Agreement

Article 16-01 of the Agreement establishes an Administrative Commission to oversee the implementation and operation of the Agreement.

Decisions of the Administrative Committee
09 March 2009 Decision Nº22. Modification to Section B of the Annex to Article 5-03 of the Free Trade Agreement between Mexico and Costa Rica spanishPDF
27 May 2008 Decision Nº 21. Uniform Regulations spanishPDF
27 May 2008 Decision Nº 20. List of arbiters provided for in Article 1708 of Chapter XVII spanishPDF
27 May 2008 Decision Nº 19. Approval of the Rules of Operation of Annex to Article 3-15 spanishPDF
30 May 2005

Decision Nº 18. Modifications to the annex to Article 5-03 and its appendix and to Annex 1 to Article 5-15 with the modifications to the Harmonized System 2002 version spanishPDF

    Costa Rica - Decree 32382 spanishPDF
    Mexico - Agreement Adopting Decision Nº 10 spanishPDF

27 September 2004

Decision Nº 17. Application of Categories C2 and E2 of the Tariff Liberalization Programme spanishPDF

12 September 2002

Decision Nº 16. List of arbitrators set out in paragraph 1 (List of Arbitrators) of Article 17-08 of Chapter XVII, Dispute Settlement spanishPDF
12 September 2002 Decision Nº 15. Bilateral register pertaining to Section C (Transfer of Persons within a Company) of the Annex to Article 10-04 (Temporary Entry of Business Persons) established in Chapter 10 spanishPDF
12 September 2002 Decision Nº 14. Bilateral register pertaining to Section C (Transfer of Persons within a Company) of the Annex to Article 10-04 (Temporary Entry of Business Persons) established in Chapter 10 spanishPDF
12 September 2002 Decision Nº 13. List of arbitrators set out in paragraph 4 of Article 13-26of Chapter XIII, Investment spanishPDF
27 July 2000 Decision Nº 12. Costa Rica and Mexico's lists of nonconforming measures (Annex I), economic activities reserved by each Party (Annex II), Annex of exceptions to MFN treatment (Annex III), quantitative restrictions (Annex IV) established in Chapter 9, Trade in Services, and in Chapter 13, Investment spanishPDF
25 July 2000 Decision Nº 11. Creation of the Administrative Subcommission
15 January 1999 Decision Nº 10. Decision regarding the Annex to Article 5-21 spanish

    Costa Rica - Decree 27858 spanishPDF
    Mexico - Agreement Adopting Decision Nº 10 spanishPDF

15 January 1999

Decision Nº 9. Approval of the Rules of Operation of the Committee on Regional Integration of Inputs (CIRI). Enters into force 15 March 1999 spanish

    Costa Rica - Decree 27859 spanishPDF
    Mexico - Agreement Adopting Decision Nº 9 spanishPDF
9 June 1998 Decision Nº. 8. Modifications to the annex to article 5-03 and its appendix, to annex 1 of article1996 version of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System. Enters into force: 1 April 1999 spanish
    Costa Rica - Decree 27860 spanishPDF and fe de erratas spanishPDF
    Mexico - Agreement adopting Decision Nº 8 spanishPDF
20 March 1998 Decision Nº. 7. Establishment of a Secretariat for the Agreement
10 May 1996 Decision Nº. 6. Creation of a Committee on Government Procurement spanishPDF
10 May 1996 Decision Nº. 5. Creation of a Committee on Services and Investment spanishPDF
10 May 1996 Decision Nº. 4. Model Rules of Procedure for Chapter XVII
10 May 1996 Decision Nº. 3. Code of Conduct for the Dispute Settlement Procedures set out in Chapter XVIII spanishPDF
10 May 1996 Decision Nº. 2. Creation of the Committee on Goods spanishPDF
10 May 1996 Decision Nº.1. Modification of the instructions for filling out the rules of origin certificate spanishPDF
Source: Ministerio de Comercio Exterior de Costa Rica (COMEX); Secretaría de Economía de México

On 15 January 1999 the parties signed an Agreement on the tariff acceleration for certain goods originating in each country to take effect 1 June 1999. This was passed in Costa Rica through decree 27931 H on 15 January 1999 and published in the official Gazette on 16 June 1999.

Documents relating to tariff acceleration
15 January 1999 Costa Rica decree 27931 H SpanishPDF
15 January 1999 Agreement on the tariff acceleration for certain goods originating in each country
Source: Ministerio de Comercio Exterior de Costa Rica (COMEX)

  Related Articles and Studies
10 April 2008 Secretaría de Economía, México. Reporte de la Relación Comercial y de Inversiones entre México y Costa Rica SpanishPDF
May 2005 Dirección de Aplicación de Acuerdos Comerciales Internacionales Unidad de Monitoreo del Comercio y la Inversión, Ministerio de Comercio Exterior. Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Costa Rica y México: una Evaluacion a Diez Años de su Vigencia 1995-2004 SpanishPDF
March 2004 Secretaría de Integración Económica Centroamericana (SIECA). Las Relaciones Comerciales México-Centroamérica en el Marco de los Acuerdos de Tuxtla SpanishPDF
2004 Secretaría de Economía de México, México. Comercio antes y después del TLC México-Costa Rica Spanish PDF
June 2003 COMEX, Costa Rica. El comercio y la inversión entre Costa Rica y México bajo el el TLC en el 2002 SpanishPDF
2003 Secretaría de Economía de México, México. Evolución del comercio e inversión con Costa Rica SpanishPDF
May 2002 COMEX, Costa Rica. El comercio y la inversión entre Costa Rica y México bajo el TLC en el 2001 SpanishPDF
May 2001 COMEX, Costa Rica. Tratado de Libre Comercio Costa Rica - México: Evaluación del año 2000 SpanishPDF
January 2000 COMEX, Costa Rica. Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Costa Rica y México: una evaluación a cinco años de su vigencia (1995-1999) SpanishPDF
  Secretaría de Economía de México, México. Resumen del TLC con Costa Rica SpanishPDF


Spanish version 
Recent Developments
  27-30 September 2010.  Third round of negotiations for the standardization and convergence of the existing free trade agreements between Central American countries and Mexico New!


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