Provincial governments will be guarantors of SMEs to accelerate the placement of productive credits throughout the country
The incorporation of the provinces to the Crédito Argentino CreAr Program was announced to accelerate the financial inclusion of small and medium-sized companies through the public guarantee system.
SMEs from all over the country can now access financing at competitive rates for productive investment
The Secretary of Industry and Productive Development; the president of the Bank of the Argentine Nation (BNA); and the head of the Argentine Development Bank announced that micro, small, medium and large industrial and agro-industrial enterprises can now access the financing lines of the Argentine Credit Program (CreAr) in national public banks. With a total investment of $500,000 million, CreAr promotes investment projects that change the productive matrix, promoting national development, exports, and the efficient replacement of imports in strategic value chains, with the aim of promoting job creation and foreign exchange reserves.
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RRB Program Continues to Support Small Farmers in Belize
On December 13, 2022, the Government of Belize (GOB), through the Resilient Rural Belize (RRB) Program of the Ministry of Economic Development, signed Matching Grant Fund Agreements (MGA) with Concepcion Vegetable Farmers’ Cooperative Society Limited, the Northern Sustainable Agro-Producers Cooperative Society Limited, both of the Corozal District, and the Seven Miles Farmers’ Association of the Cayo District. This program is in partnership with the MED and the Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government. The main objective of the MGAs is to provide resources and technical assistance to improve, in volume and quality, the three producer organizations’ agricultural productions, organizational capacities and marketing/value-added strategies, while also safeguarding food security in the context of existing and projected climate change effects.
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Pronampe has R$ 14 billion available for small entrepreneurs
The beginning of the year demands planning and organization for entrepreneurs, especially in the financial aspect. Small entrepreneurs, including individual microentrepreneurs who need extra support to catch up with their bills or want to take advantage of the shift to leverage the company can count on the resources of the National Program to Support Microenterprises and Small Size enterprises( Pronampe). It is estimated that R$ 14 billion are currently available for loans and financing from financial institutions, with differentiated interest rates and a longer term to start paying.
Caravan of Brazilian entrepreneurs goes to NY to see innovations in the world of retail
Participants from ten states across the country, visited the United States to participate in the NRF, one of the largest conferences on the culture of commerce. New shopping routes in physical stores, more attractive merchandising strategies, scalable business models, profitability of e-commerce, technologies for innovation of means of payment. These are some of the topics that Brazilian businessmen were able to observe during the three days that they were immersed in the NRF 2023, one of the largest conferences in the world on retail trends, which took place between January 15 and 17 in New York.
Federal Government announces 'Zero Litigation' program that benefits small businesses
The federal government announced the first economic measures with the aim of balancing this year's budget. The estimate is to recover R$ 242.7 billion, sufficient volume of resources to bring the government's accounts up to date. Among the announcements is the launch of the 'Zero Litigation' program. The measure includes micro and small businesses in the low-value debt renegotiation group (up to 60 minimum wages), registered or not in active debt.
Four measures suggested to the new government in favor of small businesses in Brazil
An increase in the billing ceiling, more credit, simpler taxes and government incentives are demands of the sector.
Alliance between Sebrae and eduK offers solutions for entrepreneurs
With the expectation of impacting more than 35,000 users, free courses and content are available in the Sebrae application. Seeking information and exchanging knowledge with experienced entrepreneurs is one of the main pillars for those who want to succeed in their own business, fulfilling their dream of being an entrepreneur. With that in mind, Sebrae partnered with eduK, a platform focused on generating income, helping entrepreneurs and companies through online courses, as well as access to exclusive discounts.
Reestablishment of the MDIC includes the Secretariat of Micro and Small Businesses and Entrepreneurship
The new Vice President of the Republic in charge of the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services (MDIC). Among the novelties of the portfolio recreated by the new president, is the Secretariat for Micro and Small Business and Entrepreneurship. The portfolio of the secretariat were published in a special edition of the Official Gazette (DOU) on January 1 and include the development of actions to support the insertion of artisans, individual microentrepreneurs (MEI), microenterprises and small businesses in the Brazilian economy and in the international market.
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Minister that Evol is helping deliver much-needed access to capital to women entrepreneurs in Quebec
The Minister of International Trade, Export Promotion, Small Business and Economic Development, announced that Evol is providing loans of up to $50,000 to women entrepreneurs and business owners through the Women Entrepreneurship Loan Fund.
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41 commercial neighborhoods selected in the country to be revitalized with the support of Sercotec
Program that promotes associativity will give them economic and technical support for three years to improve the commercial offer and the urban environment of their businesses.
Among the beneficiaries are commercial neighborhoods from Putre to Punta Arenas, including Plaza Ñuñoa and Vega Poniente in Santiago, Cerro Bellavista in Valparaíso, Caleta Tumbes in Biobío, the English Quarter of Coquimbo and the Historical Center of Padre Las Casas, in Araucanía.
