November |
14 November 2019 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Central America-Korea Free Trade Agreement:
Costa Rica-Korea FTA enters into force
Text of the
Central America-Korea Free Trade Agreement
Text of the
Panama-Israel Free Trade Agreement
Text of the
Agreement Establishing an Association between Central America and the United Kingdom
Text of the
Agreement Establishing an Association between Chile and the United Kingdom
01 November 2019 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Chile ratifies the
Chile-Indonesia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) that entered into force on August 10, 2019
October |
31 October 2019 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Common Market of the Southern Cone (MERCOSUR) - European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
conclude negotiations
Chile and India
sign terms of reference to deepen trade agreement
MERCOSUR - Lebanon:
I round of free trade negotiations
World Trade Organization (WTO):
Trade Policy Review of Peru
Fourth round of trade negotiations
Peru - China:
Fourth round of negotiations to optimize FTA
Peru and the UK
agree to continue current trade benefits until the FTA recently signed by the two nations enters into force
Panama’s National Assembly of Deputies approves Panama-Israel FTA
Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (CPTPP):
Second CPTPP Commission Meeting
Pacific Alliance:
Meeting of the High Level Group
02 October 2019 |
Trade Policy Developments |
U.S. and Japan
reach agreement on trade issues
Investment Dispute Settlement Navigator
September |
24 September 2019 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Modernized Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA)
enters into force
Mexico-Uruguay Free Trade Agreement:
Seventh meeting of the Free Trade Administrative Commission
US-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) Free Trade Agreement:
Decree of Mexico approving the USMCA
Central America (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua) - Mexico Free Trade Agreement:
Third meeting of the Free Trade Commission
World Trade Organization (WTO):
Trade Policy Review of Suriname
First round of negotiations for a trade agreement
Peru-China Free Trade Agreement (FTA):
Third round of negotiations to optimize FTA
Peru - India:
Fifth round of negotiations
Panama’s Ministry of Trade and Industry asks National Assembly to ratify FTA
Colombia-Common Market of the Southern Cone (MERCOSUR):
First meeting of the Administrative Commission
Chile-Hong Kong, China Free Trade Agreement:
First Free Trade Commission Meeting
Chile-Ecuador Economic Complementation Agreement (ECA No. 65):
Third round of negotiations to deepen and modernize the agreement
Chile-India Preferential Trade Agreement:
Chile and India sign terms of reference to deepen agreement
MERCOSUR - European Free Trade Association (EFTA):
Ninth round of trade negotiations
World Trade Organization (WTO):
Trade Policy Review of Costa Rica
Canada - MERCOSUR:
Fifth round of trade negotiations
August |
05 August 2019 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Third round of trade negotiations
MERCOSUR Decisions
MERCOSUR - European Free Trade Association (EFTA):
Ninth round of trade negotiations
Argentina - Peru:
Second round of negotiations of a trade agreement
Chile - Korea Free Trade Agreement:
Second round of negotiations to modernize FTA
Chile-European Union:
5th round of negotiations to modernize the Chile-EU Association Agreement
Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama
sign the UK-Central America Association Agreement
Guatemala-Taiwan Free Trade Agreement (FTA):
Second meeting of the FTA Administrative Commission
United States-Morocco Free Trade Agreement (FTA):
Sixth meeting of the Joint Commission that oversees the FTA
United States-Jordan Free Trade Agreement (FTA):
Meeting of the Joint Committee
July |
15 July 2019 |
Trade Policy Developments |
MERCOSUR-European Union:
Key elements of the EU-MERCOSUR trade agreement
03 July 2019 |
Trade Policy Developments |
MERCOSUR and the European Union
reach agreement for comprehensive trade agreement
Canada-Mexico-United States (USMCA):
Mexican Senate approves USMCA FTA
Final Text of the USMCA
Peru - China:
Second round of negotiations to optimize their free trade agreement
Meeting of the United States-Maldives Trade and Investment Framework Agreement Joint Council:
Joint Statement
Chile - Ecuador:
First round of negotiations to deepen and modernize ECA No. 65
Chile - Thailand:
Third meeting of the Free Trade Commission
Chile - United Kingdom:
Chile’s Chamber of Deputies approves Chile-UK Association Agreement
June |
18 June 2019 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Eighth meeting of the United States-CARICOM Trade and Investment Council (TIC)
Act to amend the
Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act obtains royal assent
Canada-Mexico-United States (USMCA) Free Trade Agreement:
Mexico begins process to approve the agreement
