MSME Clearinghouse: Newsletter |
OAS MSME Newsletter: (October 2021): |
This OAS MSME Newsletter is published by the Department of Economic Development of the Executive Secretariat for Integral
Development (SEDI). It is dedicated to measures recently announced by OAS Member States to drive the economic recovery
of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). The policy responses vary from country to country and are specific
to the economic circumstances of each Member State. Given that every day produces new developments, this inventory is in
no way exhaustive.
Ministry of Production announced more credit for SMEs
The Ministry of Productive Development announced the expansion of the line for strategic projects with the Banco de la Nación
Argentina (BNA), from $ 9.000 million to $ 29.000 million pesos, and quadrupled the amount of loans, which will be up to $ 1.000 million.
The Government presented the National Guarantee Council to promote the financial inclusion of SMEs
The Ministry of Productive Development and the President of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA) announced the creation
of the National Guarantee Council to promote policies that promote the granting of guarantees to promote and improve access to credit
for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.
Productive Development launches the Green SMEs program and allocates $ 3.6 billion to promote sustainable production
The Green SME Programs were announced. They will allocate $ 3,600 million to promote sustainable production in small and medium-sized
companies, encourage insertion in productive activities of the green economy and promote the implementation of circular production processes.
SMEs foresee investments for more than $ 3.900 million
For companies that invest, the Strategic Projects Line that the SEPyME has implemented with Banco Nación is available. It establishes loans of
between $ 70 million and $ 250 million.
Productive Development trained more than 200 SMEs in management with a gender perspective
More than 200 businessmen and women, who are studying for the Diploma in Management and Direction of SMEs, were trained in gender perspective,
a joint initiative between the Secretariat of Small and Medium Enterprises and Entrepreneurs (SEPYME) and the National University of San Martín
(UNSAM) created to strengthen the skills and strategic vision of companies.
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Single Window for Doing Business
The Government of Barbados and UNCTAD have signed a contract to implement and operationalize an electronic single window to facilitate
an ease of doing business and increase efficiency in the movement of legitimate goods across borders (bringing 28 agencies to one window).
It will allow for a reduction in clearance times, streamlining operations, harmonizing data and reducing associated costs.
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MAFSE and FAO Hold Agribusiness Incubation Train-the-Trainers Workshop
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise (MAFSE) in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
have successfully completed the implementation of an Agribusiness Incubation Train-the-Trainers Workshop.
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Women Entrepreneurs: Fostering Female Entrepreneurship at Startup Summit 2021
One of the largest innovation events in Latin America had female leadership in panels, stands and exhibitions.
The federal government simplifies participation in public purchases with new in-app functionality
In addition to facilitating the accreditation of companies and individuals to participate in tenders, the application will help the Union,
states and municipalities to monitor the stages of the contracting process.
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Government Highlights importance of small businesses in Canada’s economic recovery during Small Business Week
Government highlighted its commitment to support small businesses through the pandemic and into recovery—from historic support programs for rent, wages and
operating costs, to the most small business–friendly budget in Canadian history in Budget 2021.
This includes encouraging Canadians to shop local, increasing their confidence through POST Promise, and partnering with chambers of commerce and business
associations across the country to deliver rapid tests and encourage Canadians to get vaccinated.
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Digital Check
The Digital Checkup is an online test that allows micro, small and medium entrepreneurs to know the level of digital maturity of their SME and covers,
through various questions, seven dimensions of the business.
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Mincomercio, iNNpulsa and Bancoldex launch a credit line for microenterprises in the country
More than $ 115,000 million will be allocated to the economic reactivation of micro-enterprises in all sectors. The maximum amount per
operation is up to $ 50 million and within the financial facilities of the line there are maximum terms of up to three years, with grace
periods of up to three months.
The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism presented a reactivation plan aimed at MSMEs at ACOPI
There are 13 actions that focus on achieving three objectives: job creation, economic growth, and increased productive dynamics.
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MICM and DGAPP announce start date of the bidding process for the Electronic System of Secured Transactions
The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Mipymes (MICM) together with the General Directorate of Public-Private Alliances (DGAPP)
reported that the bidding process for the implementation of the Electronic System of Secured Transactions (SEGM) will open in the
third week of November 2021.
The MICM and the DGAPP advance in the development of the necessary actions to implement the SEGM and thereby promote the financial
inclusion of the country's micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), giving them new opportunities to finance themselves
and improve their competitiveness, as well as to promote the creation of new financial services aimed at the business sector in general.
MICM and VisaNet Dominicana will promote digital payments in MSMEs
The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Mipymes (MICM) and VisaNet Dominicana signed a collaboration agreement through which they will
promote actions for development, business innovation and the promotion of digital tools, as well as financial services and digital
payments for micro, small and medium-sized companies in the country.
