MSME Clearinghouse: Newsletter |
OAS MSME Newsletter: (June 2022): |
This OAS MSME Newsletter is published by the Department of Economic Development of the Executive Secretariat for Integral
Development (SEDI). It is dedicated to measures recently announced by OAS Member States to drive the economic recovery
of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). The policy responses vary from country to country and are specific
to the economic circumstances of each Member State. Given that every day produces new developments, this inventory is in
no way exhaustive.
MSMEs created 112,000 registered jobs in the private sector in the last year
Private registered employment in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) marked an increase of 111,953 jobs in the first quarter
of 2022 compared to the same period of the previous year, according to preliminary data from the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises
and Entrepreneurs (SEPYME) of the Ministry of Productive Development.
Productive Development and the Bank of the Province of Buenos Aires launched a leasing line for SMEs with a FONDEP subsidy
A new line of financing for domestically manufactured capital goods was launched with funding from the National Productive Development Fund
(FONDEP), under the leasing modality. The financing will be up to $75 million per beneficiary, with a fixed rate of 24% and terms of up to 61 months.
Productive Development will support SMEs with projects with a gender perspective with up to $5 million
Ministry launched call for the Produce with Equity program, which allocates a total of 210 million pesos to support SMEs and cooperatives that
develop projects with a gender focus.
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Government delivers competency certificates to 148 MSMEs in La Paz
A total of 148 micro and small entrepreneurs (MSMEs) in the department of La Paz received certificates, after an evaluation process, within
the framework of an agreement signed by the Ministry of Productive Development and Plural Economy and the Ministry of Education.
Government announces investment of Bs 68 million for tourism and the micro and small business sector of Chuquisaca
The national government will allocate Bs 68 million to promote the tourism sector and for the construction of a craft center for the
benefit of micro and small entrepreneurs in the department of Chuquisaca.
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Opening of small businesses continues to rise in Brazil
The opening of small businesses continues to be high in the country, despite the difficulties imposed by the current economic scenario.
A survey carried out by Sebrae, based on data from the National Classification of Economic Activities (CNAE), identified that despite a
small decrease registered in the first quarter of 2022, compared to the same period last year, the number of open businesses is higher
compared to 2019 and 2020, the period prior to the pandemic.
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WTO and ITC carry out training on international platforms for MSMEs
The International Trade Center (ITC) and the Permanent Mission of Mexico to the World Trade Organization (WTO), conducted training
on the platforms: Trade4MSMEs and Global Trade Helpdesk, especially aimed at MSMEs, associations and SME representatives of the
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MICM, Ministry of Culture and Banco Popular present Creative Directory and platform for entrepreneurs
The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and MSMEs, the Ministry of Culture and the Banco Popular Dominicano presented two new projects
to continue promoting business opportunities in the so-called orange economy, which encompasses the country's cultural and creative
More than 500 MSMEs have been impacted; agreement with the Mayor of Santiago Oeste to create the first Circular District of the DR
The head of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and MSMEs (MICM), announced that they have impacted more than 500 MSMEs, mostly from
Santiago and the North Region, with training, support and advice on Circular Economy and Cleaner Production, with the support of the
European Union.
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Government delivers $158,270.00 in seed capital funds to support entrepreneurs in San Salvador
The Government of El Salvador, through the National Commission for Micro and Small Businesses (CONAMYPE) together with the Veterans and
Ex-combatants Benefits Administrator Institute (INABVE), delivered $158,270.00 in seed capital funds to entrepreneurs from San Salvador.
On this occasion, there were 35 entrepreneurs from the areas of commerce, services, textiles and aquaculture from different municipalities
of San Salvador, who will receive these funds to launch their business ideas.
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Women's Innovation and Investment Network (WINN)
This initiative, through the Guyana Women's Leadership Institute, has trained over 2000 women in 2021, and has opened registration for
2022 courses. WINN is available to women of all ages across Guyana with classes delivered in-person and online.
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Economic Autonomy Module (MAE): Comprehensive strategy for the financial development of women entrepreneurs
Authorities from the National Entrepreneurship and Small Business Service (SENPRENDE) and the Ciudad Mujer
Program met to define strategies to strengthen the Economic Autonomy module (MAE), an initiative that offers
financial growth to Honduran women entrepreneurs and microentrepreneurs.
SENPRENDE and INJ will sign an agreement to develop skills of young people as entrepreneurs
SENPRENDE and the National Youth Institute (INJ) met to define strategies that promote the development of young people as entrepreneurs.
As a first action, they agreed to sign an agreement to develop activities of common interest in a planned manner, which allow the
improvement of young people with entrepreneurial potential in rural and urban areas.
