MSME Clearinghouse: Newsletter |
OAS MSME Newsletter: (March 2022): |
This OAS MSME Newsletter is published by the Department of Economic Development of the Executive Secretariat for Integral
Development (SEDI). It is dedicated to measures recently announced by OAS Member States to drive the economic recovery
of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). The policy responses vary from country to country and are specific
to the economic circumstances of each Member State. Given that every day produces new developments, this inventory is in
no way exhaustive.
Productive Development allocates $1,000M to promote Knowledge Economy Nodes in all provinces
Provinces and municipalities can participate in the program, as well as non-profit legal entities from the private
sector that group companies dedicated to the production of goods and services based on the activities promoted by
the Law.
Producing with Equity, a new Productive Development line to support SMEs with a gender perspective
The program will allocate a total amount of $210 million to support SMEs and cooperatives that promote projects that
incorporate or consolidate good practices in gender equality.
Productive Development expanded financial tools to continue promoting access to credit for MSMEs
The objective is to reduce regional inequalities and improve the quality of access to credit, promoting the development of credit structures
and systems throughout the country. In the last two years, it has already assisted more than 1,100,000 SMEs.
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Production units generate sales for Bs 32.4 million through the "Consume lo Nuestro" application
The production units registered in the “Consume lo Nuestro” mobile application generated sales for a value of Bs 32.4 million for the
commercialization of products with the Made in Bolivia seal.
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Government publishes Relp: Law allows micro-enterprises (MEs) to refinance debts with government to up to 15 years
The federal government published the law that regulates the Debt Payment Rescheduling Program in the National Simples Area
(Relp). It allows small businesses, individual micro-entrepreneurs (MEI), micro-enterprises (MEs) and small-sized Companies
(EPP) opting for Simples Nacional to refinance debts to the tax system.
Government announces digital microcredit program that will benefit 4.5 million entrepreneurs
The initiative will be executed in partnership with Sebrae, which will offer training for entrepreneurs interested
in accessing resources or still formalizing as MSME
Women entrepreneurs highlighted at the National Innovation Award
With creativity, micro and small company finalists of the 7th edition of the award show capacity for innovation in various segments.
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Black entrepreneurs and business owners receive specialized support thanks to nearly $25M in Government of Canada funding
Black business owners and entrepreneurs are major contributors to the Canadian economy. Yet they continue to face systemic racism and obstacles
when they want to launch a business or expand. The COVID-19 pandemic has only aggravated the situation. The Government of Canada is working to
eliminate these long-standing obstacles with its first Black Entrepreneurship Program (BEP)—an investment of over $400 million to foster
long-term success among Black entrepreneurs and business owners.
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With new Bancóldex digital platforms, MSMEs will have better financing
The National Government through Bancóldex and the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism announced two new tools that offer the best financing
conditions in microcredit and leasing, by connecting entrepreneurs with microfinance providers and suppliers of machinery and equipment in a digital
Mincomercio and iNNpulsa announce two support programs for small businesses
These are the “CREEce” programs, which seek to formalize small businesses, and “Productive Mini-Chains”, to support the vulnerable population.
Mincomercio agreed to support the indigenous communities of Buenaventura for handicraft ventures
The agreement includes technical support and business training to participate in trade fairs.
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MICM and DIGEV deliver certificates to facilitators in Development of Entrepreneurial Mindset and Culture
The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and MSMEs (MICM), the General Directorate of the Vocational School of the Armed Forces
and the PN (DIGEV), together with Acomsa Academy SRL, delivered 98 certificates to the new trainers who received the first
Diploma in "Training Facilitators in Development of Entrepreneurial Mentality and Culture - Train of Training (TOT)”
MSME entrepreneurs and businessmen from San Pedro de Macorís take advantage of the services of the MSME Route
Entrepreneurs and MSMEs in the province took advantage of the web page design services, logos, business cards and labels,
as well as advice and support on formalization issues, registration of employees in Social Security and other issues offered by
the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and MSMEs (MICM) through the Ruta Mipymes program.
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Training for SMEs that seek to internationalize
Training for SME entrepreneurs served in Santa Ana on the subject of exports so that they can explore other markets according
to their production capacities.
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Ministry of Economy of Guatemala, Visa and VisaNet Guatemala, join forces to support Guatemalan MSMEs
In order to support the development and resilience of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and facilitate their
transition to digitalization, the Guatemalan Ministry of Economy (MINECO), Visa and VisaNet Guatemala, agree on an alliance
that will benefit 5 thousand Guatemalan entrepreneurs and that will provide them with free access to educational content
through ENKO, an online platform, and will also facilitate their access to technologies to accept digital payments under
preferential conditions.
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Entrepreneurship head start for young Haitians
The MSME Unit of the Caribbean Development Bank is backing a targeted Pilot Youth Entrepreneurship Education and Training
Programme in the French-speaking nation.
