13 December 2024
Trade Policy Developments
bullet Common Market of the Southern Cone (MERCOSUR)-European Union (EU): Joint Declaration of the Signatory States Parties of MERCOSUR and the European Commission on the conclusion of the negotiations of the Association Agreement
bullet Chile-European Union: Approval of the Advanced Framework Agreement (AMA) -and the Interim Trade Agreement (ACI)- between Chile and the European Union (EU) in the Chilean Senate Foreign Relations Commission
bullet Brasil-Chile Free Trade Agreement: II Administrative Commission of the Free Trade Agreement
bullet Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA): Establishment of Working Group for Peru's accession to the agreement. First meeting of the Joint Committee
bullet Chile – Common Market of the Southern Cone (MERCOSUR): XIX Ordinary Meeting of the Administrative Commission - Resolution approving the modernization of the Origin Regime of ACE N°35 in force since 1996
bullet Peru-China: Signature of Optimization Protocol to their Free Trade Agreement
bullet World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade Policy Reviews: Paraguay
bullet Canada-Ecuador: IV round of trade negotiations
bullet Common Market of the Southern Cone (MERCOSUR) - United Arab Emirates: Third round of trade negotiations
bullet Peru-Hong Kong: Signature of Free Trade Agreement
bullet Guatemala – Peru: Second negotiation meeting of the Complementary Protocol of the FTA with the aim of putting this agreement into effect
bullet Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (CPTPP): Establishment of Working Group for Costa Rica’s accession

08 October 2024
Trade Policy Developments
bullet Ecuador - United States: Inaugural Meeting of the Trade and Environment Committee of the Trade and Investment Council PDF
bullet Paraguay and the United States hold Second Meeting of the Trade and Investment Council PDF
bullet Chile-China Free Trade Agreement: 21st Chile-China Mixed Trade and Economic Commission
bullet Chile-European Community Association Agreement: Approval of the Advanced Framework Agreement (AMA) Chile - European Union in the Chilean Chamber of Deputies
bullet Peru-Indonesia: Third Round of Negotiations for a Trade Agreement
bullet Guatemala-Peru Free Trade Agreement: Peru and Guatemala will sign protocol to make the entry into force of the FTA viable
bullet Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (CPTPP): Peru ratifies the United Kingdom's Accession Protocol to the CPTPP
bullet El Salvador and Peru will resume dialogue to reach a Free Trade Agreement
bullet Negotiations for a Trade Agreement between Ecuador and Canada advance with the participation of various sectors
bullet Costa Rica-Ecuador Trade Association Agreement: Agreement enters into force
bullet Text of the Costa Rica-Ecuador Trade Association Agreement Spanish version
bullet Bolivia-Mercosur Economic Complementarity Agreement: Additional protocols

16 August 2024
Trade Policy Developments
bullet World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade Policy Reviews: Canada
bullet Global Affairs Canada: Canada's State of Trade 2024 - Trade and Investment Update
bullet MERCOSUR-United Arab Emirates: First round of negotiations
bullet Canada – Ukraine: Modernized Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement enters into force
bullet Chile-United Arab Emirates: Both countries sign Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA)
bullet Chile - European Union: Advanced Framework Agreement and Interim Trade Agreement Chile-EU approved in the Foreign Relations Commission of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile
bullet World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade Policy Reviews: Jamaica
bullet Canada-Ecuador: Second Round of Negotiations for the signing of a Trade Agreement
bullet El Salvador – China: Announcement of start of negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement
bullet Honduras – China: Sixth Round of Negotiations of a Free Trade Agreement
bullet Chile – Mexico: Successfully completion of negotiations to modernize Free Trade Agreement
bullet United States-Kenya: Seventh Negotiating Round under the Strategic Trade and Investment Partnership
bullet United States – Korea: Environment Meetings under the U.S.-Korea FTA

12 June 2024
Trade Policy Developments
bullet Chile-Uruguay Free Trade Agreement: IV meeting of the Administrative Commission
bullet Peru-India: Sixth round of trade negotiations
bullet United States - Mexico - Canada Agreement (USMCA): Fourth Meeting of the Free Trade Commission
bullet United States – Kenya: Sixth round of negotiations of the U.S.-Kenya Strategic Trade and Investment Partnership Negotiations
bullet Canada-Peru Free Trade Agreement: Joint statement for the 15th anniversary of the entry into force of the agreement