Sercotec awarded the Outstanding SMEs of 2022 in the country
There were 16 distinguished companies and cooperatives, which stood out for their exceptional performance, growth, local representativeness and development potential. Each winner represented a region of Chile, and they exhibited their products at the launch of the SME Week in Santiago.
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The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, through iNNpulsa Colombia, opens registrations for the Innova 2022 Award
The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, through iNNpulsa Colombia, opened its call for the 2022 version of the Colombian Award for Business Innovation for MSMEs, Innova. The Innova Award is a recognition of the implementation of significant changes in the products or services, the productive or marketing processes of a company, with the purpose of growing in its market, improving its productivity, accessing new business opportunities or solving problems. through the promotion of a culture of innovation in all economic sectors of the country.
The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism and iNNpulsa Colombia will promote the ZASCA Reindustrialization Centers initiative, as part of the strategy for the development of the popular economy with a territorial approach that has been promoted by the national government.
ZASCA Reindustrialization Centers will promote the development of the popular economy with services, training, technology and innovation close to the people. These centers will be spaces focused on: Providing specialized services in situ, facilitating access to new technologies, use of machinery, strengthening technical and business training, as well as a comprehensive offer to contribute to increasing productivity and innovation in productive units and small popular enterprises that are clustered in different territories of the country.
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MICM encourages MSMEs to participate in purchasing processes within the framework of Decree 31-22
Decree 31-22, whose implementation began on July 7, 2022, aims to increase government purchases from Dominican industrial MSMEs, that is, to directly acquire what is manufactured by Dominican hands in Dominican territory, in such a way that the national productive fabric can be strengthened, stimulating the generation of jobs.
MICM strengthens human talent with training; 3,444 people from the national industry trained in 2022
The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and MSMEs (MICM) trained 3,444 people who work in local manufacturing industries during the year 2022, through courses organized in partnership with unions and business associations.
Hundreds of entrepreneurs and microentrepreneurs from Bayaguana take advantage of digital transformation services for MSMEs
The advice, support, and training that were put in place in this community are part of the MICM's “My Digital Municipality” program. In the activity, whose purpose is to promote the adoption of digital tools in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, talks were given on digital marketing, social networks and electronic commerce, and business georeferencing, logo and card design services were offered at no cost to entrepreneurs.
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First Fair of Women Entrepreneurs "Pro Mujeres" took place in the Pearl of the Pacific
More than 20 products from various sectors of the national economy were promoted in the First Edition of the PRO MUJERES 2022 Fair, a free event organized by the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries. This event, which also had the support of private companies, had the objective of providing greater business opportunities to enterprises led by women, who exhibited and marketed their offer of goods and services in agribusiness, processed foods, handicrafts, cocoa and processed foods, coffee, clothing and textiles, leather and footwear, personal and home care, pharmaceuticals, forestry, and processed products, as well as hats.
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Diploma on basic principles for the development of the Cosmetic Industry in SMEs.
The Government of El Salvador through the National Commission for Micro and Small Enterprises (CONAMYPE) closed the course called "Basic Principles for the Development of the Cosmetic Industry in SMEs". There were 40 entrepreneurs who will receive their graduation diploma from this course that lasted 6 weeks and was developed in 4 modules, with two face-to-face workshops.
First Meeting of Value Chains.
The Government of El Salvador through the National Commission for Micro and Small Enterprises (CONAMYPE) held the First Meeting of Value Chains aimed at producers, businessmen and/or professionals who work for the eradication of poverty by promoting MSMEs. The objective of this activity is to contribute to the development of the competitiveness of micro and small enterprises for the generation of industries through the strengthening and development of value chains.
Diploma in Public Procurement.
The Government of El Salvador, through the National Commission for Micro and Small Enterprises (CONAMYPE), celebrates the completion of the diploma in Public Procurement given to SME entrepreneurs. There will be 35 entrepreneurs who were trained in how to sell to the government, complying with both the formal and legal requirements in each of the forms of contracting.
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Workshop to Empower and Advance Women in Business
The inaugural United Nations (UN) Women Yemanja Collaborative: Leadership and Networking Workshop for Woman Entrepreneurs was held in Kingston from December 5 to 7. The initiative targets women of Afro descent from the Caribbean, North and South America and Africa. It aims to strengthen leadership capacity, empower and equip participants to scale their businesses and create meaningful jobs.
60 MSMEs Trained Under JBDC Accelerator Programme
Sixty micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) have benefited from critical support to grow their businesses under the Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) 2022 Accelerator programme. The entity partnered with the Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ) to deliver cohort four of the programme at a cost of $60 million. The intensive training, undertaken over six months, covered six modules – Strategy Development, Financial Management, Marketing & Sales, Operational Improvement, Digital Transformation, and Business Valuation.
