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Inter-American Dialogue of High-Level MSME Authorities

OAS and KOLAU Marketing Sign Cooperation Agreement to Promote
Digitalization of Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

The Organization of American States (OAS) and KOLAU Marketing signed a cooperation agreement on September 26, 2019 to encourage the digitalization of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Inter-American Dialogue of High-Level MSME Authorities

Honduras National Entrepreneurship and Small Business Service (SENPRENDE)
Sign Agreement to Implement OAS/KOLAU MSME Digitization Plan

The National Entrepreneurship and Small Business Service (SENPRENDE), represented by the Deputy Government Coordinator in the Social Cabinet, Zoila Cruz, joins the Digitization Plan promoted by the Organization of American States (OAS) and implemented with technology offered by Kolau, to digitize 10,000 micro and small Honduran businesses at no cost to MSMEs.

Inter-American Dialogue of High-Level MSME Authorities

OAS/KOLAU MSME Digitization Plan:
Seven best Paraguayan MSMEs recognized

The Ministry of Industry and Commerce of Paraguay (MIC), through its Vice Ministry for MSMEs, together with the Organization of American States (OAS) and KOLAU, announced the initial results of the first four-months of implementing the OAS/KOLAU MSME Digitization Plan. Diplomas of recognition were awarded to the seven companies that have shown best performance during this period. The companies are: Mendieta´s (San Bernardino), Air conditioning (President Franco-Alto Paraná), Small Encounter (Asunción), Tauykerana (Fernando de la Mora), Wichu Atelier (Asunción), Nativo (Asunción) and Oke Pora (San Lorenzo).



Chile’s Internationalization Program of Business Development Centers

On November 4-9, there will be a visit to Chile as part of their Internationalization Program of Business Development Centers. The visit will cover different Business Centers throughout Chile (from Antofagasta to Punta Arenas) to showcase the different methodologies of support for MSMEs that the centers use. The objective of this tour is share with participants from Latin America and the Caribbean all the experience of SERCOTEC in the implementation, management and operation of the Network of Business Centers, made up of 50 centers throughout the country.

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

2019 APEC SME Week: Ministerial Statement supports and promotes SME financing and digitization policies

20 APEC member economies agreed to the APEC SME Ministerial Statement on the final day. In it, they recognized the importance and expressed their willingness to promote policies that will facilitate SME’s access to financing and digital transformation in the context of the globalized economy.

  • APEC Women and the Economy Dashboard 2019: The APEC Women and the Economy Dashboard is an initiative that seeks to provide a snapshot of the status of women in APEC, by looking at a set of indicators in recent years, which allows measurement of the progress of women’s participation in economic-related activities and women’s inclusion in several aspects of life. The Dashboard is comprised of 95 indicators, classified in five areas previously identified as priorities by the APEC Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy (PPWE): 1) access to capital and assets; 2) access to markets; 3) skills, capacity-building and health; 4) leadership, voice and agency; and 5) innovation and technology.

  • APEC Capacity Building Workshop on RTA/FTA Negotiation Skills for MSMEs:
    This report summarizes the proceedings, discussions, and recommendations from the workshop, which was held in Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam on 18-19 July. The workshop was targeted to train mid-level and junior government officials who are responsible for RTA/FTA coordination, negotiation, and implementation with SMEs. The workshop served as a platform for participants share best practices and experiences, and network with other SME negotiators, policymakers and regulators.

  • APEC Supply-Chain Connectivity Framework Action Plan 2017-2020:
    The interim review looks at APEC’s progress in addressing the five chokepoints in the second phase of the APEC Supply-Chain Connectivity Framework Action Plan 2017-2020 (SCFAP-II). The five chokepoints are: 1) lack of coordinated border management and underdeveloped border clearance and procedures; 2) inadequate quality and lack of access to transportation infrastructure and services; 3) unreliable logistics services and high logistical costs; 4) limited regulatory cooperation and best practices; and 5) underdeveloped policy and regulatory infrastructure for e-commerce.


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