22 May 2024
Trade Policy Developments
bullet U.S. – Singapore Free Trade Agreement: Joint Committee Meeting
bullet Office of the United States Trade Representative: 2024 Special 301 Report on Intellectual Property Rights
bullet Colombia-United Arab Emirates: Signing of a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
bullet Chile-Indonesia: Chile's Senate Foreign Relations Committee unanimously approves modernization of economic-trade agreement with Indonesia
bullet Chile-Mexico: First meeting with a view to modernizing the FTA between both countries, which this year celebrates its 25th anniversary since its implementation
bullet Chile-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement: Fifth Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Chile-Vietnam
bullet Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA): South Korea becomes a new member after having successfully completed its accession process
bullet Chile-United Arab Emirates: Negotiations to sign an economic-trade agreement during 2024 finish
bullet MERCOSUR - European Free Trade Association: XI round of negotiations held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, concludes
bullet Argentina-Hungary: Progress in the modernization of the Bilateral Investment Treaty Spanish versionPDF
bullet Costa Rica - United Arab Emirates: Signature of the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement on Trade and Investment
bullet Canada-Ecuador: 1st Round of negotiations for the signing of a Trade Agreement officially concludes
bullet Ecuador-China Free Trade Agreement (FTA): Entry into force
bullet Ecuador-United Arab Emirates: Joint declaration to begin negotiations for a trade agreement

12 April 2024
Trade Policy Developments
bullet U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement: Joint Statement of the Sixth Federal Trade Commission
bullet World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade Policy Reviews: Chile
bullet United States – Oman Free Trade Agreement: Joint Communiqué of the United States-Oman Subcommittee on Environmental Affairs and Joint Forum on Environmental Cooperation
bullet World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade Policy Reviews: Honduras
bullet Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR): 2024 Trade Policy Agenda and 2023 Annual Report
bullet MERCOSUR – European Free Trade Association (EFTA) trade negotiations: Vice President of Brazil reaffirms his government's interest in advancing an agreement
bullet Agreement on Trade and Gender: Brazil adheres to the agreement
bullet Belize: The National Trade Policy 2019 – 2030
bullet Belize – El Salvador : First Round of Negotiations for a Partial Scope Agreement
bullet Economic Complementarity Agreement Belize – Taiwan: 1st Meeting of the Administrative Commission
bullet Peru and the United Arab Emirates agree to start negotiations to reach a trade agreement
bullet Peru – India trade negotiations: Sixth round of negotiations
bullet Chile-Mexico Free Trade Agreement: Chile and Mexico agree to modernize trade agreement to incorporate gender and MSMEs chapters
bullet Pacific Alliance: Meeting of the High Level Group
bullet Costa Rica – Colombia Free Trade Agreement: Colombia and Costa Rica agree to deepen Trade Agreement
bullet Costa Rica and the United Arab Emirates reach a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement on Trade and Investment
bullet Ecuador and the United Arab Emirates to begin negotiations on a Trade Agreement
bullet Ecuador and the Dominican Republic to begin negotiations of a trade agreement
bullet Guatemala - Israel Free Trade Agreement (FTA): Agreement enters into forcé
bullet Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA): Interest of the Government of El Salvador to be part of the Agreement
bullet Central America – Republic of Korea Free Trade Agreement: Pro Tempore Presidency of Central America leads the signing of Guatemala's accession to the FTA with South Korea
bullet Honduras – China free trade negotiations: Third round of negotiations
bullet Trade agreement between Paraguay and Chile enters into force
bullet Trade Association Agreement between Costa Rica and Ecuador: National Assembly of Ecuador ratifies the Agreement
bullet U.S – Kenya Strategic Trade and Investment Partnership Negotiations: USTR Releases Summaries from U.S.

20 February 2024
Trade and SMEs
bullet 13 - 14 March, 2024. VIII Dialogue of High-level MSME Authorities and MSME Internationalization Conference Offsite link

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