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Ampyme Resumes Seed Capital Contests
The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Authority (Ampyme) resumed this week the calls for contests for applicants for Seed Capital.
This year a new modality was introduced where some of the registrations are made at fairs that are held in the provinces.
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The first MSME School (EMI) begins, aimed at entrepreneurs
The MSME School (EMI), the first professional training institution for entrepreneurs, was officially presented on January 18 at the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC). The new educational institution, run by Asomipymes, will start teaching classes from next February 21, with 20 students from the business sector, who must complete 9 modules.
The Government gave 300 women entrepreneurs a Seed Capital of US$ 1,800 to strengthen their ventures
A total of 300 women entrepreneurs from various fields and from 15 departments of the country were winners of the third call for Seed Capital of the Project to Assist the Economic Recovery and Empowerment of Women in Latin America and the Caribbean in the Post-Pandemic Stage. It was carried out but by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC), through the National Directorate of Entrepreneurship (DINAEM), the Vice Ministry of MSMEs and the Technical Mission of Taiwan..
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Produce will grant S/ 176 million for government purchases to benefit more than 1,500 SMEs
The Ministry of Production will grant S/176 million for government purchases that will benefit more than 1,500 SMEs until July of this year.
Produce launches "Con Punche Productivo" to strengthen SMEs, with more than S/ 250 million
The Ministry of Production presented this Friday "Con Punche Productivo", a package of measures with the aim of promoting, in the short term, the sustainable economic reactivation of the productive sectors affected by the health emergency, as well as by the economic crisis that that affects the country.
Ministers of Production and Economy met with SME unions to develop a joint agenda
The meeting, convened by the Ministry of Production at its institutional headquarters, was held with the purpose of listening to the proposals from unions of micro and small entrepreneurs and preparing a joint work agenda.
Produce proposes to extend the support program for SMEs until March 31, 2023
The Minister of Production supports in the Congress of the Republic the bill 3554/2022-PE, which promotes the economic reactivation of micro, small and medium-sized companies through the MIPYME Entrepreneur Fund.
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U.S. Small Business Administration to Begin Accepting Applications for SBA Veteran Small Business Certification Program
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)began accepting applications through the Veteran Small Business Certification (VetCert) program as part of the commitment to expanding access to resources for Veterans and other underserved populations. The improvements in the customer experience for Veteran entrepreneurs and business owners made by VetCert will build upon the $25 billion in government contract spending with service-disabled Veteran-owned small businesses (SDVOSBs) in Fiscal Year 2021.
U.S. Small Business Administration Awards New Regional Grants to Spur Innovation and Support High-Quality Jobs
The USBA announced additional grants designed to create or sustain innovation initiatives and high-quality jobs through consortiums of regional businesses known as regional innovation clusters. The new grants, totaling $319,000 and $240,800, will go to two new small business innovation clusters in Oregon and Mississippi, respectively, adding to the portfolio of communities the agency supports through its Regional Innovation Clusters (RIC) initiative.
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Industrial Fund will co-finance 31 innovative projects of industrial MSMEs with $36 million
The MIEM Industrial Fund, a tool to promote innovation and competitiveness of industrial MSMEs, awarded 31 projects, which will receive $36 million to leverage a total public-private investment of $85 million. Almost two out of three beneficiaries are from the interior of the country, and 26% come from the north of the Río Negro, which meets one of the MIEM objectives of continuing to decentralize its policies to the entire territory.
Call for Cooperative Investment Projects 2022 edition will co-finance five initiatives
The MIEM call for Cooperative Investment Projects, in its 2022 edition, awarded two agricultural cooperatives and three work cooperatives, granting them non-reimbursable funds for a total of $2,895,976 that will be used to leverage key areas of their productive activity or provision of services, with an impact on improving their competitiveness.
Dinapyme promotes the generation of strategic guidelines for the metal-mechanic sector
Government expected to advance in the definition of an action plan to be implemented for the development of MSMEs in the sector.
Dinapyme trained more than 1,600 micro and small businesses throughout the country in 2022
The courses were designed with the objective of improving the competitiveness of MSMEs and strengthening the capacities of owners and workers in sectors and strategic production chains defined by Dinapyme, the food industry, the lumber industry (sawmills and carpentry), metalworking; the trade and services sector; cooperatives; and business unions, among others.
30 technicians from Salto and the region were trained in digital transformation for SMEs
Within the framework of the Prodigital project, the Salto Commercial and Industrial Center, with the support of Dinapyme, trained technicians from that department and from the region through the Digital Transformation of SMEs course, taught by the international company Competitiveness.
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International and Regional Organizations
Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI)