Government presented program to strengthen the SME ecosystem of strategic sectors
This is a line to strengthen institutions that work to improve the SME ecosystem of strategic sectors that promote change in the country's productive structure. With this tool, projects that improve productivity, promote the increase in exports and the development of new products and business models will be financed.
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Agreement between Sebrae and ABVTEX will benefit small businesses in the fashion sector
Sebrae Nacional signed an agreement with ABVTEX – Associação Brasileira do Varejo Têxtil, which represents the national fashion retail, with the objective of mapping, training, monitoring and developing small suppliers and fashion retail businesses.
Small businesses gain prominence on the agenda of the National Congress in 2023
Deputies and senators will inaugurate the legislative work of the National Congress in 2023, after the inauguration ceremony of the members of the new legislature. The expectation is that relevant projects for small businesses will move forward, especially in relation to topics such as tax simplification, limits of classification, re-entrepreneurship, Individual Micro-entrepreneur (MEI), improvements in Simples Nacional and in the General Law of MPE, not to mention the Tax Reform, considered one of the most important agendas of the year.
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Minister Ng highlights how the Black Entrepreneurship Program is helping Black-owned businesses
Black Canadian business owners and entrepreneurs make important contributions to the Canadian economy, yet they continue to face systemic barriers in starting and growing their businesses. The Government of Canada is working to address these long-standing, systemic barriers with its first-ever Black Entrepreneurship Program.
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iNNpulsa Colombia presented its bets for entrepreneurship in this Government of Change
The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, iNNpulsa Colombia and Uniandinos held a forum on university, scientific and innovation entrepreneurship, to enhance their role in the country and strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Cluster initiatives with service companies will be able to increase their productivity, diversify their offer and increase their international sales
This call is financed with a credit granted by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, for USD $24 million. Of these, more than USD $5 million are executed by Colombia Productiva, to contribute to the reindustrialization of the country.
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Ministry of Industry, Commerce and MSMEs (MICM) facilitates MSMEs access to credit with the implementation of the Electronic System of Movable Guarantees
The implementation of the Electronic System of Movable Guarantees (SEGM) favors the financial inclusion of micro, small and medium-sized enterrases because it facilitates the registration of their own machinery and equipment as collateral to access formal bank loans.
Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Mipymes (MICM) and Coca-Cola improve the productivity of five thousand retailers with "Emprendamos Juntos"
Alliance between the Coca-Cola System and the Dominican Government through the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Mipymes (MICM), trains small entrepreneurs in the grocery store and cafeteria sector to strengthen their businesses and contribute to the economic development of the country.
MICM and Banco Promerica sign an agreement that provides women with MSMEs access to preferential financial services
They will join efforts to facilitate obtaining the Women's Mipymes Business Classification Certification and will provide access to workshops on economic prospects and other topics of interest for the growth of their businesses.
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Government of Ecuador, through BanEcuador and MPCEIP, presents the 1×30 credit for the artisanal fishing sector
Loans of 1% interest and a term of up to 30 years offered by the National Government, through BanEcuador, once the endorsement of the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries (MPCEIP).
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Business Development Center specialized in digital transformation inaugurated in San Miguel with the UGB
The Government of El Salvador through the National Commission for Micro and Small Enterprises (CONAMYPE) in coordination with the Gerardo Barrios University (UGB) inaugurated the Business Development Center Specialized in digital transformation issues in San Miguel.
Training of "Mujer Emprende" given to entrepreneurs from San Salvador
Graduation of of "Mujer Emprende" program, developed between January and February 2023 at the Women's Entrepreneurship Window of San Martín, San Salvador.
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Ministry of Economy supports businessmen in the sale and marketing of products in Chiquimula
The Ministry of Economy, through the Vice Ministry of MSME Development and the Chiquimula Economic Revitalization Headquarters, together with the Municipality of Chiquimula and the TVM Claro company, held the "Festival of the Day of Affection and Friendship”. There was the participation of 40 entrepreneurs from the municipalities of Chiquimula, who marketed gastronomic, artisanal and agro-industrial products to the visitors; Likewise, they made contacts with possible buyers and suppliers with whom they made commercial links.