The project was launched by CDB in December 2021, in partnership with project coordinators Société Financière Haïtienne de
Développement (SOFIHDES), a development finance institution, and the Institut National de Formation Professionnelle (INFP),
which is a Department of Haiti’s Ministry of Education. The INFP was specially created to promote technical and vocational
training in schools.
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SMEs Can Access Working Capital Through EXIM Express
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in need of working capital are being advised to take advantage of the National Export-Import
Bank of Jamaica (EXIM Bank) express loan facility.
MSMEs Urged To Apply For Loan And Grant Support Under DBJ SERVE
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are being encouraged to take advantage of the Development Bank of Jamaica
(DBJ) Social and Economic Recovery and Vaccine (SERVE) Programme to access loan and grant support.
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Ministry of Economy and Mercado Libre launch Artesanal MX
The Ministry of Economy and Mercado Libre joined forces to create Artesanal MX, the official store on the electronic
commerce platform that will serve as a digital showcase for non-industrialized artisanal products. It is a space in
the Mercado Libre marketplace that promotes the entrepreneurship of Mexican producers and makes visible the stories
behind each artisan product.
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Office to assist entrepreneurs promotes business development at the national level
With the aim of promoting the development of new business initiatives, with creativity and innovation to position themselves
in more competitive markets, the Entrepreneurs Service Office was inaugurated in the departments of Chontales and Managua. The
office will promote and develop family businesses, small businesses and SMEs of the family economy.
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AMPYME Signs Agreement with VISA
Visa and the Authority for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Ampyme) signed an agreement, through which they seek
to promote the evolution of businesses with the aim of adopting new technologies of the digital economy, such as
contactless payment. The objective of the agreement is to enhance the experiences between businesses, consumers and
management of online marketplaces that will allow micro and small entrepreneurs to offer their services and receive
immediate payments from customers around the world.
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Program created and financed by MIC benefits approximately thirty industrialized micro-enterprises
Taking into account the need to give a strong boost to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, the Ministry of Industry
and Commerce (MIC), through the Vice Ministry of MSMEs, a year ago created the Formalization Program for Access to Markets
(PFAM ), whose main base is to strengthen the industrial sector of micro-enterprises, in the areas of food, beverages and
household items, thus seeking the generation of relevant conditions for their products to enter the formal market,
strengthening their competitiveness and allowing the planning of sustained growth based on agreements and contracts with
the marketing chains.
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MSMEs from Lima, Arequipa and La Libertad deliver goods for more than S/ 1.8 million to the Peruvian Air Force
Goods were produced as part of the emergency measure implemented through the “Purchases from MYPErú” initiative.
Produce will co-finance innovative entrepreneurs with S/ 50,000
Through ProInnóvate, it was announced that the StartUp Peru 8G+ will grant seed capital and technical support to young
people and companies.
MSMEs with pandemic losses will receive up to S / 35 thousand for their reactivation
Micro and small enterprises from all productive sectors that have suffered losses due to the current situation of COVID-19 will
be able to strengthen, reconvert or reorient their businesses with funds of up to 35 thousand soles that the Ministry of Production
will grant, through its ProInnóvate program, to accelerate its economic reactivation.
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Trade Minister announces TT$10M grant funding facility for Micro and Small Enterprises in the Yachting Industry
Government announced the establishment of a Grant Fund Facility of TT$10 million for the Micro and Small Enterprises
within the yachting sector.
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U.S. Small Business Administration and Public Private Strategies Institute Announce Launch of New Engagement Series,
Building a Better America: A Small Business Resource Community”
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and Public Private Strategies Institute (PPSI) announced the launch of Building
a Better America: A Small Business Resource Community (BBA Resource Community), a new engagement series geared toward connecting
America’s 32.5 million small businesses with critical resources and information about the Administration’s efforts to support
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MIEM announced Support Program for MSMEs to implement energy efficiency measures
The Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining (MIEM), through its National Energy Directorate (DNE), launched a support program for
micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to implement energy efficiency measures. It is a non-reimbursable fund of up to
30 million pesos. Depending on the type of establishment, they will be able to access an amount of between 45,000 pesos and 135,000
for the purchase of efficient equipment from the energy point of view.
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International and Regional Organizations
Caribbean Development Bank
- The Caribbean Development Bank’s (CDB) Micro Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSME) Unit is seeking to
close the knowledge gap by providing relevant training to equip frontline officers of Development Finance
Institutions (DFIs) in the Bank’s 19 borrowing member countries (BMCs), to better appraise loan applications
of creative sector projects.
- CENPROMYPE Board of Directors defines strategic priorities to support MSMEs in the region
The CENPROMYPE Board of Directors met in Panama City to hold its extraordinary session in which the Strategic Plan
was discussed. The Plan establishes the policies to support the MSME sector in the coming months.
In addition, topics such as the training of entrepreneurs to strengthen MSMEs, the importance of commercial exchange,
the incorporation of digitalization and innovation for the operation of micro and small companies were discussed.
Cooperation between countries and the search for funds from other international organizations were also discussed
during the meeting.