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MPCEIP encourages production and entrepreneurship on a national scale
In Loja, in coordination with the Chozas digital store, which brings together 60 enterprises, the "Entrepreneur Route" is executed, with
the aim of supporting, promoting and training entrepreneurs and artisans in the country, through digital platforms, with the support from
Banco de Loja, the National Entrepreneurship Board, Fundación Socialab, among other sponsoring organizations.
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"Commercial Directory of State Suppliers Companies” launched
The Ministry of Economy, through its MIPYME Proveedora del Estado program, and with the support of the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID), through its project “Creating Economic Opportunities”, presented the “Commercial Directory of
State Provider Companies ”for the Central Region and the West Region 2021.
The directories, product of the work carried out within the "MIPYME Proveedora del Estado" of the Ministry of Economy, offer
general and detailed information on companies in the Central Region (Guatemala) and the Western Region (Quetzaltenango,
Huehuetenango, Quiché and Totonicapán) registered in the General State Procurement Registry (RGAE).
The directories also include locations, emails, telephone numbers, contacts and the productive sector to which the companies
belong, information that is used by purchasing units to have a complete vision of potential suppliers.
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27 thousand companies formalized through free mechanisms of SENPRNEDE FOR A BETTER LIFE
The Sub-Directorate of Formalization of the National Service of Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses for a Better Life (SENPRENDE
POR UNA VIDA BETTER), works on the constitution and formalization of new companies, benefitting more than 27 thousand businesses.
The Government Allocates 1.5 Million Lempiras in Delivery "Seed Capital for a Better Life" to People with Disabilities
The National Service of Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses for a Better Life (SENPRENDE POR UNA VIDA MEJOR) and the Valle de Comayagua Region Business
Development Center began to deliver seed capital to people with disabilities.
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Ampyme announces entry into force of Law 186 that regulates Entrepreneurship Companies
The entry into force of Law 186 that creates and regulates the legal figure of Entrepreneurship Societies was announced by the director of the
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Authority (Ampyme).
It is a new type of legal entity, aimed at MSMEs, which will serve as a vehicle to facilitate the formalization of companies, through a simplified
system that will also grant tax incentives.
Ampyme supports entrepreneurs in the Agro Sector
As part of the activities for the celebration of the Day of the Producer and Professionals of Agricultural Sciences, the National Government
carried out a Community Work Tour (GTC) led by the President of the Republic and in which thirty Seed Capitals were delivered.
Ampyme presents National Strategy for Female Entrepreneurship
During the meeting, a workshop was held to explain to the participants progress regarding the National Strategy for Female Entrepreneurship
(ENEF) and other actions taken to support women entrepreneurs.
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MIC accredited young university students from Concepción to be junior consultants for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises
The Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC), through the Training Program for Junior Business Consultants of the Business Assistance Nucleus
(NAE), developed by the Vice Ministry of MIPYMES, delivered certificates and kits that accredit four students of the careers of the Business
Sciences of the National University of Concepción (UNC), as Junior Consultants NAE.
DINAEM prepares training cycles to digitize MSMEs
With the aim of digitizing 10,000 micro, small and medium-sized companies per year and mitigating the impact of COVID-19, training modules
will be carried out to create or enable web pages, from Wednesday, October 20, 2021, ending on October 9 March 2022, with a total of 19 cycles,
which will be transmitted through Facebook.
Agreement between MIC and DHL will help exporting MSMEs to internationalize their products through digital tools
A digital tool aimed at providing services to micro, small and medium-sized exporting companies is already underway through the signing of
an agreement between the Vice Ministry of MIPYMES of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC), and the international firm DHL.
MIC and the Embassy of Taiwan launch a project to strengthen entrepreneurship led by women and assistance to MSMEs
The Government of the Republic of Paraguay and the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan), through the Ministry of Industry
and Commerce and the Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan), signed a Letter of Intent in order to implement the Project for
Assistance to Economic Recovery and Empowerment of Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, in the post-pandemic stage-Employment,
Women's Entrepreneurship and Inclusive Finance Technical Assistance in Paraguay (REEMUJERPY) ”.
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Produce will promote interregional trade between MYPES through fairs
In order to reach new markets for the products of micro and small entrepreneurs, the Ministry of Production (Produce) will
promote interregional trade through fairs.
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The Saint Lucia Digital Enhancement Program to be Implemented
The OAS, through its Development Cooperation Fund (DCF,) has approved a grant of US$100,000 to support the Ministry of Commerce, International Trade,
Investment, Enterprise Development and Consumer Affairs with its project to accelerate the growth of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Saint Lucia.
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SBA Administrator Statement on GAO Findings: PPP Program Increased Lending to Smallest Businesses, Underserved Community
U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Administrator issued a statement in response to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report released
this week that found that critical changes to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) implemented under her leadership earlier this year had the
intended effect of increasing loan access for the smallest and minority-owned businesses that were largely left out of earlier funding.
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International and Regional Organizations
Organization of American States (OAS)
- OAS-WhatsApp Business Partnership for MSMEs
In the framework of the OAS-WhatsApp Business Partnership for MSMEs a Train-the-Trainer session took place on October 15, 2021.