World Trade Organization (WTO):
Trade Policy Review of Trinidad and Tobago
World Trade Organization (WTO):
Trade Policy Review of Canada
Chile's Foreign Trade Report (DIRECON):
January-March 2019
Eighth meeting of the United States-Uruguay Bilateral Trade and Investment Council
Common Market of the Southern Cone MERCOSUR - European Union:
Trade negotiations move forward
MERCOSUR - European Free Trade Association (EFTA):
Eighth round of trade negotiations
Andean Countries-United Kingdom:
Colombia, Ecuador and Peru sign trade continuity agreement with the UK
Latest Foreign Trade Reports (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
05 June 2019 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Inaugural Meeting of the
U.S.-Kenya Trade and Investment Working Group
U.S.-Japan Meet to Discuss Trade Agreement
Canada-Common Market of the Southern Cone (MERCOSUR):
Fifth round of trade negotiations
Common Market of the Southern Cone (MERCOSUR) - European Union:
New round of negotiations
Text of the Modernized
Chile-China Free Trade Agreement
May |
30 May 2019 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Chile-European Union:
4th round of negotiations to modernize the EU-Chile Association Agreement
Chile and Egypt establish
working group to prepare feasibility study for a trade agreement
Common Market of the Southern Cone (MERCOSUR)-Korea:
Second round of trade negotiations
Argentina - Chile Free Trade Agreement
enters into force
Meeting of
the United States-Egypt Trade and Investment Council
22 May 2019 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Preferential Trade Agreement between Chile and India:
Second Meeting of the Free Trade Commission
Meeting of the
United States-Mongolia Trade and Investment Council
Chile's Foreign Trade Report (DIRECON):
January-December 2018
First round of trade negotiations
Fifth round of free trade negotiations
13 May 2019 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Peru and India
conclude fourth round of trade negotiations
Chile and Ecuador
sign Terms of Reference to deepen and modernize Economic Complementarity Agreement No. 65
expanded Free Trade Agreement (FTA) enters into force
Text of the
Modernized Chile-China Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
Pacific Alliance:
Meeting of the High Level Group in Lima, Peru
08 May 2019 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Central America-South Korea Free Trade Agreement (FTA):
Costa Rica approves FTA
Ecuador and India
conclude joint feasibility study for the negotiation of a partial scope agreement
Peru-China Free Trade Agreement (FTA):
First round of negotiations to optimize FTA
Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (CPTPP):
Chile’s Chamber of Deputies approves CPTPP
Chile-Colombia Free Trade Agreement (FTA):
Eighth Meeting of the Free Trade Commission
03 May 2019 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) publishes
2019 Trade Policy Agenda and 2018 Annual Report
World Trade Organization (WTO):
Trade Policy Review of Ecuador
USTR Releases
2019 Special 301 Report on Intellectual Property Rights
U.S. Trade Representative's
2019 National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers (NTE)
Common Market of the Southern Cone (MERCOSUR)-Mexico Economic Complementarity Agreement No 55:
Argentina and Brazil agree to extend bilateral auto trade agreements with Mexico
February |
14 February 2019 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Modernized Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA) enters into force
Text of the
Amended Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement
Chile's Foreign Trade Report (DIRECON):
January-September 2018
Pacific Alliance:
Virtual Meeting of the High Level Group
Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (CPTPP):
Inaugural CPTPP Commission meeting
Peru-China Free Trade Agreement:
Negotiation for the optimization of the Peru-China FTA will begin in April
Common Market of the Southern Cone (MERCOSUR) - European Free Trade Association (EFTA):
Seventh round of free trade negotiations
January |
11 January 2019 |
Trade Policy Developments |
World Trade Organization (WTO):
Trade Policy Review of the United States
Common Market of the Southern Cone (MERCOSUR) - European Free Trade Association (EFTA):
Sixth round of trade negotiations
Argentina's Congressapproves trade agreement
Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (CPTPP):
CPTPP enters into force among the first six countries to ratify the agreement: Canada, Australia, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand and Singapore
Chile-Common Market of the Southern Cone (MERCOSUR):
Sixty-fourth Additional Protocol: Incorporates the "Chile-Bazil Free Trade Agreement" into the Economic Complementation Agreement Nº 35
Colombia-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement:
Costa Rica and Colombia agree on improvements to promote the use of their FTA
Ecuador and Indonesia to explore possibility to negotiate a Preferential Trade Agreement