Central America-European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
Text of the Agreement
  Background and Negotiations

On 14 November 2011, Ministers of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) announced the start of free trade negotiations with Costa Rica, Honduras and Panama. Other Central American countries may join the process at a later stage. Negotiations would begin in early 2012. The first round of negotiations was held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 28 February to 01 March 2012. The second round took place in Panama, in June 2012. The third round took place on 20-24 August, in San Jose, Costa Rica. The fourth round was held from 29 October to 02 November in Geneva. The fifth round of negotiations took place in Guatemala from 10 to 14 December 2012. The sixth round of negotiations was held in Geneva from 12 to 15 February 2013. Costa Rica, Panama and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) signed a Free Trade Agreement on 24 June 2013. Guatemala joined the negotiations in 2012. Two years later, on 15 October 2014, Guatemala and the EFTA countries concluded free trade negotiations within the framework of the EFTA-Central America Free Trade Agreement. Negotiations are ongoing between Honduras and EFTA.

On 22 June 2015, Ministers from the Member States of the European Free Trade Association (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) and from Costa Rica, Guatemala and Panama signed the Protocol on the Accession of Guatemala to the EFTA-Central American Free Trade Agreement, in Schaan, Liechtenstein. The accession of Guatemala will become effective after completion of the necessary internal procedures by all the Parties.

Documents relating to the negotiations
22 June 2015 Guatemala signs Protocol on the Accession to the European Free Trade Association (EFTA)-Central America Free Trade Agreement PDF New!
  Protocol on the Accession of Guatemala to the Free Trade Agreement between EFTA States and Central America StatesPDF New!
17 November 2014 Guatemala and EFTA officially announce the closing of free trade negotiations PDF
14-15 October 2014 Final round of free trade negotications between Guatemala and EFTA PDF
24 June 2013 Costa Rica, Panama and EFTA sign FTA PDF
12-15 February 2013 Sixth round of free trade negotiations between Central America and EFTA PDF
10-14 December 2012 Fifth round of free trade negotiations between Central America and EFTA PDF
29 October-02 November 2012 Fourth round of free trade negotiations between Central America and EFTA PDF
20-24 August 2012 Third round of free trade negotiations between Central America and EFTA PDF
04 June 2012 Second round of free trade negotiations between Central America and EFTA Spanish PDF
28 February-01 March 2012 First round of free trade negotiations between Central America and EFTA PDF
14 November 2011 EFTA annouces FTA negotiations with Cental America PDF
Source: The European Free Trade Association; Ministerio de Comercio Exterior, Costa Rica


  Entry into Force

On 26 February and 25 March 2014, Costa Rica’s National Assembly approved in first and second debates, respectively,  the Central America-EFTA Free Trade Agreement.

On 19 June 2014, the Norwegian Parliament gave its consent to ratification of the Free Trade Agreement with Costa Rica and Panama.

Following its ratification by all parties, the Free Trade Agreement between the EFTA States - Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland - and the Central American countries of Costa Rica and Panama, came into force in three stages:

    • 19 August 2014 for Norway, Costa Rica and Panama
    • 29 August 2014 for Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Costa Rica and Panama
    • 5 September 2014 for Iceland, Costa Rica and Panama
Documents related to the entry into force
19 August 2014 Central America-EFTA Free Trade Agreement enters into force ESP PDF
23 July 2014 Central America-EFTA Free Trade Agreement set to enter into force PDF
27 June 2014 Norwegian Parliament gives its consent to ratification of agreement with Costa Rica and Panama PDF
25 March 2014 Costa Rica’s National Assembly approves the Central America-EFTA Free Trade Agreement ESPPDF
26 February 2014 Costa Rica’s National Assembly approves the Central America-EFTA Free Trade Agreement ESPPDF
05 February 2014 The Government of Panama forwards text of the agreement to the House of Representatives for a first debate ESPPDF
Source: Ministerio de Comercio de Costa Rica (COMEX); Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, Norway





Spanish version 
Recent Developments
  July 2015. Text of the Protocol on the Accession of Guatemala to the EFTA-Guatemala FTA New!