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Signing of Collaboration Agreement for a Strategic Alliance for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship
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Honey Bun Foundation Helping SMEs Bloom
ThE Honey Bun Foundation recently closed out its first cohort of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in its advisory committee model, with participants reporting exponential growth. The Honey Bun Foundation's Advisory Committee, which provides teams of expert advisers to help SMEs unlock their potential, has reaped impressive results, with one business reporting a 50 per cent increase in revenue, and another growing from being a small to a medium-sized company.
MSMEs Encouraged to Access Productive Inputs Relief Scheme
Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are being encouraged to take advantage of the Government’s Productive Inputs Relief (PIR) scheme, which facilitates duty-free importation of specific items intended for productive use.
Intellectual Property Being Positiones as Collateral for MSME Loan Access
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprise (MSME) operators will soon be able to use their Intellectual Property (IP) as collateral to access loans from financial institutions.
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The Ministry of Economy, Google and Pro Mujer launch the program "Women, strength of the southeast"
With the purpose of providing economic well-being to the women of the Mexican southeast, the Ministry of Economy, Google and Pro Mujer launched the project Mujeres, fuerza del southeast, which will grant microcredits and training in entrepreneurship issues to more than eight thousand women from the states of Chiapas, Yucatan, Campeche, Tabasco and Oaxaca.
This year a new modality was introduced where some of the registrations are made at fairs that are held in the provinces.
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Ampyme signs cooperation agreement with Escala Latam
The Authority for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Ampyme), and the company Escala Latam, signed a cooperation agreement to establish the legal framework for relations between both entities and the bases for cooperation for the benefit of MSMEs.
Banco General and Ampyme in a strategic alliance to train entrepreneurs
A strategic alliance, agreed upon through a Cooperation and Technical Assistance agreement that establishes the bases for joint training of entrepreneurs and businessmen, was signed between Banco General and the Authority for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Ampyme). The banking entity and the government institution will coordinate and develop strategies and actions to promote, train and strengthen entrepreneurs and micro, small and medium-sized companies.
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MIC presentó casos de éxitos de MIPYMEs del rubro artesanía, y las oportunidades de negocio para el sector, en foro nacional
Negocios y Artesanía: Desafíos y oportunidades para negocios de artesanía con enfoque innovador y asociativo, y presentación de casos de éxito de micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas, apoyadas en las políticas impulsadas para la formalización, la mejora de productividad y la internacionalización de artesanos y artesanas, fue expuesta por el Ministerio de Industria y Comercio (MIC), el pasado 9 de febrero en el Gran Foro Nacional de Artesanía, impulsado por el Instituto Paraguayo de Artesanía (IPA), y realizado en el salón del Instituto del Banco Central del Paraguay (BCP).
MIPYMEs paraguayas se preparan para certificar y así tener más oportunidades para calificar a exigentes mercados
Un total de 425 MIPYMEs son asistidas por consultores para mejorar la calidad de sus productos y servicios, con apoyo de la Unión Europea (UE) a través de MIPyME Compite, y la coordinación del Ministerio de Industria y Comercio (MIC).
Primera Escuela MIPYMEs, iniciará año lectivo con 20 alumnos del sector empresarial
La Primera Escuela Mipymes (EMI), orientada a emprendedores, inició oficialmente el año el lunes 20 de febrero.
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Public purchases from SME would approach S/ 300 million this year
In order to reactivate SMEs affected by the pandemic and by recent events, the Ministry of Production maintained that state purchases in favor of micro and small enterprises (MSMEs) could reach S/ 300 million this year.
Executive will transfer more than S/ 176 million for purchases that will benefit manufacturing MSMEs
Emergency Decree No. 005-2023 will allow the manufacture of 2 million goods, such as clothing, complementary textiles and footwear for the Peruvian National Police.
Produce promotes measures in favor of MSME producers, fish farmers and artisanal fishermen
In order to contribute to the economic reactivation in the country, the Ministry of Production (Produce) worked in the last two months to promote measures in favor of micro and small enterprises (MSME) producers, fish farmers and artisanal fishermen.
Law No. 31683 will inject S/150 million for the reactivation of MSMEs in the country
Law No. 31683, which promotes the economic reactivation of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSME), through the Mipyme Emprendedor fund, will allow an injection of S/150 million for this productive segment.
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