11 February 2025
Trade Policy Developments
bullet MERCOSUR – El Salvador: Argentina - representing MERCOSUR and El Salvador sign terms of reference to begin negotiations for a free trade agreement
bullet Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (CPTPP): The United Kingdom formally enters the Agreement
bullet Interim Agreement Commercial between Chile and the Union European: Entry into force of the Agreement
bullet Pacific Alliance - Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore: Senate of Chile approves economic-trade agreement between the Pacific Alliance and Singapore
bullet Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA): Conclusion of substantial discussions on Costa Rica's accession to this agreement
bullet Chile - Panama Free Trade Agreement: Extraordinary session of the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Affairs Committee
bullet Chile-Brazil Free Trade Agreement: Chile and Brazil held the first meeting of the Trade and Environment Committee
bullet Tratado de Libre Comercio Colombia - EE.UU.: Decisión No. 9 de la Comisión de Libre Comercio - Nota interpretativa sobre capítulo de inversiones del Acuerdo
bullet Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement on Trade and Investment (CEPA) Costa Rica - United Arab Emirates: Notes of ratification of the Agreement exchanged
bullet Canada – Ecuador: Canada welcomes successful conclusion of free trade agreement negotiations between Canada and Ecuador
bullet El Salvador – Peru: Joint declaration agreeing to restart negotiations to sign a free trade agreement
bullet Pacific Alliance: Admission of Costa Rica as a candidate for membership in the bloc

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