According to Article 46,
the Agreement shall be indefinite and will bilaterally enter into force between the Signatory Parties who
have notified the General Secretariat of ALADI that they have incorporated it into their national legislation.
The General Secretariat of ALADI shall inform the respective signatory parties of the date of the bilateral
entry into force.
The legal documents allowing the agreement to enter into force in each of the countries are as follows:
- Argentina: Nota EMSUR C.R. No 5/05 (13 January 2005) (CR/di 1937)
- Brasil: Nota Nº 10 de 02/02/2005 - Decreto Nº 5361 (13 January 2005) (CR/di 1951)
- Colombia: Nota Nº MPC-009 (28 January 2005) - Decreto Nº 141de (26 January 2005) (CR/di 1948)
- Ecuador: Nota Nº 8/05 (23 March 2005) - Decreto Nº 2675-A (18 March 2005) (CR/di 1987)
- Paraguay: Nota Nº RP/ALADI-MERCOSUR/4/ Nº 64/05 (22 April 2005) - Decreto Nº 5130
(19 April 2005) (CR/di 2000)
- Uruguay: Nota Nº 008/05 (3 January 2005) - Decreto 663/85 (27 November 1985) (CR/di 1932)
- Venezuela: Nota II.2.U3.E1/ A 545/04 (7 January 2005) - Decreto Nº 3.340 (20 December 2004)
(CR/di 1934)
According to the ALADI Website, the agreement entered into force:
on 05 January 2005 between Venezuela and Uruguay and between Venezuela and Argentina;
on 01 February 2005 between Colombia and Uruguay and between Colombia and Argentina; between Colombia and
Brazil and between Venezuela and Brazil
on 01 April 2005 between Ecuador and Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay;
on 19 April 2005 between Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela and Paraguay.
Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, State parties of Mercosur, and Colombia signed
Economic Complementation Agreement No. 72 on
July 21, 2017. This agreement entered into force for Argentina-Colombia and Brazil-Colombia on
December 20, 2017. The ACE-59 is still in force. The goods covered by certificates of origin issued in
accordance with the provisions of Annex IV of ACE-59, will receive the current treatment for said Agreement.
Documents relating to the Entry into Force |
December 2017 |
Ministerio de Industria y Turismo, Colombia. Information
on ECA No 59
Source: Ministerio de Industria y Turismo, Colombia.