SENPRENDE and ANMPIH hand in hand to recover the micro-small industry
The authorities of the National Entrepreneurship and Small Business Service (SENPRENDE) met with the National Association of Micro
and Small Industry (ANMPIH) to create a joint work agenda that benefits entrepreneurs and micro-small industry.
SENPRENDE and the IP in alliance to support entrepreneurs, MSMEs and the social sector of the economy
The institutions will strengthen the platform "MY COMPANY ONLINE" to facilitate the creation of micro-enterprises in Honduras.
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Workshop Planned for Gift and Craft Entrepreneurs
The Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) through its Craft Incubator, continues to support the growth of micro, small and
medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the gift and craft sector. To this end, the Corporation will be hosting a three-day workshop for
intermediate and advanced jewellery makers.
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The Ministry of Economy signs a collaboration agreement with Amazon Mexico in support of Mexican MSMEs
Within the framework of the Summit of the Americas, Mexico signed a collaboration agreement between the Ministry of Economy and
Amazon Mexico to promote the digitization and insertion of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in electronic
commerce at the national and international level.
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National Government promotes business culture in schools
The Ministry of Education (Meduca), the Authority for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Ampyme), fifteen other institutions
from the public and private sectors, the academic sector (universities) and other organizations signed a cooperation agreement
that fosters a strategic alliance to include the development of business culture and entrepreneurship in the educational system.
National Entrepreneurship Council coordinates actions for the future of MSMEs
The Government Innovation Authority is working on a tool that will allow entrepreneurs and small businessmen to have access
to social security and bank loans.
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MIC will sign an agreement with institutions for the authorization of Support Centers for Entrepreneurs
The signing of the document will be carried out with a view to enabling Entrepreneur Support Centers (CAE) within the framework
of Law No. 5,669/2016 "for the Promotion of Entrepreneurial Culture", which will strengthen business ideas and economic activities
of entrepreneurs and MSMEs, thus allowing a new vision in public policies with a territorial approach.
Winner of the MSMEs National Award aims to grow in international markets with its vegan and gluten-free products
A change of diet and the difficulty of finding the right food led Laura Ferreira to a venture that in a few years already
gave her great satisfaction. Recently, she won the award in the Excellence category of the National MIPYMES Award 2022,
with her Pink Cow business, which is dedicated to vegan, gluten-free and lactose-free cooking. For Laura, it is a "dream"
to be able to reach international markets, with the confidence that it is a way to "also position Paraguayan gastronomy.”
MSMEs in the industrial sector can compete to access the MIC Competitiveness Program (PCM)
The 5th Edition of the Competitiveness Program for MSMEs (PCM), which is carried out by the Ministry of Industry and
Commerce (MIC), through the Vice Ministry of MSMEs, was launched with the presence of the vice ministers of MSMEs and
of Commerce and Services of the MIC.
Innovations and creative initiatives were offered in the Emprendeshopping
Emprendeshopping, the fair for entrepreneurs and micro, small and medium-sized companies, from different parts of the country,
and from various fields, brought together several exhibitors who offered excellent quality products and services with very high
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“Produce Más” will benefit 10,000 non-formal entrepreneurs
The Ministry of Production (Produce) implemented “Produce Más”, a comprehensive consultation, support and management platform
that brings together the offer of business services aimed at entrepreneurs in the country, in order to increase their productivity
and contribute to their formalization.
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Saint Vincent & the Grenadines
Empowering Women Programs
One hundred and thirty-six women graduated from programs aimed at giving them adequate skills to become employed or to become
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SBA Administrator Announces Five New Women’s Business Centers To be Operated by Minority Serving Institutions
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and the voice for America’s 32.5 million small businesses in President Biden’s Cabinet,
announced the selection of five new Women’s Business Centers (WBC) operated by established Minority Serving Institutions (MSI).
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2022 call for the Orange Fund opens
This instrument of the National Directorate of Industries of the MIEM, designed with the objective of promoting and strengthening
the productive sectors linked to the country's creative industries, is open for call. In particular, it seeks to contribute to the
integration of the creative industries into the traditional productive sectors, in order to contribute to the improvement of their
added value, their differentiation, their innovation and their competitiveness.
Launch of the Index of Public Policies for SMEs, 2022 edition
Industrial MSMEs may apply for MIEM non-reimbursable funds to improve their competitiveness
The Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining (MIEM), through its National Directorate of Industries (DNI), launched the 2022 editions of two calls
that will deliver non-reimbursable funds to industrial micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs): the Industrial Fund and the Technological
Linkage Fund.
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