MERCOSUR (composed of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) and the
Republic of Korea initiated a joint study on the possiblity of a MERCOSUR-Korea free trade agreement in 2005.
The first meeting of the joint study group took place in May 2005 in Asunción, Paraguay. The second
meeting took place in August 2005 in Seoul, Korea.
On March 2, 2017, MERCOSUR and Korea completed their exploratory dialogue with a view to negotiating a
trade agreement in the near future. The Chief Negotiators of MERCOSUR and the Viceminister of Trade and
Investment of the Republic of Korea met in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on December 10, 2017 and agreed on the
importance of quickly initiating negotiations for a Trade Agreement between MERCOSUR and Korea.
On May 25, 2018, MERCOSUR and South Korea launched trade negotiations in Seoul, Korea.
The first round of negotiations took place in Montevideo, Uruguay on September 11-14, 2018.
The second round of negotiations concluded in Seoul on April 6, 2019. The third round was held in Montevideo,
Uruguay on July 8-12, 2019. The fourth round of negotiations ended on October 4, 2019 in Busan, Korea.
The fifth round of negotiations took place in Montevideo, Uruguay on February 10-14, 2020. On March 3, 2020 MERCOSUR
and Korea met in Seoul to review the status of the negotiations for the signing of a MERCOSUR-Korea trade agreement.
The VI Round of Negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement between Mercosur and Korea concluded on Friday
June 4, 2021. More than 100 negotiators from both parties participated simultaneously throughout the week on issues
related to Market Access for Goods, Services and Investments, Rules of Origin, Trade Defense, Sanitary and Phytosanitary
Measures, Technical Barriers to Trade, Trade Facilitation, Intellectual Property Rights and Institutional Aspects.The
VII round of negotiations for the Free Trade Agreement between Mercosur and Korea started on August 30, 2021.
Documents related to the negotiations
30 August 2021 |
Seventh round of Mercosur and Korea negotiations
31 May-04 June 2021 |
Sixth round of trade negotiations
03 March 2020 |
Seoul, Korea. MERCOSUR-Korea meeting
11 February 2020 |
Montevideo, Uruguay. Fifth round of trade negotiations
04 October 2019 |
Busan, Korea. Fourth round of trade negotiations
08-12 July 2019 |
Montevideo, Uruguay.
Third round of trade negotiations
01-06 April 2019 |
Seoul, South Korea.
Second round of trade negotiations
11-14 September 2018 |
Montevideo, Uruguay.
First round of trade negotiations
25 May 2018 |
Seoul, South Korea.
MERCOSUR and South Korea launch trade
negotiations  |
10 December 2017 |
Buenos Aires, Argentina. MERCOSUR and South Korea agree
on importance of beginning the negotiations of a trade agreement quickly
02 March 2017 |
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
MERCOSUR and Korea conclude exploratory talks for a trade agreement
17-18 August 2005 |
Seoul, Korea.
Second meeting for joint study on MERCOSUR-Korea
trade agreement  |
04-05 May 2005 |
Asunción, Paraguay.
Results of the first meeting for joint study on
MERCOSUR-Korea trade agreement
Source: MERCOSUR, Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Korea; Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Korea;
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto, Argentina; Ministério das Relações
Exteriores, Brazil; Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Paraguay |